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16996863 No.16996863 [Reply] [Original]

How big of a deal is this unironically?

>> No.16996869

we are fucked.

>> No.16996872
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>> No.16996880
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it's over

>> No.16996882

no worries. it's all priced in.

>> No.16996883

Look man I am helping the UK team prepare for this and this doctor I spok to scared the shit out of me.

I work with a lot of doctors and they’re always super vague and indecisive in the statements they make but this guy didn’t pull any punches.

I asked him if I should be worried.

He said “Be terrified. I am.”

>> No.16996886

SARS: 800 deaths over 8 months with 8,000 confirmed cases

nCoV: 80 deaths with 2,000 confirmed cases in 1 week.

At the current trajectory we will see millions of deaths if it takes us as long to stop this as it did SARS. Possibly hundreds of millions if the reality is being under reported by China.

>> No.16996893

The elderly and immunocompromised are fucked

>> No.16996913

There is no way to tell.
It could be a nothingburger they hype up to shill us into taking more vaccines.
It could be a genuine outbreak that only kills a couple thousand.
It could be a genuine outbreak that only kills millions.
It could be an engineered bioweapon they use to trigger the great recession by killing millions and crashing the chinese economy.

keep monitoring the situation and if it gets bad be ready to buy low

>> No.16996918

It's not terribly lethal if you're relatively healthy, but it's quite contagious

Tl;dr: Boomercaust and babycaust is upon us

>> No.16996972

It's literally nothing as always

>> No.16997056

>massively bigger than SARS and bird flu
>on a trajectory to be multiples bigger than swine flu which killed more than half a million people, over 12,000 in the US
>it’s nothing, anon. Go back to waging.

>> No.16997179

Oh I should also point out it took a month for the US to see its first 5 cases of swine flu, we already have our first 5 nCoV in a week. It took another week from there (5 weeks total) to see 300 cases globally. We will probably see the confirmed case count reach ~4,000 today, just 9 days in. Mortality rate currently appears to be lower but the magnitude of how quickly and under the radar the virus spreads (you may not even get a fever, feel relatively fine then just die) is what makes this scary.

The WHO was criticized in 2009 at the start for “exaggerating” the severity of swine flu and conspiracy retards like the ones you’ll find on pol lambasted them claiming they were in cahoots with big pharmaceutical trying to get people to take more vaccines. See this retard: >>16996913

Of course it wound up being a global pandemic and we realized within the first month we were fucked unless we worked fast to stop it. A vaccine was developed 4 months later and it took another 4 months or so to totally curb the virus.

Notice how careful WHO is being this time around, and how quickly things are getting out of hand. That being said, I know someone who is a disease biologist who has already been drafted to a team to work on a vaccine. I am sure this is happening at a lot of pharma companies right now, so hopefully we will see a vaccine within the next 3-4 months. At current trajectory the entire planet will be infected within 1-2 months and we will see roughly 500MM-1Bvpeople die given the death bias age factor.

>> No.16997194

We are talking about Resident Evil -tier fucked desu

>> No.16997214

young people also . byebye zoomers

>> No.16997217
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Spanish flu x 5

>> No.16997220

I can probably guarantee those numbers are false. Chinese government lies about everything and the wuhan has millions of people, I don't buy this 2000 confirmed bs.

>> No.16997231

I gave multiple options, including that it could be historic pandemic killing millions you retard.

>> No.16997246

It's not a big deal at all. Only schizos are spamming it. It's literally the fucking flu. So far it has a 3% mortality rate. This is no different from muh swine flu (((epidemic))) years ago. Total bullshit.

>> No.16997263

Doctors count symptoms and intuitionally try to fit them into a category. If they cant they try shit in to the organism to get mere symptoms. That's why they are vague, cause most of the times they dont know but they dont wanna lose trust.
If you dont post what he told you word by word your statement is shit too.

>> No.16997271

try 90000

>> No.16997284

It's a strong disease, yes, but nothing to wrinkle your panties about.

