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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17021862 No.17021862 [Reply] [Original]

I've seen American Psycho 12 times in my life for the past 4 years (not kidding). I'm obsessed with Patrick Bateman and my dream is to become like him, I actually wake up in the morning, do a bodyweight routine, use skin care products, and dress very similar to him. I want to get a finance degree and work in an office like Bateman, is it possible or I am just retarded? I've always wanted to become a movie character, and I feel like he's the perfect one to copy (excluding the psycho tendencies). I've actually felt for all my life that there's "no real me" that everything I do is just an act, a representation, I feel like every interaction I have is fake and I have to put on this happy, entusiasthic, intelligent persona just to fit in society. Somehow, this makes me happy and miserable at the same time, it's a weird weird feeling. I don't feel anything for people. My friends are just something I could trade for "better" friends (people with more money, better looks, more famous, etc), I see them as stepping stones. I wouldn't hesitate one bit to dump my girlfriend that I've had for 2 years for a better woman, I've actually cheated on her several times (with 3 different women) and I don't feel anything about it.

Anyone feels similar to me? I always thought this was normal, but I've come to realize that it's extremely weird and it looks like most people don't feel the way I do, or don't care that much about their image.

>> No.17021869


>> No.17021876

Damn what a fucking normie. This board is dead.
Buy BSV loser.

>> No.17021880

you should suck his cock

>> No.17021893

>he wants to be an aimless wealthy leech on society who has delusions of grandeur and paranoid psychotic breaks from reality
just buy Link already

>> No.17021895

Really looks like this board is dead. There's no serious discussion, only trolls and pajeets.

>> No.17021908

Please be under 20 talking like this. Edge is for teens

>> No.17021916

Fake it till you make it bud

>> No.17021927

you need to get into project management in Finance. be a great dev first, then try to get some tead lead experience.

how old are you? qualifications?

>> No.17021930

Don't let your memes be dreams, anon.

>> No.17022000

take your meds

>> No.17022093
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>Really looks like this board is dead. There's no serious discussion, only trolls and pajeets.

>> No.17022388

> I feel like he's the perfect one to copy (excluding the psycho tendencies)

The psycho tendencies are why he is successful though...

>> No.17022400

I think he only has a job like that one because his dad is the owner of the business
i.e. you're not gonna make it if you weren't born into it

>> No.17022431


Start doing cocaine

>> No.17022436

Only 12 times? Thats cute. I have officially been keeping track and in the last year alone i have watched it 45 times, I cant stop. Every time i watch i have to recite every line that he says. Its starting to affect how i act in real life around my friends. When ever i am out with my friends and the conversation turns to girls i cant help but make the quote about ed gein on women, my friends legit think i am a psychopath now. Overall i think i have watched it 159 times.

>> No.17022558

You have reached the lowest level a man can reach. You aspire to nothing more than conformity to a fictional pop culture character. You have rejected all individuality and creativity, everything it is to be a human. You are Nietzsche's Last Man. Please read this and re-assess your life.

>> No.17022619

If you're trying to larp as a sociopath you succeeded.

>> No.17022646

You are clearly too retarded to see that the point of the movie is NOT to be like him, ergo, you are too retarded to make it.

>> No.17022650

You two are cute together. The truth is I've watched American Psycho every evening as part of my routine. I wake up every morning with the lines played by Patrick Bateman coursing through the tendrils of my soul. I have merged and become one with Bateman and my path as a corporate psychopath has been concretized. In total I have watched the movie at least several thousand times.

>> No.17022665
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>> No.17022676

this is the most based shit here.
OP needs to honestly read this and get his life together

>> No.17022713
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I thought this board wasnt full of faggots? If you dont want to be a psycho path mass murderer with perfect skin then you will never make it. Bunch of losers talking about trad family goals and shit as if they think that still exists

>> No.17022878

I am not saying this lighty, you should seriously cut your own throat faggot

>> No.17022891

>wants to be Patrick Bateman
>doesn't even get dubs

>> No.17022923

Read the book

>> No.17022980
File: 18 KB, 500x275, 6d2e4af797818629d826aa880a351078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no "real self" you retard. It's all an illusion, it's always a game in the end. The only thing that matters is what you get (money, pleasure, love, experiences, power, etc). Why does it matter to be some meme ubermensch? To have "individuality and creativity". What does it means really? Do you think humans were created to become this unique special snowflake that was lonely and different from the group? No, it wasn't. We evolved in a social environment were being part of a bigger group, so becoming like them, was actually everything that mattered. In tribes no one fucking cared about muh individuality or bs reasonings like that. You know Nietszche thought like that cause he was a loser who couldn't adapt to society. He was an extremely ill individual who couldn't get even 1 woman to look at him sexually, only prostitutes. There's no ubermensch, it's just a fucking big COPE. Also, there's no Last Man. Like I said, self = illusion. Everything is just a representation, but the representation is the real self. There's no inherent value in anything, it's just what it is, it's just what you experience.

>> No.17023061

be yourself man

>> No.17023064

you're aware bateman fucks hookers all the time you narcissistic mongoloid?

