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File: 32 KB, 623x388, tslastock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16948366 No.16948366 [Reply] [Original]

you did buy tesla stock right?

>> No.16948384

My only regret is that I only bought one at $380.

>> No.16948401
File: 39 KB, 512x384, 897FABE7-4114-48E1-BC9E-839AF7B0345B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be my mom
>she wants to invest in crypto too
>she wants to sell Tesla stock to buy crypto
>I tell her she should buy crypto but don’t use Tesla stock money
>ignores my advice
>today she yells at me for not stopping her

>> No.16948408

no coz its a bubble, i aint risking it popping for a gain of 10%

>> No.16948539

No but I'm strongly considering shorting it after seeing that graph.

>> No.16948569

you wont do shit pussy

>> No.16948650

It can only go down from there

>> No.16948927

This can’t be real...

>> No.16949032

Seems to have lost momentum in the $580s. But I don't think its done until this clown world values it more than all other auto makers combined.

>> No.16949262

Momentum? What is Tesla stonks mass? And what is Tesla stonks velocity?

Stop having any connection to your disgusting slut brainlet subhuman mother.

>> No.16949285
File: 228 KB, 960x684, chartoftheday_18174_top_10_automobile_manufacturers_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100 billion dollar car manufacturer
>90k cars per year
Lol every single good news for the next two decades is priced in

>> No.16949301

Ok so why is the price going up? EVERYONE is stupid expect YOU? Thats your argument?

>> No.16949335

I shouldn't say this, but unironically this is just another pump and dump scheme. Tesla markecap is way too high for a stock that new, and a lot of people will go to jail for this, especially a bunch really suspicious YouTube accounts that have been shilling Tesla for the last 6 months or so. The SEC will fuck these guys real hard lmao

>> No.16949348
File: 392 KB, 1080x2220, 20200114_054244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I bought REFR

>> No.16949380

because people are FOMOing in? Yes buying now is retarded, it's a bubble right now

>> No.16949418

Didn’t buy Tesla stock but I did muy a Tesla. Fucking in love with my model 3, best car I’ve ever owned.

>> No.16949434

This is just a gigantic short squeeze.

Seriously, probably like 75% of the buying in this over the last several months is short-covering.

>> No.16949489

what previous cars have you owned?

>> No.16949793

No. I'm all in BTC.
That is some crazy gains though.

>> No.16949840


>> No.16949944

here comes the dip

>> No.16949952

Why were people buying shitcoins forks with 3 billions marketcap and a dozen of github commits in january 2018?

Tesla is at peak hype currently and benefitting from the fact that nips and krauts are still pivoting their massive industrial output away from ICE.
They're afinally beginning to launch their first fully electric model though (see the Honda E for example) and either Tesla completely devours GM and Ford in the US in the next 5 years or they're in for a very serious correction.

>> No.16949982

The problem is German showings of EVs so far have been utter dog shit. If Tesla establishes itself in Europe through its upcoming gigafactory in Germany it's game over for them VW, MB et al

>> No.16949998

what kind of retard puts money into stocks, especially to just get 7% after waiting forever?

>> No.16950214

>what is a parabolic blowoff
Just look at the Bitcoin chart in December 2017.

>> No.16950228

>Mom buys Tesla stock and crypto
Time to short everything

>> No.16950234

I shilled it here at 430 and thread got 1 reply you fucking cucks

>> No.16950240

please at least you told your mom to buy the real bitcoin?

>> No.16950247

The problem for Tesla is that hydrogen is far superior tech in every way possible. So Toyota and Hyundai will utterly btfo of Elon if he continues to goo all in with lithium battery. Perhaps this is a good time to buy Toyota shares?

>> No.16950255

Buy puts. Pick a time a few months out, say 3-6. The only problem is the ENORMOUS premium on them right now because of the enormous volatility.

>> No.16950258
File: 3.82 MB, 196x388, 1567850813202.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EVERYONE is stupid expect YOU?

>> No.16950270

>3x in 6 years
>meanwhile my 5 figure LINK stack has 10x'd in USD value in 1.5 years

So this is the power of boomer stocks...

