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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17001506 No.17001506 [Reply] [Original]

Who is /ourguy/ or /ourgirl/ in the upcoming election to advance crypto?

>> No.17001524

Obviously yang what kind of question is that

-pro crypto and blockchain

>> No.17001526

Yang 'The Money Pumping Machine' Andrew all the way !

>> No.17001539
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We will all be dead by the time November rolls around

>> No.17001546
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Trump obviously, since if youre on the business forum you should at least be pro-business

>> No.17001553

sanders / warrens
wealth tax -> all the billionaires funnel their money in the only asset type with unprovable ownership (crypto)

>> No.17001554
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>> No.17001556

Hillary Clinton is going to announce her candidacy next month, win the democrat nomination and then the presidency because Trump drops out only a couple months before the election and the republicans don't have enough time to prop up their literal who replacement.

>> No.17001567

Trump to keep everything pumped, Bernie (or perhaps Warren) for crypto and pm dominance

>> No.17001599

ain't gonna happen, we should be ride or die yang gang. future and drake should create his theme-song since they are both kinda irrelevant right now, it should be Jumpman but with yang-gang instead of jumpman in the lyrics. And tulsi big tits should be his VP. Yang + Tulsi can't fail.

>> No.17001606

Literally nobody.

Trump is the least shitty of all options so him by default.

Fuck Yang, he's a retarded dipshit.

>> No.17001614

Trump if you want the pump to continue, Yang if you want free crypto allowance but no pump certainty.

>> No.17001619

Bernie / Tulsi

absolutely based.

>> No.17001620

Trump because the media forbids that I vote for him

>> No.17001624

McAfee 2020

>> No.17001632

Yang gang

>> No.17001634

Reminder that the entire Crypto and world market bullruns of 2017 are directly related to Trumps Corporate tax cuts. If you vote democrat youre an idiot that should actually leave Biz forever

>> No.17001635

?biz/ doesn't vote off to /pol/ faggot, you'll fit in just fine

>> No.17001643

Kys euro

>> No.17001645

Would of been Trump if he hadn't crashed the crypto market with his dumbass tweet last fall.

>> No.17001657

No one. Because it does not matter who becomes president. We are still fucked.

>> No.17001662
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I have a very dumb question. Can trump for example offer the VP to the democratic nominee making the election not necessary if the nominee accepts the VP position?

>> No.17001680

I need healthcare that doesn't cost 25k/yr. that somehow still has high deductibles. Voting Bernie on super Tuesday.

>> No.17001683
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Trump has his own crypto OP. It's a shitcoin but it'll probably moon when he's reelected.

>> No.17001693

shit I was floating the idea of hilarium in 2016

>> No.17001710


The fuck do you have, double mega cancer?

>> No.17001719

Mayor McButtfuck

>> No.17001726
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my god this board is compromised by chicom gook shills, no wonder there are so many bitcoin core shills on here, china owns all the miners
Need flags on this board before its too late

>> No.17001729

Devaluation of the USD and stocks under Sanders will be good for crypto and real estate. Bernie 2020.

>> No.17001736

This actually. Goldman Sachs is our next president, just like they are now. Also Congress and courts. Fuck you. Do something if you don’t like it

>> No.17001750

Self employed. Make too much for find. Have to pay full price. Have 4 kids. So six people it's around 2100-2200/month. Still have 5k deductible.

We just go without. Which is nerve wracking.

I fucking hate this country.

>> No.17001752


ideal ticket for me would be tulsi/yang but if bernie heads he'd probably die within the first few months

>> No.17001756

Fuck the gooks and chinks and their slave spy Yang but holy shit you roving unrepentent faggot there is no such thing as "BitCoin Core" there's just BitCoin. A fork of BitCoin was made to make BitCoin Cash. A fork of BitCoin Cash was used to make BitCoin Cash SV. BitCoin Cash SV recently forked so now there's BitCoin Cash SV and BitCoin Cash SV Core.

>> No.17001771


Two parents, 4 kids, and no one can be assed to have a plan through an employer or pursue alternatives like the ACA?

Buddy it's your own stupid lack of foresight. Healthcare isn't free in either case.

>> No.17001772

No but that's how it used to be. VP was the second place winner of the Election, not someone chosen by the President. They changed it at some point in the 1800s.

>> No.17001775

>thinking communism will moon crypto
peak delusion
>goldman sachs runs the world
absolute fucking state of this board

>> No.17001789

>like the ACA
That is the ACA you idiot. There is only one insurer to pick from.

