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17013936 No.17013936 [Reply] [Original]

I'm all in on BSV since $80 for reasons entirely unrelated to Craig Wright and nChain:

>Money Button

It's gonna be a fun year.

>> No.17013978

Anon no don’t! We are supposed to convince these retards to buy shitcoins like XRP LINK and PNK!! Don’t give good advice that’s not allowed here.

>> No.17014044

there's that cope again.

>> No.17014092


>> No.17015087


and Moneybutton

These ones have blown my mind.

Currently developing my own BSV App

>> No.17015124
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>> No.17015149

I use paymail all the time and it is so much better than legacy bitcoin addresses or QR codes. Really normie friendly. Never heard of beamail though. Is it the same as paymail?

>> No.17015168

Kek, Twetch has 0 adoption. Literally a bunch of retards who make their living already shitposting in Twitter are all constantly tipping each other the same 0.0123 BSV around in a circle jerk

>> No.17015180


Whats your point? why would you store it on-chain?

>> No.17015183

Doesn't matter wheather it's stored on chain or not. The revolution lies in the use of micro transactions. Remember how Satoshi always talked about how bitcoin would revolutionize the world with micro transactions? That is what we see happening in BSV right now. It is not possible on BTC because it can't do micro transactions after retarded devs crippled it.

>> No.17015189


Twetch has a scary amount of adoption in such a short period of time

>> No.17015192

>The revolution lies in the use of micro transactions.
holy shit a streaming site with microtransactions, groundbreaking.

>> No.17015209

Kek, i would be scared too if I was a BSV holder

>> No.17015214

Why do you react this way?

>> No.17015282


Bagholding? you mean 500K worth of profits for developing apps on the BSV app store..

Yes there is an entire app store dedicated to BSV and BSV infused apps coming VERY soon.

Learn to code anon, its so easy on BSV all the tools are already there, you are missing out on so many profits and BSV price is artificially suppressed look at the chart lol.

Its going to 1,200 USD after accumulation

>> No.17015291
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If only you knew the amount of paid shills and butthurt corecucks and mETH fags. Most people on this board are in the red, live shit lives, and don't want craig to succeed. In fact, craig succeeding would shatter what's left of their pitiful lives.

Stay comfy fren, I love you.

>> No.17015304

Kek I wonder why whenever BSV is brought up,Cahill's have to mention they bought in low anyway so it doesn't matter if it's a scam

>> No.17015319

>Learn to code anon, its so easy on BSV all the tools are already there, you are missing out on so many profits and BSV price is artificially suppressed look at the chart lol.

I'm learning to code. Where can I start with BSV. Can you guide me senpai?

>> No.17015327


You lack a grade six level basic reading comprehension if you think I said anything of the sort.

No wonder you are poor anon.

>> No.17015340
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Based, frended and lovepilled
We're all gonna /make it/

>> No.17015341



Start here friend.

Massive rabbit hole,

>> No.17015697

Which language do I need to learn to build cool apps on BSV? Like mictrotransaction stuff with simple UI.

>> No.17015758



>> No.17015955

Where does an austistic anon learn to most efficiently code on BSV?

>> No.17015963

Sorry I see this has been answered.
>t. Retard

>> No.17016747


is the "massive rabbit hole" shit web design from people who claim to know what they are doing but coded their website like its 2002?

>> No.17016757

Twetch claims to be superior to Twitter but literally requires a Twitter account to register and the vast majority of advertising for Twetch happens on Twitter.

It's ironically the BSV of social media. A worthless clone.

>> No.17017300


this is just one fragment nooblet

check out

many more starting places that provide all the tools you need. the guy i posted is just super entry level

You aren't very intelligent are you Anon? I hate spoonfeeding to retards

>> No.17017454

Thanks anon