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16992445 No.16992445 [Reply] [Original]

So fucked. I have a car I’m currently fixing/painting and it’s in the street. It runs and drives, just has some primer spots on it.

Right now I look out my window and see this dumb old bitch bent down checking my registration tags. I ran down and confronted her and she was surprised to say the least. My reg is expired and I’m working on taking care of that too. I don’t see it as a big deal and not a priority for me right now.

It is a priority for this dumb cunt to fuck me over for a fucking car. This bitch doesn’t even live next to me. She must live around the corner and doesn’t even need to take my street to get where she needs to go. She knows that I know she’s a snitch. What do

>> No.16992455

have sex

>> No.16992476

Before I give an answer I must ask what the fuck goes through the minds of nosey old woman snitches? Do they just have time and their hands and that's it so they just love getting nosey as fuck? I also don't have any suggestions because I hate nosey people and all I would do is stare into their fucking soul until they get the message to fuck off

>> No.16992487
File: 27 KB, 558x558, SCA_375721-01_hi-res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she fucks with it she has violated the NAP and you may ethically do as you will with her.

>> No.16992666

I do thank you kind sir.

I imagine she’s come to a realization that she is old and no longer the cute white roastie she used to be. To keep herself from the vicious cycle of miserable thoughts, She does anything and everything she can to keep busy.

It’s fucked up cuz I saw her checking my shit the other week but she didn’t have any luck (I park my truck against the bumper so they can’t see the expired tags). And the whole reason why I haven’t got it reg’d yet is that is has to be smogged within 90 days of sale. So I can’t smog it now and get registered and then end up taking longer than 3 months to fix it.

>> No.16992682

yeah that explanation makes sense. Fucking old bag

>> No.16992683

Pull it into your driveway and no one can do shit no matter how expired the tags are.

>> No.16992704

She wants your body; creating fake drama is exactly what the boomers did in order to mate - watch any old film

>> No.16992717
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Some old bitch at my home owner's association took pictures of my house with the garbage cans in the alley between the other house. There's a rule that garbage cans shouldn't be visible. But you had to look down this alley at the exact angle in the cul-de-sac to even see it. What the fuck does she gain from this? Now I'm going to get a $150 lein because of some piece of shit organization that I had no choice in being a part of.
I fucking hate people. Sometimes I wish we could go back to the dark ages so nobody would think twice about me blowing her face to bits with my 12-gauge.

>> No.16992733

Lemme guess, she's white

>> No.16992814

And old

What the fuck is it to them? That’s fucking bullshit anon. I hope we all make it so we can afford our own ranches.

>> No.16992831

They have nothing else in their life except destroying and disrupting younger people. These are the childless feminists who threw their loves away to Jewish corporation or academia and now have to cope with the crushing depth of their mistake.

They cope by being nosey cunts.

>> No.16993012

The whites care about the rules. Live elsewhere if you hate it.

I’d rather live among the whites because life is stable albeit annoying sometimes.

>> No.16993021

That does make sense

>> No.16993036
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I would rather twist my nuts off than join a HoA

>> No.16993055

>My reg is expired and I’m working on taking care of that too.
Obviously not

>> No.16993804

>had no choice

Have you lived in that house since birth? Even if so, you could have moved when you turned 18. You're over 18 right?