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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16926479 No.16926479 [Reply] [Original]

I do more work than people in the same position as me but some of them have senior titles than I do, I don't understand....

>can you do this, can you do that

Yeah, here you go, why is this other guy above me by the way?

>> No.16926486

*have more senior titles

>> No.16926956

Some co worker with a title above is trying to dump shitty documentation work on me because "he doesn't have the time, the project is getting crazy". I've been avoiding it and don't ask him about it. Fuck these lazy people, I'm not doing your dumb stupid work.

>> No.16926975

>mommy why is life so unfair boo fucking hoo

>> No.16926999

They got lucky, you didn‘t

>> No.16927024

Get another job and quit and start your own company. They will beg you to come back.

>> No.16927030

Because you’re the patsy

>> No.16927118

stop whining and open a business then
nobody is stopping you

>> No.16928181

holy shit...

this makes so much sense now

>> No.16928191

why are you posting a pedophile who married a sheboon and had animal offspring with the monkey?

>> No.16928194

They are more personable and have more charisma and leadership skills OR they're better at presenting themselves

>> No.16928230
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Because you got brainwashed by kikes to think that real life works like a game or a movie where you win if you accumulate all the good goy points.

You doing more work just means you're a better drone suited specifically for that...WORK. You will never be in a position to lead anything. Whatever title they choose to give you in the future will be just that. A carrot to keep you doing more work. The "next level" for our good goy. It will be nothing of consequence.

The irony in all of this is that the guys that you're complaining about probably received those bullshit titles to motivate them and drones like you. Their titles also don't mean anything.

>> No.16928696

Companies are ponzi schemes. The higher up you are the less work you do. At top executive levels the work only consists on planning with other top execs (and if company is big enough: politicians) how to funnel money from those lower in hierarchy to them. This is the entire point of the corporate world.

>> No.16928717

also protip: nobody at the top cares about company performance (unless they have bonuses where showing (read: manipulating) certain conditions were met results in payouts). when the company is obsolete, the top will all have golden parachutes and migrate into a new company. rinse and repeat.

>> No.16928726
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>> No.16928727

the sole reason why western economy doesn't collapse is the fact that most people either don't understand or don't care how bad things really are.

>> No.16928793

oh and by the way academia functions the same way. top academics have slaves hoping to make it doing all the dirty work of research for them while they sign off on papers. the functioning of western society is the same across the boarder. the top conspires among themsleves to fuck you in the ass. democracy is a sham and people do not rebel because they are addicted to pills, alcohol and other drugs and too tired to do anything but turn on their TV, where they are shown countless hours of media of the american dream, where their hard-work and ingenuity turns into them being a hero once and for all, lately though with people becoming increasingly disillusioned a different kind of shows are becoming popular to cope with the fact that nobody believes in the hard-working american dream anymore. now you have the Mike Ross - Suits types, the underdog who through pure intelligence and guile joins the ranks of the elite, the guy who breaks that barrier from a mere working drone into the system of the elite, who really gets the game so to speak and so they have to let him in. This is the new dream of the young, there is no american dream in the conventional sense - be smart, work hard and you'll rise to the top. Everybody knows that is a sham with sociopaths running the show. Now the dream is, become this slick, slightly corrupt smart guy so they let you in with the big boys. It is quite amazing to watch, they have managed to turn the destriction of the american dream and the obvious fact that the whole show is run by sociopaths who have a steel-ceiling preventing mere plebs from joining the ranks into an idea that can be sold back to plebs. You too can become one of us, but only if you understand the game, you see. If you're going to be a good little sociopath we're gonna give you a little taste.

>> No.16928850

I wish I didn't know these things. It makes me sick to my stomach. It's better to do your 9-5 and just don't think about it at all, but even if you're moderately intelligent and perceptive it is kind of impossible to go through the workforce without seeing what's out there. I think that's why people dull themselves with alcohol and other drugs. I wish I was taught farming and basic survival skills, I imagine it is quite more satisfying trying to work on your survival directly and seeing the fruits of your hands than being a cog in this economical machine.

>> No.16928867

>why is this other guy above me by the way?
He's good at getting things done by having others do them for him.

>> No.16928916

Because your a wage cuck

>> No.16929007
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Because meritocracy is a complete meme and was coined in a book that was satirical, ie it's literally a fucking joke, but people ran with it and wagies accepted it because believing that your fortunes are tied to your skill and effort at your actual work, that the promotion is just a few more weeks of overtime away, is the only thing keeping wagies from showing up with an assault rifle