Why should we wagecuck for someone else just to get healthcare when Boomers get it for free from me?

My turn for gibs.

>> No.17001806

implying i care about the exact name of your scamcoins nigger
imagine actually typing all that shit out

>> No.17001830


>> No.17001855

Rofl imagine thinking Trump is going to drop out when he is about to hang all the traitorous pedovores in the DNC

>> No.17001861

I have no defense, I was talking about BSV so yeah it's a shit coin.

>> No.17001871


You will be old one day too. I'd rather you pay for your dumb family's healthcare rather than I, through a stupidly inefficient and mandatory government bureaucracy no less.

>> No.17001881
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>> No.17001890

Gold is infinitely more fungible and anonymous

>> No.17001892
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Get fucked JIDF

>> No.17001895

Imagine being so retarded you can't understand you're already paying for everyone just in the most inefficient way possible.

Single payer works.

>> No.17001904
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>> No.17001908

Abolish insurance retard. If you pay directly for materials and services you drop costs by 90%.

>> No.17001932

>Abolish insurance retard
Ah yeah that'll work.

Lolbertardians still exist?

>> No.17001947

It's called "South & Central America". The reason you can just go down to Mexico and pay $230 for a $7,000 operation is because they don't have insurance jacking up the price across the board. You just pay them for the materials and services. You pretend this is some anarchist pipe dream when it's real life for over a billion people.

>> No.17001961

Bernie Sanders

>> No.17001967
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>> No.17001996
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>> No.17001997

Even if your fanyasy came true, God Emperor Pence is next in line

>> No.17002005
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No one is our guy. End the Fed and create smaller communal structures of government where governments are locally run by the people. Hell, make A.I. the government. Obviously there isn't a single human that can run the country without one decision or another being opposed. No one is happy no matter what side you vote for now because they all end with the same result.

It's like flipping the side the toilet paper roll is on. It still tears off the same way.

>> No.17002011

Yang UBI is not entitlement it is necessary for the survival of the human species

>> No.17002019

Nah, Pence doesn't go for the presidential nomination for some reason. I think he says something about already being committed to the vice presidency.

>> No.17002023
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>> No.17002036
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2023 confirmed

>> No.17002042

Look at JIDF trying to push PENCE. You realize he received a letter at SR bush’s funeral too don’t you?

>> No.17002083


-hmm i have a genius idea! i'm gonna hide 1 billion dollars in... gold!
*buys gold
-okay it's just a little over 20,000,000 kilos (45,000,000 pounds). I'll just hide it in my kitchen drawer, behind the cornfkales no one will EVER find it!

>> No.17002196

Bitcoin is easier to move because a lack of weight, but requires internet access. If all nodes go offline meaning miners shutdown, then that's it. The chances of that happening are next to none today because we rely so heavily on the internet staying online.

Gold and bitcoin have their pros and cons.

>> No.17002218
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gold requires a complex laboratory for true validation.

>> No.17002220
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I really need you on /beez/ to support andrew yang

>> No.17002236
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Any other answer is wrong
Though Yang being dem candidate would also be beneficial

>> No.17002239
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>> No.17002252

This and it’s not even close

I’m voting mcafee, crypto party candidate

>> No.17002282

Nigga billionaires have underground bunkers
also this
Yes this is a good point. The main issues I have with BTC as a store of value are price volatility and the fact that it's only been around for 11 years vs the dawn of time for gold. Both of those will become less important over time but it's going to take a while

>> No.17002304

If Trump wins by default of dems having not enough spine to stop this shitshow of 10000 candidates then we are truly a fucked country. Literally our process for electing the leader of the entire country at that point is just throwing our hands up in the air. I'd vote for Yang or Warren, personally.

>> No.17002316

>by default of dems having not enough spine to stop this shitshow of 10000 candidates then we are truly a fucked country.
He'll beat literally any of them 1v1. Trump went through a BIGGER shitshow with 18 Republican Primary candidates in the motherfucking debates, and he beat them all.

>> No.17002364


>> No.17002393

Bernie Sanders

>> No.17002414


Got some bad news for you. Bernie fucking hates you with a passion. The "free" shit is only for single mothers and niggers. You'll be paying more than your current premium in taxes overall by the end of his presidency and have worse healthcare.

>> No.17002423

just don't eat meat and wear a mask, clown. it's that simple

>> No.17002454


but that's not true

>> No.17002481

You Mexican?

