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File: 86 KB, 531x379, 1579297841812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16932029 No.16932029 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not buying this before the big bull run. This is the next eth/antshares climb.

>> No.16932032

imagine being this stupid

>> No.16932146

Checked. Runs ETH Dapps faster, cheaper and more scalable than ETH, Interops with BNB and ETH. HAs the Finality of sub second so faster than NANO....Literally it kills ETH. Only High IQ will get this early though.

>> No.16932157

Will do 1 TRX for 20k Fanties. Drop me your telegram/Kik and we'll talk.

>> No.16932365

fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my village destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us

>> No.16932374

Hello sirs, you Fantom long time? Special price only 4 u sirs, buy much now and own place in shitting street whole day. Buy very, very much and free toilet 4 u whole day in house of mr Rakeesh from team Fantom. How much long time you Fantom sir?

>> No.16932376

Hello sirs, u want free money?? Mine with Raahmesh mining! U buy bitconnect BCC for selling all ur valuables, give money to Raahmesh and he will mine 4 u, u will get over 100% roi later year. Same deal with Fantom FTM, just contact Mr Raahmesh at most popular shitting street, second in row, or contact mr andy "codereviewer", the white mr with worst explosive diarrhea in shitting street, very easy 2 find. He has many, many Fantom he create free from air to give u 4 mining if u give him much money. Very good deal, special price 4 u!

>> No.16932386

Sorry sirs, mr andy says no time to make dag and only fork ethereum virtual machine cuz explosive diarrhea. What to think sirs? So happy mr andy code reviewer installed toilets at every desk in our call center, so now we can sit on toillett all day while making many, many calls to white old ppl in west and post spam on biz all day 4 selling fantom we made from nothing. Must go now sirs, to continue 2 hustle, hustle. Lord Ganesha, the Hindu elephant god bless u sirs and mr andy. U give much money 2 most hustling ppl in Calcutta.

>> No.16932399

you're the idiot who put in a mil into the erc token

nice try, I'm not buying your bags

>> No.16932418

Fucking kek lmfao

>> No.16932440
File: 308 KB, 2566x1856, 1577484025207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Checked. Runs ETH Dapps faster, cheaper and more scalable than ETH,
Lie. Truth is 18 tps according to your own documentation, pic.

>> No.16932562
File: 143 KB, 1280x902, fpfi9hkjrzu11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16932699

Have sex

>> No.16932737

fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my village destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us. Hello sirs, u want free money?? Mine with Raahmesh mining! U buy bitconnect BCC for selling all ur valuables, give money to Raahmesh and he will mine 4 u, u will get over 100% roi later year. Same deal with Fantom FTM, just contact Mr Raahmesh at most popular shitting street, second in row, or contact mr andy "codereviewer", the white mr with worst explosive diarrhea in shitting street, very easy 2 find. He has many, many Fantom he create free from air to give u 4 mining if u give him much money. Very good deal, special price 4 u! Hello sirs, you Fantom long time? Special price only 4 u sirs, buy much now and own place in shitting street whole day. Buy very, very much and free toilet 4 u whole day in house of mr Rakeesh from team Fantom. How much long time you Fantom sir? Sorry sirs, mr andy says no time to make dag and only fork ethereum virtual machine cuz explosive diarrhea. What to think sirs? So happy mr andy code reviewer installed toilets at every desk in our call center, so now we can sit on toillett all day while making many, many calls to white old ppl in west and post spam on biz all day 4 selling fantom we made from nothing. Must go now sirs, to continue 2 hustle, hustle. Lord Ganesha, the Hindu elephant god bless u sirs and mr andy. U give much money 2 most hustling ppl in Calcutta.

>> No.16932874

Back to plebbit, newfag.

>> No.16932878

Kek, I’ve been here every day since 2016. Suck my balls faggot

>> No.16932909

fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my village destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us.fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my village destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us.fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my village destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us.fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my village destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us.fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my village destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us.fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my village destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us.fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my village destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us.fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my village destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us.fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my village destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us.

>> No.16932932

> This is the next eth/antshares climb.

Its literally ARPA not fantom

>> No.16932935

lol idiot

>> No.16933072

>Kek, I’ve been here every day since 2016
That's even worse. You were here so early and you clearly did not make it and I can't fathom what kind of idiot you have to be to do that. One indication is your utterly stupid comment "have sex" when I pointed out that according to Fantom's own documentation you only have 18 tps and you fantom fanbois lie. How does it feel to be a lazy bum and low IQ loser?

>> No.16933243


>> No.16933361

Learn to read. The current implementation of the EVM is Ethereums default VM so all you are seeing is how shit ETH is. You don't know the project.


>> No.16933375

Currently on XAR network they have it running at 20k with 1.2 finality. shit hot basically for such a secure chain.

