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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 225x225, virus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16958248 No.16958248 [Reply] [Original]

time to place your bets on coronavirus. i'm thinking 10 million infected in the next 3 months if quarantine fails. how will markets react? we shorting everything to zero right?

stats so far
>China: 544 confirmed cases
>Thailand: 4 confirmed cases
>Japan: 1 confirmed case
>South Korea: 1 confirmed case
>US: 1 confirmed case

>> No.16958259

>china pop explodes
>nature steps in
nature knows best
hopefully it spreads to apefrica and france etc

>> No.16958272

I hope chink flu kills all asians i fucking hate them so much

>> No.16958282

Vechain releases Vechain blockchain verifiable vaccine for Corona. World goes crazy, become millionaires over night. Cap this, seriously.

>> No.16958504
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Well I think the best way to reason about this is to compare it to similar outbreaks. The obvious comparison is SARS. SARS led to about 8,100 cases worldwide and was largely confined to China. It had a death rate of about 10%, 780 deaths dead worldwide. SARS was also covered up for a couple of months by the Chinese government which made the outbreak far worse than it would otherwise have been. SARS incubation period was about 5 days and it spread through airborne droplets or fomites (being left on things touched).

This new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is still being studied so its properties are still up for debate. Nevertheless it likely spreads in the same way as SARS (it is genetically similar to it and the evidence of infected patients also suggests the same transmission mechanisms). The incubation period seems to be the same as SARS or longer. But more significantly, the death rate appears to be far lower (3%). And there was only a very limited coverup during the early outbreak by local authorities. Chinese authorities have actually taken massive precautions to prevent an outbreak, locking down cities bigger than London and cancelling public lunar new year celebrations. In addition, the Chinese public is very wary after the experience of SARS, and virtually everyone knows to take basic precautions during an outbreak, such as wash their hands and wear N95 respirators.

So my guess is it will likely be nowhere near as bad as SARS. So far there have only been about 600 infections. I would imagine it could double, and maybe triple in a worse case scenario, but I think it will mostly be contained in China.

The media is hyping this up like it's ebola or something. It is very serious, but the media gives the impression that we are about to experience an extinction level event, which is highly unlikely. For reference, some strands of ebola have death rates of 90%.

t. literal paranoid about viral pandemics but realist

>> No.16959537

China will get cleansed a bit, nice.

>> No.16959554


if it has lower death rate than SARS it is WORSE, because it means it will SPREAD MORE before dying out.

>> No.16959578
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>> No.16959579

This mindstate only makes you hate yourself more.

>> No.16959614

>we shorting everything to zero right?
Lmao, what are you going to short with? Money will become worthless pretty quickly as well.

>> No.16959642
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Im hoping it spreads to Africa

>> No.16959792

The common flu has a 10 to 15 times lower death rate than 2019-nCoV. Does that make it worse?

Of course not. Don't be absurd.

You seem to understand very little about viral life cycles. Viruses aren't infective throughout their whole cycle, they have a latent period and a period in which they are infectious. So just having a higher death rate doesn't mean a shorter infectious period, and it therefore doesn't make the virus less infectious. Some viruses, like ebola, are most infectious when death is near and survive death so that the corpse is infectious for several days.

Literally just short healthcare/pharmaceuticals and long airlines/China. This virus is mostly hype caused by people, both Chinese citizens and foreigners, not trusting Chinese authorities to tell the truth because of how they handled SARS.

>> No.16959794


>> No.16959802

And vice versa. 4:56am

>> No.16959807

common flu has antidote, this one does not

>> No.16959817
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>> No.16959820

I’ll bet a whole butcoin that it’s gonna spread to the west an we’re gonna get a bird flu type widespread panic. Perfect time to buy anything honestly. Death is good for business

>> No.16959849

544 cases is nothing considering the Chinese population. When it hits 10k maybe it’s worth noting

>> No.16959882

Dumbest thing I've read today, thank you

>> No.16959896

>if quarantine fails
OP I've got some bad news


WHO conference in 10 minutes

>> No.16959905

That's not dumb, retard. Literally why ebola never goes anywhere, too efficient at wrecking humans.

>> No.16959916

Pea brain take

>> No.16959923


>> No.16959930

they seem to be all happy and laughing even at times, this does not bode good for /biz/s predictions

>> No.16959943

oh god it's infected the stream

>> No.16959951

life is not containment

>> No.16959953

can viruses even mutate from human to computer?

>> No.16959962

I would prefer the nigs and pajeets

>> No.16959973

oh fug stream is down

>> No.16959980

haha don't bé̸̱͎̠͖̯̯̮͓̘͎͇̞͆̎͘͝ ̷̝̼̤̎̈́͑͗̑a̵̩̦͓͚̙͉͍̾ͅb̸̨̢̳̩͎̟̘̬̹̺͙̝͔̈́́́̉̂̀̚̚͝s̷̬̻̖̣͙̳̀̃́͊̚ű̷̹͉̬̜͔͉͎̱̟̤̘͍̥͐́̿͂͌͊̀̎͘ͅr̷̨͍̘̫͚͛̋̓̾̍̈̓͐̚d̷̳̜̭͋̎̋

>> No.16959983

I saw it too
>We are gonna die

>> No.16959987

Do you think their "Lab rat" escaped?

>> No.16959995

What should we buy?

Pfizer? Johnson & Johnson? Bayer? What company produces body bags?

>> No.16959998
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>> No.16960114

i heard this shit is just pneumonia? I already survived that when I was a baby so I'm immune. it's like chicken pox i hope everybody dies but me and hot girls and I am forced to repopulate the Earth

>> No.16960124

Found a working stream.


>> No.16960137

The TL;DR:

>Although it is an "emergency in China", the outbreak of a new deadly coronavirus in China is not yet "a global health emergency", said director-general of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

>The WHO's emergency committee met for a second day on Thursday to decide whether or not to declare the deadly new coronavirus in China a global health emergency.

>Prof Didier Houssin, the chair of the emergency committee said it was "too early" to consider it a "public health emergency of international concern" which would have designated the epidemic a serious global public health event.

>> No.16960164

>Sub 80 IQ detected
Yep anon you're good to go! You should run to China and celebrate Chinese New Year!

>> No.16960347


>> No.16960394

It's Raccoon City all over again...

>> No.16960403


>> No.16960410
File: 95 KB, 686x526, 054A9BF6-9000-463C-8557-F26C2F52A6CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great post anon

>> No.16960512

>600 infections
According to the Chinese Communist Party, paragon of truth and virtue.


>> No.16960549

Why can't these proper viruses fucking hit Africa first? Why can't the nigger population decline? Please... I just beg...