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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17001135 No.17001135 [Reply] [Original]

Another 10k RSV were minted today.


This number will eventually hit 100k, then 1M, then 10M, and then 100M.

With each RSV that's minted and put into circulation more and more RSR will be burned via arbitrage (after mainnet). Why aren't you buying all the RSR you can right now, anon? You scared of satsgang/fell for the fud? You think RSR will dump come mainnet? I think it's going to pump like crazy, but that's just one man's opinion.

You think 100B tokens is too much? Do you fail to understand the basic tokenomics? 55B tokens are going to be kept out of circulation so the real number is closer to 45B, and 37B were voluntarily locked by early investors in order to wait for mainnet/arbitrage.

I'm not here to shill you, but do some research and figure it out on your own, don't buy if you don't want to, I could care less. I'm here to do my part to inform you dumb fucks that you're about to miss a great opportunity. Maybe it all comes crashing down, sure, and we all lose everything, that's a possibility, nothing is guaranteed, but this is the best shot we have right now. Fuck the naysayers, I've been holding RSR for over 150 days and I plan to hold for another 600+ days if that's what it takes.

This is the only project that's actively putting out a working product where the people that use it don't even need to understand crypto to use it. How crazy is that? Isn't this what xrp promised? People will be banking and not even know they're using crypto? Well, it's been years and nothing to show for it, whereas RSR barely came into the picture May of last year and they've already got an app that exchanges fiat for their stablecoin RSV in a closed beta/environment. Now they're minting RSV onchain to back those offchain tokens and they've made it possible for all of us to mint RSV 2.0 as well.


>> No.17001174

KYS Satsgang shill.

>> No.17001199

satsgang was a made up FUD group from our discord. we didn't have any good material to FUD RSR with so we just picked a random shill twitter with a few hundred followers and made them the imaginary bad guy.

we then hijacked every RSR thread with references to satsgang so that the average bizlet would be priced out of a cheap stack. the satsgang FUD method was very successful, as brainlet nufags used their own confirmation bias to encourage others from looking into the RSR project any further.

RSR has the potential to go 5000x in the next 3-5 years. the asymmetrical risk on this play is unmatched by anything, including LINK.

my rights are reserved anon, are yours?

>> No.17001216

see >>17001174

>> No.17001230

i literally, unironically, honestly invented satsgang.

you're going to stay poor.

>> No.17001455

I heard Peter Theil is the new leader of satsgang anon, you should sell all of your RSR right now before it dumps to 1 sat.

>> No.17001509
File: 51 KB, 533x525, satsgangpnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This chart clearly shows where satsgang accumulates and then dumps on you noobs after using expert twitter hype tactics. God I can't believe you idiots are falling for Peter Theils new VC firm Satsgang and the clear PND tactics! He controls all of bitcoin you idiots! REEEEEEE

>> No.17001576
File: 57 KB, 949x441, discord satsgang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incorrect satsgang pajeet

>> No.17001651

Peter Theil is in that discord, plotting. Don't trust the NEETS from that discord anon, they're actively pumping and dumping every low MC coin out here. Those same guys belong to all the major discord networks. They have hidden channels within these discords where they plot and try to find new ways to pump and dump. They have Billions of dollars as well as Dark Tether.

>> No.17001654
File: 28 KB, 270x175, 20191121_192641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chart bullish af

>> No.17001688


>> No.17001709

are you going to ask Raphael to post hand next?

>> No.17001713

Do not buy RSR. I repeat, DO NOT BUY!

>> No.17001728

I just care about your financial well being, I'm here to help you so that you don't risk getting dumped on by satsgang and Peter Theil. I thought we were on the same team anon?

>> No.17001832

>I care about your financial well being
This is how I know you’re fudding

>> No.17001934

do you know how "highlight posts by this ID" works? He's a satsgang pump n dump shill who's trying to deflect his true nature by taking a reverse role in an overexaggerated manner.