We are much better prepared against pandemics than were were during the times of the flu. Problem is that the Chinese hide their data which will cost more lives but from now on expect a disease like this every 30 years or so, every strain becoming more virulent and gettng quashed more quickly each time.

After all we're overpopulated and don't follow our own regulations for safety.

>> No.16997324

It's an excuse to make chinese protesters go home

>> No.16997344

This. Just another """"""happening"""""""" for /pol/ schizos to shit their pants over. Fucking retards go out and unironically buy canned goods and bottled water to store in their basement. MUH DOOMSDAY PREDICITONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.16997351

There is literally zero chance the Chinese government is lying about this. Look at their response. They have taken a historically aggressive action in quarantine. How the West responds is what should worry you.

>> No.16997360

It made my boomer stocks dip so I think this is catastrophical. I don't really give a fuck about the risks involved. I just don't wanna see my portfolio melt amidst this crisis.

>> No.16997373

Spanish flu was also a flu but killed tens of millions

>> No.16997389

they're displaying such a stronk response because they don't want to get caught with their pants down like with SARS and it's the perfect excuse for some martial law which they needed to do to keep a lid on HK and Xinjiang (and god knows how many other places).

>> No.16997390


YOU TELL ME ANONS. Theres plenty of video and personal accounts of whats happening. Don't believe MSM on this one "there is no reason to panic we have this under control" is the exact time to panic.

>> No.16997395

Hey, if everybody dies this NEET will buy the dip. It's not the mortality rate that makes this one spooky, it's how contagious it is plus the symptoms or lack thereof.

Having plenty of ammo, food and water and a generator puts me more at peace than my bank account somehow.

>> No.16997400

100% This! Get prepared anons, or you will regret it very soon! Just look at posts about how face masks are already selling out across the US and it hasn't even really started here. Get your essentials now before they are gone!

>> No.16997420

We will survive, but children and the elderly are at risk

>> No.16997445

Let nothing terrify you.

>> No.16997463
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Only old people and weak people will contract this. Also biz is full of people who never leave mom's basement. Can't catch the virus if you don't leave the basement

>> No.16997470

Well north Korea shut their borders to foreign travelers last week, and Mongolia just closed theirs last night. The ccp has put 56 million in quarantine. THE US and other nations are working out on how to evacuate their citizens from the epicenter. All these actions happening in the span of a week.

Let that answer your questions.

>> No.16997489

This one is worrying

>> No.16997521
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Nurses and doctors taking the bus into the quarantine sone. You can even follow some of the people inside on social media updating whats going on.

But this is a great opurtunity to short stocks and buy at dip

>> No.16997523

literally irrelevant

>> No.16997540

90k was 3 days. It would have atleast doubled everyday since. I'm guessing it's closer to 1 mil than 100k

>> No.16997542

HIV antivirals are effective against it.
Since we have drugs to treat it, it's not a big deal.

>> No.16997548

Do you think he’s more or less terrified about this than about sharp things?

>> No.16997575
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Don't worry things are fine here in China.

>> No.16997621

Hong Kong stated already that real estimates of Confirmed cases is above 20,000.

>> No.16997681
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They hid the virus for the first month and are falsifying death records as we speak. Those corpses, they died of pneumonia not the virus. Latest intel is that the infection is asymptomatic for the first week or two while still being contagious, with person to person transmission confirmed by the rate of spread, regardless of official wishy-washiness. Agree that the western response will be telling.

I love you Corona-chan!

>> No.16997765
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>> No.16997774

I love you Corona-chan!

>> No.16997796


>> No.16997809

I actually have Lyme disease. Good thing I live in the sticks and never leave the house. But with my luck...

>> No.16997998
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Any source on that?

>> No.16998068

it spreads quickly and is hard to detect but has a mortality rate of about 3%, which I guess are mostly the already sick and elderly.
As an individual you probably don't have much reason for concern as long as you have a decent immune system.

