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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17009113 No.17009113 [Reply] [Original]

I work remotely as a software engineer, and albeit the lifestyle and freedom is great, the loneliness is getting pretty unbearable.

In any fellow based software engineer (or other professionals in the apps business) working remotely interested in renting a house somewhere in Europe and do some contamination of ideas/skills and maybe work on our own apps for a timeframe of maybe 6 months?

Just thinking of this so I’m open to ideas. Also if there’s something similar already going on somewhere, tell me where is it and I might join. Something kind of like Silicon Valley season 1 where the guys all live in SF for free while selling ownership of their ongoing projects is also cool.

>> No.17009123

kys you fucking manchild.

>> No.17009125

>in b4 reddit spacing
Yeah, fuck off

>> No.17009134

What? Why would you post that?

>> No.17009147

It's not just the spacing that wreaks of reddit
>the loneliness is getting pretty unbearable
Welcome to 4chan(nel), enjoy your stay

>> No.17009224

>the loneliness is getting pretty unbearable
I thought you said the "freedom is great" :/

>> No.17009243

>Replied to himself
Larper confirmed

>> No.17009246

I might end up posting this to reddit if this doesn’t get any traction here, butt I though this might be funnier to do/get opinion on with autists from 4chan.
Also considering the high level of autism from this place we might found a unicorn given the high raw intelligence the typical of the autists

>> No.17009252
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Might I suggest training mice to fight in a miniature octagon? They must be injected with testosterone because mice are naturally peaceful.

>> No.17009255

Are you retarded?

>> No.17009287

this isn't the worst idea, but most of us here (at least speaking for myself) really are autistic spergs. i live alone because i don't have the social skills to not be, same with work i am in a different career but spend 95% of time solo

>> No.17009291
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Anon, I'm not an engineer and probably because of that I spent many months alone in an apartment I could barely afford waiting for replies from job postings. I even considered starting my own business at one point. Nonetheless, I'm a lowly hourly employee now with few resources but time and my own loneliness. Let us meet up on Skype and because fast friends in this cosmic journey we take together. I hope I'm not too forward in asking if we could stimulate each others genitals with our mouths? (no homo)

>> No.17009307

fellow remotefag here, I actually broke down after 7 years and now Im gonna go work in-house again, with maybe a cpl of home office days a week. I made several threads about it, biz called me a faggot but workung from home isnt all that great if youre single

>> No.17009339

Online poker player here, I feel you sometimes
But most of the times I'm happy I dont have normie collegues

>> No.17009360
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I’m a software dev who works remotely sometimes. I love at home with my parents who love having me (we’d all be lonely if I moved) plus they pay for everything and I pocket the extra cash I would have spent on rent. It’s a good situation but hopefully I get a gf at some point

>> No.17009375

Remotelad here for 6 months, I just compensate by going out often. I found a good social hobby that has given me some good frens. But I plan to live internationally starting in 2021

>> No.17009415
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>I hope I'm not too forward in asking if we could stimulate each others genitals with our mouths? (no homo)

If you get boobs i might be into it

Anyway if you’re interested, join this discord to get organized



>> No.17009476
File: 57 KB, 612x612, AEDD6C6C-99A7-4A33-962D-6FAE3B75BB9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m actually an ex ppp from the days it was easy, 2009/10 did it for 2 years, cleared something in the lower tens of thousands

If you’re still winning in the game now tons of respect

Actually, maybe that’s were I got the idea. Grinding houses were already a thing at that time.. Esp around Palma de Mallorca et. similar low-rent based-climate nice-pussy country conbinations

Do you live alone or with others now? How much can you clear and what stakes do you play at?

>> No.17009490

Can I peg you in the ass?

>> No.17009494

That’s based too, if I fail at this, I might move in with you. Would your parents love me too anon? Im not a nigger I promise

>> No.17009522

Remote dev - about 5 months in. Let me know when this starts to suck because I’m absolutely loving the freedom at the moment. I have a decent social life too which helps.

>> No.17009524

If you’re not a nigger or a smelly Indian it’s cool

>> No.17009552

I live in my own place by myself, never lived with other grinders
I play NL1k-5k (I only bumhunt 5k though) and I won at 4.5bb over 600k hands in 2019
Not going to say $ amounts, but you can guess it from there

>> No.17009687

that's high af, where do you live if I may?

