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File: 88 KB, 640x975, xrp-moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16987705 No.16987705 [Reply] [Original]

>totally ignores the one altcoin thata gaining more traction and use by the day
>not understanding xrapid is still in beta and will soon be ready for bank adoption
>not buying at these lows
>still buying up flavor of the week meme coins

>> No.16987784

>43 billion XRP circulating supply

>> No.16987828

ODL now has > $5M in volume during weekdays, mainly through one corridor. Imagine what it will look like in a few years w/ 10 corridors up and running.

Irrelevant to Ripple's customers who can still use their product to save money.

>> No.16987865

>Tokenomics are FUCKED meaning value can be raped down to zero
>this isn't a problem because...low transaction fees lmao

>> No.16987882

That's not actually a lot if they were to hypothetically achieve global mass adoption. Six or seven XRP per person but that's assuming it's evenly distributed which reality never comes close to.

>> No.16987883
File: 325 KB, 749x421, 1579021623047.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can people on biz be really this stupid?

>> No.16987891

Supply doesn't matter. Supply can be whatever you want it to be because crypto can be divided to infinity. You can divide 1 BTC into .0000001 if you want. Supply is just for human perception.

>> No.16987926

I'm going to load up on XRP and I'll tell you why.

No one is ever going to use XRP. No banks, not retailers, nobody. It's a shitcoin, perhaps the biggest shitcoin of them all. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that xrp has and endless supply of retarded bagholders that have no problem shamelessly shilling it. Every fucking retard that gets into crypto for the first time and doesn't have any understanding of it wants to buy something 'cheap' that will moon really hard.

That's it. That's the riddle. The whole point of crypto is to dump on people that are dumber than you, and I can guarantee that those people will buy XRP. Xrp is the top buyers delight, and it has enough deluded schizos talking about $1000+ valuations that you'll be able to take massive profits while they hold out for the 'real moon'.

That's it. That's the secret. Actual good projects will make great gains in the near term, but when we're in bubble territory, ripple will fucking moon. ANd you will dump, because you know it's a shitcoin scam to reel in retards.

Buy XRP.

>> No.16988009

Starting to feel the same but people won't fall for the shilling if it's as absurdly intense as it is now

>> No.16988019

Why would Ripple destroy the value of their own coin? They want to make as much money as possible which requires a high price. That's why they've all but quit selling for the last two quarters.

Where is the $5M in ODL volume coming from if nobody is using it?

>> No.16988040

>No one is ever going to use XRP. No banks, not retailers, nobody.
MoneyGram. Have you been living in a cave for the past year? MoneyGram are literally using XRP itself to settle transactions in seconds. Didn’t even read the rest of your shitpost.

>> No.16988046

The issue is it's absurdly centralized. I get holding some tokens for sale and partners later but this is just fucking stupid

>> No.16988059

brainlet detected

>> No.16988110

It depends what your goals are. I hold XRP because I believe working within the system has the highest chance of success. I don't mind if token distribution is centralized as long as the operation of the network is not.

I also hold BTC and XMR because I believe in decentralization and financial privacy. But not every crypto has to share the same principals.

>> No.16988128

BTC and XMR are good holds but honestly I shouldn't even have to explain why XRP goes directly against everything crypto has been working towards. If you don't get it you probably won't be convinced by me. I will not exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead roll in a cage.

>> No.16988251

Ripple bough a shitty. failing company with money they made dumping on bagholders, then announced it as a partnership, which made retards like you bid up the price and they sold into that. They made money on the deal by pumping XRP's market cap. Look at the fucking chart.

xrp is not a 'good hold', it's a pump and dump scheme period. the trick is to front run the foundation's dumps and not getting emotionally attached to a blatant shitcoin that will never do anything of note other than scam retards.

It'll get massive pumps from retard fomo that will get sold into 100% of the time. Just has happened every time it's pumped.

>> No.16988445

Wow you're really dumb

>> No.16988526

It's a shitcoin until regulatory clarity (xrp not being classified as an unregistered security). It's for that reason Moneygram sells their xrp as soon as they get it.

>> No.16988693

You're really dumb too

>> No.16988706

But it's true!

>> No.16988733

lmfao great argument faggot... that's all xrp fags really have-- conspiracy theories and hopium. Muh $589.

I am banking on the average top buyer being more like you than more like me.