>> No.16950281

> you're in it for the tech
< cry ID
nah nigger chinks decide and they;ve let only Tesla and Volkswagen enter. Volkswagen are incompetent boomers, on purpose or not, but they are unable to change car design in 20 years don't expect any advance from them
Tesla is going to 1k

>> No.16950284
File: 25 KB, 256x256, WHVnUDVPMnGU4yAm2ZkG_Xf7-uRR8ca4WZAmktLei5Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y anyone buy stock?? crypto number go up FAST. stock number not go up fast.

>literally posts this in a thread about a stock that has 2.25x'ed in the last three months.

cryptlets are hopeless.

>> No.16950303

The taycan is shit? I agree the BMW i3 was an ugly little thing but that was more about establishing BMWs capability to mass produce carbon fiber cars.... something 'leader' Tesla doesn't have.

That gives me an interesting thought. People are using the metric of ICE vs Electric to determine who owns the future of automobile production. Maybe a better metric is who can mass produce carbon chassis and who can't. It's a much higher barrier to entry than producing an all electric drive-train.

>> No.16950346

This is what an 85 IQ post looks like (featuring autism). Anon recently learned what momentum means in classical physics and just couldnt resist the opportunity to feel intellectually superior to the other poster, despite literally everyone knowing what the poster meant about price momentum, and the situation having absolutely fucking nothing to do with physics.

>> No.16950348

>Volkswagen are incompetent boomers
You get to say that when your boy Elong wins LeMans. TSLA is incapable of producing a car like the Audi R18 or Porsche 919.

>> No.16950368
File: 45 KB, 1000x743, 502208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90k cars per year
Bullshit, that's not even true. Tesla delivered 367,200 vehicles last year and they're on track to get way more than that this year. See a trend in the growth?

>> No.16950393

I like that Tesla is cutting edge and fast acceleration, but everything else is kinda lacklustre. I'm not so sure Tesla wins yet - especially with lithium battery crap.

>> No.16950407
File: 60 KB, 763x771, 1532611343161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16950443

Decent company. Just ignore the fact that Tesla is more worth than Volkswagen. Producing a friction of VW. Only 3 profitable quarters. Only alive due to subsidies. But heeey. Buy Tesla now!!!!!111

>> No.16950453

No she holds chainlink and any smart people do

>> No.16950463

Are there honestly people that think Tesla is going to put the rest of the automakers out of business and become a monopoly like Microsoft, Google or Facebook?

>> No.16950502

So it's 1/10 of BMW yearly car production...with twice it's market cap.

Congtats to everyone who made money but this doesn't change that Tesla is a bubble

>> No.16950538

Yeah I don’t understand

>> No.16950558

I don't buy into normie bubbles

>> No.16950567


>> No.16950583

That's why they are pumping the price of their premined shitstocken to dump on retailers for funding later.

>> No.16950592

Well it was $ 180 not too long ago (~6 months).

>> No.16950602

>Congtats to everyone who made money

>Yeah I don’t understand
look at post 502, that is as deep as your understanding needs to and should go

>> No.16950617

I'm glad your retarded ass didnt get those quads. STOCKS=!ETFS=!BONDS

>> No.16950651
File: 88 KB, 1420x1142, US-Tesla-Model-3-Small-Midsize-Luxury-Car-Sales-2019-CleanTechnica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carbon fiber is easy to work with, SpaceX makes rockets out of it and that process is far more complex than anything you would find on a production line. Some Tesla Roadsters have a carbon fiber body as well.
Have you heard about Apple? It doesn't need a monopoly to dominate the market.
Yes, 1/10th the car production of BMW, a company that largely only makes ICE vehicles and has no answer to Tesla, a company is that wildly better than anyone else in the electric vehicle market with the highest gross margin in the industry and exponential growth. It's already selling more cars than the BMW series cars put together.

>> No.16950673

A lot of it has to be FOMO

>> No.16950700
File: 43 KB, 533x594, n725075089_288918_2774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carbon fiber is easy to work with, SpaceX makes rockets out of it and that process is far more complex than anything you would find on a production line. Some Tesla Roadsters have a carbon fiber body as well.
Carbon fiber body panels are completely different than a carbon fiber chassis, aka load bearing crash structure. Please do try to keep up.