>> No.17009695

Going into my 5th year of remote software dev. Married with a kid. It fucking sucks man, I've been really depressed the past few months.

I've tried the coffee shops, coworking spaces, libraries - but I have trouble focusing when I'm working in a public space AND it's just as lonely; it does help ease my moderate social anxiety though.

I'm debating getting a new job or if I can automate something and make money passively I think I would use my time better. I pretty much have no social life but recently quit smoking weed which is giving me a boost of energy in that aspect.


>> No.17009725

Man what the hell, how is fake socializing with people 30 years older than you any better

>> No.17009729

Do you have a contract with a company or are you talking about freelancing?

>> No.17009746


Humans have a deep, inherent need to be part of a community, team, or enterprise. We are pack animals at heart.

>> No.17009749

also, would you be willing to stak/coach me in exchange maybe for an app you want developed?

>> No.17009754

>interested in renting a house somewhere in Europe and do some contamination of ideas/skills and maybe work on our own apps for a timeframe of maybe 6 months?
that's what college is for

>> No.17009786 [DELETED] 

Because he's jelly of your work situation

>> No.17009787

me too but I do UX. Oh well, life is pretty comfy atm so

>> No.17009800

sounds gay as fuck, OP.
count me in.
not a software/tech guy, but i'll do the marketing for you chaps

>> No.17009825

Contract, full time

>> No.17009858

How do they do to check your hours? Or are you totally free

>> No.17009865

why dont we just rent one room, combine our capital and mental energy to trade crypto and how it goes?

>> No.17009878

the people in that photo look so fake and gay. materialistic NPC consumerbots. if you had a "social life" you would eventually tire of it.

>> No.17010162

I'm full stack web + game dev (Tropico 6). How would we get jobs?

Currently working on a game, a mix between minecraft and fortnight

>> No.17010192

>Married with a kid
oh shit I thought that might make it a bit more bearable. Im not gonna lie this remote shit is fucking hell on earth I have no idea how I lasted 7 years. done all the memes like coworking space, working from coffee shops, socializing/volunteering to get out of the house. it all blows Im getting a real job now and legit feel happy about it. on paper remotefagging sounds great, I make real good money, barely work some days. but im telling you its hell on earth.

>> No.17010231

I grow super hot peppers and weed to keep up my dopamine

how long will it last? Got a wife tho.

>> No.17010245

Idea: Go back to university

>> No.17010260

>how long will it last? Got a wife tho.
no idea man. all I can tell you is I worked really hard to be full remote and independent and all that horseshit. moved to thailand fell for the digital nomad meme. now Im literally begging my clients to let me work in house and work a real job again. its all a big meme there is no way out.

>> No.17010271

Fellow full stack dev here

You’d have to have your jobs/ability to get the jobs already, otherwise there’s the risk of defaulting on the rent.

>> No.17010298

The way out would be get a job on 99% of the places the don’t offer emote working by showing your accrued experience

> t. brainlet

>> No.17010305
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Security Engineer. WFH except maybe 2-3 days per month. If it wasn't for my girlfriend I wouldn't have human contact 28 days a month except the trip to grocery store. Also I see her family during holidays which gives me a semblance of what normal humans live like. I make $110K plus bonuses and could probably make $40-50K more but love being at home shitposting, trading crypto, watching porn, pickingn up new skills, etc and can't stand people

>> No.17010313

yeah thats what Im doing but then Im just gonna be stuck in wagie hell... which I tried to escape by going full remote. Im saying were all stuck in this eternal loop of waging there is just no way out. like I spent years of my life, worked really hard, took risks and now Im essentially back to where I started. sure God is laughing at me for thinking I could improve my condition

>> No.17010314

> Why don’t we rent a room, log online and bet on red all our capital

Get the fuck of my thread

>> No.17010331


>> No.17010339

>watching porn
you watch porn together or are you lying about having a gf or keeping it a secret from her?

