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File: 137 KB, 1366x768, MicroLINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17016388 No.17016388 [Reply] [Original]

You fucking faggot losers, reddit has better info lately. I really should stop coming here, but yea yea its forever. Either way, for your viewing pleasure.


Is anyone able to refresh my memory what happened on June 1st, 2019?

>> No.17016454
File: 130 KB, 1244x765, lank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude no shit we have been excavating mountains for breadcrumbs for YEARS.

If I can extrapolate my behavior to other breadcrumb seekers it would go like this:
>2017-mid2018: accumulate +100k link based off of percieved potential and very tenuous details
>late 2018: pray we don't breach $.10 while going through the trash of anyone who works at the local bank hoping for some type of connection
>early 2019: golden age of silly shitposting. We had made it through the storm
>mid 2020: we have been vindicated
>since then: fucking 42

We made it. We know it. The people who have the focus to find breadcrumbs are burnt the fuck out after years. It is known and we no longer have to scrounge for hope.

The only people who need breadcrumbs now are $4 coinbase buyers and they aren't the type to dig.

I am burnt out so I know others are too. It is known

>> No.17016475

Are you really still hyping link? We bsv now fren.

>> No.17016487
File: 256 KB, 2048x1365, 25F1B2B4-59AF-43B1-AC9E-81609E17A36D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can’t have tendies without breadcrumbs

>> No.17016516

Thanks for reminding me I'm not alone, Anon. I'm so tired. But my 6% on my 100k+ stack keeps me comfy and warm

>> No.17016531

Wow, this is bullish! ...for Microsoft. This has nothing to do with LINK you fucking worm.

>> No.17016534

Don't see shit about DLT or smart contracts on that page Anon

>> No.17016555
File: 148 KB, 460x460, 1569470293255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ID: 5oi 84y
>Soi gay

>> No.17016566

if ONLY you knew. hheheh......

>> No.17016579

Nothing personnel,?

>> No.17016608

This has nothing to do with anything. pls kys.

>> No.17016611

soigay, you just got destroyed what do you have to say in response

>> No.17016633


Keep looking what does LINK actually do in a general, what is its purpose?

>> No.17016672
File: 225 KB, 430x497, 123986893649632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically mainnet went live May 30th. You're being vague as fuck bro -- if you actually have a point might as well just get to it before we get the wrong idea about you and start assuming you're a mouthbreathing retard or something OP. Because so far nothing in the screenshot has any more correlation with chainlink than the number 42.

>> No.17016740

I guess you didn't do any further research with the provided link

>> No.17016745

why even respond to these retards?

>> No.17016749
File: 90 KB, 720x721, 1576736604559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KeK has spoken

>> No.17016770



I think Microsoft is going to be launching nodes soon. It makes perfect sense. Everything in the 365 Dynamics is based on data aggregation. Feb 3rd all of these products are available for early access customers, and April 2020 for all customers. FFS read between the lines and see what these services do/offer.

You probably aren't the real 42, he would have went through my links first...

>> No.17016809

i am exactly like you, but i only have 12k links

and i have been forced to sell just recently.

>> No.17016821

i once had 2k
then lost my job
now im at 320

>> No.17016829

If we wake up one day and Microsoft has nodes up on mainnet, thats gonna be a massive green dildo.

>> No.17016837

ouch, i hope you get another job bro, got to have at least 1k before the end of year.

>> No.17016847

working on it man!

>> No.17016872
File: 12 KB, 216x234, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search for CHAINLINK
>0 results

help me out frens how is this gonna make our linkies moon

>> No.17016878

I assumed that this was your implied message. And I honestly think you are likely on the right track -- my belief is that Microsoft will give current customers the opportunity to operate their own nodes and remonetize their internal data. I read your link and that's precisely why I left a comment, you're grasping at straws here imo. Nothing in what you've shared has any direct implication of DLT or an oracle layer. Services already exist for secure data remonetization, they're just not trustless -- until this is implicating use of a smart contract executed in a blockchain environment you've got nothing new to share

>> No.17016928
File: 1.03 MB, 1404x1396, a96818926498126984129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

April seems optimistic but plausible for staking. Hey did anyone else notice that this year it's gonna be 4/20 for a while month? Haha. 420 - 0 = 42 you see. Anyways cheers to steaking bros

>> No.17017038

I've got almost 4K I unironically hope for $1000 EoY.

>> No.17017055

Based realist

>> No.17017115


Cryptlets aka whitelable LINK nodes

>> No.17017151

It's gonna simmer in testnet for a bit longer, think autumn is realistic for mainnet.

>> No.17017338
File: 45 KB, 550x716, 4jYxImD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I did not look a lot into the breadcrumbs lately after I went all in 2 years ago.
The most important things for me were Sergey's same shirt autism and his team.
Also I found out that Sergey had a personality similar to most of us in that interview explaining how he chose his shoes to be the most comfortable and never think again on it.
If I imagine what I could do if I decided to do my best and focused on one specific task, I have no doubt that it would be successful.
If Sergey is like that, there is no reason to doubt his ability to deliver.
There are extremely few people like us and I still haven't met another someone like us in real life.

>> No.17017924

Not going to happen anytime soon anyway, they need first ETH 2, wait a few months/year to make sure of a smooth working network, then implement into chainlink.

>> No.17017943

Well we'd see it in roptsen in days then. I doubt it.

>> No.17017949

Eth 2.0 is well over a year away.

>> No.17018040

Well, we'll see major companies using the network in a couple of years then

>> No.17018126

>If Sergey is like that, there is no reason to doubt his ability to deliver.
he's already proven he's incapable to deliver. Imagine wasting 3 years and $40mil to create KYC centralized oracles that have already existed since 2015.

>> No.17018168

The worst is over, now we just need to wait until the timelines fully merge and then you can retire in peace

>> No.17018179

Except Chainlink's mainnet launched with three parallel nodes.