>> No.16998080

How the fuck is the guy you quoted a retard?

>> No.16998542

this. i cant imagine the west pulling this

>> No.16998580

Brazil just got 27 confirmed cases, all from same plane, 2 days after landing

>> No.16998586

What a retard, dumbest post in a while, & that includes the XRP /threads

>> No.16998590

It's been growing at a steady rate of 50% per day for the last few days. At 15% we were looking at 500,000,000 in 90 days.

>> No.16998591


>> No.16998870

millennial master race, reporting in

>> No.16998880
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We already know it will be worse than SARS. It may not have the same mortality rate (we don't know yet), but we definitely know it's spreading much more quickly (R0 of 3-5 wtf!!!), and unlike SARS people are infectious even before they have any symptoms. That is HUGE, compounded with the fact that China was late to start containment procedures, compounded with all the Lunar New Year travel, etc...

SARS caused 8000 cases over TWO YEARS with a mortality rate of 9.6%. nCov is now at 3000 cases in less than a month. High mortality rate actually hinders a virus' ability to spread. What's worse, 10k infections with 9.6% deaths, or 1 million infections with 4% deaths?

And that is assuming that the mortality rate is only 4%, which is impossible to know at this early stage.

Also, note that for the similar coronaviruses SARS and MERS, there was NEVER any vaccine able to be developed. I don't expect any vaccine to be able to be developed for this either.

>> No.16998883

source or gtfo

>> No.16998886

and that autists shall inherit the earth...

>> No.16998986
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So, no more AIDS-infected homosexuals?

>> No.16999022

Fucking lies faggot...that’s the number of dicks your moms taken

>> No.16999054

>There is literally zero chance the Chinese government is lying about this.
>What a retard, dumbest post in a while,
This. All you have to do is look at how the Chinese are quarantining entire provinces. That isn't a "strong" action, that's an "oh fuck we fucked up badly we're desperate now" action.

The spread is significantly faster than the flu, the lethality is much higher than the flu. The flu doesn't kill 3% of the population in a typical year, nor does it even in a bad year -- if the 2009 flu killed 3% of the people it infected, then I would have had to go to multiple funerals because of it. Instead, I literally have never known anyone who died of the flu, not even geezers.

>> No.16999185

I’m ruined. Immunologically ruined.

>> No.16999193
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How can I get this virus /biz/raelis?

>> No.16999212

>feminine face
Blatant lie. Swap the facial structures of the tranny and the betamale clown

>> No.16999218


>> No.16999228


>> No.16999231

Only 80 deaths is fucking peanuts. This will knockout boomers and young zoomers but that’s about it. Be prepared for house prices to come down as relatives sell off their boomer estates.

>> No.16999242

>R0 of 3-5
Wow much R, now look up the fucking measles and fuck off.

>> No.16999279

This desu.
China is underhyping it. And it's going to end up a big nothingburger in 4-5 weeks.

>> No.16999298

Praise be like Corona

>> No.16999379

Keep sucking semen out of faggot assholes you faggot. Serves you right.

>> No.16999435

if 3% of boomers and zoomers get rekt the entire world economy will collapse

>> No.16999442

as big as sars and swine flu

>> No.16999443

china shorting stock, or trying to blame economy that's slowing down on the virus, so that the investors buy back after it miraculously goes away in a month or two

>> No.16999452

more people died this week from normal flu. move along.

>> No.16999491

I'm just worried I will wake up tomorrow look at the live counter and it's gonna go from 81 to 100081 over night.

>> No.16999512

we're all dead

>> No.16999516

But what if you get the normal flu on top of nCoV?

>> No.16999541

how big of a deal is this for the stock markets?
will it finally pop the bubble?