>> No.16950715

You're so fucking stupid I felt compelled to reply and tell you so. Like, REALLY stupid

>> No.16950727

good article, even better comments section. Seriously worth a read

>> No.16950748
File: 5 KB, 1614x23, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i shorted that ponzi

>> No.16950772

>getting free money

>> No.16950782

Electric cars don't need a carbon fiber chassis, the battery forms most of their skateboard instead. The Falcon 9 is a carbon-fiber aluminum-core composite structure. I don't know why you would make such a stupid point your hill to die on but you've been shilling it here on two separate occasions and it's getting more dumb each time.

>> No.16950798

you did buy puts at the top today, right anon?

>> No.16950806

why would i pay premium, shorted all the way

>> No.16950808

I bought one share for $330. Wish I bought more

>> No.16950833

I got put options.

>> No.16950839

that's long term my nigga. We got the short term puts on lock

>> No.16950842

>I don't know why you would make such a stupid point your hill to die on but you've been shilling it here on two separate occasions and it's getting more dumb each time.
Because there is a lot of art and science that goes into laying up carbon fiber and picking what direction to orient the fibers in what layers. Electric cars absolutely, positively need a carbon fiber chassis for reducing weight and crash worthiness. You don't understand what I am talking about because you know fuckall about materials.

>> No.16950901

not sure about my stop loss, but this shit should not pump any more, at least i hope not

>> No.16950933

>Because there is a lot of art and science that goes into laying up carbon fiber and picking what direction to orient the fibers in what layers.
Tesla literally has some of the best engineers on the planet and their sister company is a leading manufacturer in aerospace. These companies are the number one and number two new engineers want to work. They have proven time and time again to be very innovative in their field. Despite all this, you somehow don't think they can stick carbon fiber on to something, which I could do in garage.
>Electric cars absolutely, positively need a carbon fiber chassis for reducing weight and crash worthiness
What sub 80k electric car has a carbon fiber chassis? They don't exist, you don't know more than the sum of the electric car industry and thousands of actual engineers. They don't want to use carbon fiber in subframes and areas housing the battery because they don't mind the weight in such a crucial area that has to give the heavy battery structure. Similarly, ICE vehicles don't need a carbon fiber chassis. Your point is ridiculous and you should have just admitted to it.

>> No.16951010

Not Elon fanboy, it's just market perspective. It's not about retail either.
The late adopter funds are looking for the next Google or Apple.
Volkswagen is bought up already so they don't need it, and secondly it's not a fancy new company with outrageous CEO to pump in media. It is same as in the work.
No one cares about incel doing the actual coding. Flashy Chad or Big milker Stacy are running the show.

>> No.16951031
File: 119 KB, 1566x880, 170206-lewis-trump-moral-authority-tease_fq18h1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tesla literally has some of the best engineers on the planet
WRONG. They have a bunch of cell phone engineers trying to build cars. Guess again. SpaceX is a leading follower in aerospace.

>> No.16951044

>What sub 80k electric car has a carbon fiber chassis? They don't exist, you don't know more than the sum of the electric car industry and thousands of actual engineers. They don't want to use carbon fiber in subframes and areas housing the battery because they don't mind the weight in such a crucial area that has to give the heavy battery structure. Similarly, ICE vehicles don't need a carbon fiber chassis. Your point is ridiculous and you should have just admitted to it.
Holy fuck. Literally 'I don't understand composites: the post'

>> No.16951124

Was telling my parents to buy a thousand shares of that shit when it started getting fudded by wallstreet and was dipping under $200 a share.

They feel pretty stupid now. I got rich parents that did not listen and rather hold onto northen trust research firm with their boomer 10% a year gains.

I told them about chainlink when it was at .20 cents too...