>> No.17010360

is that your gf?
looks pretty hawt
I literally had no human contact since January 4 when I had a cookout with some friends. I know the exact date because its such a rare occurance. after that I havent talked to anyone except grocery clerks and skype calls for work. thankfully this hellish existence will soon be over when I start a new job in march. I never thought I would look forward to going back to my wage cage

>> No.17010375
File: 96 KB, 867x685, ECFAD3F2-2CA5-4D75-90D8-74FFB589C100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there’s 4 remote workers each occupying 4 shitty apartments and not hearing the sound of their own voice for months

you get this 4 under the same apt, obv way nicer and also probably cheaper, plus you get to learn new stuff from new people, form new bonds

Maybe after eg. six months it’d make sense to switch places and people. Idk anyway I’m just formulating hypothesys

Maybe it’s just the winter melancholy that’s talking...

>> No.17010402

Do you have any certifications

>> No.17010471
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Anon I write very successful text-based dungeon-crawlers in common lisp. You're very welcome to stay in the basement of my house in Vienna.

>> No.17010503
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> "i don't do it for you."
keeping it a secret. no woman is really going to be ok with porn. also no matter how hot your girl is, if you've been with her long enough and your brain is already exposed to all kinds of shit that porn caters to, you still crave that variety.
not mygf. but i have a humble paid off towhome and a setup that is a bit better but similar to that and a younger gf who constantly needs time and attention although the rule is she is not to bother me at the "office" room
cissp, 3 aws certs, rhcsa

>> No.17010513

i'll give you free rent and app ideas but you gotta move to shithole argentina and teach me everything you know. What do you say anon?

>> No.17010547


>> No.17010559


This guy's story is more horrific than most serial killers

>> No.17010572

I work as a business consultant and also coding software in my free time. I am working from home. Sometimes I have contact with customers, but I only do it for the money.

I had run my own social network for a while, had big lame facebook pages and very good passive income. But now I am free for new projects, cause I am so bored of working alone.

The most people in my area are working their 24/7 job. And if I meet people for creating new ideas, new apps, software, social networks, some kind of shit startup just for fun and maybe get income out of it, the most are motivated first but lack to do really hard work.

Btw where you are from anon and what are your expectations?

>> No.17010586

Dude I relate to this so much, what the fuck do I need to do I can’t stay in this limbo that long.

Is that why all people end up cucks? Did they think also think they weren’t gonna wage slave forerver?

Maybe I’m not that smart after all.. maybe literally everyone thought they were gonna make it eventually and then didn’t .

I’m stuck

>> No.17010657

>how do your slave masters know you are in the field?
Not that anon, but all my remote stuff is just performance based so no one checks up on me except to send money.

>> No.17010691

I’d be content in being around say 3 or 4 people that share the talent and motivation towards developing a startup to get out of wage slavery territory, while also continuing to sustain ourselves with the income from our own clients

I’m also looking for an upgrade in living situation.
I’m in Italy right now which I find based but stuck in a shitty basement apt because it ain’t cheap and I don’t come from riches

>> No.17010712

What does your working day look like?
Like, I’m mostly in vscode coding and/or on Figma designing apps

>> No.17010757

I want cissp but I’m a software dev not directly working in security, though we do deal with security sometimes

Are they super strict about what I could claim as “years of working directly in 2 security domains”? I have both database and C++/Java developer experience

>> No.17010784

Any devs in Raleigh, NC? Looking to possibly make the jump there this year. I've spent 4 years or so (and an additional year of interning) as a junior and would like to get a senior role in a more happening place that isn't the shithole of San Francisco.

>> No.17010859

I am coding some automation stuff in java and python or using 3rd party apps for RPA stuff. Very boring. I would like to make some apps or similar by my own. And studied some entrepreneurial stuff, but as said my city sucks in this kind.
For me nearly the same. From south of Austria next to Italy, a nice apartment with view over the city, but working alone just sucks. For me its just working in a team.

>> No.17010974

I'm thinking of shifting into some kind of role doing AWS sork. I currently do data, visualizations (Business intelligence) but want a career shift. What kind of stuff do you do as a security engineer? Is trying to shift into the AWS jobs smart?

>> No.17011058

How much time do you spend working/not working?