>> No.16999584
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I love you corona-chan

>> No.16999609

If it gets big I don't see how it wouldn't pop the bubble

>> No.16999623

Don’t spend these extra 50 social credit score points in one place zhaoron wang

>> No.16999633
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I'd sax 20% chance this triggers a recession. However, it won't be the apocalypse. 2008 was a once in the lifetime event. The effect on the chink economy could be significant tho, deepening on how long this lockdown lasts.

>> No.16999655

You don’t understand the nature of exponential growth. People aren’t worrying because of what it’s doing right now. They’re worrying because it can go parabolic overnight.

If it’s not contained within the first few weeks you could go to bed one night thinking everything is fine and then wake up one morning and half the world has the virus

>> No.16999666

swine flu was actually super over hyped, not sure about any conspiracy but i lived in mexico at the time and not a single person i knew or anyone that anyone had met ever contracted swine flu. a doctor friend worked the airport monitoring body temperatures and said it was the biggest waste of resources over an over hyped flu. this chink shit is probably a lot more serious from the immediate reaction of the bug people.

>> No.16999676

>2008 was a once in the lifetime event.
lol no the next real recession will be much bigger
we never fixed what caused 2008

>> No.16999702

Hmm, what year did that happen in? Also, how many non-chinks in first world hospitals/infrastructures have died?

>> No.16999707


this shit actually works don't do it

>> No.16999713

It's a very very very big deal. For the first time in over a century, we are dealing with something that we didn't know it existed: a deadly mutation of a coronavirus type. Virus mutations are incredible rare and might have happened no more than 3 or 4 times in the past, everytime resulted in a huge number of deaths. The last time was the 1918 flu. At least 1 million in China will die before the summer

>> No.16999717

Any non retard realizes this. Most of the board happens to be retarded

>> No.16999730



Steve Eisman himself thinks that we did a good job bringing over leverage to an end. The great recession was the greatest economic downturn since the great depression. Do you understand how big a deal this was? Calling for something as big or bigger is literally schizo prepper talk. Not saying that it's impossible, but very unlikely. The subprime mortgage crisis was lighting in a bottle.

In a few weeks we'll have found some working anti-viral plus an active vaccine. China may be fucked, but the West has much much better medical tech and standards compared to 100 years ago.

>> No.16999731

I have a 3 and 5 year old. That’s old enough to survive right? Please?

>> No.16999741
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Ebola, but it china, where people are incompetent
Ebola stopped spreading because of low transportation infrastructure and less people moving around. Spread was limited.
In China, this case is worse, because people movement is fast and they are highly incompetent at personal level. They are basically rich sheeps who haven't really had time to develop sense of how cities work and how one should live in it. Hundreds of millions been lifted out of poverty in villages and relocated to cities, but urgencies weren't taken to shape their minds and life styles haven't changed.
It is really sad, now imagine if India is next China in coming 10-15 years. There will be more harsh disasters than this virus. Although to convert India on anthropological level will be hard, because religion is their life style, not a hobby.
I guess here are some more competent people to expand my initial thought on the matter. I would greatly welcome opinions.

>> No.16999751

>Virus mutations are incredible rare and might have happened no more than 3 or 4 times in the past, everytime resulted in a huge number of deaths
Fake news. Literally every flu season there is a different mutation of influenza. This is kind of a big deal, probably worse than SARS, but this ain't a spanish flu.

>> No.16999766

I think even the street shitters have better health codes than fucking china and their wet markets.

>> No.16999773
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Clickbait writers are making bank off this.

> people that understands how viruses work refrain from visiting family
no shit.

>> No.16999780

So am I. Bitcoin is performing great. I LOVE YOU, CORONA-CHAN!

>> No.16999782

t. Reads pop science books
Pleb, please. I'm a certified historian who specialises in pandemics across history. On top of that I have very good sources from the medical industry. We are fucked, don't leave your home.

