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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 86 KB, 1024x728, 6D8AEEEA-80C5-409E-AF53-E77A0DA6C314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16993753 No.16993753 [Reply] [Original]

Paid an escort $2000 to be my girlfriend for the entire weekend. From Friday night to just now.

Wow, it was amazing. I’m realizing now how much I’m missing out on. Going to probably do it again next week.

We had sex, she gave me blowjobs, we kissed a lot, we talked and laughed and I told her about my life and my problems and she was there to soothe me. It was seriously amazing. I learned a lot about her too and she’s a fascinating person.

I’m so happy right now. I’ve invested a lot of money over the past 3 years and I have to say that this was by far one of the best investments I’ve ever made.

I highly recommend it to my fellow socially inept autistic biz bros

>> No.16993765

How rich are you?

>> No.16993772

Yeah it's called a GFE. But don't get too attached that feeling my fren.

>> No.16993781
File: 46 KB, 1680x1080, Tails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The money spent on stupid shit like this globally could fund a super power

>> No.16993793
File: 441 KB, 792x767, n9qe2hy6yt531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to hold someone bros

>> No.16993803

Yeah I was already getting attached by tonight. I think to solve this I’m gonna go with a different girl each time instead of becoming a regular with one. I’m very lonely so I would get attached eventually

>> No.16993812

That was the best part desu.

>> No.16993824

It's amazing. But I have to remind you that hiring someone to act as your gf for a weekend isn't the same as having a gf Anon. Theres Pros and cons with a gf, some days it's a living hell kek

>> No.16993907

I guess the thot bubble isn't going to burst any time soon

>> No.16993931
File: 12 KB, 480x640, 1560531726771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thought this was gonna be about how a prostitute isn't a real gf so you have to watch out
>it's actually a warning about how much worse it is to have a real gf
keked. while not based this is still absolutely redpilled

>> No.16993941

At least he actually had sex and spent time with her. He didn't jerk off to her not even nude instagram and donate $500

>> No.16993958


this isn't going to end well.

>> No.16993960

I bet she was a gross white hag. You could have flown to Asia and gotten a 9/10 + all other things inclusive for that much money.

Big yikes.

Buy some ARPA so you can pay them in tokens in 2022.

>> No.16993963
File: 214 KB, 345x336, har.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you're unironically that dude that falls in love with a fucking hooker

>> No.16993965

I’m upper middle, not super rich or anything like that.

>> No.16993982
File: 128 KB, 1400x966, C0DDD7C2-B506-4F3C-9B41-4A95D453C546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kissing a mouth that has sucked 1000s of dicks

>> No.16994003
File: 293 KB, 1080x1350, thicc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finding a 9/10 in asia
do any of them look like this?
asians are 5/10 at best with makeup

>> No.16994029

>all that gunk on her face

>> No.16994065
File: 34 KB, 633x758, 1499067641717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please shut up. Please just shut the fuck up and go away.

>> No.16994087

I must ask, how did her brapper smell?

>> No.16994096

>implying that's a bad thing
you sound like a loud-mouthed faggot

>> No.16994097

Glad you had fun anon

>> No.16994113

stds retard

>> No.16994114

I dont get it. Someone being fake with you is hot? I never understood this. Over glorified strippers.

>> No.16994118

Hahah I kissed her butt and smelled her brapper a lot throughout the weekend. Smelled really good. Perfect mixture between perfume and asshole

>> No.16994152

its for people who are so deprived of human affection that even fake affection is euphoric to them. i hope all the "investors" on this board realize that building a family who loves you is the best investment

>> No.16994179

>imagine being such a failure that you have to pay for basic human affection

>> No.16994196

This is literally my ideal gf

>> No.16994245

Next time have her massage your butt. I've done this and it's a great feeling, and not something I normally get to ask a girl when first hooking up. Then I have them lay down on top of me for a few minutes. Soothes my anxiety like a compression blanket.

>> No.16994248

Make sure to let out a nice fart while they do that too

>> No.16994281

blah blah blah buy chainlink sir

>> No.16994298

Satire..? if not, this is rather degenerate.

>> No.16994312

I don't think I could do it really, to open myself that much in front of a woman whose sole objective in life is take your money.