>> No.17011157

>one just sucks. For me its just working in a team.
heres the real kicker m8 even if you /makeit/ youre still fucked. because then youre just bored and lonely, your wagie friends never have time, there isnt shit to do on workdays between 9-5 because everybody is out there waging. youll just go insane and end up working a job again or some shit. I know a guy who /madeit/ in BTC and he just got fat and depressed I really think theres no way out unles youre some old retiree and have a wife and grown kids maybe then you can take a break but even some of these old boomers just lose their minds once they retire. its a fuckedu p system

>> No.17011268
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i don't know how strict they are. provided employer and endorser details i am not sure what type of verification they do. i also had a development background in java before security
devsecops. migration of onprem apps/infrastructure to the cloud. audit their security posture, automate security monitoring and notifications. also most of this stuff has CICD pipelines and want to ensure security all the way through prod. mostly see people in their old jobs who move to aws and barely know what they're doing. then you have people in security with cissp who are technically clueless trying to run things security wise.

aws is worth learning. cloud, containerization, serverless edge computing, linux as a platform in everything from IOT devices to containers for every damn process is the future. the biggest cost to any enterprise is IT and cutting costs by elastic scaling up and down, infrastructure on demand, automating everything and combining role of developer security operations is the future. Of course this also will mean there are tons of roles for parasites with zero tech skills who make a ton assuming the roles of PMs, BAs, Scrum Masters, etc so you don't necessarily need these skills but if you're skilled you can be left alone to WFH and most not have to deal with people

>> No.17011309

very high risk low reward doing this on 4channel fren

>> No.17011361

Thanks for looking out <3

>> No.17011493

fucking faggot
die in a fire

>> No.17011520

Put your head up your ass, see if it fits

>> No.17011534

>the loneliness is getting pretty unbearable.
Stopped reading there you Exxx subhuman

>> No.17011547

that wall is disgusting

>> No.17011563

>work remotely

I thought I was living the dream but 3 years in I agree the loneliness is rough.

>> No.17011630

You could come to slovenia, Im not a great programmer, but i find quiet autist make the best roomates

>> No.17011689

I don’t know if I’m autistic. However if you could host me for 2 to 5 days it could be the break I think I need.
Do you know any good drug dealers around your neighborhood?

>> No.17011692

Thanks for taking the time to answer. I've already started my aws cert. When I'm learning about all the services, it just instantly clicks how this is the future and how much you can configure and script out all kinds of infrastructure. I also thought that I'd have a better chance working from home/ or even consult on my own after some experience.

>> No.17011702

>all live in SF for free while selling ownership of their ongoing projects is also cool.
that was the most retarded part of the show

>> No.17011752

Yeah I dunno stopped watching after a couple of season... it gets pretty repetitive with all of the “ahah this guys are weird let’s laugh at them”

I hope it doesn’t mean I am... wait a minute :O

>> No.17011783

I will be happy to talk with you. Can you provide me your email address ?

>> No.17011805
File: 76 KB, 433x500, 77B7670C-7C64-41AC-889E-01F7C15F8708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also work remotely. I even wrote this rly gay blogpost before I remembered Im not a faggot. Then I buried those feelings and got back to shitposting.
Fuck jannies. Epstein compromised western world leaders for mossad and the DOJ had him wacked in prison to perpetuate the coverup. Israel is Americas greatest enemy.

>> No.17011840


>> No.17011891

shoot any email at gelo1337@prontonmail.com

>> No.17011948

join the discord

>> No.17011985

No thats slovakia

>> No.17012045

Dude I’ll just join you in the summer for a couple of weeks and we’ll try to build an app together, it honestly gets unbearably hot and I escape to the north anyway, might as well get something done with that time.

>> No.17012797

Based idea collaborator

>> No.17013074

Go look for faggots in your favorite barcade you fucking faggot

>> No.17013141

go work in a coworking space you mongo

>> No.17013277

Good post fren. I'm a developer working with AWS / Azure and definitely agree that these skills will be very marketable in the future. I just joined acloudguru, which certs should I grind first? I'm looking to learn and leverage the certifications for salary increase

>> No.17013541

I'll be moving out in a couple of months. Maybe I could host you then. You can get drugs easily too, just ask any young person in a bar.

>> No.17013642

>aws is worth learning

>audit their security posture

You've just read those 20 aws faq standart sites and check if your clients have SQL escape for their DB requests running + no client side validation+ https. Stop being a tryhard fag, anybody can aquire that knowledge in a week low IQ scum

>> No.17014291

just started doing aws shit it's breddy cool. seems to be less competition from jeets as well as it requires some higher order thinking. is the developer cert worth getting?