>> No.16999783

Buy bitcoin while it's still cheap, whole economy is about to collapse

>> No.16999788

No. Finding a solution is not a linear process, like any scientific discovery. It mostly comes down to luck. There are no guarantees.
Even at the current official statistics rate (which are obviously lower than reality), there will be a million chinese dead by the end of February, let alone who knows how many in the rest of the world.

>> No.16999793

Do everything possible to not get them infected. Seriously, if cases stsrt popping up take them out of school the same day.

>> No.16999803

Post your certificate then. Also the N95 mask is already in the mail. Only reason I'm shitty my pants is because I don't have health insurance right now. If I catch it I'll have to part way with my Buttcoins and I cant have that.

The chinks are done. Europe is fine so far. Still, I'm saying away from Frankfurt for some time just to be sure.

>> No.16999822
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Holy shit, checking those concentric 96's

>> No.16999913
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watch out folks, 'certified historian' coming thru =)

china has population of 1300 million, 1 million is 0.1%. watch your math, how many chinese die annually to flus and related causes?

>> No.16999934

So? Corona is in its first weeks, wait 1 month and lets look those numbers agsin

>> No.16999952

Depends on this week unironically. Diseases have a habit of going exponential

>> No.16999965
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Pretty big deal, hundreds of millions of chinks will die if it continues to grow at the rate. Chinese government says 2000 people infected but that's obviously so bullshit, more than 100k people are probably infected right now and will continue to grow. I doubt there will be pandemic in the usa but you should prepare for one with 10+ filters, a good gas mask and food and water supplies. I see the stock market crashing as a result of this if it gets too bad.

>> No.16999989

It's hard to say. I just know that if it does get bad, I'm so fucking grateful that I live in the US. Countries always make fun of us on how the state doesn't provide free healthcare. Well, it's thing like this I'm fucking glad they don't. If this gets bad, every country in the world will be backed up in hospitals. I used to be a medical device sales rep way back. I've pretty much been to at least 1,000 hospitals for the 5 years I worked. We are fucking lucky with our medical system, besides having to pay a lot if that bothers you. If this shit hits Canada, good luck to them. Hospitals are gong to be so backed up that people will probably try coming into the states to get treatment, but they won't be able to.

GO WATCH THE MOVIE CONTAGION. It's fucking scary how that movie perfectly fits this scenario. Just go watch it.

But this whole shit show goes deeper than most will think. My tinfoil hat obersvation is that this virus was tweaked to be used as a weapon. I have a feeling that China was going to use it on Hong Kong to et rid of the protestors, but it backfired. The stupid chinks can't do anything right. The chinese gov was scared that new outlets were showing military and cops hurting people, so they were going to use this virus as an excuse to go in and take over Hong Kong.

>> No.16999990

end of civ

>> No.16999998

We ded

>> No.17000165
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nothing serious

>> No.17000183

it's the common cold. the seasonal flue is more deadly. it's fake news.

>> No.17000196

Think I posted the same thing when WW3 was about to “start” worst case scenario. Bitcoin goes to the moon then I die. Best case scenario Bitcoin goes to the moon and I don’t die.

>> No.17000221

When mommy and daddy’s lungs fill with blood and their kidneys fail, the basement dwelling neet will starve eventually.

>> No.17000237

The next few days are unironically critical for coronavirus

>> No.17000321

Is it going to break resistance?

>> No.17000327

To put into perspective, in a year 30k people will die from influenza in the US and about 130k in China.
Its just news being news and selling headlines.

>> No.17000401

my dad works at the virus department at nintendo and he told me we all gun die.

>> No.17000402

You goddamn retards stop saying this. The coronavirus has only just been discovered, it hasn't been 2 weeks yet. It will grow exponentially, and a month from now, you won't be able to say what you're saying right now

>> No.17000556

adamantium support at respiratory system

>> No.17000581

Why are the Virus doomers so fucking annoying? Nothing ever happens, retards. Stop spamming

>> No.17000652

Oh shit how do I invest in Corona coin, it’s mooning

>> No.17000781
File: 331 KB, 640x597, 0FBCFAD0-FC89-4D7C-B5B6-2B36858CA64F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now serving fresh bats in the cafeteria wagies!!

