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17013849 No.17013849 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17013869

Ftm has sunk so low now that it needs to latch on to a mediocre legit project like Vidt. Link is no longer credible.

>> No.17013888
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>link is no longer credible

>> No.17013889
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Someone should make an edit of those early "the man who flew the Fantom" memes from one year ago but with the plane red and crashing

>> No.17013904

As in, link is too good for credible association with ftm at this point. That's why they switched to vidt

>> No.17013916

JUST look at the chart lmao

>> No.17013942

Why would indians be interested in fudding? I thought they were about shills and pumps.
Stop pretending your shitcoin deserves attention, even the pajeets touch it with a pole. 1 btc liquidity on kucoin, and that is enough said.

>> No.17014061

17009116 (OP)#
fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us

>> No.17014130
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These absolute madmen are about to drop the hottest IPO

>> No.17014816

Fantoms tokenomics are entirely unsustainable from an investment point of view. You cant have near zero to actual zero transaction costs while maintaining economic incentive for node operators to run nodes without endlessly minting tokens(which makes it just digital fiat aka: a poor investment) or without running the nodes themselves and eating the cost(which makes it centralized and loses all trust for the entire network). Transaction costs are NECESSARY for blockchain/dag to maintain the benefits of using a blockchain.

Without decentralization, it might as well just be the current system, as it provides no benefits over whats in place now. It might as well just be a program running on a single computer to add and subtract numbers. Without transaction costs, it cant be decentralized. VIDT is a fine project, but there is a lot of competition in that space and im not sure a small dutch start up has what it takes to take on the giants doing similar work now. That said, i own a suicide stack of VIDT.

>> No.17014857

ponzi scam, what else...

>> No.17014993

They actually have a form of defi staking on xar network, another fantom mainnet, which puts no inflation on the token. It could have been built into the opera mainnet which would have meant a huge burn of all the non circulating supply. but everyone is happy with huge inflation. I spoke to one node who said he thinks fantom doesn’t need this for 2-3 years. By which time I think it will be far too late for this token. Most of them are happy with seeing their balance of ftm go up every day and dreaming of $10 ftm one day. Maybe this price action will be a reality check. Who knows

>> No.17015147

You are missing the core issue. Supply and demand economics will not allow you to inflate the supply without reducing the price. Nobody wants to hold a depreciating asset.

>> No.17015174

To add to my above post. You cannot incentivize node operators without transaction costs OR by inflating the supply. This is not something that can be solved, this is just how reality works. Fantom claims to have no transaction costs, so the price must necessarily always have a downward pressure, which makes selling for a non-inflationary asset economically efficient. There may be small spikes here and there but the overall trend is almost guaranteed to be downward.

>> No.17015217

Oh you sirs am talking about the Fantom crypto currency? Very very good, dear sirs! In my country we using FTM to purchase the red spice chilizpepper for curry! Yesterday I spending 40,000 FTM and curry so spice that my asshole burn like flame from Kali's hand! Spend 50,000 and you never will make to loo on time!! This is times when street is the most necessary. How much FTM you holding sirs? Is your assholes much burning?

>> No.17015228

Sorry sirs, mr andy says no time to make dag and only fork ethereum virtual machine cuz explosive diarrhea. What to think sirs? So happy mr andy code reviewer installed toilets at every desk in our call center, so now we can sit on toillett all day while making many, many calls to white old ppl in west and post spam on biz all day 4 selling fantom we made from nothing. Must go now sirs, to continue 2 hustle, hustle. Lord Ganesha, the Hindu elephant god bless u sirs and mr andy. U give much money 2 most hustling ppl in Calcutta.

>> No.17015264

Hello sirs, you Fantom long time? Special price only 4 u sirs, buy much now and own place in shitting street whole day. Buy very, very much and free toilet 4 u whole day in house of mr Rakeesh from team Fantom. How much long time you Fantom sir?

>> No.17015274


>> No.17016282

I dont think you understand. Inflationary tokens are a poor investment. The US dollar is inflationary. In 1970 $5 could have bought you a t-shirt, dinner, and a movie. Now it wont buy you a single one of those things. That means by holding the inflationary shitcoin known as USD since 1970, you would have lost more than 2/3rds of your wealth, and thats at a lower rate of inflation than FTM.

>> No.17016348

FTM does have small fees. The belief (and actuality) is that fantom will have such a massive stance in the world the small transaction fee will be enough to keep nodes up.
We aren't working on fucking some random bullshit, we are talking about governments, banks, entire countries, running on fantom. That shit is expensive. that's a LOT of transactions.

>> No.17016489

Why wouldnt they just keep using USD? Which they can print ad infinitum and reap all the benefits, instead of allowing random node operators to all share in the fun? If they need blockchain use cases they could just use some enterprise blockchain, like hyperledger, and if they need smart contract functionality they could use ChainLink and keep USD as the store of value. All of this would be more attractive from any bank or governments point of view than using FTM as it allows them to keep the means of printing the currency in house, and would likely be easier to implement.

>> No.17017712
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Anything worth picking up on Idex at the next dip? I haven't been on there in a while

>> No.17018014

Lmao I love how you try to act smart but in reality don’t know shit about fantom or economics. There are transaction fees on fantom. Seems like you’ve never used it or know what it is. It’s not iota. Not only that but that’s literally the same token model as ETH 2.0, cosmos, cardano, and every other proof of stake blockchain.

>> No.17018295

fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us