>> No.17014323

smoke weed and join a club or some shit. if you put the effort in you can make friends man. the weed will help with the social anxiety

>> No.17014447


Fucking hell man...

>> No.17014459


You fucking made it, enjoy!

>> No.17014471


Shiiit man...

>> No.17014479
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come to London mate. I am also a dev, working from home.

>> No.17014490


You'll be over it after 6 months (max).

>> No.17014549

Imagine a world where you didnt throw around a few hundred dollars just to stay afloat and instead contributed something to society instead of being a pathetic disgrace to yourself and your parents.

but nah, MUH ALL IN lifestyle is sooo fucking interesting. kys

>> No.17014563

what hobby? Also at 6 month mark for remote work. Its not been easy, esp consider I had made some good contacts with tits at the office prior to going home based.

>> No.17014594

>hope and pray that you get a contract job that could go under in less than half a year until maybe having 5 years experience and knowledge in 900 stacks
Yeah, code is a meme. Can be fun for personal projects, I'd wager, but not something to make a career out of unless you're indian.

>> No.17014618

Drop a throwaway discord or e-mail and I'll add you
I wouldn't want to stake you, but I'll gladly ask more questions in private (like where I live)
Also I don't think its a good time to be getting back into poker, because while you'll be still having work in a few years I will be out of work with a crappy resume

>> No.17014656

Ive a sneaking suspicion this reality only gets worse as you age. Is that true?

untrue. Connection is real, youre just too lost to see it.

fuck youre scaring me

>> No.17014767

Thats the dungron keeper from unteralterbach!
Alway wondered who the fuck where all those characters

>> No.17014789

I made a fritzl joke to some zoomies and they'd never heard of him. getting old sucks bros.

>> No.17014791

Raleigh is far from happening. Its a clinical research deadzone IMO, and thats coming from a wagie in clinical research. Raleigh/Durham is cookie cutter as fuck, suburban hell. Probably a good place to raise kids though

>> No.17014845

what kind of drugs OP? Im in Belgium and interested in the whole thing

>> No.17014894

Get a fat girlfriend she will sit and eat while you work

>> No.17015104

Your really are out of place on 4chan.

I also work remote but only 2 days out of the week. It’s hard to get things done on remote days.

>> No.17015315
File: 1.68 MB, 1032x1024, Pasted_Image_1_29_20__1_05_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remote dev in Okinawa, Japan here. Web application architect.

Any anon devs want to work on side projects together?

>> No.17015383

Probably not, but join the Discord channel anyway.

>> No.17015409

Remote software architect checking in. Based brothers

>> No.17015426


>> No.17015430

I'm jelly of all these people and their remote stuff.
I'm working as a dev, but have only less than two years of experience. There's still a lot to learn and I'm not sure how I'd do entirely alone yet.

One day though. I would love to be able to remote work different places and shit before I realize it's all trash and life is pointless. But until that point I have a goal to work towards and things I guess to look forward to.

>> No.17015445


>> No.17015700


Join the Discord you losers.

https://discord.gg slash vvYJ2t

>> No.17015932

How did you get into software development? You guys seem to not be digging it but it sounds just great for me.

>> No.17016265

Fookin basedaroo

>> No.17016517

I recently became a remote worker. I opted to work remotely so I could leave the metropolis and live close to my family. So far it's great, as being close to family has more social value than interacting with my coworkers face to face. The caveat is that I likely won't get paid a whole lot more since wages are mostly tied to appearances and socializing, but whatever. Try moving close to people who love you anon.

>> No.17016545


I have four years of experience and just started working remotely. Apply yourself, be a good wagie and learn what you can, and you'll be there in no time. I slack off more now that I've hit the equilibrium where I can be productive in most code bases and solve most common problems web apps have (e.g. don't write bad sql queries, don't always use the orm, make your backend stateless unless otherwise necessary for scaling, blah blah blah).

>> No.17016695


You guys should start a telegram channel. Cryptotraders on /biz already started one focused around Fantom.

>> No.17016789

That's not my Discord channel and Telegram sucks dick.

