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16961364 No.16961364 [Reply] [Original]

What's biz's choice here? Lets see the mentality of a bizillionaire

>> No.16961374

obviously invisible

>> No.16961384

Time travel. None of the others even come close.

>> No.16961390

Time travels obviously OP. Win every lottery why even invest lmao. Literally millions return on a $2 investment on a weekly basis.

>> No.16961393

How the fuck is it obvious? There is only one choice who only someone who will make it would choose

>> No.16961395

Green baby. Compound interest.

>> No.16961399

Black obviously.
carry out assassinations for goverments of my choice
Rob anyone
incriminate anyone
build leverage on anyone
If i ever get found out. just turn invisible.

>> No.16961404

I'll just take the money and forget this ever happened. Best not to mess with the supernatural too much. You're messing with forces you don't understand... I don't want the spooks to get me

>> No.16961406

Red. Invest in property, index funds and crypto, leave wealth for my children and grandchildren.

>> No.16961407

Time travel anytime. You could live forever and stay young on your own terms and die when it's finally boring.

>> No.16961419


Time travel but only bc in the future you can probably get immortality treatments so no need for young-forever potion

>> No.16961429

this. it's infinite money and invisibility.

>> No.16961430


>> No.16961432

Only intelligent answer so far.

>> No.16961434
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>Literally millions return on a $2 investment for about 100 years till you die
>Living forever, compound investing for millions of years, laser skills from eons of experience, live as a space faring deity for eternity

>> No.16961452

High IQ

>> No.16961469

does young forever mean im immortal or i still age i just look young

>> No.16961473

immortality > the rest, its not even a question

>> No.16961498

You're young for eternity, you never age and live forever

>> No.16961521

Purple, go back and put money into Ethereum and wait it hits 1400 and make millions. And I also get to go back and forward in time as a please.

>> No.16961535

then theres no competition

>> No.16961539

Green obviously, I;d just watch all my enemies getting old. comfy

>> No.16961565

Green paired with compound interest, though I imagine you would want to kill yourself after falling in love a few times. Also people would figure out your secret if you're not careful and have you killed

>> No.16961567

Purple obviously

>> No.16961573


>> No.16961586
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Use purple to take the offer 5 different times and drink them all.

>> No.16961587

None of them. Into the trash they go.

>> No.16961592

Stay young forever because immortality is the greatest gift granted you know how to avoid death and live like a hermit pretty well.

>> No.16961665

Purple. Out of all those choices, this is the only non-retard answer

>stay young forever
>fun for the first couple hundred years
>eventually go insane from thousands of years of memories and experiences,
>experience the eventual extinction of humans, so you'll be all alone in a post apocalyptic hell on earth

>breathe in sea
>stupid as fuck, need I say more?

>become invisible anywhere
>get your ass ran over while crossing the street because lolinvisible

>$10000000000 cash
>literally impossible to spend any significant amount without govt swooping on and confiscating it
>impossible to move that much cash across international borders without cartel-tier logistics
>if anyone finds out you have it, they'll tell other people, and soon enough the mafia is trying to rob you

>time travel
>can use it to become rich in a legitimate way such as stocks, lottery, whatever
>can visit any time period in history which would be really fucking neat

>> No.16961675

time travel. go back to the beginning of crypto and make it.

>> No.16961677


You are only biologically immortal you unimaginative retards, this means that any other thing that can possibly kill you can and will kill you eventually, anything from simple heart attacks, cancers to more complex diseases followed by physical endangerment of any kind like vehicle crashes, homicide, natural disasters or just flat out bad luck (a god damn brick falls on your head at terminal velocity). Even if you somehow avoid all of that you are doomed once humanity ends.

Water breathing is useless without the ability to also navigate it like a fish and so is the red potion because all the others except blue would easily make you that kind of money if used properly.

That only leaves Time traveling as the only real option followed by Black as a niche for something like >>16961399 mentioned.

>> No.16961686


>> No.16961704

When you are invisible, EVERYTHING becomes free.

Name ONE thing you can't have when you're invisible

>> No.16961716

Based and humbled.

>> No.16961718

Time travel clearly. Stop india before it even began.