>> No.17002509

Bernie is an old school leftie, he does care about working/middle class whites too. However the noise his supporters make about white males pretty much ensures I will never vote for him

>> No.17002522


Just like how the ACA was going to fix all this shit and wasn't going to be a total shitshow

>> No.17002528

Free allowance should increase inflation and pump crypto right?

>> No.17002565
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Imagine looking at Bernie and thinking "Yup, this right here is a leader. This is who the President of the United States should be."

Anyway, only correct answer is Trump.

>> No.17002585

If you such a colossal faggot and failure in life that you are staking your hopes and dreams on Bernie fucking Sanders, then it's time to an hero and re-roll fren.

>> No.17002620

>we're gonna make healthcare affordable
>makes healthcare more expensive and throws you in jail for not buying health insurance

i love leftism

>> No.17002676

god damnit you stupid fuckigng shills. how can a chink promote 1488? FUCK YOUR JEWISH MEMES

>> No.17002682

commies aren't frens. Don't call commies frens.

>> No.17002698

>Yang being dem candidate would also be beneficial
Yes. We need to have the VAT in the conversation. Andrew Yang's candidacy is extremely important for this reason alone.

>> No.17002748

Point well taken anon.

>> No.17002751

Reasons why Trump will win 2020:
>Cut taxes.
>America energy independent
>Building the Wall
>Out of the Paris Accord
>Out of TPP
>Out of TTIP
>Out of JCPOA (Iran Accord)
>Massive deregulation, spurring economic growth
>Best employment numbers in 50+ years, across all demographics, with lower earners making gains at a faster rate than higher earners - a modern first
>Taking on China, and winning - tariffs are savaging China, zero detriment to American consumers
>Actually talking with NK, avoiding nuclear war
>Not starting new wars in the ME
>Starting to get our boys home, which simultaneously exposes the war-lusting rinos and dems
>Stands up for Christianity and religious rights
>Calls out dems and rinos for what they are - anti-American pieces of shit
>Rebuilt our military
>Actually got Mexico to put their own troops on their own borders to push back against the Soros-funded economic migrants
>signed Right to Try into law, enabling sick people to try experimental methods
>massive improvements to VA

>> No.17002764

>Just like how the ACA was going to fix all this shit and wasn't going to be a total shitshow
Because it protected the status quo of for profit insurance companies. The (((free market))) has no place in an industry like healthcare.

>> No.17002786

>this is a free market
I am not following you anon

>> No.17002803

None of the dem candidates belong anywhere near a race for POTUS. Nearly all of them should be disqualified by virtue of physiognomy alone, and only a retarded, broken faggot would disagree. They are not serious candidates and they are simply not cut out for the position.

>> No.17002809


So you're telling me that an all Democrat bill protected the status quo, but electing a literal jewish millionaire career politician that has never introduced a single piece of legislation to back any of his rhetoric is going to fix this issue?

>> No.17002812

I want $1,000 ubi so Yang is the obvious choice to vote for. Dont really care about politics as what they say and what they do are generally 2 different things at least with U.S. politicians. On the off chance Yang succeeds at UBI I can go from being unemployed -> neet. However I am anti-abortion but knowing how the states work it's likely legal in all states whether the president allows it or not.

>> No.17002827

It's shocking that people like you are even allowed to vote.

>> No.17002837

is this 2016 copypasta?

>> No.17002869

how could it be 2016 copypasta if its information consists of shit Trump has gotten done post 2016 brainlet

>> No.17002878

He's voting his self interest. How else should he vote?

>> No.17002879

Based. Most of these hospital and dental companies are scamming the insurance company by hiking up rates. Which means you're the one who gets scammed if you have no insurance because they either drop their rate for you but then get called on fraud for hiking up the rate on insurance or screw you over so they can keep squeezing out money from insurance. Basically its a scam in America where insurance gives more money to these hospitals and dentists and in return hospitals and dentists charge hiked up rates to force civilians to buy insurance at high costs. Basically they're working together and you're the one getting the short end of the stick. Nonetheless be careful where you go, had a mexican dentist attempt to sell the procedure for nearly the same price as here in America lol not happening.

