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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16980738 No.16980738 [Reply] [Original]

unironically is a good buy below $1

it went to $3.25 in the summer, so next mini bullrun it's going to climb back to 4-5 bucks. in a full on bullrun, it's going back to 10-12

it's not the best project, but it has some recognition among mETHheads. when btc runs, eth will run. when eth runs, any former 'bluechip' will also moon hard should it have any branding/recognition.

OMG was one of the first crypto unicorns and on that alone it's going to moon in a hype phase

>> No.16980751

$500+ is still in the cards, unironically.

>> No.16980883 [DELETED] 
File: 399 KB, 324x732, soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon ;)

>> No.16980926

MCap maybe

>> No.16980935

you do realize mainnet is imminent, right?

>> No.16980936

i have a 4k suicide stack

>> No.16980943

>it will go up if everything else goes up

wow great strat you fucking moron
dead shitcoin vaporware

>> No.16980966

Imagine holding this chink scam in 2020.
All they did in 2 years was getting audited. Plasma is dead, the coin has no purpose and the team is basically doing nothing.
This is not 2017 coins will not moon out of hype for a mainnet

>> No.16981024

Who doesn't know

>> No.16981035

Mainnet is soon. Omise is one of the largest payment gateways in south east Asia and will be using OMG network when released, giving it automatic volume. It’s partnered with Citibank and PTT, and is working with MEW. It will easily surpass every coin in the top ten apart from ETH and BTC.

>> No.16981041

unironically soon this time though. quantstamp just completed their audit. dyor, but consider picking up a 1000 suicide stack.

>> No.16981051

It's been imminent for 2 years, now no one cares and their exchange will have zero liquidity. Plasma also is a meme btw

>> No.16981068

you're just providing liquidity for bagholders, who dont necessarily want to break even, just to be able to sell their bags. Think about it long and hard. Old alts are completely fucked

>> No.16981182

I already got my suicide stack, but you're not going to convince the normies that infested the board to buy it. Majority of them have not done a single second of research for over 2 years. They probably follow shit twitter analysts, there are good twitter crypto analysts, but they probably follow the worst guys who are also hoping for pnd's. They are still stuck in the 2017 mentality where you find a low cap coin and then hope for it to pump and then dump it. Next bull run requires coins or tokens to have actual products and provide some kind of value.

>Old alts are completely fucked
Not really. My Litecoins have been doing good for years now kek.

>> No.16981224

what're your biggest holds fren?
mine are BTC, RSR, LINK, OMG, in that order.

>> No.16981236

why no ETH?

>> No.16981243

do you really think OMG will outperform ETH in a full blown bull run?

>> No.16981251

i have 10 eth for a suicide stack but the r/r for what I've listed surpasses ETH.

>> No.16981284

>btc r/r is greater than eth
Absurd opinion to have, rsr link omg are all solid though, which makes your eth views even more bizarre. To each his own

>> No.16981290

If countries like the US make crypto-investments available for all range of retail investors, the surge will come through compliance regulated exchanges like CoinZoom and Binance US.

>> No.16981294
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Do you really think it will go lower?

>> No.16981309

What about Uphold? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlDQsSMuPLU

>> No.16981316

btc 200k+ 2021-2022 is a given, it's just a crypto bluechip. i do believe in eth but OMG in a way is a leveraged ETH position... to each his own fren, hope to see you on the other side.

>> No.16981328 [DELETED] 

If eth hits $4000 it will be a greater return than $200k eth...

>> No.16981338


>> No.16981350

yea but I've already dedicated 15-20% of my portfolio to OMG. eth 2.0 relies on layer 2 scaling working. for eth to work, omg has to work. at this point, OMG has a higher ceiling than ETH. basically -- using OMG as a leveraged ETH position and BTC to hedge OMG (and subsequently eth) failing. i don't think that it'll happen, but better safe than sorry.

all this being said, RSR is the best project in the space right now, hands down.

>> No.16981352

but don't you feel misled by the skateboard/mcdonald's/google trickery? because I'd imagine a lot of bagholders do and will be looking to sell ASAP

>> No.16981378 [DELETED] 

I read your leveraged comment after posting my deleted comment, makes sense. Good luck amigo