>> No.16961725

Time travel obviously
If you can time travel you can make all money you want, and of course stay young forever

>> No.16961727

Your mum back

>> No.16961729


>> No.16961732

>be invisible
>try to rob bank
>oh shit, still need a key
>somehow acquire key and open vault
>try to carry bag of money out
>bank people see big bag of money floating towards exit
>they hit the alarm and lock the doors
>you're trapped
>youre fucked

>> No.16961741

a reflection

>> No.16961746

you will get caught by inteligence service or if travelling to centuries ago burnt by the church because you would get caught, or raped by bandits, any shit can happen to you travelling to other ages.
Also it is assumed the immortality means no disease and no way to be killed

>> No.16961754

You can't account for the butterfly effects of what would happen if you travel back in time and change the past. What if you buy 10,000 BTC in 2009 which somehow leads to crypto never gaining the mainstream relevance it did in 2017 at all? It's definitively the most dangerous choice

Under green, there is an assumption that cancer and more complex diseases correlated with age don't affect you. So yes, you are likely to die from the bubonic plague but not Parkinson's or dementia. Just don't live like a retard and take care of yourself

>> No.16961762
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>> No.16961764

It depends on whether I can turn back time including my body or is it movie timetravel where my current body travels to some other time. If the latter then Ill stay young instead of timetravel

>> No.16961776

I would take my chances on not getting run over like a retard

>> No.16961785

Money to buy what?

You go to a store and take anything you want, do you think people expect money from an invisible guy?

you have free love from whoever you want

do you mean her back? you can have your mom's back

who needs that tho?

>> No.16961796

>you will get caught by inteligence service
Fair enough, that would be a probable threat in the future
>or if travelling to centuries ago burnt by the church because you would get caught, or raped by bandits, any shit can happen to you
Nah. You can time travel. If someone is tying you to a stake to burn you alive, just time travel to some other time before they light the fire. If you fall and break your leg, just rewind time by a minute and avoid the danger

>Also it is assumed the immortality means no disease and no way to be killed
Dude immortality would literally be the deepest darkest hell you can possibly imagine. You'll be forced to watch everyone you love and care about die over and over again. You'll grow bored of being alive. You'll wish that you could die and be at peace. But no. You'll be stuck here on earth with no way to escape. Forever is a long time. Humans, and all life on earth will eventually cease to exist. Earth will eventually blow up or some shit. And you'll still be there, just floating through empty space going insane

>> No.16961798
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Green ID

>> No.16961802

Any answer but Time travel is sub 80 IQ
>win every lotterry
>buy apple day 1
>buy amazon day 1
>buy berkshire day 1
>buy bitcoin day 1
>infinite money
>travel to future steal invisibility, breathe under water, anti aging tech
if you choose time travel you can drink all the potions and more

>> No.16961819

>You go to a store and take anything you want
Cool, you can steal candy bars and redbulls. How are you going to use invisibility to steal a house?

>> No.16961825

stay in wolf of wallstreet house listen insider info. Buy put/call

>> No.16961833

yea this is honestly a pointless discussion, time travel means you can control how life works (assuming that is a very simple fantasy and there's no quantum bs involved)

>> No.16961860

maybe, but there's a lot to do until that happen. With time travel you age and die normally, by your 60s you'd be too tired to even care about your power

>> No.16961882

Or, you know, just choose the time travel option where you can just take note of stock prices
and then jump back 1 day and trade them perfectly. Then you dont need to sneak into an office while invisible and sit around for hours waiting for someone to say something important

>> No.16961885


>Also it is assumed the immortality means no disease and no way to be killed

Nothing of the sort is assumed because being absolutely indestructible is arguably even more sci-fi than time-traveling, and even if that was the case good luck escaping your fate as a lab rat once the first thing that should kill you doesn't and people take notice.


>You can't account for the butterfly effects of what would happen if you travel back in time and change the past. What if you buy 10,000 BTC in 2009 which somehow leads to crypto never gaining the mainstream relevance it did in 2017 at all? It's definitively the most dangerous choice

If we're talking strictly money then yes buying any significant supply of BTC would be dangerous, but who says you need to be in crypto when you can just play the lottery and have it pan out without worrying about the butterfly effect as you could just participate one day before it plays out without interacting with anyone except a website in the process. Once you have the lottery money as an entry point, playing the stock market to amass your wealth would not only be a cakewalk but also possible without doing some massive time-altering.