>> No.17000814

>and unlike SARS people are infectious even before they have any symptoms. That is HUGE

and that's how I know you are a retard

>> No.17000816

Niggaslike you are always fucking wrong
Still waiting on the swine flu to turn everyone into zombies lmao

>> No.17000829

It makes them feel intelligent

>> No.17000955



>> No.17001247
File: 8 KB, 280x180, CAAC3BA3-70D9-4250-8BB4-27F11A3DD538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wishful thinking. Some people just want to watch the world burn

>> No.17001340


>> No.17001356

Nothing wrong with having food and protection. Doesn’t make you a retarded schizo—sure the chances of needing it are low, but the payoff is hugely negative

>> No.17001433


>> No.17001564

remember SARS?
it's like SARS.
watch the south park episode about it
not a big deal

>> No.17001581

thanks, Zhang

>> No.17001626

i love you corona chan

>> No.17001648

If media pushes it its probably nothing like ebola if they try to play it down we are fucked
Good thing im inna woods

>> No.17001708

>forms opinions from South Park unironically

Not gonna make it.

>> No.17001727

2020 started.

>> No.17001742
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super male vitality quality

>> No.17001763

Why was this post slid? Good post

>> No.17001781

So close to digits

>> No.17001898

>t. Chink government shills

Enjoy the 50 social credit points added to your accounts

>> No.17001901

mortality rate is 3-5% among chinks that have nutritional deficiencies (especially vitamin D) and whose lungs are probably black because of the pollution

take vitamin D, vitamin C and zinc as preventions to strengthen your immune system

if you're sick add aspirin, methylene blue (up to 50mg/day), emodin and indomethacin - go check out the studies on pubmed they have all be shown to have specific anti-CoV effects - if you do all of this i wouldn't be surprised if mortality rate dropped to seasonal flu levels

>> No.17001905


>> No.17001916


>> No.17001925


>> No.17001928

Too early to say, but it’s going to be very problematic for Asia’s economy, especially China.

>> No.17001948

Hopefully it just wipes out as many ching chongs as possible.

>> No.17001971
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Not good.

>> No.17001985

Buy lake and apt and get some money from the end of the world.

>> No.17002016

only chinese people can die from it its their genetic weakness

also check em

>> No.17002135
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> not realizing its a false flag

>> No.17002137
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I think I'm getting sick bros what do

>> No.17002152

a big haul for ching chong government to wipe out the rebels to establish absolute power again

>> No.17002222

I love you corona-chan!

>> No.17002258

get healthy

>> No.17002296

50000 people die from the flu each year in the US.

This is a giant nothing burger. You can file it next to ebola, mad cow, sars, bird flu, swine flu, etc

The media has to shift its gears because the impeachment is getting shit ratings. Plague fear porn is always a go-to.

>> No.17002318


>> No.17002359
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it's pretty big

(hey, looks like this video is going semi-viral, good for them.)

>> No.17002365

0.1% mortality rate vs 4%

are you retarded

>> No.17002420

what are you even talking about?
how many reported cases of corona are there? How many deaths?
80/3000 = ??

Oh wow I'm shaking. Fuck out of here jew media shill

>> No.17002429


>> No.17002442

Kys Chang

>> No.17002443

>being terrified of the flu
I mean maybe if I wasn't a healthy man of able means. Otherwise it's JUST THE FUCKING FLU

>> No.17002450

Bruh, better go get your mental condition checked at the hospital.

>> No.17002471


I traveled to Mexico City during the "swine flu" epidemic and it was a fucking joke almost no one was sick. The media loves to hype shit for the ratings. I see no reason to see things otherwise

>> No.17002472

I love you Corona-chan, please spare my grandma also!

>> No.17002480

>you see? it's only 25 times more deadly! everything is going to be alright! yes it's more infectious so what? life goes on!


