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File: 208 KB, 1940x1000, IMG_20200121_085126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16932897 No.16932897 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.16932908

i'm literally not buying until $2.5

>> No.16932913


>> No.16932929

What's uplink?

>> No.16932947

I pray for sweet release every day

>> No.16932950
File: 42 KB, 763x631, 1572110988284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink is a white label, guess what all these xlinks are using?
Neuralink, starlink, uplink, gpi link hmmmm

>> No.16932967

Lurk more. It's a meme to post any obscure business news here with chain or link in the name and hint it has something to do with chainlink (it doesn't)

>> No.16932969

guess what delusion looks like

>> No.16932973

has nothing to do with chainlink retard

>> No.16932974

After being here for so long I don't even bother anymore. Fuck I'm so worn out.

>> No.16932976

Oh so its just a fucking coincidence that FUCKING KLAUS SCHWAB is talking anout uplink here and he wrote about CHAINLINK and smartcontracts.com in his book named "the 4th industrial revolution"? You had 2 fucking years to accumulate faggot

>> No.16932989

UpLink is essentially a DAO for public goods. It's almost like privatizing jobs that would otherwise be expected for governments to undertake.

>> No.16932993

oh fuck maybe you're right, I hope you are

>> No.16933005

How does Chainlink relate to this though anon? Maybe the name of the conference is a coincidence? I don't know man.

>> No.16933012
File: 224 KB, 2546x1164, IMG_20200121_091515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no coincidences

>> No.16933025

I would like to believe this but after being fucked in the asshole for having my hopes up high too many times, I'll keep my expectations low.

>> No.16933026
File: 65 KB, 278x506, omni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16933027

>global climate strikes of 2019
didnt even hear about this shit, but it looks like the most establishment sponsored 'protest' ive ever fucking seen

>> No.16933043

not much how about you?

>> No.16933051


>> No.16933053

>establishment sponsored 'protest'
>didnt even hear about this shit
Pick one

>> No.16933054
File: 39 KB, 360x289, tumblr_lverlmjUTk1qzjton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much fren but thanks for asking

>> No.16933056

cool I'll eat my own dick if link doesnt dump to 2.45 tomorrow

>> No.16933064
File: 29 KB, 301x424, 1560719846656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothingburger pushed by swinger discord tranny scum just like >muh AMD


>> No.16933066

Dont eat it. You need that for peepee

>> No.16933070

havent watched tv or read any news outlet for a long time. Millions on the streets to "save the planet"? give me a fucking break these kids will be led straight into the nwo global govt of doom

>> No.16933082

God good Im exited for you gays.

>> No.16933116

This can’t be fucking real....

>> No.16933120


>> No.16933161
File: 63 KB, 500x460, E935EF8D-B683-42DC-BF11-41DC6B03806E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not fren, we made it already

>> No.16933175

From the video about it it just seems like a stupid activist social networking app. I'm willing to bite given that WEF has reference chainlink and there are players that have ties to chainlink but what could chainlink do for this app?

>> No.16933206

They are starting slowly with shit like this to test the network

>> No.16933254

Jesus Christ I'm all in link but seeing these Twitter retards with literally zero brain cells hyping themselves because something has link in its name despite how utterly fucking obviously unrelated to anything chainlink it is is fucking embarrassing, green monkey if you're reading this you're unironically a mongoloid and you should end yourself, you cover this once high iq community with shame

>> No.16933270
File: 53 KB, 371x380, IMG_20200119_130453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the retard here fren. They wont announce anything related to chainlink but i assure you that uplink is built with chainlink oracles.

>> No.16933282

Oh shit I had already forgot about this. Its all so tiresome

>> No.16933301

>once high IQ community

>> No.16933305

source: trust me goys

>> No.16933385

what is source of this exact image ? I cannot find it anywhere

>> No.16933395


>> No.16933459

thank You fren

>> No.16933471

Holy fuck all these newfags answering this post seriously

>> No.16933507

Meh, seems suspiciously diverse.
Almost as if they picked the speakers based on their sex/skin color instead of what they actually have to say.

>> No.16933508
File: 58 KB, 478x473, 1578485486792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is you

>> No.16933745

we all are anon, just remember that fudders are most likely discord trannies who fud as a form of self soothing therapy because they don't have enough linkies

>> No.16933802


>> No.16934547

Delete OP