>> No.16994327

lmfao id kill myself if I ever did this. you paid a whore for companionship

>> No.16994341


Where/how did you find her

>> No.16994354

It's the oldest bubble in existence that will only pop with the extermination of mankind.

>> No.16994359

I live in NYC.

Start w ampreviews.net to find places, most are Asian tho so you gotta sift through to find the higher end / white escorts.

>> No.16994381


thanks fren

>> No.16994388

Fucking based. I should give it a go.

>> No.16994413

why are you paying a hooker 2000 to play doctor and house with you? you could find a chick that would date you and do it for less. and you would feel much better about yourself. what the fuck negro?

>> No.16994429

what isnt stupid shit?

>> No.16994458

>you could

>> No.16994467

I'm planning to do this with a stripper I meant

>> No.16994475

I don't get hookers but in my local area I know of a lot of single girls that are actively looking for guys. I sometimes take them on dates and hang out with them. I don't pay them for their time but I pay the way, if we go to a bar i'll buy the drinks, if we go to the movies I pay. They love it and so do I. I think it's a good investment with no attachement. I've fucked all of them that I do this with but i don't always fuck them, they know I don't want a relationship with them and that I'm ment to be single. I've had some that I've had to block because they become too attached because they don't seem to understand that I don't want a relationship, I just want someone around once in awhile to do shit with.

Good investment OP. Maybe try to find one for cheaper, 2k is alot for a weekend. Just do a night here and there. It'll put your mind at ease.

>> No.16994479

OP did you go to a hotel or was it in your apt?

>> No.16994507

What country are you in?

>> No.16994508
File: 77 KB, 1600x900, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you could find a chick

>> No.16994516

The u.s.

>> No.16994524
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1543298333946s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you could

>> No.16994525
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>chick that would date you

>> No.16994547
File: 7 KB, 250x250, cack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggers don't break my heart, it can't be this bad

>> No.16994554


>> No.16994575
File: 13 KB, 239x211, 1543457008786s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently you haven't heard of /r9k/

>> No.16994577

it's really not hard to find chicks to date you, you just can't be too picky. There are A LOT of desperate chicks out there. Just don't be creepy and desperate. Make it a point that once week or even more that you go out and do something. A bar is a nice place but don't get sloppy drunk. Just go in and have a drink or two "to kill time" if you can find a wingman to go.. do it. I have a friend that isn't the best looking guy a little overweight and does sometimes get sloppy drunk but he is a good time and always pulls chicks so he's a good wing man.. might not be my style chick but he does it. One time he pissed me off so I swooped on his chick (overweight girl) took her home and fucked her brains out. Next day he was pissed because it had his name written all over it. Just had to remind him what he doing earlier that day that pissed me off.. point is.. You just gotta go try, whats the worst that can happen? rejection? shit happens.. not everyone matches, don't get caught up on it theres many more

>> No.16994583

yeah but this is /biz

>> No.16994584

theres no way that board is still that pathetic. Havent gone there in years is it still filled with sad teenagers?

>> No.16994634
File: 204 KB, 810x1080, S2eZQyO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have posted a cuter white girl.

>> No.16994639

Isn't that miss alice?

>> No.16994644

It is. It's hard to find a picture of her with clothes on.

>> No.16994656

She certainly does have a god tier bod. Imagine how much she's made from shoving bits of plastic in herself. Fucking pornography should be illegal.

>> No.16994673

>thinking falling in love with a prostitute is ok
You hold over 10k LINK, don’t you?

>> No.16994710

"Never love no hoe, that's a principle, so bitches come, bitches go, that's why I bust my nut and I be out the fucking dooor, you know"
Where oldschool rappers in the 90s Incels that made it?

>> No.16994730

>posts a meth addict

>> No.16994735

There's no way she does meth. I've seen how meth destroys people and she's nowhere near that.

>> No.16994747

I rather see this than all the whiny tfw no gf threads. Well done OP. Still not business and finance tho.

>> No.16994845

thanks anon
idk i was just making a point
i don't often go there

>> No.16994855

fucking cringe
def does drugs

>> No.16994930

yes. youd think the r9k bot would make it 4chans OC factory, but its just an emo /adv/