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File: 15 KB, 300x268, Elon-Musk-300x268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1694340 No.1694340 [Reply] [Original]

How did Elon Musk create SpaceX without knowing anything about rockets?

>> No.1694342

Anyone can become a tech master if they offer millions of dollars in grants to scientists who work in R&D while making scientific breakthroughs in very under funded fields.

>> No.1694343

there's still a few days in 2016. let's hope this fag kick the bucket. it would make me diamonds all the liberal tears those reditards would spill.

>> No.1694371


The guy has a degree in Physics and spent time in a STEM grad program. I'm pretty sure he's familiar with most of the math you'll need for rocketry. It also seems like this guy has been a fan of space-faring tech for a while now, so there's a chance he spent a lot of time reading everything publicly available regarding rockets and rocketry.

From there on out it just seems like the right time, right place, right capital. Here's the thing, any grad student in STEM is going to have the mental resources to get the information they want.

>> No.1694376

He already is a pretty smart guy, and he could hire rocket scientists easily.

>> No.1694419

No he does not. He has a BsC. That's fuck all. They teach you piss easy calculus and high school chemistry there.

>> No.1694422


Smart + Money

>> No.1694453

>No he does not.

No he does not, what?

>They teach you piss easy calculus and high school chemistry there.

What does this even mean? The rocket industry is full of multivariable calculus, ODE's, and PDE's. All of these subjects are required in undergraduate Physics at most institutions (at the very least). I'm confused by your metric of "easy calculus." The only "hard" calculus I can even assume you're talking about is real analysis. Of which, no... he doesn't have to know real analysis for rocket science

>> No.1694464

95% of rocket science is plumbing

>> No.1694489

Big South-African Cock?

>> No.1694518


Stealing ideas from contractors and branding it as his own. My firm created the upper stage LOX tank and parts of the reusable tech for SpX. No credit was given to us.

>> No.1694521

Please elaborate on the "stealing."

>> No.1694533


It's true that in the early days of SX, their first line of rockets, Falcon 1, was built completely in-house. That's quite impressive but inferior to the industry standards. As they moved into F9r, which is the transition prototype between the F1 and the medium lift F9. They conducted lots of testing at their Texas site, but to no avail. We were one of the subcontractors which helped scale their LOX tank design to F9 size, because after all SX was a startup in the industry and needed to consult people with expertise in the field. However, and this is the important part, after the first successful flight test of F9, suddenly Musk decided it was all their accomplishment and their was no mention of us.

He might be a bigshot to the general public, but within the industry people seriously dislike him for many reasons.

>> No.1694675
File: 68 KB, 1047x681, 1480159899133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous Business successes and a penchant for generating (flattering) media exposure.
What do you think? He's some kind of James Bond Villain?

>> No.1694683

>He has a degree
>No he doesn't, he has a bachelors degree

I think you just had a retard moment friend.

>> No.1694695


ULA go away.

But seriously, what was your company? Those are some pretty big accusations against a company that needs good PR to thrive. So it's a bit odd when someone claims they did a lot of work for Space X, then go snuffed. I just want to see if there's public verification you guys worked with Space X.

>> No.1695085

tax parasite money
jew scam
get into university
give only jew A
they get all top reulgator spots on sly
tell no oen whats up
get 10B go make mess
claim some succes
media only says nice
says you jew ahter if not say nice
same w paypal
jews want to take over energy biz thats why win n soalr pushed
dont care fi nto work well
jsut wana own all green corps doing wind n solar
dont know shit
just use your tax money to research with tons of engineers or buy tek and advance it
all wasted money
free market would have 100% atomic thorium power by now and unregualted hosuing would have bardominiums for 1$ a square foot
restrict production and charge crazy prices for limited scarcity energy and houses
let people lvie in shitty beehives jews own

>> No.1695123

>Stealing ideas from contractors and branding it as his own

and I was wondering why they called him the new steve jobs.

>> No.1695130


He studied physics in uni.

He's also a genius.

>> No.1695719

I have a put option on Tesla expiring next month. Would be fucking EPIC if that happened.

>> No.1696002

>he's not retarded
>he had plenty of money (so no outside stress)
>he was motivated
>he surrounded himself experts in their respective fields
>read a lot of books, and asked a lot of questions

Many people could do what he did with the same resources. He may not have personally programmed his rockets, or designed them, but he was the leader who brought the people together that did.

>> No.1696009

elon has vision
he knows what the world needs, and surrounds himself with the right people who can put his vision into motion

just like steve jobs

>> No.1696030

nope. he's a turd.

>> No.1696040


>I want people with no political affiliation to die because leftists like him
Sure smells like reddit in here.