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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16952206 No.16952206[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]




>> No.16952267

Kek. Member when that H5N1 virus broke out in Asia and markets dumped because of that? Was just a fucking stop hunt. Seriously, WTF have equity markets to do with a virus outbreak? You can't make this shit up simply. Fucking hilarious.

>> No.16952290

This is good for Bitcoin

>> No.16952293

good thing it's just in wuhan

>> No.16952299


ocean, don't care, unironically B U L L I S H

>> No.16952383

>not /biz/
they quarantined an entire chink city. The fuck, you think all those small-fingered 8 year olds are still going to be super-gluing iPads together n sheeit when they hiding under their beds from every sneezing noise? The Entire World of Cheap Chink Garbage could be endangered, never mind iShit production targets

>> No.16952392


>> No.16952395
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WAit, isn't Waltonchain from Wuhan? fuck should I sell?

>> No.16952400

Guess it's a good thing President Trump has been trying to ween the US off of cheap Chinese shit then, huh?

>> No.16952415
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>> No.16952430

And those shotty I phones and whatever Crap product is all built there
?I'm telling you, in 2Weeks markets will continue to pump.

>> No.16952431

yeah, I'm sure all those new Freedum Inc. Apple Manufacturing Facilities which opened under his reign will be ready to jump in and take up the slack

>> No.16953117

Livemap of confirmed cases:

Whole city is shut down:

tents outside of hospitals:

Tolls closed, preventing people from entering the city:

BUT YOU GUYS KNOW WHY WE ARE HERE ON /BIZ/ right? We are here to become filthy rich out of this. You know what you need to do.
SHORT CHINESE FOREX ON: https://primexbt.com?signup=98608

and short Honkong, Japan and S&P500. This shit is getting worse every minute. Tomorrow we will have news about thousands infected. Keep in mind that SARS infected only 8000 in a whole year.

>> No.16953123

Chainlink could have prevented this

>> No.16953142

This is pretty big.

Containment is the most important thing.

Basically without containment the coronavirus would spread worldwide, 10,000,000 cases in 3 months.

Right now we are at the early point on this exponential growth trajectory. So containment is the only capable strategy, no vaccines.

This means the Chinese Gov has to quarantine and isolate a very high rate of sick people to quell the tide.

Every failure to contain makes the next attempt exponentially harder. They are in a race against time.

We will know within 30 days what trajectory it is on. At some point it will be clearly unconstrained in China and then it becomes an issue for other countries to stop domestically with the same containment issues. This could mean ending international travel, closing airports, etc like humanity has never seen.

>> No.16953153


it's contained and 30 days no one will care as it peters out.

I can't give odds, but maybe 10% for the worldwide

>> No.16953172

Too little too late honestly. It's already jumped continents. If this really is the next great pandemic, it's over.

>> No.16953177

You guys remember when ebola wiped all of humanity out in 2014? That sucked.

>We are here to become filthy rich out of this
This lmao

>> No.16953198

Not too over.

In the thousands it's containable.

>> No.16953207

doesn't get contained
jews make 100 bilions on vaccines that never get used
people get the disease with no more than .1% mortality
it was all a sham for the jewish pharma to scam you again

>> No.16953219

There's so fuckin much correlated to a virus outbreak, you must be retarded, gay or 12

>> No.16953224

Why does this shit always, always come from either china or Africa?

>> No.16953237

>You guys remember when ebola wiped all of humanity out in 2014? That sucked.

>> No.16953244

Lets say this has a 7 day incubation period which you are the most contagious. How many people does the average traveler come into contact with in one international flight? I'm going to guess several hundred indirect contact and around a few dozen direct contact. In one seven day incubation cycle we are already into the tens of thousands that are unaware they even have the virus.

