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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17001234 No.17001234 [Reply] [Original]

I have $2k in CC debt

>> No.17001333
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take out debt to pay off your debt

>> No.17001348

CC debt? it's gonna take a long time to pay it off
Just suicide right now

>> No.17001360

So what?

>> No.17001378

t. Mutt

>> No.17001385

I have 4k and I could give a fuck.

>> No.17001389

I have $0k in CC debt and $8k in student loan debt at 0%

>> No.17001408

you couldn't afford to . broke ass

>> No.17001440

I should add that is strategic debt. I'll have the majority of it paid by April and my jew score will be at least 720. What's yours, faggot?

>> No.17001461

do yourself a favour and get a line of credit. you pay less interest and often have access to more money you can blow.

>> No.17001476

Explain the difference between a line of credit and credit from a credit card?

>> No.17001542

2k is barely anything.

>> No.17001583

Line of credit is more like leverage, you get a loan with your collateral

>> No.17001609
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>Use what got you in trouble to get you out of trouble

>> No.17001636

This. Must be a NEET who struggles just to make the minimum payment

>> No.17001646

Just keep borrowing and never stop. You'll boost your credit.

>> No.17001684

On a serious note, these /threads are strictly for Mutts & Mutt OPs only, first worlders don't have this obsession with fucking over future generations.
Such a shame what the kikes did you your country

>> No.17001690

This. As long as your beating your interest rate you are winning.

>> No.17001784

I am about to take out a credit card just to buy crypto on it and pay it off, lol

>> No.17001794

Be sure to browse /biz/ daily to get up to date info on all the HOT coins.

>> No.17001841

I'm just probably gonna buy BTC, ETH, link, and then coinmetro. Gives me a nice, even spread

>> No.17001848


>> No.17001889
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>own 4 credit cards
>exclusively make purchases with them to rack up rewards
>pay my balance in full every Wednesday regardless of how large or small it is
>never paid a cent of interest

>> No.17002149

Based. Wish I could say the same, but I lived on credit like a moron. Should have just done more student loans, but I didn't understand ROI

>> No.17002490

I gave ur mom a nice even spread

>> No.17002502

What I did was get a job and pay it off in a month then saved up another 2k to finish college.

>> No.17002503

I have that on one 1 card. whats your problem?

>> No.17002678

Just pay it off lmao

>> No.17002692


>> No.17002733
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>> No.17002746
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I just spent €1.2k on a simple inspection of my mercedes.

>> No.17002754

please dont tell me this is true

>> No.17002796

It's true.

>> No.17002853

probably still struggles to make the payments

>> No.17002871

Nah, I bought it outright with the money I made on crypto.

>> No.17002908

I have 25k, get on my level.

>> No.17002942

why so expensive? not familiar with cars.

>> No.17002949

I could on Friday but it will eat up my entire paycheck. I dont really have any other expenses tho. Should I do it?

>> No.17002999

It's not even that expensive; they did a general inspection and changed the breakpads.
This was done by a contract garage, and those are "expensive" by default.
In general this ain't a bad thing because I'll be looking to sell the car once I have no need for it (ie. once I moved closer to my job).

>> No.17003211

liar you just want to buy a beamer

>> No.17003248

I have no use for a beamer.

>> No.17003250

What’s the best German car?

>> No.17003677

U should pay it off

>> No.17004328

chekt + based. 0% APR balance transfers are your fren.

>> No.17004354

>dont pay it
>2-5 years later they write it off and cancel the debt
>in the meantime, you get some phone calls and letters in the mail

>> No.17004526

Lol I have 12k but its all 0% or 5% just keep grinding it down buddy thats what im doing

>> No.17004616

A cousin of mine did this and held it together for 5 years but he got caught eventually.

>> No.17004889

I'm not sure why this concept is so hard for brainlets to understand. I charged $20k to my credit cards and got back over $500 in cash rewards. No interest ever paid. It's free money.

>> No.17004916

Is there anything stopping me from taking out a $20k student loan, buying $20k Monero, and moving to Thailand?

>> No.17005028
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i have 50k that just went to collections. 7 year penalty...not so bad...i guess