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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 174 KB, 1293x1390, smiling-business-people-with-a-water-cooler-in-office-BNPD1Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17003896 No.17003896 [Reply] [Original]

>"So what did you get up to on your weekend, anon?"

>> No.17003919

I don't talk to niggers or women

>> No.17004058

jesus christ fucking delete this

so many painful memories like today

>> No.17004091
File: 169 KB, 940x1300, 10240519-busines-people-standing-around-water-cooler-in-workplace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"So, what's on the cards for this weekend, anon?"

>> No.17004111

"N-not much, just chilling out at home haha."

>> No.17004132
File: 8 KB, 320x240, 45e93e87761bff4d9c68bb1480e8de2e76fe77e6aab9637df873f4286a7d30ef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stared at charts till my eyes bled and i'm gonna do the exact same fucking thing again this weekend, Carl. and dont say fucking shit when you walk by my cube and see me on tradingview

>> No.17004144

Why are they all hugging the water cooler. >Also not having your own bottle.
>Also also not drinking coffee.
> Also also also I got blind drunk.

>> No.17004146

studied all weekend for the CFA, how bout you Jamal?

>> No.17004155

>H-he just trading options
>Oh you don’t know what that is?
>H-h-he it’s kind of like gambling but it’s like smart gambling h-he
>Why are you guys walking away I was about to talk about the greeks
>Why doesn’t anyone want to hear about my vega gains

>> No.17004164

I usually just say "Nothing" and don't talk to them again.

>> No.17004179

>NIGGER! HE'S A NIGGER! A nigger, look, there's a nigger!
>piss my pants and run out of the office crying
>get fired the next day

>> No.17004191


literally watch youtube videos and sleep in


why can't i actually be functional FUCK

>> No.17004192

I stayed awake in my bed 40 hours straight on an amphetamine binge without showering staring at binance order movements

>> No.17004207

Larping fag

>> No.17004210

sell your computer

>> No.17004215

Literally bought 100 contracts of LAKE on Friday i’ve just been master bating about them over the weekend

>> No.17004234

>None of your business you normies!!!!
>I told you to stop using the water cooler in my office!!!!!!!!
>Get back to your open office seats immediately!!!!!

>> No.17004247

kek imagine going to wage when there is an epidemic

>> No.17004254
File: 13 KB, 251x242, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17004258

had a couple drinks, saw a couple things.

>> No.17004268

Sex and alcohol

>> No.17004293

I took the poo to the loo

>> No.17004361
File: 604 KB, 1439x823, business monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I returned some video tapes. Spent some time at the gym. I got a table at Dorsia. How was your weekend?

>> No.17004425

I worked all weekend tyrone

>> No.17004431

Holy shit are you me

>> No.17004467

>yea im go---
>cool, im prob---
>right on, I ha---

>> No.17004489
File: 133 KB, 833x925, 1545801382156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"So what did you get up to on your weekend, anon?"

>> No.17004491
File: 89 KB, 897x467, crying drunk business man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tip top lel. literally me

>> No.17004517

This is when you let your facial expression go dead cease all attempts to communicate further and walk away

>> No.17004612

Watercooler talk is what people had before Facebook. People I have no connection with who do the social peacocking routine can fuck off.

That's what everyone does mostly. Say it like you don't give a fuck becouse you shouldn't.

>> No.17004632 [DELETED] 

forgot to delete that

>> No.17004668

what did i "get up to"? what fucking kind of english is that jamal.

>> No.17004688
File: 376 KB, 456x432, 1573185295375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I participated in coom and coom related accessories

>> No.17005040

Bought more Stinkies you nocoin plebs

>> No.17005043

I've unironically done this as a joke to myself and luckily no one has caught on

>> No.17005074

>haha, sp-spent time with my friends haha

>> No.17005109

Lake and apt. The Patrician choice

>> No.17005130

I power bottomed on grindr all night man after man

>> No.17005158

You mean PNKYS right?

>> No.17005186

I spent my weekend trying to get rich, hbu?

>> No.17005210


underrated reply

>> No.17005964

Stink not Pink

>> No.17006712

Where the fuck else should you chill out. Normies are spoiled fucks

>> No.17006725

Fuck that's ever day of me life for almost 2 years now

>> No.17006773
File: 92 KB, 1200x1462, 5462C9EF-9A80-466C-AD87-B2F708192D82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek imagine-meme keking to kek when theres a kek

>> No.17006826
File: 648 KB, 640x1136, 2256D335-4C51-4B8D-BF90-D8C6500CA832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same ol bullshit

>> No.17006934

Same thing I have done for the last year now.
Get a few critical chores done, then stare at a wall waiting to go back to work as I slowly die of boredom at home. I want to do more but nobody wants to hangout in the middle of the night when I am awake, and I don't want to get too friendly with you cause I plan to be your boss in a few years and don't want it effecting my performance report on you.

Current list:
Brush teeth/floss
Cut facial hair
Get new shoes out of box and ready for Thursday
Clean room
Write my how to health plan/diet for people who keep asking for it
Photograph old items in room to get rid of
Setup new computer, first find way to keep Microsoft license before reformatting drives
Wait for company to give me my W2 to start taxes
Get legal advice for starting video game company
Start reading the Bible
Write fun book
Write life memoir book for people who keep asking for it

>> No.17007006

coomed 48 times

>> No.17007269

This isn’t possible

>> No.17007484


>bought groceries
>wrote ~20 lines of the Huuuge Software I'm developing since 11 weeks
>ate pizza (17 bucks wasted)
>drank only one Monster in the entire week-end
>put out the garbage
>feed the cat. twice.
>made some ~10,000 virtual coins in a cute cellphone game, and then wasted them to buy a new skin in the same game
>kept HODL'ing Link
That's how my last week-end was. Unironically and sincerely.

>> No.17007596

>Well saturday I just took it slow, some light reading for my thesis, but sunday I hung out with some friends
The latter is code for playing tabletop rpgs. Shit was cash.
Anyway, people don't actually care about what you did, it's just about how you say it.

>> No.17007608

I obsessed over corona which will be a nothingburger like always. hbu?

>> No.17007610

Masterbated looking at graphs and cartoon frogs, you?

>> No.17007732

Bought a lifted jeep, my dream vehicle for way less than the asking price because I paid in cash. Took my parents out to breakfast the next day.

>> No.17008072
File: 48 KB, 800x729, 8nRqoXW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Bought a lifted jeep, my dream vehicle