>> No.17002494

COV is looking bullish

>> No.17002514

as a guy living in south east asia, there are STRONG rumors that the infection and death toll are greatly underreported by the chinese govt.

Why do you go building emergency hospitals for a measly 10k cases and 60 death?

The actual number is reportedly [citation needed of course] closer to 80k infected and 8.3k dead.

>> No.17002536

but this is unironically true.

You and other happening spergs are acting like this is an out of control plague that will kill millions. That's not the case at all, as it was for all the other media fear campaigns I listed. It is a flu virus which may kill a slightly higher percentage of people than normal, those people mostly being elderly anyways. It's sad but it's life and it's why you should get vaccinated and care for your elders.

And you are also taking an early sampling size and acting like it will hold over a larger group of people that are infected. This 2.5% will not hold.

Over the next few weeks a few people from the US will die and people will freak out and then it will sort of fade into the rest of the noise and before you know it we will enter spring and you will still be jerking off to tranny porn while hodling the pajeet shitcoin of the month.

>> No.17002539

if the numbers are true the economic consequences of a pandemic would be
disastrous and the house of cards is going to fall

>> No.17002547

It's pretty darn bad. It will keep getting worse. Hundreds of thousands got out just as it hit in China, so who knows where it will spread. It's a novel virus with a much higher rate of death:survival. Boost your immune system best you can and sanitize, but don't overdo it. Keep an eye on updates everyday and go from there.

For those that say this is nothing, you must be watching msm. Not going to fill you in when you have a browser and can do it yourself. There's real news feeds out there and qualified opinions that hold more sense than just denying this is more than a few sniffles and a sore throat.

>> No.17002562

right. so how to profit off of this?

>> No.17002564

>For those that say this is nothing, you must be watching msm.

lmfao. are you kidding me? I had like three old ladies at my desk job talk to me about this horrible flu today. All the normies are scared shitless.

thats what you would call an alex jones rumor with no source.

>> No.17002591

i don't believe this is the end of the world and it's not clear this will turn into a pandemic yet but it's not like previous cases

if you don't understand the numbers just look at how asians are reacting, nobody reacted like this for ebola or the swine flu

also this is only the beginning, the mortality rate is going to increase, especially when india, africa and other shitholes are hit - it should however be lower in europe/US

>> No.17002600


>> No.17002604

>two weeks
This shit started 1 month ago, dumb ass.

>> No.17002612

Honestly I reckon even if we don't die from it and we have a slight plague, its basically shut down china

and that will cause supply lines to break. Coinciding with brexit, we're looking at 2 major events that could finally cause a recession

>> No.17002619

Brexit won’t do shit and you know it

>> No.17002636

> also this is only the beginning, the mortality rate is going to increase, especially when india, africa and other shitholes are hit - it should however be lower in europe/US

It’s a shame that your prediction won’t be true :/

>> No.17002649

It's a nothing burger, like Sars but not as serious

>> No.17002670

i hope it won't be either, this is NOT good for chainlink

take care

>> No.17002745

I love you corona-chan!

>> No.17002810

Dead vs recovered is over 50% in China. SARS was 10% it just wasn't very contagious. I hate retards like you that act tough by being wrong.

>> No.17002894

post source

>> No.17003056

>red, yellow, green, grey
>infected, suspected, recovered, dead

>> No.17003093
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off by one

>> No.17003104

It’s gonna put a dent into the stock market. There was a thread on pol discussing it though and so far everyone outside of China who got it recovered, including 60+ year old women

The problem is when shit like this spreads it mutates, so it needs to be stopped in China ASAP otherwise another actually deadly strain could get out

>> No.17003115
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Meant to quote you

>> No.17003133
File: 1.13 MB, 245x200, B2025D6B-15A3-4353-A2B7-A6738707E43E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mortality rate for this thing is closer to 50%

>> No.17003143


post a western source

>> No.17003158
File: 54 KB, 582x470, 764345435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based as fuck
neets will rule the world from their mother's basement

>> No.17003238

That’s bullshit, everyone outside of China who’s confirmed contracted it has already recovered


>> No.17003259
File: 108 KB, 686x526, 1579815935901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rah gud ting rye gotz me ah hazahmat shoot!
no curona vrirus fur mee!