>> No.16988736

Xrp is the future nwo coin u brainlet

>> No.16988745

Stay mad nigger. 589 is a coding not a price prediction

But lol enjoy being poor. Xrp only has the biggest ecosystem of them all. You're just mad cause u bought at the top HAHAHAHAHAH. Dumb trader get rekt

>> No.16988766


No he’s actually right faggot. XRP is one of the biggest scams

>> No.16988775

ok faggot I was stacking LINK all through 2018 while you were stacking XRP.... I'm up a solid 10x and you're down 90%

keep DCAing and hold..... da banks will buy your bags LMFAO literally the dumbest community in crypto but that's unironically bullish

>> No.16988784

Nigger I've been in the space since 2014 LOL.


>Xrp is a scam
You're right xrp is a scam don't buy it. Run for the hills! It has no use case! Don't ever buy it

>> No.16988847

ok how much money have you made in the last two years with XRP

you know you fags have been singing the same tune since 2017 and have do NOTHING but dump

>> No.16988872

You don't make money with xrp u dummy. It's the endgame. Endgame. Honestly if you don't understand what's going on and the true purpose of crypto you deserve to stay poor and miss out.

Pajeet you only see short term gains and care about the short term. Dummy! Get rekt

>> No.16989400

XRP can be subdivided into drops. There are 1 million drops to 1 XRP.

>> No.16989428

All these retarded XRP shill threads is actually a psyop to make everyone hate XRP just like the IP hopping samefagging OP does, and I must say it is getting very effective lately

>> No.16989447

No one actually gives a shit about 1 or 2 years you fucking retarded nigger, we care about the long term unlike other alts.
XRP will be #1 and nothing can come close.

>> No.16989480

and that's basically how it goes... the moon is ALWAYS just around the corner as you faggots continue to get dumped and are still in an unbreakable downtrend against BTC

meanwhile I"m up 10x and will soon be up 100x. IT's almost like you enjoy losing money or something.

>> No.16989598

Oooooh you are up 10x, meanwhile im up another 4k in holdings because its so low.

>> No.16990330

wow i didn't realize how bullish losing money actually is

>> No.16990540

>Caring this much about how people invest their money into xrp

>> No.16990574

welp there's 5 xrp threads going right now pajeet

stop me from posting faggo

>> No.16990608

>Ripple bough a shitty. failing company with money they made dumping on bagholders

They bought 10% of moneygram you dolt and in series C they raised $200M without selling any XRP. They also make millions per year from each of the 300 FI customers they license their settlement engine to.

But do go on tell us how banks are gullible and fall for a scam.

>> No.16990716

no one gives a shit about 50 chainlink threads but if you make an xrp thread its too much. Fuck off

>> No.16990770

oh wow I didn't know that anon maybe that's why xrp is doing so well

lmfao at ur life you fucking retarded pajeets

>> No.16990784

Stay poor cuck

>> No.16990827

I already told you faggot, I'm a native to this board where we laugh at you dumbass pajeet/boomers.... I'm up 10x on my initial while you faggots are happy you can accumulate more of your worthless sms service

>> No.16990830
File: 108 KB, 1024x487, Unpleasanttruth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir rieppel is scam!

>> No.16990854

>hur dur this is my sekrit website only i can be here hur dur

>> No.16990894

the point is that anyone who's bothered researching crypto beyond 'ohhh this coin is cheap it'll go up' would ever think a centralized payment token is relevant in the era of pooled liquidity and permissionless derivatives

people don't shill good projects pajeets, it makes as much sense as telling people the location of goldmine...... I know you retards are too stupid to understand game theory but your shilling belies you

shill campaigns are transparent as fuck and anyone who's spent time here can smell the curry a mile away

>> No.16990960

>You don't make money with xrp
From the mouth of retards.

>> No.16991084

the difference with XRP and every other shitcoin is the people who invest in XRP are the most intelligent and actually Do their research unlike yu fucking retarded fudsters who call it a centralized coin despite it being decentralized.

Bitcoin started out decentralized and
eventually became Centralized.
XRP started out centralized and eventually became Decentralized.

>> No.16991089


>> No.16991093

You like to think you are intelligent but you are literally the lowest IQ of all of biz.

>> No.16991106

Pajeets only care about short term gains because if they don't produce results their village will stone them for losing the village savings.

>> No.16991204


>> No.16991240

>i'm happy it's going down so i can accumulate more
>hahhaa you made money from crypto? now you're priced out
please fuck off back to your discord

>> No.16991270

These aren't shills, you retard. Look at the form they're taking. They are intentionally the most annoying posters on this board to make people hate XRP users. They're a type of reverse-fud.

>> No.16992317

that would mean its shilling brainlet....which we are because this thing is gonna moon hard.
You think ripple wants to sell xrp for 20 cents? fuck no they want to sell it for 2000. IPO gives them the capital needed to grow the space, market aggressively, and....get this.... LOBBY.

If smartcontract.com were to do an IPO the catalog would be full of sharpies in poopers