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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 529 KB, 1729x889, ticktock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17017239 No.17017239 [Reply] [Original]

Only 4 577 736 PNK Remaining for Sale.

>> No.17017243

Yeah I'm thinking I'm going to make it

>> No.17017246
File: 104 KB, 470x470, 1575856294233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't buy PNK

>> No.17017247

No one gives a shit

>> No.17017251

Literally a scam

>> No.17017254

how much eth to buy all of it?

>> No.17017259

you do, u heckin' typed

>> No.17017266

retarded shitcoin concept. muh judges

>> No.17017267

Unironical coping

>> No.17017271

Explain what this shitcoin does please

>> No.17017278

>the kleros team needs to raise money and instead of selling their tokens on the market they want to give lucky anons the chance to trade their ETH for the tokens. Wow, what a bargain! It’ll definitely be easy to ever sell these even though an entire year of dead volume has gone by and this shitcoin has literally accomplished nothing except a January 2020 shill campaign and cash grab.

I would like you to prove to me any real people are buying this and it’s not all fabricated. Except you can’t because if real people were buying exchanges would have volume, and they don’t.

>> No.17017279
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a /biz/ jury

>> No.17017280

It does nothing, but join in on the pump

>> No.17017288

remember a few years ago when a project like this would go 10x after ico?

>> No.17017291

sir just invest and read the white paper

>> No.17017295

It does

>> No.17017306

jeet found

>> No.17017315

I’ve read it. But I want you to explain in two sentences what you think this coin does please

>> No.17017316

This is like that blue nose coin that had an ico in early 2018 where the devs sent eth to the contract to make it seem like they had buyers. Fucking 2 years of this shit, when am I going to be free

>> No.17017337

What's jeet about that?
Decentralized arbitration and dispute resolution. 'Staking' pays out in Ethereum.

>> No.17017339

Oh my god.
a bunch of neets are going to be the sole arbiters of justice in the new paradigm.

>> No.17017347
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>> No.17017357

what if the citadel is a real future
what if it was born from PNK chads and their iron hands

>> No.17017358

Where do i trade my ETH for PNK

>> No.17017367


>> No.17017369

Send it from MetaMask or MEW to their contract at sale.kleros.io
Don't send from an exchange

>> No.17017378

It was cheaper to buy on exchange but now I'm not sure so the sale contract probably

>> No.17017390

Unironical isn’t a word. Who is the mediator? This shit does not make sense in the real world. Arbitrations aren’t done with juries anyway. This whole thing is fucking idiotic and a scam

>> No.17017447

I fomo'd in. fuck you all

>> No.17017458

No you didn’t, you’re just another retard shill. Literally no one will buy this garbage. You have a year of proof of that.

>> No.17017462

a lot cheaper on exchanges now

>> No.17017475
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I just used it so it is a word. The mediator is you or the code I guess. Nothing makes sense in the real world, shieeet, do what you want

>> No.17017480

You can literally check who's buying it.

>> No.17017503

Everyone who is thinking about buying this coin, just read this post.

>> No.17017512

Unironically this

>> No.17017514

4 242 599 PNK Remaining for Sale.

Tik tok tik tok. Time is running...

>> No.17017521

I bought it. Not even 100k, but let's see where it goes. I'm sure I'll get dumped on by some big whale.

>> No.17017522
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Seems like a 200 IQ argument to me. It's ironical that you can't understand his point.

>> No.17017530

Oh yea? You can literally show me kyc on the people buying this, not just a bunch of wallets that the team easily could have created and funneled what’s left of their miserable funds from the ICO where they scammed a bunch of people? Fuck off. Nobody is buying this shit, and you are an embarrassment.

>> No.17017541

If you have 100k you are a whale. You’re more than 50% of the average trading volume over the last year. 100k would be about the most you could possibly trade at once without dumping the price down to zero. But you are just a larp anyway sooooo whatever.

>> No.17017544

Lmao, alright, seethe harder nigger

>> No.17017554
File: 73 KB, 814x1144, mepinkie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are united.
we are legion.
we are pinkies, PINKI PINKI PINKI

>> No.17017556

100k tokens retard, holy shit... fucking kek, you're trying so hard to fud but you can't fud it

>> No.17017557

Nice retort. Do you tell your parents your job is getting paid literal pennies to try to scam people? Have fun looking in the mirror, street shitter.

>> No.17017567

Yes, 100k tokens. $1,000 worth. This would be a difficult amount to ever sell for what you’d be paying for it right now during this token sale. Would take you at least a few weeks to get your money back, maybe months. But if you don’t know how to check volume you’re fucked to begin with and deserve to get burned.

>> No.17017571

Project harder

You are literally coming across as: "Convince me to 100x my money" and no one gives a shit if you make it or not kek, angry, seething... can't cope?

