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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16940479 No.16940479 [Reply] [Original]

can some body tell me what this mean? why would they stop giving update? they muting ppl for asking on telegram

>> No.16940489

bye bye money

>> No.16940543

why? what this means?

>> No.16940564

they just don't want to get roped into too many parallel projects at once.

>> No.16940582

It's actually bullish. They're cutting costs. They had a bunch of useless team members that had to go.

>> No.16940609

but update is not important? I want to read what is in developments

>> No.16940630

>but update is not important?
It isn't. Some blog posts had less than 100 views. No one was reading that shit. If you want updates, follow the project on GitHub.

>> No.16940674

i already look at github. how you see views on blog? i read every post

>> No.16940698

>how you see views on blog?
You can't. I assume the posts had less than 100 views becuase they had 5 claps.
Their YouTube channel has several videos with less than 200 views. It's a waste of resources to create videos and blog posts that no one is watching.

>> No.16940771

claps are on medium. how I see claps on blog?

>> No.16940836

They just don't want to get ROPED into too many parallel projects.

>> No.16940870

that's awful that they're gagging investors, many of whom have tied up their money in this project. sounds a bit ropey if you ask me. it's a good job you started this thread. hopefully someone on /biz/ can unravel this knot and find out whether they're selling you a yarn or stringing you along here.

>> No.16940903

ok yes these are very funny good job. but I want to know why no more updates. I can not get a answer from them

>> No.16940911

I guess their hands are tied on this.

>> No.16940924

>Some blog posts had less than 100 views.
wow another shitcoin with zero interest.

>> No.16940932
File: 1.20 MB, 640x360, 9521E7E6-A53C-4410-8507-51BEABA6F427.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ

>> No.16940938

All your money went into a bondage studio idiots.

>> No.16940940

haha ok i guess i just submit to the jokes. i ask them in ama. i hope they are not bound to lies

>> No.16940943

even ignoring the predilections of the CEO, these other events are all giant red flags. i suggest you secure your bondage and sell up, while thanking this dead & inefficient market for not marking down the price

>> No.16940959

And there it is. The beginning of the exit scam boys
I'm fucking out. Got muted on telegram for simply posting "Why?" What a waste of time

>> No.16940965

Top Kek

>> No.16940980
File: 199 KB, 1080x799, Holochain Studio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16940982

and that is a good thing.

>> No.16941118

you muted too? where we ask then? this is strange. hopefully they answer question in ama

>> No.16941145

yes i agree. i not have much of hot but i just like the project. maybe i sell now. it is sad for what could have been

>> No.16941221

It means EXIT SCAM.

>> No.16941233


>> No.16941248

It means they really appreciate your sacrifice

>> No.16941259



>> No.16941302

This whole situation is a bit ropey if you ask me

>> No.16941426

If they let go of the mystical eye reader I'm selling.

>> No.16941443