Usually invisibility implies turning ethereal (ghost-like) so nothing of the sort happens, mostly because if you actually remain physical then it's even more useless than blue. Good luck doing anything more complex than being a coomer in girls showers when you still make noise when you walk and can be touched by anything that hits you.

>> No.16961888

Suit yourself. I wouldn't wish immortality on my worst enemy

>> No.16961893
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Fucking based

>> No.16961897

but i dont get to see free titties

>> No.16961905

>if you choose time travel you can drink all the potions and more
Shut the fuck up, midwit. It's obviously implied that you actually do have to choose and not just use loophole faggotry.

>> No.16961907

Top kek.

"Why in your right mind would you ever buy bitcoin, don't you know some faggot holds like half the supply since 2009"

>> No.16961918

Too shey

>> No.16961928
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Cope harder, landcucks. You won't be laughing when your bitch-ass basedlungs are full of brine.

>> No.16961929

You haunt the house obviously. Anyone tries to live in it or visit it, you knife their asses. Someone shuts off the water or electricity, you knife their asses. Someone tries to setup ghost equipment, knife them bitches. Would you dare set foot in a house where 25 people have been knifed to death in the last month, or shut off its electricity when it hunts you down and kills you for that.

>> No.16961930

purple, go back in time and drink green

>> No.16961944

>not drinking blue
why are all of you retarded

>> No.16961957

Time travel so I can play the new game+ version of my life and not be such a fucking noob this time around.

>> No.16961975
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>> No.16961986

Based and Tridentpilled

>> No.16961989

Purple. Time travel back and drink the rest. Never fuck with time travel again outside of the stable time loop because time shenanigans are ugly.

>> No.16961998

He's not saying to use it to drink other potions he's saying to go to the future where that's common tech

>> No.16961997

lol green is the fucking answer, unless you can literally never die. In which case red bc youre good forever

>> No.16962028

Red would suck. Imagine having that much cash. You'd need a big warehouse to hold it. You'd get investigated if you ever spent more than $10k at a time. If anyone knows about your stash you're fucked. It would be very very easy to lose all that money in a short amount of time

>> No.16962072

its funny how these potions are infinitely possible in your mind. If the options was given to you, then the power it grants you does not matter, what matter is the desire it provides to you. From there a viewer can extrapolate another person desire.

>> No.16962077

red munny

>> No.16962083

Time travel makes the other choices useless and anyone that picked something else is a brainlet
>99999999999999999999999 rupees
Time travel get the lottery numbers/sports betting/next Buttcoin etc.
>stay young forever
Time travel to a time when humanity has achieved immortality and get some
But what if it costs money you don't have? Use the trick above for infinite currency
>become invisible
Sure you could rape/kill etc and disappear
I can do the same and time travel somewhere else
>breathe in the sea
LMAO just time travel get a portable breathing device or some shit

>> No.16962094


If you pick anything else than time travel or stay young forever you're retarded

>> No.16962133

Need to consider how the time travel mechanism actually works. Do you still age at the same rate? If so it's a shit deal, whoopty doo you get 100 years as the richest and powerful human and then die unless people invent immortality in the future.
When you time travel backwards, does your body get younger or do stay the same age? If it's the former, then you can't go back earlier than the year you were born, and if it's the latter then you're not immortal and it's gay.
If you can get younger then you could potentially live a million different lives though and live like a king so it'd be the best choice.

If you age normally while time traveling then fuck that, just give me staying young forever.

>> No.16962142

shit this guy is a genius, time travel best choice ezpz

>> No.16962144

This guy gets it, stay young forever is a safe bet for immortality.
Time travel is more of a gamble assuming humanity becomes immortal at some point, but provides a lot more fun and basically makes you a god.

>> No.16962147

Any future General AI will fuck your shit up. Try battling a super intelligent AI that actively hunts you so it can secure its own existence. It will know that you time traveled to its era and kill you. It will "off you" before you even know there is an AI in that timeline.