>> No.17017581

It wasn't even me that said I bought 100k
are you drunk Anon? Are you new friend?
Do you know how this sale works, and do you know how many PNK's there are? You know nothing, but you're so angry. lmao

>> No.17017605

>are you new friend?
Fucking third worlder. Seriously, think about what your parents would say if they knew what you were doing. Absolutely fucking shameful.

>> No.17017612

i bought 200k today and confident ill quadruple my investment thanks fudster i bet you have a lot trying to supress price

>> No.17017623

3 precent slippage on uniswap.

>> No.17017634

I looked at the volume and you’d be right if it wasn’t for the sale. I waited and missed out on the cheaper prices at the start but I hope this thing pump with how quickly it took off during the last bit of the sale. Get yours anon it’s not to late.

>> No.17017636

>yes sirs I spend $2000 whole US dollars sirs much money to buy my family out of poverty but this is worth to me four times the investment sir please to also buy them you must be big whale to be making fuds for such lucky opportunity investment

>> No.17017638

Did a small bag on uni because I forgot about the sale

>> No.17017640

literally australian what the fuck are you on about champ lmao

>> No.17017643

>an entire year of dead volume
>no anon, the sale going on the last week is why there’s no volume
Ok. Look harder, paid shill.

>> No.17017648

4 202 903 PNK Remaining for Sale

>> No.17017656

I might get a bag just to be a juror and earn a few bucks.
This is an interesting concept.

>> No.17017662

Now that the egg white has settled, what did Humpty mean by this? (unironically)

>> No.17017685

This thing is going to pump. Lots of whales traded out hundreds of eth for it. I hope I get the timing right. If not I lost 1k and opportunity costs.

>> No.17017704

>token sale 1 year ago
>never pumped
>no one wants to buy any
>”team” accomplished nothing
>ran out of money because reasons
>we need more money, anon. Give us your ETH for our tokens!
>this time it’s different
Do you see how retarded you sound?

>> No.17017720

low level fud.

4 194 265 PNK Remaining for Sale.

buy your own bag befoure its too late

>> No.17017740

don't feed the kleriods bro

>> No.17017755

Multiple token sales were planned from the start

>> No.17017769
File: 136 KB, 1888x654, klerosprice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exchange price caught up to token sale

>> No.17017775

kek fucking based

>> No.17017808

i bought a small amount because even the failed memecoins usually stay above $4 million these days. seemed worth the gamble seeing as it's gotten some attention in the defi world.
also because this idea is hilarious to me >>17017279

>> No.17017843

How many pnk do i need to stake to become a juror?
I cant check right now, im using my cellphone.

>> No.17017899

The minimum stake in the lower stake Non-Technical Court is at this moment 15.000 PNK, while the higher stake Token Listing Court has a minimum stake of 80.000 PNK.

>> No.17018008

4 120 598 PNK Remaining for Sale

>> No.17018123

>I would like you to prove to me any real people are buying this and it’s not all fabricated.
Look at the token sale contract on Etherscan. You can see for yourself how much ETH was sent in the last few days.
>real people were buying exchanges would have volume, and they don’t.
People are buying from the smart contract, not exchanges.

>> No.17018159

4 083 693 PNK Remaining for Sale

>> No.17018166


>> No.17018177

Checked. $PNK will prolly hit $1-2 this year.

>> No.17018198

didn't Humpty fall?
suddenly and dramatically, breaking into a million pieces, devastatingly, irreparably?
>just sayin

>> No.17018206


>> No.17018254

He had to get on the wall first

>> No.17018258

3 915 243 PNK Remaining for Sale

>> No.17018360

3 902 670 PNK Remaining for Sale

>> No.17018427

3 710 057 PNK Remaining for Sale

>> No.17018445 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 640x480, 7D94F9CF-40A3-419B-8946-10C9D74DE33A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. 1,000,000 suistack buyer

>> No.17018500

3 688 793 PNK Remaining for Sale

>> No.17018588

3 666 248 PNK Remaining for Sale

>> No.17018613

Dubs confirm

>> No.17018616

Checked but $1-2? c'mon

>> No.17018617

how much is it for a pinkie?

>> No.17018630

This. Stop with the fud. Easy a $10-20 coin.

>> No.17018662

3 658 494 PNK Remaining for Sale

>> No.17018702


>> No.17019704

3 320 397 PNK Remaining for Sale

>> No.17019883

3 142 183 PNK Remaining for Sale

>> No.17019956

3 033 539 PNK Remaining for Sale

>> No.17019981

Wow just like every other pnd shilled here which have done nothing but dump to zero (they will all explode very soon though of course)

PNK token different sir ,,, moon mission sir ..

Thanks for the 2017 vibes though

>> No.17019986

This thing had no buyers all year. Now this fake sale full of indian streetshitters .... Sold anysize

>> No.17020138

Anon, you know most whales bought OTC from the team r-right?

>> No.17020139

2 999 539 PNK Remaining for Sale

>> No.17020158

Stop buying you assholes. You've knocked me down 10 spots since last night.

