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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1697827 No.1697827 [Reply] [Original]

I have exactly 3,000.00 USD to use investing. I have no idea how to do this. Never traded anything and am clueless exactly how I would begin to. I live in America. I'm really poor. I've saved all of that money by practically staying in the park and my homeless shelter. Most of my wages are spent on bus fares to the library (computer) and work. I work at Walmart. That is my life story. I'm 20. I'm really too stupid to go to college, couldn't score above a 12 on my ACT. Failed all of my classes. Now I want to make somewhat of a better living for myself, if I even have enough to do that. I also do not have a phone if that means anything. I have to use library computers.

>> No.1697831

My poor man. How did you get to this point?

Where did it go wrong?

>> No.1697832

if you dont mind losing these 3k then invest in some memecoins or try casino. High risk high reward m8.

>> No.1697834

enlist in the military. whatever you do don't get married until you get out. keep the 3k in cash until you're in.

>> No.1697844

I was always just poor. I get extremely jealous of everyone who has a car. Don't know parents. Don't know anyone who is even middle class and don't have any firends.

>> No.1697846

Do you a favor and buy a laptop for 500 usd.
Then invest in your formation.

>> No.1697850

Are you an immigrant? Or were you kicked out of the house? I mean youre 20 man, youre barely an adult. Is there nothing the government can do for you?

>> No.1697852

Why do I need a laptop when I can use the computers here. 500 dollars is a collosal loss. I found 4 peoples library cards and use their time each day so I can do up to 4 hours each day when their are still seats available.

>> No.1697855

Buy a couple pounds of weed.

>> No.1697857

not an immigrant, im white trash, am ugly as shit. people honk at me while i walk on the sidewalk to scare me. I just want to own a car. I don;t know how to drive but I think it seems simple.

>> No.1697859
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That's rough fella, but in all honesty that 3,000 grand would be much better spent on some career or professional training, to get you a skill and elevate you out of wage slavery.

Look into trade schools, like getting an HVAC apprenticeship and training, electrician, wood working, diesel mechanic, welding, anything to get you out of the manual labor cuckery at Walmart.

Once you have a decent income, you can actually start saving and investing.

So I would advise you invest the money in yourself, $3,000 is too little for any significant returns on the regular market investments, and I don't want you to gamble it away on something retarded like Bitcoin, trading binary options or Forex.

Godspeed anon, you can make it.

>> No.1697863

everytime i try to apply for benefits they tell me that im already working and that families are to the front. ive been on a waiting list for over a year. honestly fuck that i dont wanna use money like that.

>> No.1697864

>not an immigrant, im white trash, am ugly as shit. people honk at me while i walk on the sidewalk to scare me. I just want to own a car. I don;t know how to drive but I think it seems simple.

Forget the car unless it's essential for work. It's just extra costs, insurance, parts and labour.

Only get a car if it helps you earn more.

>> No.1697866

nigger, just enlist in the military. they pretty much guide you through life so even if you're borderline retarded you'll still make it.

if he is as stupid as he says, i.e. 12 on the ACT, that means that he's incapable of doing even basic arithmetic and algebra properly. that would disqualify him from most proper trades.

>> No.1697868

that seems very feasible except i dont have a fucking diploma, am prbably too stupid

>> No.1697869

Dont get a car without drivers license. It will be taken from you very fast.

I would recommend what the other anon said. Join the army. And through there try to get a better job.

Godspeed my man. I really wish i could help you by any means, but unfortunately i myself am a student in big debt.

>> No.1697870

i can speak a very good litvish yiddish and translate it though, when i get kicked out of my yeshiva i went to public school and had very bad trouble assimilating

>> No.1697875

start going to synagogues asking for help. i imagine at least one rabbi will take pity on you.

>> No.1697877


Cars are depreciating assets, just the cost to maintain them people don't realize (Oil changes, brake changes, fluids, gasoline, et cetra).

I use to rollerblade/bicycle to get to work (5 kilometers in distance or so). You should try that, it keeps you fit. But if you're keen on getting a set of wheels go for a small motorcycle. I eventually grinded up and saved to buy a super sport motorcycle. It costs 1/3rd of that than a car and is cheaper on insurance and gas and maintenance.

I also use to own a car, trust me on this.

>> No.1697878

i can also speak a decent ivrit, no more skills, ok am trying to consider these suggestions in long term

>> No.1697879


Dude, finish high school.

You know how to do arithmetic and basic algebra right?

