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17006221 No.17006221[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was shilling for android for years, shitting on IOS constantly. ngl I was a bit salty and couldn't believe how expensive iphones were DESPITE being lower quality in specs and whatnot. I called people who owned iphones normies and retards.

Then a friend showed me his ipad pro, I really liked it and since I had some money from cashing out last July I decided to buy one. Hell, it wasn't a phone and android tablets sucked anyway so I wasn't selling out. I really loved my ipad and kept using it. Then my huawei phone died out of nowhere last week. I searched for a new android phone but somewhere in my head I knew I wanted an iphone. I tried to fight it but after a few hours, I find myself unboxing my new iphone 11.

I don't know what happened but let me tell you guys, I have missed out for years. It's so smooth, I regret everything I said about IOS. I now realize I used to shit on IOS because I was a poorfag. I made myself believe that by buying cheap chink phones, I was different from the "normies" and whatnot when in reality, I was just a poorfag coping.

Money may not buy happiness, but it sure does buy comfort.

>> No.17006234
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IOS master race and anyone telling you otherwise is a glow nigger

>> No.17006244

I'm considering the switch... ugh. My laptop and home computer are apple, it seems like a natural switch

>> No.17006284

There's literally no reason not to. ecosystem is not a meme

>> No.17006304

The only thing I’m not fully iOS on is computer, work very specific field and most software/plugins I use are harder to get on Mac, it’s gotten better over the years but still need the windows for legacy stuff, else I’d be all in Mac probably, I also kinda hate the new MacBook pros desu, these ducking things get so hot and so loud with minimal usage, I miss the old 2012 model I had.

>> No.17006318

airdrop is pretty nice desu. share your wifi passwords, photos, whatever between devices
the biggest thing for me for ios is smoothness. when my samsung sputtered or died i would sperg. iphone hardly ever glitches for 1ms.
the other thing is multitasking gestures. very intuitive and time saving, exactly how a phone should be.

>> No.17006324

Not only does everything just work better, but it gives you the option to lock specific apps out of your data. Android your data is free reign.

>> No.17006380

mommy gib pls

>> No.17006385

Shit the duck up you fucking bigger stinky tiny duck BBC love boy get ducked in your penis hole with daqueesha on front and Tyrone in the back anus home on your ass Nigger fagot

>> No.17006400

>Literal retard: the reply

>> No.17006411

>no rebuttal: the post

>> No.17006524

i bet her tits look awful without a bra

>> No.17006642

how much BTC for a >girl like this?

>> No.17006666


>> No.17006689

The UI/UX and feel of Apple products is second to none. Of course if you’re really doing shit then I’d imagine a PC would be better but for most people, Apple is refreshing and clean.

>> No.17006734

It pains me to say it, because I am always the guy ripping on Apple fan bois.
But if you jailbreak/root and apple device, there really is not much of a difference software wise.
The massive advantage android has is that because it is open source, you have unbelievable choice for apps. I would never part ways with 'Blockada' or YouTube-Vanced for instance. But I guarantee some dude has probably found a way to nuke ads on the latest IOS.

>> No.17006753

For my ipad I use adblocker for safari, works like a charm since safari on ipad is desktop version anyway.

I always hated the youtube app

>> No.17006756
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The phone ricing threads on /w/ lead me down the klwp and alternative launchers rabbit hole. I don't think I could return to IOS at this point.

>> No.17006768

What the fuck is this thread.

>> No.17006814

Congratulations you understand now too

>> No.17006835

2 reasons I hate my iphone.

1. cant even play webm files (without downloading an app and jumping stupid hoops).

2. App store has very limited content compared to playstore and worse yet, a lot of free shit on the android has to be paid on the playstore i.e. vpn, editing software, etc.

>> No.17006845

Woah, are you saying end user choice is the better option? Dude youre literally blowing my mind right now. Honestly fuck these cumsoomer shills pretending theyre any better than the dregs that lap up chink shit.
>my piece of shit is better than your piece of shit
What a joke

>> No.17007004
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In an ideal world end user choice would be the best option, but most people are bad at, or just don't know how to make choices.
Tech illiterate, such as OP, just want to use their tech without having to think about it.

>> No.17007390
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Ok you retards never understand anything:
iPad pros are the only Apple product worth buying, they cost like an iPhone but are MUCH more functional.
They have the best screen on a mobile device with a buttery smooth 120Hz display and they have no competion. There is NO other iPad-level tablet out there.
Pair it with a shitty Macbook w/ sidecar and you have a super powerful combo.
iPhones have so much Android competition you're better off buying a high end Android.
iMacs are shit.
The apple monitor is dope tho.

That's all folks.