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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 319x158, XTZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17011760 No.17011760 [Reply] [Original]

The "just chilling & observing the market" edition

>> No.17011896

Why is Tezos dropping and Vaporware like Cardano pumping?

>> No.17012148

where do you it dropping?

>> No.17012521

I didn't do it dropping

>> No.17012564

six months ago $1.20
out time havent even started

>> No.17012863


>> No.17012879

looks like a backwards merchant desu

>> No.17012894

op is devil, check ID, xtz confirmed satan coin

>> No.17012896

How high will STO adoption pump this?

$5? $10?

>> No.17012906
File: 69 KB, 800x533, 2276E95B-399A-42AD-A5FD-5794FFD6F578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering that 80% of the network is staking I’d say $100 is easily achievable.

>> No.17012910

Tezos is going to be dethroning Ethereum just don't understand why people buy Cardano instead of Tezos man.

>> No.17012957

there's money to be made everywhere in the market right now, i dont knock anyone for trying anon. Our time will come

>> No.17012967

Only reason I can think of is cardano is only 4 cents, so it is possible to x100 "easier"

>> No.17012970

damn just saw that

12-15 dollaz in June

>> No.17013113

Why June Brother?

>> No.17013155

zoom out (not trying to be an ass)
we've been bull for a year now while the whole market went through bull and then bear
i think we will still see one more downturn then moon, of course i hope i am wrong but it makes sense

>> No.17013333

Bought 12/12 and still haven’t received staking rewards. Has anyone else had to wait this long to receive?

>> No.17013387

who are you staking with?

>> No.17013389

Just bought my first tezzies. What's the best staking pool for poorfags with less than 8k?

>> No.17013431

Check on tzstats, you can pending rewards. But normaly it should be around 35 days before first payout

>> No.17013439

Look on baking bad.org website

>> No.17013448

Or if possible contact your baker and ask!

>> No.17013648

only cos btc rose you fucking idiot

>> No.17013688


>> No.17014339


>> No.17014362

kraken has 6% annual roi and payout twice a week

>> No.17014385

6% pa are useless when this gutter trash is worth $0. it's useless. Bitcoin will take up the whole space once more. sell as long as you still can.

>> No.17014443

Check the charts u fucking faggot

>> No.17014591

bought 5$ ada for funsies