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17013358 No.17013358 [Reply] [Original]

So, if you have taken the time to educate yourself aout fiat currency, the federal reserve banking system established on Jekyl Island etc. How do you go about making money off of this information? I am leaning towards studying finances and which methods the rothschilds and their ilk use to siphon money out of the system and maintain their control. Any ideas or does it boil down to learning the stockmarket and what it's true purpose is and choosing wisely which moves you make?

>> No.17013372

You in particular have already lost.

>> No.17013384

Its called 'buy stocks' and 'ignore zerohedge doomtards that have never been correct about anything in their lives'

>> No.17013398
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You still need to learn about psychology and religion, then youll wind up back here, learning about crypto and the power of a true human consensus.

>> No.17013537

Write a book and sell it to other idiots that use this cringeworthy phrase.

>> No.17013567

t. retard

>> No.17014534

I have indeed, many times throughout my life. I try to gain what insights I may from the losses.
42 that you? I am not completely ignorant on those subjects, but far from an expert.
Do you abhor all colloquialisms? Substitute "redpill" with "truth" or "insights"

>> No.17014877

Guess it makes sense nobody here has much to say on this. If you figure it out you don't want to expose your secret for them to "fix". I just know that I refuse to give in to Satan, and I still want to provide for my family and loved ones.

>> No.17014898

Buy Chainlink

>> No.17014985

Unironically you scam people for their money just as you have been scammed your whole life. Create a fake crypto project, pyramid scheme etc. Sucks to say this but its true

>> No.17015233

you either join the people you pretend to dislike as their servants in making money that they invented and controlled or you realize that those 'redpills' were bullshit and you're insane.

usually both.

this won't make you rich. The fact that you fell for the bullshit in the first place indicates you're not smart enough to detect the truth and profit off it. There are no shadow powers controlling society, and if you want to be rich you're the powers you detest as much as anyone is.

>> No.17015288

>There are no shadow powers controlling society

>> No.17015346

I am not saying this to be spiteful or condescending, and I think I get the points you are trying to make. That being said, do you realize the contradictions in your own post?
>you either join the people you pretend to dislike as their servants in making money that they invented and controlled
>There are no shadow powers controlling society, and if you want to be rich you're the powers you detest as much as anyone is.

Those two are contradictory. Also
>this won't make you rich. The fact that you fell for the bullshit in the first place indicates you're not smart enough to detect the truth and profit off it.
Taking candy from a baby does not make the baby dumb. I was born in to a system that has been in place for about a thousand years. That is just going off my bad memory, but I believe the first centralized bank was founded in the 11th or 12th century. They have had plenty of time and practice in many countries that led up to the system of education and indoctrination set up here in the USA. I also had the misfortune of being raised in a Jehovah's Witness household and so had to deal with multiple schools of conditioning, oftentimes at ends with each other. Add in being raised by a single mother etc. I do not resent any of this or blame my situation or misfortunes on it. I do acknowledge the hardships as they were and am not ashamed of falling in to some of the pitfalls set up for me. ANYWAYS, I am trying to figure out what to do NOW, not lament on what I did not do in the PAST that is GONE.

>> No.17016406
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this is the correct answer
OP the truth is that the central banks have been slowly lowering the average interest rates over time, and that causes the net present value of all assets to appreciate. The rich are the ones who already own the assets, so they get richer. Central banks --> low interest rates --> people who are already rich get richer. That's it. That's the whole conspiracy. Anything you've read about Rothschilds, Jews, Gnomes of Zurich, whatever, it's all bullshit.
just get a good job, buy stocks, and ride the ever-lower-interest-rates train to oblivion with the rest of us

>> No.17016796

>Those two are contradictory.
you can hold contradictory understandings at different points in life. They usually manage to rectify themselves into some non-contradictory gestalt over time.

However I am not stating what I believe, merely what you'd have to believe.

in real life your 'redpills' are schizotypal apophenia. Just enough truth to let you swallow the bullshit.

I am also a former JW. I can tell you you're falling for another load of seemingly explanatory bullshit. And that's fine, some people need a model that explains things neatly for them. But your model isn't true, so the only context in which it will make money is in dealing with other people that share your bullshit or by blending into the bullshit you perceive around you.

either way, as I said, the fact that you fell for the bullshit in the first place indicates you're not smart enough to get rich. Sorry.