>> No.17020406

Top 70 here.

When are we gonna shill this to Reddit and normies?

>> No.17020419

1 143 369 PNK Remaining for Sale

>> No.17020455

Another 104 eth only 1 mil left

>> No.17020469

1 052 040 PNK Remaining for Sale

>> No.17020490
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Get ready boys!

>> No.17020571

1 018 744 PNK Remaining for Sale

>> No.17020600
File: 48 KB, 657x527, 35369f7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Partys are starting

>> No.17020628

974 361 PNK Remaining for Sale

>> No.17020652
File: 81 KB, 666x900, three-champagne-bottles-popping-corks-john-shaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0 PNK nRemaining for Sale!!!!!!

>> No.17020688

holy shit wtf that was quick

>> No.17020692


>> No.17020743


>> No.17020770

God damn. And to think that when I first loaded up I was afraid it wouldn't sell out. Might not have to hold these bags as long as i thought.
The demand is obviously there, but we won't have sufficient volume until we get on a bigger exchange. Hopefully that's on the team's to-do list.

>> No.17020823

Can I buy this shit with FIAT?

>> No.17020863
File: 40 KB, 676x593, 1577995342509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy with 71m BRAPPER buys 2.6m of PNK, almost the last of everything

kek can't make this shit when it's verified on the blockchain

>> No.17021634

Unironically one of the most bullish things I've seen on the board.

>> No.17021644

based PNKchad

>> No.17021741

Can I still buy more from the site even though there isnt any remaining?

>> No.17021747

No. You'll have to get it from an exchange.

>> No.17021769

I sold all of my LINK for this. The tides are turning and PNK is the fucking future for sure. Fuck off LINK hello PINK!

>> No.17021796

Lets reminisce and look back at other coins that we´re shilled a lot on this board

SENT - 80% down
Vidt - 70% down
Howdoo - 85% down
lition - 87% down
MITX - 90% down

>> No.17021820
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>> No.17021989
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So glad I sold all of my LINK for {current_pnd}

>> No.17021997

VIDT is crushing it. It's not a shitcoin. It's the most by the book Chad tech start up run by high IQ Dutchmen.

>> No.17022002
File: 57 KB, 500x379, c67df26c1e715edf2024e6b7f25c6d0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biz bought the literal bottom on this anon. Everyone that is shilling it probably verified the mechanics of it for themselves.
I guess not you, you can buy 20% up if you buy now before this thing just absolutely moons.

Ha good shit. The elite are adopting this and we got in so fucking early. Imagine what happens when Matthew takes his mom and dads money they gave him for his "Havard experience and networking" and starts going degen all in on PNK because he heard about blockchain and there was an event he would get extra credit for attending. I knew a guy who went to an Ivy League school and his parents gave him 5k a month for expenses. He degen'd most of it on Robinhood. These are the people we are dealing with. They don't value money. They will literally throw thousands at PNK just because the after party from this event was "Fire" and they banged some slampig roasty who you thought was hot in highschool.

The next Winklevoss twins are being set in stone now. They will be the biggest PNK buyers and strongest holders.

>> No.17022075

>The next Winklevoss twins are being set in stone now.
This man is based beyond all get out, I swear. Pinky ID confirms it. This is the intergenerational wealth transfer /biz/ has been perseverating on for years, 2020-2021 Golden Bull Run style.

>> No.17022076

i hope u all dump whenever this shit goes up like 15% lmao

>> No.17022086

It already went up 50%

>> No.17022097

why wouldn't you sell your stack then? 50% return is massive

>> No.17022115

I sold my Bitcoin at 130 and didn't buy back in until 3000.

I'm not selling PNK in this area and won't even try swinging until 50 cents.

>> No.17022121

pnk is not btc

>> No.17022150

I also sold my XRB at 2 bucks after getting in below a dollar. The point is you don't know what this market will do. Remember how BSV shorters got fucked on that second 140% day? Same shit here. People that sell PNK too early will want to neck. Can't believe the attention span some traders have.

>> No.17022657

LoL. Newfag spotted. 25x before i touch any of this.

>> No.17022704

lol, sorry pajeet, i'm willing to bet i've been in this game longer than you

>> No.17022895


"50% gain is massive! it's already a $3M marketcap, how high could it go?"


>> No.17023108

> thinks 50% is a big deal in crypto

>> No.17023128
File: 8 KB, 228x221, 1565490950893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it went up 50%

ico price: 5000 gwei
current price: 6000 gwei
god you fucking faggots are insufferable

>> No.17023204

> thinks 50% is a big deal in crypto
50% isn't a big deal in crypto but being the one who makes 50% is

post proof of how much money you've made
you unironically seem retarded or too young to invest

>> No.17023847

No it's not. I'm literally 300% up on my TRB and I don't plan on selling it anytime soon. I'll be up 300% on my PNK soon too. I bought these for the 3000%.

>> No.17024986

> he's gonna make it