>> No.16962148

I would prefer to be able to turn back time in my own body. Imagine how you would slay on your 10th playthrough

>> No.16962189

Silly, just time travel 5 years at a time in the future and keep up with the news to see if a general AI is even getting built.
The options are to either die with an useless power or live to see the AI take over assuming the government didn't turn you into a lab rat to harvest your immortality.

>> No.16962193
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>portable breathing device

>> No.16962214

>Take Time travel potion.
>Travel back to the point where you took the time travel potion but also take the Invisibility potion

Any reason this wouldn't work?

>> No.16962235

Become invisible and drop out of life forever.

>> No.16962239

Green, I have as much time as I want to make it.

>> No.16962244

GREEN without a doubt. GREEN GREEN GREEN

>> No.16962254

I would bet all of my crypto holdings that over 50% of the posters here would get themselves killed within their first 2 years of taking the Time Travel potion.

I take Green.

>> No.16962262

It also means you just have to stay safe until the other potions are invented. You're unimaginative retard.

>> No.16962281

>Stay young forever
You basically get immortality and you can get all the effects of the other potions using this power. How?

>1000000000 $ in cash
Just find some old dudes and offer them your forever young butthole you have plenty of time to earn it, maybe some of them will leave their estates to you.
>Breathe in the sea
Use some of your rentboy cash to buy a rebreather
>Time travel anytime
You can time travel forwards whenever you like with no negative effects on your body. Traveling back in time is dumb because you could cause a butterfly effect that means you never took the potion. Travel forwards only.
>Become invisible
Buy 100 years worth of food and wait till thermoptic camo is invented. By the time it exists, you will have enough money from your rentboy investments.

>> No.16962289

Biological immortality has its own set of horrific consequences, as well as a series of fates worse than death.

Becoming invisible would be ok but you could do less with it than you think.

That much cash would get you flagged by the bank if you actually tried doing anything with it, like how would you explain where you got the money.

Time travel is the most OP choice but we all know breathe in the sea is the correct answer here.

>> No.16962304

After the AI realizes you're immortal it will probably keep you alive and imprison you until the heat death of the universe or some shit like that just to fuck with you lmao.
Meanwhile if things go south I'll just go back in time and hang out with my dinosaur friends nigga.

>> No.16962343

Time travelling can get you out of any situation. Immortality + being rich would attract a lot of attention you could become a lab rat in some secret government facility. Enjoy your hundreds of years of experiments.

>> No.16962349

There is no heat death of the universe because the "cosmological constant" actually changes. That means that the universe will probably collapse.

>> No.16962353

>Biological immortality has its own set of horrific consequences, as well as a series of fates worse than death.
it doesnt say immortal. just stay young
you fuck up you can still die from getting shot or whatever

>> No.16962362

If it's invisible but invisible to visible light spectrum only you'll be fucked over at the first high end job with thermal imaging, also even if it's invisibility across all light spectrum there'd still be pressure plates and atmospheric detectors for breath/ anal fumes.

Have you ever read "I have no mouth and I must scream" - because its a short story where that basically happens

>> No.16962375

Assuming flat cosmological topology though yeah? If our universe is the 3d shadow surface of a 4 dimensional cube it all washes put I thought

>> No.16962383

it changes like every 10 years what they think of it, clearly they just don't know.

>> No.16962389

You'll be busy getting ass fucked by some depressed AI in a basement while it happens, friend.

>> No.16962451

Green because it's immortality. As the new God of mankind I shall have at least 10 Loli wives

>> No.16962473

So you want to be a seamen, are you okay living in your own waste?

>> No.16962481

if you're immortal and live very long, you'll live in a world where you'll feel you don't belong to.

no one that shares what you lived, what you experienced, maybe no one will care about what we care now in the future.

you could be a genius, paint the mona lisa, make music, and no one might understand how good art can feel like. you'll be very frustrated and in the absence of anything to entertain you or even food that goes properly into your digestive system you could die simply because you don't fit in the environment anymore. if you survive, you'd be an unknown marginal, living alone somewhere, and no one would trust you anyway, you'll be living with evolved humans with 10x more IQ than you.

