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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16993710 No.16993710 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16993714


>> No.16993715
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>Freight broker

>> No.16993759
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>data scientist
Actually my job is awesome, but for some reason my company put a bunch of English lit majors who barely passed high school algebra in charge of deciding what I should work on.

>> No.16993801
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How's business been, frieghtbro.

>> No.16993813
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>> No.16993844
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>> No.16993847
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>> No.16993861
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>Accounting student

>> No.16994366
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>> No.16994393
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>> No.16994422
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>> No.16994464

Only respectable profession

>> No.16994617
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>Private equity analyst

>> No.16994626

is it possible for a college student to do that part time? I'm tired of digging holes.

>> No.16994650
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>> No.16994653
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University told me this job would be fun.

>> No.16994675
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>> No.16994682

What do you typically do in your line of work?

>> No.16994694

Engineering student, I'm realizing it won't be as peachy as everyone told me it would be in high school

>> No.16994704

>Community college in leafland

>> No.16994709

design my dick

>> No.16994713

You have to have a love of Math and Science. Don't be that faggot that sits in the class playing steam games during lectures.

>> No.16994723

Get clients by doing cheap sketch drawings, win design tenders then draw balustrade details and kitchen elevations for weeks, then help the client run a tender, then help the builder by answering all their questions, also some contract administration (like checking builder has done the work they claim, checking and accepting quotes for variations to contract documents etc). Yes I do it all unlike some who become the 'disabled toilet guy' in larger firms, I still find it dull desu. I'm learning Python so I can get into GIS.

>> No.16994729

I'll critique the design: Its small.

>> No.16994739

Give it time, learn the ins and outs, save your resources, and then break off and start your own firm.

>> No.16994890
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How did you get into that?

>> No.16994913

Is it hard to git gud at sketching? Considering taking a grad prep program and then pursuing a M.Arch but I suck at drawing to be honest.

>> No.16995072

Sketch design is done in a BIM program these days my man. If you want to make ~70k per year after literally 6 years of schooling then doing architecture is right up your ally. The 'architectural exceptionalism' meme is a wagecuck cope. Decipher that one and you'll realise you don't wanna do it.

>> No.16995235

What's wrong with being an accountant? I'm a tax senior and it's the most comfy job going. Unless you enjoy being poor and working in retail?

>> No.16995247

>ESL teacher

>> No.16995264
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How is the Asian Pussy Hunt going?

>> No.16995266


>> No.16995448

Engineer here, it is a well paid and easy job. You will learn what you need

>> No.16995481

London or NY?

>> No.16995499

this happens much in it. i hate it.

>> No.16995532
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I'm going to college (accountant) next month.
Am I making a huge mistake?

>> No.16995584

Law student (civil law country) here. Am i fucked?

>> No.16995594


Accounting is better than law and easier than Engineering, not a bad career

>> No.16995603

Yep, also nothing civil about law

>> No.16995617

I finished intermediate accounting. Learned nothing. Shit was too complicated.

>> No.16995950

View farmer, very nice.

>> No.16995956

It is a steady career anon. You get into CPA, work as an accountant for a large firm, or work for the FBI/CIA etc. There are options with it beyond just being a run of the mill accountant (which isn't all that bad).

>> No.16995993
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>> No.16996028

Based and richparentpilled

>> No.16996238
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> Administrator
At least it pays enough to buy Crypto each week

>> No.16996287
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>starting master degree at 30 because I've been working in an unrelated field for 7 years and hate it

>> No.16996496
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muy muy basado amigo mio

>> No.16996655

Did my bse, worked for 2 years, now in grad school. Get a chegg account and learn what you need for the tests to get a high C, with the HW A's you'll end with around a 3.0 at graduation. Apply to like 2000 jobs on LinkedIn (easy apply only) and you'll get 65-70k immediately. Jump shop after like 9 months for 100k. Doesn't matter what the job is, then start taking jobs based on what you want to do.

Your lifetime earnings will spike from like a year and a half of boring work. Im 24 and I get offers for 60-70/hr in a lcol area.

>> No.16996718
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Currently on the shitter before i enter payroll.

>> No.16996750



>> No.16996764


>freelancing software developer digital nomad living in Bangkok fucking 9/10 Asian girls every single night and saving 85% of my 6 figure income only working 20 hrs a week

>> No.16996772
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>pic rel

>> No.16996905

How is Annuity due different that Annuity. Why why do they differ by multiplication factor and not by some addition/substraction factor?

>> No.16996926
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>cum processor

>> No.16997008
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>> No.16997032

>std's (even with condom)
>traffic jam
>getting ripped off
>35+c fucking hot

Yeah, absolutly not jealous.

>> No.16997052

damn I want to cum inside her

>> No.16997098

Annuity due just means present values are calculated using the beginning of a period while ordinary annuity means present values are calculated using the end of a period. It's literally all about the time value of money. If you don't understand this concept, you literally won't make it in finance or accounting.

>Annuity Due: Interest payments of a loan given at Jan. 1st begin at Jan. 1st meaning money arrives sooner meaning present value is higher
>Ordinary Annuity: Interest payments of a loan given at Jan. 1st begin at Dec. 31st meaning money arrives later meaning present value is lower

The longer you have to wait for your money (or cash flow) to arrive, the lower your present value is because of the principle of "A dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow". Utility, opportunity cost, inflation, risk, all built into the concept.

And it's multiplication simply because that's just the way the formula works. It's compounded, not added or subtracted.

>> No.16997199

how to do this?

>> No.16997551


Accounting is strange. School is actually pretty hard (for the business school of course, does not compare to math or engineering degrees) however the actual work is pretty easy. If you can power through the school work its worth it. Oh yeah and never become a CPA or work for Big 4 if you value your sanity, or want to work less than 60 hour weeks. A industry accountant is a perfectly fine 9 - 5 job with plenty of room for advancement and a starting salary of $50k, don't believe the other CPA drones and your college professors that you absolutely NEED it to succeed.

>> No.16997554


meant to reply to this >>16995532

>> No.16997560

My friend who I always thought was retarded in HS went down the accounting path and sorted his shit out in college, he now works as a financial controller and pulls over $100k/year plus has many investments and streams of income.

It's good.