>> No.16933381
File: 103 KB, 1296x311, Screenshot 2020-01-21 at 18.31.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16933397

The absolute state, Pajeet shills pretending to be Westerner fudders imitating pajeets

>> No.16933592

fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my village destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us. Hello sirs, u want free money?? Mine with Raahmesh mining! U buy bitconnect BCC for selling all ur valuables, give money to Raahmesh and he will mine 4 u, u will get over 100% roi later year. Same deal with Fantom FTM, just contact Mr Raahmesh at most popular shitting street, second in row, or contact mr andy "codereviewer", the white mr with worst explosive diarrhea in shitting street, very easy 2 find. He has many, many Fantom he create free from air to give u 4 mining if u give him much money. Very good deal, special price 4 u! Hello sirs, you Fantom long time? Special price only 4 u sirs, buy much now and own place in shitting street whole day. Buy very, very much and free toilet 4 u whole day in house of mr Rakeesh from team Fantom. How much long time you Fantom sir? Sorry sirs, mr andy says no time to make dag and only fork ethereum virtual machine cuz explosive diarrhea. What to think sirs? So happy mr andy code reviewer installed toilets at every desk in our call center, so now we can sit on toillett all day while making many, many calls to white old ppl in west and post spam on biz all day 4 selling fantom we made from nothing. Must go now sirs, to continue 2 hustle, hustle. Lord Ganesha, the Hindu elephant god bless u sirs and mr andy. U give much money 2 most hustling ppl in Calcutta.

>> No.16933670

WRONG, that's your idiot devs testing your shit net before release. Have you Fantom morons stress tested your mainnet? No? Why not? Any respectable dev ever commented on Andy the codereviewer's insane claims about groundbreaking upgrade of Ethereum Virtual Machine? Your shit project is a total scam. Andy is lying through his teeth and giving tech jargon to his monkey community and they believe everything he says, as long as it sounds "techy". You are the worst idiot community in crypto.

>> No.16933673

You sound mad
Show us on the dag where the fantom touched you

>> No.16933694

i just bought a thousand of this the other week, because I had some money laying around

don't care if i lose it or not

>> No.16933725

>Show us on the dag where the fantom touched you
>t. typical Fantom "tech investor", i.e.gambling moron.

>> No.16933746

Node 18 on opera got slashed last night and their fanties along with their delegate's fanties are locked. TG is a shit storm today.

>Imagine staking your fanties on some brown skinned stranger's technical abilities

>> No.16933789

Woah hello there big baller.

>> No.16934393

Imagine admitting to hanging out all the time in a TG of a project you then say is shit on 4chan....imagine how bad at fudding you would be.

>> No.16934395

1000 ftm? So like $10?

>> No.16934466

fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my village destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us

>> No.16934481
File: 115 KB, 1024x687, 1574607620707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are pumping, boys. Come on satsgang, pump my fucking bags

>> No.16934513

Get in on $Luna - this run is about to take off. Not only are they big in South Korea but they are killing it with their partnerships. The founder has a seriously good track record and is setting realistic goals, whilst meeting all milestones. Diversify and Hodl!

>> No.16934681
File: 118 KB, 900x1357, 9RXUuFY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ANOTHER fantom thread post about buy my shitcoin instead, sir
Don't you people get tired of this

>> No.16934787

Fantom moon soon sirs? I will first with lamborgini in my India village. Fantom expert prediction 3-5$ sirs.

>> No.16935054


>> No.16935209

Biz will wait to buy the top

>> No.16935250

yeah just like with ARPA

>> No.16935319
File: 61 KB, 1024x858, 1570224883625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me where I can find the discord you all get paid to do this shot from. Please. I'll be the best damn shill in my life if you pay me

>> No.16936182
File: 454 KB, 1086x673, CUM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantom = Cryptographic Ultra Money (CUM).
It can do literally everything, what could go wrong?

>> No.16937045

Get it through your thick head, kikes. I'm NEVER selling my fanties

>> No.16937101

Not too long until you literally can't sell anymore as there will be no buy order book side. Just sell orders pilling up on 1 sat.

>> No.16937413

You're NEVER getting them you greedy long-nose

>> No.16937532

sometimes I really don't know who's fudding who

>> No.16937566

So, how much are you down?

>> No.16937770

I'm just holding out for a class action lawsuit at this point. This shit is dead and when rewards drop, it's going all the way to 0.

>> No.16937779

Wouldn't you like to know?

>> No.16937861

Good, better sell and lock in your losses!

>> No.16937887


>> No.16938002

So do you think staking is going to make you rich when everybody like you cashes out at the same time? At this point, you should realize you arent making your money back. You are in the denial stage, lucky I realized that before it went under 200 sats.

>> No.16938064

You're a retard then, lol.
6 months from now won't matter if people suddenly flash crash the price trying to sell because if that's the case, I'm probably already down either way. Reaching 75 percent stake won't lead to a flash crash either because there wouldn't be any real reason. So, if the project is going up in value because it gains traction, then nobody else will just flash sell enough to crash the price because they continue to receive a good benefit by staking.

So yeah, go ahead and sell then. You're not cut out to bet on shitcoins

>> No.16938828