>> No.17003279

Dunno much about alex jones mister. all i know is that im 3 countries south of china and ppl, who are generally pretty apathetic about walking in liquid waste and pure chemical barefoot, are wearing masks they can barely afford, while the wealthy are actually buying houses in the mountain with entire villages being taken over by asian yuppies.

Im not trying to scare you. i dont know you, i dont know where your buck is. but when the rats run away, you should too.

This wont be an issue in terms of disease, but seeing how dependant the world is on china's production i suspect 20% of the US pop could be unemployed if china's out or quarantined.

it's just a flu but the economy doesnt live in a vacuum.

>> No.17003286
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>> No.17003303

i regret interrupting this with my post....

>> No.17003365
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>> No.17003372
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NEET unaffected

>> No.17003373
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>> No.17003804

>believing any numbers that come out of China
It’s like the whole GDP thing all over again. Will round-eyes never learn?

>> No.17003825

litterly there is no vaccine. They might think they have cured the issue by allevating some symptons. But there is no cure. So it really doesn't make sense to say ''cured it, everything is fine''
There's also lots of reports from medical staff that the number of infected is drastically higher. But if people here want to believe the CCP, who for the record knew about this last december 2019 and arrested anyone speaking out about it, go for it. I won't take any chances.

>> No.17003838
File: 28 KB, 500x545, jawtiw15sud31.jpg .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello, my children!

>Are you enjoying my latest treat? I made it with extra love, and am happy to share it with you all!

>Every cough, sneeze, and gurgle is music to my ears! Make sure to shake nice and violently!

>Remember, I can make the pain go away. I can make sure that you are blessed with my love and care!

>Trust in your dear ol' grandpa Nurgle!

>> No.17003839

My pops is in the medical field and he was already contacting the higher ups in the area to start preparing for it. When a country is deliberately downplaying the gravity of an epidemic and a multimillion population city is under shutdown, why take a chance?

>> No.17003843
File: 245 KB, 960x624, Xiping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do believe the government who recommends not wearing facial masks to show how strong you are. LOL the fucker probably already left China.

>> No.17003862

"Cured" means their body fought off the virus and they are now immune to this strain (antibodies). It's literally what happens every time you get a cold.

>> No.17003880

Ok maybe so. But I cast doubt on that. Its still early though once it actually does hit the west and people start to notice it and the media starts talking about it more it will be to late. There won't be enough supplies to go around.

>> No.17003927

I already bought new N99 masks for my family, purchased some extra ammo, and a month or so worth of food.

Better safe than sorry, but like any other outbreak the mortality rate in the old and immuno-compromised will be far higher. The young and strong will be fine. This could be the blessing we've been asking for, a purge of everyone on social security.

>> No.17003933

>Calling for something as big or bigger is literally schizo prepper talk. Not saying that it's impossible, but very unlikely.

Surely, there must be a reason why the Federal Reserve is so aggressive with the repo operations, no? That aside, the US is very close to its currency going through hyperinflation. The Bitcoin has proven to be a successful network to bypass banking as we know it, so other countries are looking into adapting its spin off technology of blockchain tech to create a new world reserve currency. Too many countries are funneling heaps into investment and research here; the US can't invade and introduce DEMOCRACY like they've previously done.

>> No.17003936


This but unironically

>> No.17003976

>I already bought new N99 masks for my family, purchased some extra ammo, and a month or so worth of food.
Well good. I bought masks and food too.

>> No.17004048

Sniff sniff I smell pajeet

>> No.17004269


>> No.17004316