>> No.16962510

Would be pretty fun to be invisible. The cia would probably pay you millions to do missions and you could do great pranks. Young forever or invisible. Lol if you pick the cash

>> No.16962512

Purple. Go back to different time periods to see the real history of the world and forget all the twisted rewriting of it. Go back to around Jesus's birth and millions of events.

>> No.16962521


>> No.16962539

>get caught by cia niggers
>travel back to a time where they haven't found me

>> No.16962554

The covert cia missions would be cool as fuck until you realize they’re never letting you go. The day you “retire” is the day they make you disappear permanently

>> No.16962580
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The most based and redpilled option is actually the money. Living forever is fucking degenerate and anti-God. Breathing in the sea is cool but kinda boring and you can fucking die to the many predators. Invisible would be nice but if my wife and family can't go invisible as well what's the fucking point. Time travel I could easily fuck something up and cause myself/family not to be born or some shit. With the money I could set my bloodline up for the next millenia. I could do anything and everything with my family and have as many kids as is possible. We would use our wealth to make things how they should be for our people. We could use it to colonize the stars and leave the niggers and jews behind.

>> No.16962581


>> No.16962666

With the tech you'll have in this lifetime you won't colonize shit, you won't even leave the Solar System
Should picked time travel and brought back a real spaceship dummy

>> No.16962682

I didn't say I'd be alive for it, but nice trips.

>> No.16962688

>kek invisible man gets it
>nobody saw anything

>> No.16962702

Your children are gonna waste all of your money on dumb shit after you're gone.

>> No.16962735

Not with the trusts I would carefully design. Or they do, who cares I'm dead and had an awesome life.

>> No.16962891
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>You are only biologically immortal you unimaginative retards, this means that any other thing that can possibly kill you can and will kill you eventually, anything from simple heart attacks, cancers to more complex diseases followed by physical endangerment of any kind like vehicle crashes, homicide, natural disasters or just flat out bad luck (a god damn brick falls on your head at terminal velocity). Even if you somehow avoid all of that you are doomed once humanity ends.
If you die you are no longer young.

>> No.16963082

>die of old age
game over

>> No.16963133
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>> No.16963262

Green. I can figure out how to build tech that does the rest with the infinite time I have.

>> No.16963392

Blue and black are absolutely worthless.
Green gives you eternal life on paper but in reality you can be killed and most likely will be.
Red will make the rest of your life fun.
Purple is for the greater good to lead Hitler to victory and the end of eternal jewery.

>> No.16963482
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Your reputation enhanced? Being invisible wouldn't really allow you to become better in the eyes of other people in public. It would necessarily have to be a secret. All the things people become known for, respected for, famous for, is due to them being visible. Due to them visibly doing those things

>> No.16963513

If you picked time travel, couldn't you just pick all other options?

>> No.16963593
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green, realistically.
purple is a close second

>money is nice but with eternal youth you can make that much easily, it's just a matter of time until you make a perfect investment or marry into a billionaire family
>you can already pretty much breathe in the sea, let alone whatever inventions they make in 100, or 1000, years
>we're steadily working towards invisibility as is, like underwater breathing it's just a matter of time; though there is a downside that you have to fear regulation or ways to counter its uses
>provided time travel is possible, staying young forever gets it anyway
only reason to take purple is if time travel isn't otherwise possible, AND that you want to live in the past. so if you want to stock up on knowledge and do your own attempt at A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, go for it. but if you want the future, why not just be immortal and have hundreds of years of experience when you get there?

only downside to green in and of itself is the wording; if it's immortality, then based as fuck, take it. if it's just that your body doesn't age and you're more like an elf than immortal, it's a little more dubious; you can die in a car crash, get mugged, or have an accident and live forever as a mentally handicapped retard. then you have to be more careful, as all the other potions give immediate buffs you won't necessarily live to see, even if you play it safe.
though on the other hand, one could also argue being able to die is nice, since you may end up reaching a meaningful and filling conclusion at which you're ready to move on to what lies beyond

>> No.16963666

time travel > forever young > invisible > $1 billion > breathe in the sea (what the fuck, lol)

the only correct answer. time travel is actually op and breath in the sea is actually fucking worthless (you'll still freeze to death or be eaten by sharks if you swim far without proper equipment)

>> No.16963751

>Traveling back in time is dumb because you could cause a butterfly effect that means you never took the potion.
>Implying that you are still connected to the the futures timeline and aren't independently moving across time unaffected by any of its events.
Actual nigger IQ.