>> No.17023067
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this is the most autistic post I've read on this board in the three years I've been here
the only option is suicide

>> No.17023071

As a hobbie.
He also has a gf, and he could probably get every gf he wants in the world. Do you have a gf? Patrick Batmena could steal her from you cause he's a superior man. Just as I am.

>> No.17023092

>My friends are just something I could trade for "better" friends (people with more money, better looks, more famous, etc), I see them as stepping stones. I wouldn't hesitate one bit to dump my girlfriend that I've had for 2 years for a better woman, I've actually cheated on her several times (with 3 different women) and I don't feel anything about it.

Imagine thinking it's rare for humans to choose an upgrade at the drop of a hat

>> No.17023107

You're a superior man?

>> No.17023114

You need to be born into that kind of wealth. Upper East Side old money, prep school K-12, Ivy League undergrad. We will never be on their level

>> No.17023120

Yes. I have a ripped muscular body, I'm more intelligent than my peers in every way. I can fuck most of the beautiful women I've met. I've already made thousands just from trading on the internet, I'm pretty sure I will become a millionaire before 30. Give me a few years an I'm done. I get the results, I get what I want, and most people don't, therefore I'm superior to them.

>> No.17023124
File: 13 KB, 320x240, AFBE9D24-4EE5-4551-8B1F-7FA0FD441B35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t fit into the psychopath profile. You just sound like an insecure asshole who imitates what is supposed to be done in “proper” society. It seems like your insecurity causes you to be too afraid to open up to people, so you’ve never had any close relationships with people during your entire life, except maybe your family. Your insecurity and lack of self-confidence has culminated into you wanting to emulate some “perfect” film character rather than form your own identity.

The fact that you’re cognizant that your outlook on life could be perceived as negative or psychopathic confirms you’re not on the psychopath scale, since true psychopaths have no self-awareness or ability to perform inner reflection. They have no comprehension of the deep causes and effects of their behavior like you seem to have. To be honest, your lack of ability to understand other people as you’ve described it seems to fit the profile of a person that has very high functioning autism.

Also, Patrick was born wealthy, hence why he has an essentially made up job at his father’s company where he watches TV and fills in crosswords all day. In the real world, the finance industry is tough. It’s notorious for having 100 hour work weeks, tough competition, and a shark tank culture where you’re always looking over your shoulder because there’s always some other smart, ambitious, and money-hungry guy eager to stab you in the back and step on top of your corpse to claw his way up the ladder.

I suggest you rethink your life and work on self-improvement, and better goals for yourself.

>> No.17023139

there's no self, according to you, therefore no unique relationships between individuals based on two selves coming together. Thus, no girlfriends.

>> No.17023141

For You

>> No.17023157

The real Patrick Bateman wasn't imitating anyone fag.

>> No.17023158


>> No.17023233

>Do you think humans were created to become this unique special snowflake that was lonely and different from the group? No, it wasn't. We evolved in a social environment were being part of a bigger group, so becoming like them, was actually everything that mattered.

I think you're missing something important. Which is that the group isn't necessarily right. You shouldn't want to adopt their traits if they are bad traits. There's plenty of social groups we reject or do not participate in because we disagree with their mode of living. You shouldn't aspire to conform, you should aspire to transcend everyone else in whatever dimension you can. This doesn't exclude the possibility of helping them though. You can be smarter than everyone else, and share this with them so they may improve, but you shouldn't conform to their stupidity. That's where individuality comes into play. You need to make judgements in how you deviate and if this deviation offers an improvement. If it does you can elevate everyone else.

As you say here, you're in shape. That's good. What if your "tribe" was all fat? That's how they lived? Is it possible that you would be ostracized based on a trait that was actually superior and an improvement on their own style of living? Yes it is possible. They could instead choose their own laziness and not accept your body as a superior form. So you may need to choose to be "isolated" in this way because you know it is right, you know it represents an improvement they refuse to accept. This is an extremely simplified example. This can be applied to pretty much any belief system or custom of a group of people. Individuality matters and is extremely important

>> No.17023246

You act like Patrick Bateman is a happy individual, like he is satisfied with the things in his life. When was the last time you watched that filmed without just continually imagining that he is you. Watch it again and tell me a single point at which he seems satisfied with his life. Even with all the money, power, experiences he has that you're talking about, his life is a living hell. The entire film he lives in a continual state of unsatisfaction, jealousy, rage, doubt, hatred. That is the life that you get when you dedicate your entire existance to caring what others think of you. Exactly what part of this life do you want?

Seriously, watch the film again without thinking "how would I feel in this situation" and think "how does he feel". He is literally the most desperate and miserable person imaginable. His despair actually peaks at the point where he realises that he will not recieve punishment for his crimes. That is the extent of his self hatred and misery.

>> No.17023463

Yeah you have to remember this, Patrick Bateman would get upset over the tiniest thing, don't forget the message the movie is trying to convey, being a completely superficial being only ends in suffering even if for the rest of the people you're perfect, your actual life is a constant struggle.

>> No.17023541


>> No.17023577

Are you as tall as him though

>> No.17023671

You are already a psycho I'll give you that