>> No.17016873

This, just make friends

>> No.17016887

what enviroments languages u use

>> No.17017177


Ask your question in the Discord and drop a dick pic.

https://discord.gg slash vvYJ2t

>> No.17017537

Fuck off with that shit and use Riot.im

>> No.17017583

sounds like you want a boyfriend. install Grindr

>> No.17017743
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>> No.17017879

>autists from 4chan
fuck this reeks of reddit lmao

>> No.17018344

Maybe. What are your skills?

>> No.17018459

It’s not like I’m gonna move in with a bunch of 4chan shitposters tomorrow
The way this will work is we’ll work on a remote project together we all pregare and are motivated to build on, and if it goes smooth and successful than yeah why not. I like the idea of a coliving. Just trying to climb up the social ladder without giving all of my money to some person who never worked a day in his life and without working for another rich asshole who will have complete control over my time and ownership of my ideas after a sign his piece of paper done Jew lawyer set up for him

Just trying to find an alternative, I’m sure that cuckwaging will lead me nowhere.

The only way you can become wealthy is if you build something yourself anyway...

>> No.17018487

Why are compsci workers getting more and more entitled? Remote work is many people's dream but you fuckheads want a google style environment where you get the best of both worlds. Come back to reality.

>> No.17018492

reddit wouldn’t work for tasting up the idea, I just get a bunch of replies containing whatever people think will bring them magic internet points

Not good for getting a sense about a new idea

Maybe that’s a good project idea, build a new social network like 4chan but more user friendly.

I know It’s a popular idea that making it more user friendly would make it a normie-fest, but keeping the scoring system out is really how it will be prevented

Isn’t that based?

>> No.17018494

Do you work for the military?
I'm working on a base on the mainland, barely just passed page 100 of Automate the Boring Stuff. I'm trying to stay in Japan and have a good wage hopefully soon in the future. I've been networking with professors and students here and we'll as some interviews but everything fizzles out. Am I fucked? I'm in customer service.

>> No.17018502

Full stack web dev, also good on iOS. I published my own app on Android too but I’m rusty since it has been a couple of years. Everything concerning up I have also been able to make money by re-designing and building an app from the ground app alone for other internet folks

>> No.17018517

> why do people that are better off than me also want to improve their condition it’s not fair reeeeeeee

>> No.17018523
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you should be grateful that you don't have to suffer in an office. so kys

>> No.17018524

>Israel is Americas greatest enemy.
Wtf I like israel now?

>> No.17018543
File: 104 KB, 800x450, cover5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who in their right mind would enjoy working 80 hours and self studying on your own time just so you can learn more gay computer shit and reduce your chances of getting replaced by pajeets? Software Engineering and codemonkeying is untermensch tier. A true Evolian aristocrat chooses something that rhymes with his Faustian sensibilities (if we're getting Spenglerian here) versus your obvious Kantian persuasions. From a priori reasoning, I can deduce those careers to be in horticulture, watch-making, agronomy, cryogenics, fire-fighting, architecture, national park ranger, hell even working in the military is more suited to a red-blooded male than something as faggy and as limpwristed as software """engineering""""

>> No.17018556

fuck off redditfag

>> No.17018568

From Evola's letters to Guénon:
>The Negroid sperm has some animalistic magical potency inherent in it which cannot be baulked; thus we see the subconscious longing of white virginal European women lusting after the African male. In a same fashion, the Greeks talked of the Minotaur which is a mythological creature which is half bull and half man. The aim of the priests of that cult seems principally to have been the production of a temporary incarnation of this beast by sending selected women of the community every year into the jungle/forest to mingle with all the imaginable bestial creatures thus to produce a miraculous birth upon returning to the community.

>> No.17018601
File: 244 KB, 686x526, 1580005455541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks it's real.

>> No.17018608

tell me how to get a job remotely working as a software engineer please. I am just starting up but don’t know what direction I want to go

>> No.17018611
File: 1.71 MB, 601x338, cff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note how this quote can only be found on /pol/ or /lit/. There is literally no other sources. Keep seething codenigger

>> No.17018622
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick a different career, nerd

>> No.17018637

what do you recommend anon?

Unfortunately sucking cock is not an option for me like it is for you.