>> No.16951143

You're either retarded or trolling. SpaceX is the number one commercial launch supplier in the world. They led a great cost reduction in the price of getting things into space and are pioneers in reusable rockery.
>Literally 'I don't understand composites: the post'
Ok, retard. At least try to explain why no electric car makers are using carbon fiber chassis in mass production and why it isn't common among ICE vehicles either. I think all those epoxy fumes from your minimum wage job working with carbon fiber have damaged your brain. Good thing your job is more complex than rocket science, right?

>> No.16951228

No way. Tesla cars are way too expensive. VW, BMW, Mercedes, Audi etc. are all cheaper in Europe.

>> No.16951254

In England Tesla Model 3 base model is 42,000
Base Audi E-Tron 59,185
Jaguar I-Pace starts at 63,925
Porsche Taycan is 83,367

>> No.16951280

and find me a mid-range German car that does 0-60 faster than a Lamborghini Huracan

>> No.16951296

>They led a great cost reduction in the price of getting things into space and are pioneers in reusable rockery
Literally every other manufacturer has looked at this, run the numbers and decided it is not economically feasable. Either all the rocket scientists in the world are retarded or SpaceX is. SpaceX is currently trying to catch up with where the soviet union was in rocket technology in the 60s, so draw your own conclusions.

>At least try to explain why no electric car makers are using carbon fiber chassis in mass production and why it isn't common among ICE vehicles either.
Because current manufacturing technology has specialized around wringing the last tenths out of high strength steel uni body chassis. It's relatively low cost, and low risk, mature technology. Carbon fiber isn't. Besides the BMW i3 and Alfa Romeo 4C there have not been any carbon fiber production cars with MSRPs under $100k. BMW did the i3 as a study for producing carbon fiber cars at scale. Toyota did the LFA for the same reasons. They are pathfinders for seeing how do you produce carbon fiber cars at scale efficiently. It is 100% where the industry is going to go if unit performance efficiency matters to anybody. You can potentially have a Civic or Corolla type car that easily gets 50mpg ICE and can guarantee a 90% survival rate in highway accidents that start above 80mph.

When somebody cracks the universal skateboard concept, I mean really cracks it with something everybody has to buy, it will be composite and the only manufacturers that really will be able to make use of it are those producing carbon fiber bodies. And the only competition will be those producing carbon fiber unibodies. There is just way too much of a strength and weight advantage.

>> No.16951565

>Literally every other manufacturer has looked at this, run the numbers and decided it is not economically feasable
It's not economically feasible because SpaceX has much higher margins than them due to being plainly better than they are. Their launch cost is a fraction of the cost of old space launch providers. Starship is the most advanced heavy rocket ever built. SLS doesn't have to land itself after flight yet costs billions more per launch. Their commercial crew program was done at a fraction of the cost of Boeing's program.
> It is 100% where the industry is going to go if unit performance efficiency matters to anybody
>BMW i3
The electric BMW 13 chassis is aluminum.
> It is 100% where the industry is going to go if unit performance efficiency matters to anybody.
It doesn't unless you consider cost. You can't just claim to know where the industry is going when all evidence indicates that they're not willing to switch over to a carbon fiber chassis. Electric cars are set to get even cheaper, the last thing they want to add into their price is $5000 worth a carbon fiber for a slight weight reduction which doesn't matter when they can add in more batteries at a lower cost.
>can guarantee a 90% survival rate in highway accidents that start above 80mph
Yet Tesla is the safest car per mile driven of any mass produced car and safer than those with a carbon fiber chassis.
>When somebody cracks the universal skateboard concept
That's ridiculous as well, it's like saying there's going to be a universal engine all cars will have.

>> No.16951892


>> No.16951905

All women are narcissists, telling her not to do it unironically gave her an excuse to blame you for her retarded mistake.

>> No.16951919

I bought palladium bars instead.

>> No.16951963

thinking about buying platinum and waiting for a 4x, current Pt : Au ratio of 1:2 should correct to 2:1 in our lifetime I am thinking. thoughts?

>> No.16952035

I mean compared to non-electric vehicles which are still going to exist for another 10-20 years. The Model 3 costs €60,000 here and nobody can't afford that.

>> No.16952209

>10% a year is bad
Max wew

>> No.16952300

10% is bad in a year where the market performed 23%. They're underperforming and likely have high management fees as well.