>> No.16963757

cant argue with satan, i stand corrected

>> No.16963818

now I'm not sure, time travel could be good- reading it again it says that you can time travel anytime, not that you can travel to any one time.
only danger I see is accidentally jumping into a nuclear Armageddon or to a point we destroyed/left Earth, but if you can safely reach a point where all the other effects can be given, it wouldn't be half bad- provided you can take stuff through time, cause if not then stealing through time or taking future inventions isn't any good

>> No.16963857

Time travel doesn't mean you stay young forever you absolute fucking moron. there is a green potion specifically for that which means purple doesn't grant you that in any way possible.

Beyond saving, anon. You must do the world a favor & ending it.

>> No.16963868

>no one picking blue
/biz/ confirmed single digit iq

>> No.16963934
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>doesn't read the goddamn thread

>> No.16963958

Wouldn't I be able to pick the time travel potion and use it to travel to just when I chose the potions and take the rest that way?

>> No.16964011

blue so i can die from freezing to death instead of drowning to death. would black make your semen invisible as well when you give strangers bukkake?

>> No.16964032

black is obviously just for petty crime and perving around hence probably unironically black potion.

>> No.16964238

Time travel ,of course, tell the past about the future and get benefit, cause information is the most ppl need

>> No.16965063

If you're young forever, you'll eventually become rich just from interest.
I have no need to "breathe in the sea".
Time travel would be neat. But what's in the past except for strife and filth? And if I'm young forever I'll eventually see all of the future.
Invisible? I supposed coomers would want to lurk around in women's locker rooms.

>> No.16965339

I was going to take green in order to stay young forever -- yes, staying young *forever* is biological immortality -- but, then I saw purple, and would need clarification on what "time travel anytime" really means here; if I can't freely hop around the timeline(s), traveling into the future to snag some of that sweet immortality technology which will eventually be created many years from now by folks inspired by Aubrey DeGray, I'll take the green potion to stay young forever (how young?)… unless I can travel to the end of WWII to rescue Hitler & company from the bunker, bringing them back through time with me to the end of WWI so that Old Hitler can help Young Hitler win the Second World War (and, if this doesn't work out the first iteration, I/we travel back in time *again* to maybe help the Confederates win the American Civil War to keep the Union/USA out of World War 2 (or at least have the half of America joining the Allies negated by the other half of America joining the Axis, plunging continental North America into a land war against itself while Germany faces a Britain & Russia who are not helped by the Lend Lease Program or a primarily American invasion of Normandy assuming Germany didn't let up on attacking Britain's radar installations and airfields as prelude to a strategic bombing campaign plus Operation Sea Lion, but only thanks to choosing to focus Operation Barbarosa on attacking only either Leningrad or Stalingrad (whichever one had the oil), and actually following through on the African Campaign with resources, just totally dominating the Mediterranean, and also somehow doing a better job of convincing fascist Spain to join the Axis after Germany helped them out with that civil war of theirs in the thirties, and also pour way more money early on into designing and giving every German infantryman a semi-automatic weapon like the Americans in the form of a Sturmgewehr 44 only it would be a Sturmegewehr 36 cuz we'd make it 8 years earlier.

>> No.16965403

nah, fuck off...

>> No.16965598

Time travel to the future and buy a potion of immortality ya dumb cunt

>> No.16965614


>> No.16965631

What in the fuck is there to do underwater? That's such a shitty power to breath underwater relative to the other options

>> No.16965651

>just wait 50 years for your potion benefit to pay off at the same rate as a normal person, except you have to continuously wait even longer if you actually want your investment to be anything to live off of forever, since you live forever

>> No.16965665


Based and fuckadolphinsblowholepilled

>> No.16965671

Does green also mean I live forever?