>> No.17002883

anon, these anons who want yang are literal JIDF members. NO white american wants Yang to be President of their country.
>imagine thinking its smart to supply degenerates with $1k free money per month

>> No.17002887


>> No.17002956

Reminder that Sanders is the only candidate that the pharma industrial complex considers threatening, if you go by ad spending. It's one of the reasons I like him

>> No.17002971
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Get fucked commie

>> No.17002996

Tulsi Gabbard was a top buyer and bottom seller of ETH and LTC, quite literally /ourgirl/
Also is wise to the corrupt zionist lobbyist class and MIC unlike Yang who would be spun around and co-opted by them. She is the Ron Paul of the 2020 cycle.

>> No.17003012

>thinking that BTC is only propped up by USD and not realizing that BTC will appreciate against it.
Peak retardation.

>> No.17003064

>I'm a useless loser so I'll vote for the candidate promising me $1k per month gibs! How could this possibly not work out? Muh self interests amirite?!
Sort your shit out you fucking subhuman brainlet c u c k

>> No.17003274

Yeah, I’m not getting tricked again
I realize this is just a running joke at this point, and now it’s on to the next meme

>> No.17003288


>> No.17003499


Yang gang

>> No.17003558

You shound unironically like a bitch

>> No.17003585


Why Andrew Yang will win 2020

>> No.17003706

How the fuck are you cunts not voting for McAfee?

>> No.17003744

Chad Insurrection

>> No.17003747

Hate to break it to you kid, all the OG’s who actually believed in the tech sold years ago, now its only trannies and cücks, late adopters and redditors HODLing to the fairyland known as 1m btc. Btc is outdated decade old tech, new projects do everything btc does but 100x better.

>> No.17003762


>Dude if you don't vote for people who unabashedly come out and talk about how they hate you and think you're the reason for all of the country's ills and then craft legislation that punishes you then you're just a BITCH haha

>> No.17003818
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Communism will win

>> No.17003899

>voting for a confirmed moron

>> No.17004724
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>> No.17005359
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>> No.17006604
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Nobody can beat Trump. No fucking body.

He's a literal genius who saved America from satanic pedophile communists plotting the total destruction of the US.

He is completely untouchable because he has the blessing and empowerment of GOD. The satanist who control our media and government experience physical pain when they say his name.

They know he is anointed. He IS the chosen one.

What do you think will happen to his family if democrats ever won back executive power??? Think about it, these people are fucking sick in the head.

No, the 2016 election started a battle to the death. Before the end of Trump' guaranteed 2nd term, many of these traitors and commies will be in either GITMO or d3ath p3nalty after military tribunals.

Trump has been foreshadowing what is going to happen for a while. Everything is being prepped and setup for the total destruction of the democrat party and their cabal. He doesn't talk about TREASON and ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE for no reason - he is priming the collective consciousness.

>> No.17006652
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After McCain was executed, all the Republican Senators understood that this is not a fucking game. This is when they all started to fall in line, or be exposed as traitors and suffer the same fate. Treason = execution.

Even Lindsey Graham, globalist extraordinare and McCains literal girlfriend fell in line. Did you see how he changed to Trump's puppy after McCain was put to death?

Do you not understand what is going on?? Republicans were freed from their puppet stringsd are scared to fucking death to go against him, and Democrats are doubling down and are fighting for their lives. The impeachment is not about the removal of Trump - it is about obstructing and delaying exposure of their crimes.

It won't work out for them.

>> No.17006663


but I never said that

>> No.17006670


but Obama was a neoliberal, not a leftist

>> No.17006711

Donald will win I think, seems to be the chosen one

>> No.17006716
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Literally mentored by communists.

John Brennan = communist
Valerie Jarrett = communist
Frank marshall Davis = communist
Saul Alinsky communist

Obama = communist

Modern Liberalism = Cultural Marxism = Communism 2.0

Can't believe you people are so fucking bluepilled still.

>> No.17006908

Trump = gun hating jew loving faggot
Hillary = gun hating jew and nigger loving faggot
Yang = gun hating jew and nigger loving faggot
Sanders = gun hating jew and nigger loving faggot
Republicans hate guns and love faggot nigger jews. Democrats love faggot nigger jews and hate guns. The one thing that they agree on is fucking over real people(straight whites who aren't niggers/jews/faggots). We need every person who loses an election to be brutally killed. The popular vote determines who gets a small knife and who gets a floppy dildo, then the candidates fight. The whole thing is televised. The winner is president for a day.

>> No.17007059

Bernie: raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2024
Yang: $1000 dollars

>> No.17007306

the meds sir

>> No.17007315

yang the chink probably has corona virus

>> No.17007350