>> No.17001946

yes, asking people to do their own research makes me a shill but yelling that the sky is falling makes you a legitimate voice that is concerned about our financial well being. gotcha! good role reversal anon.

>> No.17001992

knees weak balls are sweaty he's nervous cause he ain't done accumulating

>> No.17002038

There was a poll recently on the Reserve Telegram, the majority of people responding said they learned of the project here, on 4chan. Anybody who would skip properly researching a project, especially one with as much potential as Reserve, is too stupid to be investing in the first place. In other words: FUD is such a waste of time and it has ruined this board.

>> No.17002167

The current FUD campaign relies on ignorance. They know most of the early holders are from 4chan so they come here to spread misinformation in hopes that they can fool enough brainlets that jumped on the bandwagon without doing any research. If you spend even 1hr learning about RSR you would never sell. I’m here to ask people to put a little bit of effort and learn what makes RSR an insane asymmetrical investment and not to take mine or anyone else’s word for it. Just read the whitepapers and watch some videos. If it’s not for you don’t buy. It’s that simple.

>> No.17002211

Reserve sucks
Why would anyone invest in this when Maker is literally killing it with defi. The only good move here is other micro cap defi projects like Ferrum.

>> No.17002223

Eat my triple dubs because that's all you will have to eat if you keep holding RSR cause it's literally going to 0 nada zilch. You are literally just a money pig ready to get slaughtered by RSR scamsters.

>> No.17002284

Ferrum has a wallet and an exchange, why is that so revolutionary? Reserve wants to bring fair currency to the 3rd world too, the ideas are lofty but if it catches on it could change everything, everywhere. If you don't understand how Reserve works, start reading before it's too late. I think you'll have some time though, Africans will be holding RSV in their Kudi wallets.

>> No.17002361
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For all the people who thinks that 10k or 20k isn’t much. In Venezuela where this shit is tested, it’s like living as royalty.

>> No.17002376
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>> No.17002379

RSR is going to $20

>> No.17002401
File: 835 KB, 1125x2001, 496D63E8-BD4A-4674-B452-0AA86D8825DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17002461

>I’m not here to shill you
shills you

>> No.17002723

im shilling you to do research and make your own decision not to blindly follow. whatever the outcome is your choice alone. it wont affect me since I already know what RSR is worth.

>> No.17002854

who the fuck is going to use a stablecoin named dai LOL "yes that will be 10 dai" hahaha actually sounds like money from a shit anime. It's not even stable, it's been going between 70c and $1.40 over the past 3 months. Mkr whales veto any progress the community wants to make because of the shitty vote system. Could have worked but the geniuses at maker thought "hmm yes a coin that won't scale, that will gain mass adoption" lmao bad luck son oh well at least better things are on the horizon (hint it's Reserve)

>> No.17003009

when you know you know. a lot of brainlets will be left behind again just like when LINK took off and fudders fudded themselves into poverty for the last two years instead of jumping on the train. now they sit around fudding reserve like the rekt poorfags that they are. if they don't see the potential they deserve to stay poor, anyone that spends any amount of time researching will thank themselves in a year or two. maybe im wrong, but ive put at least 100 hours into deep research on this project and it's the most legit thing in crypto in my opinion. my advice if you want to do some deep research is to first look at the connections they have. im done spoonfeeding for the night, but even a brainlet can connect the dots. look up peter thiel and his previous investments, look up paradigm academy, look at Nevin's personal YT channel. look at the Davos videos, look at the paypal connection(s), and take your time with this, it will be worth it. thanks to the haters for bumping this thread. if you care to help these brainlet /biz/ faggots keep bumping it, otherwise let it die.

>> No.17003144

RSR is at a 10 million dollar MC right now.

i think 5b+ is a legit possibility in the coming bullrun.

>> No.17003671

There's no reason another bullrun has to happen. The last one was based on the ico crazy that eth started.
Also even the team behind rsr says they don't know it it will work or not in practice.
I'm not saying it's a bad investment but it's a gamble at best.

>> No.17003894

late 2017 fag detected