>> No.16965713


>> No.16965821

>travel to future steal invisibility, breathe under water, anti aging tech
Honesty was worried I was the only one thinking this

>> No.16965980

mermaids you idiot.

>> No.16965991
File: 277 KB, 800x600, money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat me to it, but if we go by that logic then the red potion is worthless.

>> No.16966129

>choose time travel
>start exploring history
>go too far back
>get an ancient disease
>go 10 years into the future
>everyone is somehow dead
>wtf, mental breakdown

>> No.16966257

purple is the most intelligent choice.

>> No.16966305

Purple. Best choice. Time travel is pretty cool. Would immediately time travel straight back to when Jesus Christ was preaching. Bring along family as well to see Him.

1. Purple. It's time travel.
Tied for 2.
Black (invisibilty is pretty cool but limited)
Red (can retire and my family also gets to retire. Although with invisibilty i can sneak into places my siblings would want to work at and just covertly delete the competition's resumes from the system in plain sight to give them better odds of getting the job)

4. Blue. Neat but it doesn't mean you can defeat a shark.
5. Green. Ehh blue has better utility than this one.
Green is the worst choice in my opinion.

>> No.16966684
File: 230 KB, 979x610, ToWF4T2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's is boring, because there is an objectively correct answer (time travel). How about this.

>> No.16966688

>>everyone is somehow dead
>>wtf, mental breakdown

>> No.16966707


>> No.16966713

>not going on an epic adventure trying to prevent it

>> No.16966715

Time travel to past, get rich on any investment. Then time travel to future, get ahold of tech that lets you live for 500 years.


>> No.16966725

50 hour knowledge is pretty useful but 5% permanent strength increase is bigger than it sounds

>> No.16966732

The restaurant is the obvious choice, I'd eat at the fat duck/petrus ect once a year at least

>> No.16966756

Does the fictional character hugging you get to keep their superpowers?
What if I make up a fictional character whose hugs grant superpowers to the people they're hugging?

If not, the genie is going back in the fucking box until he comes up with something better.

>> No.16966758

It says you can get free food, not a free meal just like the ones people pay for. At best you'd probably get some leftovers because people pity hobos like you.

I'd rather take the additional 15mn of sleep everyday.

>> No.16967097
File: 416 KB, 800x776, sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time travel seems completely imbalanced because it basically grants you the other ones.

ignoring purple i drink green.


3 day ban --> >>/biz/thread/16533416
stayed up 33 hours --> >>/biz/thread/S16438910
didn't even get deleted, allowed to expire naturally --> >>/biz/thread/16531876
didn't even get deleted, allowed to expire naturally --> >>/biz/thread/16840623

and then we have THIS thread which is also allowed to stay up

>> No.16967125

restaurant option

>> No.16967130

Immortality obvi. Dont know why'd you'd pick anything else tbqh

>> No.16967135

Holy shit based

>> No.16967140

depends on what kind of time travel it is
If it's the deterministic kind, then you can't do anything to stop it.

>> No.16967225

Want the black pill.

>> No.16967318
File: 123 KB, 461x615, 1579687300569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staying young forever. I already am doing what I can to extend my longevity so it's a no brainer.

If you could have the energy you had when you were 20 years old for the rest of your life it'd already be a blessing, not being able to die of old age is even crazier. There is so much stuff that you could do that you are less able to do as you grow older. Even if your goal is earning money you have hundreds of years to try over and over again until you learn how or get to it out of sheer luck.

>> No.16968122

Problem is, it's super dangerous. People would notice you because of the noise of your footstep indoor. If you walk on grass, they'll see you. You couldn't open doors without being noticed.
Once there's rumors that some ghost is around, it'll alert the intelligence agencies who would want to track you down and experiment on you.
Now if it's total physical invisibility like an ethereal being, that's top choice. You could know everything about anything and anyone.

>> No.16968145

Is there a potion that would give 50 link? Or 64 eth?

>> No.16968294

take red and buy some stocks,crypto and metals for fun.I dont want to worry about anything anymore and simply enjoy the gift of life.this is the closest you can get to real freedom but normalfags will never understand this.no need to impress anyone or even give a shit about others when I can load my porsche with cheese wheels and live like a king.the party will end some day but I wont be the one who will have to clean up the mess .