>> No.16953246

This shit was probably a weapon from the US. "Muh eating animal meat" bullshit, just like AIDS. Only retards believe this

>> No.16953248
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>Containment is the most important thing
and, uh, Plan C was..?
flexible sexual and dietary habits. If you can conceivably fuck it or ate it, or both, they did it already

>> No.16953302

It's max 14 days. I saw anecdotal evidence it spread without symptoms by a Chinese Doctor:

Reporter: How long is the incubation period of the new coronavirus? After a person is infected, what other symptoms do they have besides fever? How to judge if it belongs to a new type of coronavirus?
Academician Li Lanjuan: When coronavirus is in SARS, the incubation period is up to 14 days. This time, according to the current patient statistics, it is estimated to be within 10 days.
However, this new type of coronavirus infection has great differences among different people after infection. Some patients have a relatively long incubation period after infection, and they develop onset in two or three days. The longest is 10 days. We estimate the incubation period to be slightly longer and set it to 14 days.

The reporter asked: Is it contagious during the incubation period?
Academician Li Lanjuan: The incubation period may now also be contagious, so this point needs to be taken very seriously, because now I also understand the situation of some patients, the patients themselves do not have fever, and those who have contacted him in the early stage have fever. People may also have infections and fevers later.

>> No.16953318

nice affiliate shill
I would sign up if I needed an account. good hustle

>> No.16953349

Sar(s)casm you idiot

>> No.16953353
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Spring Festival is this weekend in China.
The shutdown is likely for the mass migration resulting from that. Look up how destroyed the metro systems become during chinese spring festival.

>> No.16953371

Waltonchain has the virus now and within 2-12 days everyone that has it in their wallets will begin to show symptoms.

I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.16953385
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>> No.16953386

lmao based

>> No.16953423


>1 confirmed in fucking SEATTLE WASHINGTON

it's over boys ggwp ill see you all in the next simulation

>> No.16953438
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it starts in China but it won't stay in China

>> No.16953447
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>planck length is shortest unit of physical length
Probably not

>> No.16953465

Wow they quarantined one out of dozens of chink urban areas, who gives a fuck? Those fuckers are like cockroaches

>> No.16953470

Eat the bugs goy!!!

>> No.16953477

I played that game. Imo the disease has started showing symptoms far to quickly. It might be able mutate to a better form but the cat is out of the bag with only a few hundred infected. Tough start.

>> No.16953481

This mindstate only has negative consequences for you. You’ll learn someday.

>> No.16953488

Imagine if the guards are the ones that are sick and they are actually surrounding the healthy people of Wuhan...

>> No.16953501

Nice crystal ball m80

>> No.16953507
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Just in time for Chinese new year, its OGRE!
What does this mean for Bitcoin price since Bitmain offices will be resident evil

He's right though, there is no need

>> No.16953529

A city with 11 million people no less. Bigger than the whole chicago metro. Imagine the chaos if they tried to do that here.

>> No.16953541
File: 149 KB, 600x611, The Future You Chose Skeleton Bus Ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Power goes out (zombies chase people off roofs -> they fall on power lines)
>Miners shutdown
>BTC stock-to-flow skyrockets
>BTC price skyrockets

But the real money will be made if you're daring enough to enter the quarantine zone and recover the GPUs.

>> No.16953636
File: 1.97 MB, 1695x924, its_ogre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks fairly orderly, when oddly bizarre - Pic Related = 'no trains today chief' station. With a two-week incubation and every western university 1/3 chink, all back for spring term - travel ban maybe not make things any worse, still shoving toothpaste back in the tube now tho.

>> No.16953725

another big nothing.
Wake me up when there's 10M dead and hospital care is collapsing in poor countries

>> No.16953746
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>big fuck all
yeah, locations probably JUST coincidence. I'm sure the Chinese would inform everyone otherwise, openly, comprehensively and truthfully

>> No.16953753

We do not need 10m dead, we just need global infection.

Crypto thrives off the collapse of society - and healthcare is a great addition to the ever increasing debt.

>> No.16953763

fucking doom porn, I was excited when ebola hit. Just a few hundred dead niggers and that was it.
If ebola can't spread in Africa where niggers eat infected dead bodies nothing really dangerous is going to spread in the civilized world.

>> No.16953774

literally wu?

>> No.16953777


>IDEX in id

>> No.16954197

Chicago Quarantined
Some raw bats gave us a novel new virus
police barricading all exists

>> No.16954224
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>> No.16954257

This. Just more doomsday clickbait bullshit.

>> No.16954446