>> No.17018649

you should immediately kill yourself

>> No.17018653

You suck jewish and pajeet cock by simply being a codemonkey

>> No.17018669

Jews are based desu. They fleece subhuman goyim and don’t afraid of anything

>> No.17018693

>t. I tried software engineering and could only get shit jobs because I am a loser
those cocks aren’t going to suck themselves you know...You should start a thread you are more than qualified

>> No.17018994

I’m interested in any way I can climb out of wagecuckery.
If you want to expand on these, eg. how the fuck am I gonna stay emancipated by making watches, ofc I would need to suck even more people’s cocks just to be able to sell them watches. Who the fuck buys watches this time anyway?

Your spirit is in the right direction but your final results is just theoretical mumble-jumble that sounds aulistic but would lead you to rob and suck dicks on the streets as soon as you stop having whatever property / riches you inherited by mommy and daddy

>> No.17019001

In other words, enjoy staying poor

>> No.17019133


>> No.17019264

Thanks for the bump, faggot

>> No.17019361

Sounds good. I will join OPs discord. Lets get in contact there.

>> No.17019379
File: 154 KB, 896x1200, prodeum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to get remote job? is it difficult or do most dev jobs have the possibility of working remote a few days a week?

>> No.17019479
File: 492 KB, 1200x861, Blanche_Monnier,_1901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is as scary as that story

>> No.17019553

>complain about loneliness
can hardly be weaker than this

>> No.17019566

There are many opportunities for developers in the crypto/blockchain ecosystems. I will recommend working on Dapps and DeFi applications. One of the best dev friendly platforms for Dapps integration and deployment is Centrality because of their friendly toolkit.

>> No.17019567

coding is a great way to make money and be free from wagecucking, you can make your own apps, websites, software licensing, etc. It's difficult, but how else to make a lot of money?

>> No.17019572


>> No.17019593

it's just a random thot posting on biz in late 2017, where everything was a bubble, just look at the shitcoins she's shilling. She probably lost all her money.
1. Prodeum was a literal scam at the end.
2. bitdegree went to 0
3. rentberry went to 0.

>> No.17019608

Honestly dude you're more likely to be murdered and robbed than find a cool housemate here

>> No.17019624
File: 1.38 MB, 950x1278, 231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been day trading full time for 7 years, this shit is true. If it wasnt for my wife, Id have no human contact. Only problem in my industry is that all trading rooms are filled with degenerate gamblers and system sellers. Probably one of the most isolating careers you can ever choose.

>> No.17019626

>In any fellow based software engineer (or other professionals in the apps business) working remotely interested in renting a house somewhere in Europe and do some contamination of ideas/skills and maybe work on our own apps for a time-frame of maybe 6 months?
>Based software engineer
This lack of humility is exactly the reason I won't take jobs at startups anymore. Too many university leavers with God complexes who cant imagine that people may have useful experiences outside of their own.

>interested in renting a house somewhere in Europe
Great so there will literally be no downtime and I can get bugged at any time of the day? Even woken up in the middle of the night. All whilst subsidising others lifestyle?

>do some contamination of ideas/skills
So basically you come up with ideas and have slaves to implement them for you? or you steal others ideas and market them as your own?

>Something kind of like Silicon Valley season 1 where the guys all live in SF for free while selling ownership of their ongoing projects is also cool.
Oh so its slavery?

Anyone who who could actually do the things you are talking about could simply take contract roles in small teams and network that way. I don't see why you would have to live with someone to reduce loneliness.

Perhaps instead of forcing people to live together under one roof, you can work on your hobbies and social life, outside of a work and home environment>

>> No.17019632


>> No.17019637

Im also remote software engineer and i love it. I recently bought some chickens and have 3 dogs.

>> No.17019672


>> No.17019697 [DELETED] 

she probably spent more time designing that colourful sign than actually researching those shitcoins. I remember all those thots popping up in late 2017, begging for coins and shilling shitcoins. in hindsight it shouldve been a clear signal that the top was in.

>> No.17019863
File: 6 KB, 159x250, mloa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the schizo content I lurk for

>> No.17019915

>coding is a great way to make money and be free from wagecucking

Literally one of the most cucked professions there is. Sales Chads make more money and spend their free time fucking Stacies instead of wasting all of it on more coding shit (working for free).

>> No.17020003


>> No.17020350

kek no, the average 1st world programmer makes 10x more than the average 1st world salesperson.

how deluded are you?

>> No.17020365

I've done sales, it's shit. You have to be on your feet walking around all day talking to faggots. Fast-food tier with slightly better pay.