>> No.16968586
File: 756 KB, 2048x1368, D814C6A6-9463-410E-92FE-F768C886986E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time travel is a brainlet trap. Suppose you travel a few hundred years ago only to arrive floating in the void of space. You can only time travel, not time and space travel, so it's very likely that the Earth will be in an entirely different place in its orbit around the sun than it is now. And say you do the math and figure out the limited times that the Earth is in the position that it needs to be in order to not end up in the void, if you aren't precise down to potentially under a minute then you could end up falling the minimum lethal distance of 5 feet to your demise before you can react. Let alone the horrors of traveling back into a wall or other object.

Take any option but purple, for your own good.

>> No.16968661

Time travel also gives you forever youth since you can just travel to point in future where they solve the immortality thing.

>> No.16968893

Everyone taking time travel thinks immortality immunity is going to be possible in the future. Plot twist: it's not. Not in a billion years will we achieve immortality.

>> No.16969499

If there's one way to get immortality (and invisibility and water breathing), chances are there's other ways. Time travel gives you the best chances of acquiring everything on the list.

>> No.16969571

Physical strength being permanent is huge. Especially if you're already been lifting

>> No.16969636


On second thought can get the 5% increase in strength quite naturally, and there's not much point to it if you don't use strength on a consistent basis

The 50 hours is more intriguing. There's seemingly no limit on the subjects you can use it on. Fifty hours of pickup game would enable you to get any woman you want, fifty hours of something sex related would make you a god in bed, hell fifty hours of high level market trading would give you skills that make you rich. Fifty hours of straight study is a lot

>> No.16969669

Time travel is too good
>travel to the future to get anti-aging tech, underwater breathing modification, and cloaking device
>travel to the past to win the lottery/bet on sports

>> No.16969711

time travel so I can help the Nazi’s win

>> No.16969724


>> No.16969726

the gain in the ability of 100% successful day trading

>> No.16969745


>> No.16969761

those extra 15 mins of good sleep

>> No.16969797

>not time travel any time
I would rape and just rewind. Shit you can do it over and over and over over and over and over and over and over.

Yknow you could even CASH OUT BEFORE YOU GOT JUSTED.

>> No.16969825
File: 181 KB, 1777x999, nep tune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I pick blue can my body withstand the pressure of the deep sea? If yes the so much sunken treasure for me, if no then its a pretty meh option being able to dive maybe 200 meters before getting sick.
The idea of having an underwater house stacked with prate treasure is pretty neato

>> No.16969873


I wouldn't travel back in time too far unless I want to see history unfold.

Heres what I would do

1. Wait till the day of the announcement of the mega millions. Travel back in time one day with the winning numbers.

2. Watch the markets and see the biggest gainers in the stock market for that day/week. Time travel back in time and invest.

3. Watch the results of the super bowl, NBA finals, and any other major sporting event. Time travel back before it started and bet.

4. Go to the casino and abuse this power in the casino. Go to the blackjack table and each time look at the dealer's cards. Time travel back a few seconds before it happened and hold or hit me for 21 every time basically doubling my money every single time.

>> No.16969952

15 minutes of sleep
Is equivalent to 3.8 days a year of extra time

>> No.16970422
File: 300 KB, 1244x867, robin williams2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on if the time travel magic follows the gravity of earth. personally i think it replaces an air atom with "you" and then reverses one atom at a time in the universe, making the "you" atom follow along and bounce around as mountains and other shapes interact with it. then when the time is right the rest of you materializes one atom at a time from the "you" atom, pushing other atoms away.

>> No.16971042

Time travel because i could benefit from hitting all specific times and know when to time the market. i could go back and fix all my mistakes. i could buy bitcoin in 2013

but for real time travel is the obvious winner

>> No.16971067


The majority of human corpses are "young forever"

>> No.16971074

based and portablebreathingdevicepilled

>> No.16971563

Take the red. Then buy chainlink.

>> No.16971575

Why so late?

>> No.16971587

Eternal youth beats out time travel because with time travel you still get old

With eternal youth you have all the time in the world, literally to level up