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16983943 No.16983943 [Reply] [Original]

Can't do it. I work 30 hrs a week. Not enough to live off of with my pay, but I just cant fucking do 40 hrs of this bullshit. Even what I work droves me crazy.

How the FUCK do you cucks do it?
Literally THE only reason Im considering it is to buy more btc before its too late.

>> No.16984096

literally got trained to do it... for a while I actually gave the money I earned to a woman, who would tell me "good boy" and basically shame me when I wasn't working

working became my only source of joy

I don't give her money anymore so she hates me, but the training, that will pay off for a lifetime

>> No.16984103

>Literally THE only reason Im considering it is to buy more btc before its too late.
It's the only reason I worked for a spell myself.

>> No.16984119

Did minimum of 40 hours at my last serious job. Won't do it again myself as I can't do it either.

>> No.16984141
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I work for myself, i find it easier to just work for 3-6 hours a day 7 days a week with an occasional day off. 8-12 hour days are only good if you get into a flow state working on something you enjoy or get a lot of satisfaction from.

>> No.16984156

also for the first couple years of that, I was working ~80 hours a week for a LOT less than minimum wage and I had a busted window in my car that I just drove around with instead of fixing because I couldn't afford to fix it while giving her the money

I now work about 65 hours a week (plus college) and.. I'm not gonna say "I don't know what to do with myself". I definitely know how to spend my time off. But what I will say is that after working 80 hours a week for so long, and learning to cope with this schedule and take care of myself.. if you work 40 hours you have so much fucking free time, like the biggest challenge should actually be trying not to spend all your money while you're bored out of your mind the rest of the week

>> No.16984160


>> No.16984167

I have transcended mere wagecuckery

>> No.16984183

Exactly what a wagecuck tells himself

>> No.16984190

Wtf... Idk how you do it. I have a friend in construction that does 60+ hrs a week and has been doing that for nearly a whole year straight now. No fucking clue how you guys do it... its so soul draining. I feel like a slave with just 30. When I was working 40hrs a week, I was suicidal the whole time

>> No.16984196

You have to enjoy what you're doing. For example I code all day at work which I enjoy quite a lot so I don't have a hard time getting up and going to work.

>> No.16984247

I was doing it for someone else and I'd reached a point where it just felt like the only thing to do. I used to feel like you say you feel, and any amount of work was just unbearable, but at that point in time a flip had switched. When the boss said "do you have plans Wednesday" instead of being like "yes I absolutely have plans go fuck yourself" I'd work any hours available so I quickly went from working 20 hours a week at one job plus my retarded little side "hustle", to working so much that I didn't know how my body was handling it and I just didn't feel it anymore. Then my 2nd job became my only job and I basically lived there. At that point in time I was technically making like $6 an hour. I've gotten a bunch of raises since then

The self sacrificers like me are the ones you hear about but you never really understand what goes into it. To most people it was like I had no dignity, but my boss will tell you I was the only one who ever had the balls to stick up for myself when he was in the wrong, everyone else always backs down like a little bitch but at the end of the day I had no fear of walking out and making money elsewhere. For a while it was humiliating but you reach a point where your bosses realize that their livelihood has depended largely on one person for a few years and then you start getting treated a little differently. I've learned a lot and I like the path I'm on. You hear a lot of cuckold fetishists on this board, and they'll always be in their safe little middle ground, and they'll get treated like cucks because of it and their fantasy will come true. But when you push to the fucking extreme... you get results

I'll be retired before 40

>> No.16984260

Same. I do 25 to 30 hours a week and even I feel burned out a few times every year. People that work 40 or more hours a week must be insane.

>> No.16984276


Anymore than 30 hours a week doing manual labor will guarantee destroy your body. By age 60 the body is completely trashed, guy can barely walk down the street. I've seen guys like this.

>> No.16984288

i usually work around 2 hours a week. could be better, but my health needs attention

>> No.16984300
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7 day week 70hrs~
this workohol i killing me

>> No.16984304
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gonna go drink this and smoke something cuban

>> No.16984315



I work 70 hours

>> No.16984322

>the biggest challenge should actually be trying not to spend all your money while you're bored out of your mind the rest of the week
this is true

>> No.16984360


I love how people think working a lot somehow makes them tough. That is some serious coping going on with the truth that they are a slave and other people are their master.

>> No.16984424

>when you lose you win
What did he mean by this?

>> No.16984428

>I work 70 hours
And you're still poor :^)

>> No.16984431

You mean like findom? I don’t understand how you guys do that.

>> No.16984436

I work 97 hours per week..... Fuck you OP. Fuck you to hell, I'm posting this from work you cocksucker.

>> No.16984450

I do 70 hours a week. It has been like this for years.
Im paid 2k euro/ month.

I dont get it, how can people complain about 40h/week.

>> No.16984455


nice projection

>> No.16984459

I'm in a field I greatly enjoy surrounded by likeminded individuals. I made reasonable sacrifices and relocated to get where I am but it was worth it.

>> No.16984476

Work transforms the reality.
If you are overworked, that proves you are mentally/physically strong and powerful, for weak people are not capable.

Even if you are a slave, its like showing off.

>> No.16984494

what do u work with?

>> No.16984499

This is fucking cope. I hate bootlickers. There are middle schoolers with online businesses that make more than their teachers and have most of their work automated after a bit of time.

They are many times richer than you and work less. Who is more successful? You for working more and the guy in my example? There is no reason to be prideful in being someone's bitch. A job is just a means to an end. To invest and try to escape being a slave. I know people like you enjoy being slaves and associate that as "success" due to propaganda.

>> No.16984526

I work 50-70 hour weeks. Most are close to 50, but the the "up to 70" is there for a reason. I was called into work 15% of all weekends in 2019. I'm only posting because I'm taking a break between submitting job applications elsewhere. It sucks. Some people are affected by it less, but I believe anyone that pretends it doesn't suck is in denial. I only put up with it because I need the medical insurance and it was a good resume builder for the jobs I'm applying to now.

Still not worth 3% of my average lifespan though over all the hours worked for a few years. The upside is I don't get a chance to spend much money so I should be able to retire earlier unless I die.

>> No.16984530

Not true. It depends on the labor and how well you treat your body in recovery. I do construction, make $800 a week and work 40-50 hours a week. You either suck it up and do the work or you need to find an office job. I treat it like its 8-10 hours of exercise. After work, it's weed and relaxation. Oh and don't eat like shit because your bruised and battered muscles will not recover. I just drink a lot of water and don't push myself too hard, but also don't take a lot of breaks.

>> No.16984540
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>> No.16984562
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When you work for somebody you are making him rich and only getting an hourly rate for it.
For a company to be profitable it has to get more value out of its employees than what they cost him after calculating their full salary, rent cost for an office, paying a salary for parasites who produce no value to the company like HR and managers..

It is easy to understand that if you produce value you deserve to get a better cut of the profit out of it from the company, and it should fire its parasite instead who don't produce anything.
Understanding this truth is the first step to become an entrepreneur.

>> No.16984926

800 after taxes?

>> No.16985083

Congrats, you're the biggest slave on the plantation.

>> No.16985154

>How the FUCK do you cucks do it?
>Literally THE only reason Im considering it is to buy more btc before its too late.

I bought 500 ETH for this reason kek, here we go boys fuck this wagecuck system