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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16924843 No.16924843 [Reply] [Original]

No trolls. I went all in on Holo late last year (9 sat buy in) and have over 100 million, and considering now moving to FTM. The CEOs naked pics, how much does it change Holo's outlook big picture?

>> No.16924868

Fuck off with both of these absolute shitcoins, Patek.

>> No.16924903

>hurr don't talk about any coins I don't like

>> No.16924917

back to matic fag

>> No.16925030

Are you new? The latest rope fud is fun, doesn't mean you have to get out. I'm tired of investors with child's mentality

>> No.16925141
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Normies aren’t going to buy in now, not that they were anyways.

>> No.16925368
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What normal company will get involved now? Imagine going to corporate meetings knowing ceo posts public nudes while ceo.

>> No.16925378

Holo is done for. Yep.

>> No.16925379

fuckin ew

>> No.16925461
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Hello I'm ceo. Want to invest?

>> No.16925496

Its funny how everybody in bdsm is fugly. Both men and female. Even fetish camgirls are ugly kek

>> No.16925499

It was completely finished before this even happened. They struggled just to deliver the overpriced, end-of-life hardware to "fulfill their legal obligation" for their scam ICO. Now that it is finished, and they
>still have no useful software
>still have no network
>still have no holofuel

They are probably glad this is happening so they can blame their exit scam on /biz/ oppressing them than their own incompetence and criminal behavior. The boomers are exit scamming after lying for 3 years. Typical in this space unfortunately.

>> No.16925515

evil is ugly

>> No.16925516

Let's not forget they're firing half their team also because running out of money. And look who made the announcement. Kek


>> No.16925542

It's fucking over. No serious business will be touching this with a 10 foot rope.

>> No.16925557

Honestly this. I have been trying to warn people all along. Independently research each team member. None of them have even held a real job. Go to some of Arthur’s “business” websites he founded. They are blogs that look like they were built on geocities in the early 90’s. LITERALLY.

That’s red flag one - complete lack of preparation by any one single team member to be running even a simple business, let alone groundbreaking tech.

Red flag 2: the white paper and important math including consensus were nowhere in sight even more than a year after the ICO and hiring MULTIPLE mathematicians who all quit because they couldn’t figure out how to make it work. To this day, it’s still incomplete. Holochain afawk is literally an impossible idea right now. Anything they actually put out into the world (if anything) will not be what was promised when they raised millions selling tokens to people.

Red flag 3: the whole holoport debacle

I’m not even counting this as a red flag because having researched the team 2 years ago things like this absolutely are not surprising.

To be fair I don’t think it was a scam. I think it was a bunch of hippies with an idea way over their heads and a lot of idiots who threw money at them.

>> No.16925570

That's what people aren't understanding. I don't give a fuck what she does on her own time but God make it private not public. No company that's legit will ever work with Holo now it would be a pr nightmare.

>> No.16925576

Take the shitcoin discussion to plebbit where it belongs.

>> No.16925607
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Mudpump2.0 is coming

>> No.16925618

Well said, I wish others would see this too.

>> No.16925629

Holo employee here, we are all very supportive of Mary's private life. You nerds are disgusting pigs.

>> No.16925695

Even though it's true, you should still hold a suicide bag. When it moons 10x, your logical arguments won't matter. Fucking Litecoin is a literal copy-paste of Bitcoin and still created many millionaires, I'm sure there is more innovation in Holo.

>> No.16925709

That's if it even works. Look at Maidsafe they tried similar shit. Failed. And a way smarter team.

>> No.16925720

She shouldn't be making it public then. Public ig public fetlife. Idiot. No company will touch you hippy faggots now.

>> No.16925722

Please show me the photos of Charlie Lee hanging from a ceiling with his cock tied up in rope.

>> No.16925724

Everyone should hold a few mil by now, you had 2 years to accumulate

>> No.16925737

That seems retarded?

>> No.16925739

The ports and the software work soo...
No one cares outside the hivemind
No one cares outside the hivemind

>> No.16925770

The crypto markets are far from rational or mature. Just look at the top 20, like 80-90% are total jokes still. I’m not saying holochain cant get another pump, but moon? No chance. We are beyond that stage, you will never see another ICO fueled craze again, and if you do it’ll pump the new things, not the old now obviously defunct things. The writing is on the wall, this will be just one of thousands of cryptos which ultimately will disappear and never come back. It’ll run with larger market pumps until it gets sorted correctly, and this rope fetish thing may just be what helps it get sorted.

Even if you get a 10x, that just means there will have been a 100x or a 1000x somewhere else you missed out on because you stayed in this garbage. Your money, though.

>> No.16925777

Holoports work? They're 4 year old tech computers. So what if the computers work? They aren't online show me proof of decentralized network. You're fucking full of shit.

>> No.16925787

Yup, going in eth. Proof of stake solves all the issues, no need for this holo shit once that happens.

>> No.16925797

>Proof of stake solves all the issues no need for this holo shit once that happens.

wanna know how I know you're making a mistake?

>> No.16925821

'you wanna tie mommy up?'

oh god i'm COOOOOMING

>> No.16925918

Ya'll stop talking about holochain. I have $2000 in this.

>> No.16925971

Show me more pictures of mommy tied up

>> No.16925994

well I bought holo at 60 gwei and sold it at 40sats to buy link and linkpool.
I also have a little stack of ftm.
thanks for the holoshill

>> No.16926052

i'm down 45% in holo but i have added to my porn collection so i see it as a net gain

>> No.16926172

I personally find it encouraging to see such a beautiful woman embrace her sexuality.

>> No.16927016

Maidsafe is not holochain. Maidsafe deploys mining and consensus. It also uses on big DHT space. In holochain you have a DHT for each app, you have custom built consensus, and no ineffecifient mining. These small nuances are what make holochain so special.

Also, Vitalik never ran a business, look at the success of Ethereum. Additionally David Atkinson was a CEO of a large successful team as well. The team has some proven talent, it's not all geeks, but even if it was in crypto that simply doesn't matter.

The math not being proven is interesting. Having read the white paper it is ridiculously impressive. Also, Arthur co created DPKI with Vitalik. When lib3h is still in development, it's proven to work, they just haven't completed the transaction to rust yet. Based on the talent of the team I'm not remotely worried about this. You just have to be patient with the rust transition.

And the Holoport debacle again was cashed from the rust transition. Also, most crypto projects are massively delayed. I'm okay with waiting a bit for delays when the project is truly revolutionary. Which holochain/Holo is. We're at a turning point right now. some naked pics are an odd development, but honestly is doesnt matter.

IDGAF about what the team does in their free time. I bet Vitalik and Sergey do all sorts of weird stuff, they just haven't been busted for it. It sucks for her, but it has no effect on Holochain. The tech will prove itself and make people a ton of money regardless.

>> No.16927291
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>I bet Vitalik and Sergey do all sorts of weird stuff, they just haven't been busted for it


>> No.16927765

Holo is hotter than ever and still the best hold in crypto

>> No.16927803
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Well if this doesn’t look like finished what looks finished then.

>> No.16927804

Lol at retards panicking

>> No.16927836

Not wanting to talk about anything other than top 10 coins is peak reddit fuck off faggot

>> No.16928057

Ask yourself this question and be honest with yourself
Would you invest in a company that’s run by a hooker and a bunch of trannys outside of Crypto? Seriously?

>> No.16928084

trannys and homosexuals are creative

>> No.16928092

what the fuck... Just market sold all my HOLO

>> No.16928228

8 sats has been breached. I repeat, 8 sats has been breached.

>> No.16928259

They’re the most mentally fucked creatures on earth