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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16943069 No.16943069 [Reply] [Original]

There's got to be more to life than this...

>> No.16943084

nope thats it

>> No.16943097

there isn't

>> No.16943098


>> No.16943110

Go do some ketamine and listen to aphex twin you'll look differently at things

>> No.16943199

Life sucks, it's just a fact. We pursue money with the subconscious thought that it will improve our situation exponentially. While it's true to some degree, there is never a true feeling of euphoria like "I made it!". It's human nature to continuously want more than they have, even if they have what most would consider more than enough.

I made a lot of money when I was in my teens. It started with a few websites I made when I was 13 that generated money from recurring subscriptions. I had made ~$75k by the time I was 15. I then got into Bitcoin when one of my customers asked if he could pay his subscription with it. I'd never heard of it before but since Liberty Reserve had been raided by the feds and shut down, I was looking for a new anonymous currency to accept. This sparked a fascination in me and I created one of the original Bitcoin gambling websites when I was 15-16. It caught on overnight and 2 days after launch there had been over 2000 BTC deposited and I believe the price at that time was around $150-200. I ran the site for quite some time and made more than most do in their whole careers before I even turned 18.

That's sorta when I noticed that it didn't feel like I would've hoped. It just looked like numbers on a screen and all I wanted to do was keep those numbers going up. Sure I could buy what I wanted but it's a novelty that wears off. I still got rejected by every girl I ever asked out, still was a skinny nerd, still felt uncomfortable in my own skin and was still the same semi-depressed person.

Even when Bitcoin was having its insane bull-run up to $20k and I was hodling a large amount of coin and selling it off periodically it just felt like going through the motions and craving higher prices, higher, higher.

Fell into drugs to try to feel something more but when I came out the other end I was more empty than before. I didn't hit rock-bottom because no matter how much I spent on the addiction it hardly made a dent.

>> No.16943303


I digress, I know many are probably reading this thinking "fuck this guy, why can't he appreciate what he has?" and I'm sure others are thinking it's all just a bs LARP. Most won't agree but I don't blame you, I wouldn't have either.

Nowadays I'm doing better mentally, I think making that much money as a young kid can really fuck you up because it's hard to know how to react and what to do. I had a lot of preconceived notions on what it meant to "make it", as I'm sure every single person with ambition also has. It's an entirely different thing when you're actually in that sort of situation, especially if you don't have the life experience of someone much older.

I realised that I still have a passion for making websites and software that services people's needs and desires so I started making sites again without focusing on monetisation or anything like that. Just doing it for the enjoyment and fulfillment I was missing for a while. I don't do drugs anymore and rarely drink and I feel much better because of that.

Life is weird. I think what propels us and keeps us going is the pursuit of something greater. Always striving for more, trying to reach our maximum potential. However actually reaching something far beyond what we ever imagined possible isn't necessarily the magical moment we all dream about. Don't get me wrong, having money is helpful but you can still have all the money in the world and be a miserable person. It's like meeting God and discovering he's just a normal dude with the same struggles and thoughts as you.

>> No.16943696
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Did you ever deal with self-doubt on the comeup? If so, how'd you cope?

>> No.16943754

Not initially because I was honestly just a kid having fun and not really treating it as my livelihood like people do when they're starting a business/pursuit while having to support themselves. I just liked making websites and launching them to see if people liked them. I must've made at least 10 different pieces of software and websites before one actually became widely used. After I got the first taste of success and money coming in, everything I made after that I made with the hope of it being bigger and better. If it flopped then I would be sorta mad and disappointed but then I'd be straight back to the drawing board and making something else.

The Bitcoin site was an overnight success, literally. I didn't have time to worry about it, I just made a forum post announcing it and then went to sleep. Woke up with 100+ replies to my thread and over 500 depositing users. That first day or so I made something like 60 BTC in profit from fees which was ~$15k at the time. It only increased in popularity from then which I never really expected it to.

I think the answer to your question would be to not care so much about the end result. Just make things you think would be good, something you would use yourself. If it doesn't work out, brush it off and make something else. If you give up then you will never be successful, if you make 100 websites and the 100th site blows up and becomes wildly successful, it makes up for the 99 failures before it

>> No.16943757

you are living in an epic time!. coronoavirus will wipe us all!!!!!!

>> No.16943856

if you are still making websites I need help figuring out what to do with buttcorns.com
this is not a larp

>> No.16943857
File: 144 KB, 800x600, bear Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. What kind of projects you working on these days?

>> No.16943877

Vidya gaems, drugs and pussy.

Then it becomes

Family, drugs, pussy and vidya gaems

>> No.16943892


Can you help with us with our exchange? Got a disposable email?

>> No.16943896

its what you make it

>> No.16943912

There is literally nothing stopping you from enjoying the many things in life but yourself.

>> No.16944015

seriously, I don't know what to do with this stupid website which I bought when I was drunk a few days ago. Throwaway email address is buttcorns@yahoo.com