>> No.1697882

ok fuck the car , no more wanting car for me, thanks for this

>> No.1697885
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Buy the comptia a+ book and or the CCNA book. Study your fucking ass off for 3 months then go pay for the tests and pass. Buy a braindump the night before to get the actual test so you don't risk failing. Use your new credentials to get a helpdesk or desktop support job that can support you financially just fine. maybe wait on the CCNA until you get that job unless you're a good study. you can get 30-50k right off the bat man. I did that now I make 140k managing a team of Network engineers. only took me 9 years where I started at 32k doing helpdesk. fake it till you make it. excuse the grammar just in a rush.

What city are you in?

>> No.1697886

was bullied in school for anttisemtism and hateful towards me, but yes have since progressed after my las test, nothing to do during that time period but study der math, everything else too hard can do collee level maths, am too stupid with english and science too,

>> No.1697888

there are not any satmar rabbi in this city, the city im in costs way much lesser than brooklyn, there are no hasidish or even chabad or pretty much even jewish in the christian church filled city

>> No.1697892

this is good advice i will print it and put in notebook thanks

>> No.1697893

then just go to protestant churches asking for help. they are loaded and they worship jews.

just explain your situation and ask if they are able to direct you to any help with living arrangements or getting your GED.

>> No.1697894

this is good advice but i think i will steal some money and get 5,000

>> No.1697897

kek good luck.

>> No.1697898

i will never ever walk into a christian church at least i have self respect stupid sheygetz

>> No.1697902

ok this is my conclusion, im going to come up with 5,000.00 than come back here to ask advice , these stupid cuck answers all of you must be poorer than me worthless

>> No.1697904

is there any person with a jewish mother on here who can help me with serious answers???????????

>> No.1697935

Even hobo doesnt think /biz/ is worth listening. Fucking kek

>> No.1697941

>was bullied in school for anttisemtism

You've got to be kidding.

Outside of 4chan, that doesn't exist.

>> No.1697943

just look at his last three replies. it's either a troll or he's legitimately retarded.

>> No.1697954
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We've been had. He's an unemployed Jew goblin somewhere in Middle America. Seems legit..

>> No.1697968
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Here's my advice


Here are two of my personal favorites


>> No.1698037

I think this is good advice.

It's all gonna get better man. You sound like you've got a positive mindset. Keep at it and work hard and doors will start to open.

>> No.1698051

Join the military. It's the best option. You get paid just to walk around in a uniform all day and when you get out, you will receive a lot of benefits

>> No.1698572

1 dont get a car if you dont need it, get a bicycle/scooter
2 you will lose your 3000 investing, youre basically gambling if you dont have years of experience, also your amount is too small to exepct much of a return.
3 join the army or spend the money on education. youre not too dumb youre just lazy.

>> No.1699678

College is not for everyone. You're not stupid OP, college is not for you. You can't judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree. You will get rich with other methods, college is a fuck ton of money anyway.

All I can say to you is DO NOT waste ANY of that money. Don't buy a tv, don't buy take-out, don't buy a fancy car. If you invest it you're on the right track. That is the only advice I have for you, don't waste a single cent of that money on something that doesn't have an ROI.

>> No.1699682

You are too good to ask for help?

>> No.1699911

This is the main problem with Trump winning the election, now every back woods hick want to be a politician billionaire, sorry to brake it to you but you don't sound smart enough to even know what investments actually are, and if you can't flip 3k in to something more with it resorting to selling drugs you'll never make it in the real world, do what most of the annons already told you, invest on a training so you can make some Doug worth a damn or sell your soul to uncle Sam, you sound like you'll be in jail in less then a year from now.

>> No.1699912
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or you end up dead, missing limbs, a mad psycho from seeing too much gore

>> No.1699975


buy monero

>> No.1700053

This is so hilarious I almost want to believe it. Some bitter, stupid, ugly jew living out of a tent in some bumfuck town.

Based on your intelligence level, I would suggest investing in lottery tickets. It's easy and there is the possibility of very high returns

>> No.1700272

Coke or knee pads
Both if you want to be wealthy instead of rich

>> No.1700303

What the fuck are knee pads?

I see that mentioned here a lot.
I'm new on biz and it's probably another stupid 4chan meme. Do you care to explain, dear anon?

>> No.1700319

>couldn't score above a 12 on my ACT

Anon, I won't argue with you, I'm sure you're plenty stupid - I am, too - but your post seems too grammatical for you to have scored so low. Did you fall asleep during the test, or show up drunk, or something?

>> No.1700321


>> No.1700325

fuck off to reddit if you want to be spoonfed.

>> No.1700327

my fucking sides, but true asf