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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.13 MB, 1000x699, stock-market-quotes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16055 No.16055[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Get in here, /biz/tards.

Game Link:



Dont know anything about stocks? No problem, the game will help you to learn.

Useful links:



Free Charts:



>> No.16068

It's a buy the dip scheme. Ya feel me?

>> No.16069

>de jew

>> No.16076


>> No.16079

Stocks are closed now, right?

>> No.16082

>still no verification email

>> No.16095

We down again

>> No.16109

>tfw only buying stocks that are down in the hopes that they'll go up at some point

They will, right?

>> No.16099


>> No.16107

>Tfw already #1

>> No.16122

Sure they will.
Keep buying goy

>> No.16115

you should include some links for introduction to stocks in the op as well

>> No.16119

>muh bear market

>> No.16126
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>> No.16128

You should just ask, we are here to help you!

>> No.16130

Cause everyone's losing, and by the sounds of it, they're selling already because of that.

Not that I'm doing well either, but jeez.

>> No.16138

Whats the point of this thread? We already have a same one

>> No.16139
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oy vey goyim, take my advice

he he he

>> No.16141
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>> No.16142

I reposted the ones from the original thread in the game discussion.

>> No.16147

I'm just fucking around in this game. Mimicking my IRL folder but focusing on volatile sections

I'm certain others will help

>> No.16156


>> No.16157

300 is the bump limit

>> No.16152

Fucking VFC.

>> No.16153

>Didn't add http://www.investopedia.com/university/stocks/ to the OP

>> No.16154

bump limit reached i guess

>> No.16168

oh ok

>> No.16169
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>not holding XIV as a core position

>> No.16190
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>mfw SLV is on a quick rise
better get started before its too late

>> No.16203

Marketwatch won't send me the fucking verification email.

>> No.16205

tfw can't play because emails aren't being sent

>> No.16217
File: 101 KB, 501x540, 1349674978884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Lost $225.62 in less than an hour.
Thank you Obama.

>> No.16231

I can't help but wonder why OP didn't enable options, forex and futures trading...

>> No.16225

lol that's nothing

>> No.16234

>not allowed to own more than 1000 shares
i bet the jews did this

>> No.16243

>225.62 loss

TFW I'm up 2.5K already. Love Marketwatch because you can try retarded strats with huge potential for payout

>> No.16238

I just decided to invest heavily in outdoors shit and Harley-Davidson. See you fuckers in July!

>> No.16251


I lol'd

>> No.16246


-$780.46 right now

The market just shitted all over itself

>> No.16257

what your highest growing stock?
Mine is Cisco

>> No.16267


-$624.05 without selling anything

Starting to get the hang of this

>> No.16276
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>> No.16278


>> No.16292

Starting to get the hang of what? You're just watching unrealized gains/losses bounce around...

>> No.16286

Is it doing that well?
I bought and sold in less than 5 minutes and made good profit

>> No.16296

Oh and right now exxon is doing really well

>> No.16294


Rest in Piece


Silver and Natural Resources

>> No.16305

lol you dumb nigger

>> No.16308


Getting the hang of this website.

>> No.16319


Didn't Oil futures spike up recently?


>> No.16321

its my greatest stock, but my only gains are about 300,

>> No.16364

Holy shit I just poured all of my remaining money into a cheap stock and shot up 10 places. How often does this shit update? I need to keep an eye on this.

>> No.16367


>not buying Silver

>not staying away from Gold


>> No.16382

I own both in physical. Haven't followed it much though since they're hedges I'm not expecting to use.

Positions take awhile to update.

>> No.16375

its supposed to update real time,
>based on real stocks

>> No.16384
File: 237 KB, 500x375, 4897198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret buying Yahoo right now

>> No.16393

>tfw i bought a huge chunk of yahoo shares as well

>> No.16396
File: 369 KB, 320x393, jaden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rank 30
>some people already made 2k
>that feel when this merchant will never be happy

>> No.16397

>-0.12% gains
>was skirting on -0.10%

>> No.16401
File: 573 KB, 621x672, 1390773300368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw gold is probably the most safe inversion

silver is pretty safe too though

>> No.16415
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>my face when it keeps going down


I'm staying away from it with all these banker suicides lately.

>> No.16410
File: 16 KB, 573x351, GoyimSlayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have named myself "Goyim Slayer" but this is my old acount

They're both safe. They just trade in different ratio ranges. Might get lucky if silver closes the gap

>> No.16431

fuck it, im counting my losses, im selling it

>> No.16433


Damn, what stock are you currently holding right now?

>3.77% return

>> No.16424

I'm just going to call myself a bear. You'll see, when Ric val and Wipe's stocks crash and kill them I will be going strong with stability!

>> No.16442

>René Descartes

>> No.16445

Stock I own is clearly visible anon.

It's all in fun mate. But good luck finding stability this year

>counting losses
>not counting profits

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.16452

Damn, brah. Those are some sick gains. What's your routine?

>> No.16463

>sucking cock

top kek m8

>> No.16473

Everything involving sucking cock. From Burts Bees chap stick, oral anesthesia, to knee pads.

>> No.16482

Been here an hour and made 2 trades, 1st place already woooo.

>> No.16488

Ah.. So you're the guy I'm trying to take out..

>> No.16497
File: 1 KB, 102x50, ss (2014-02-14 at 12.01.21).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that the number on the left is the most recent change, but is the number on the right the overall change?

>> No.16499



>> No.16521

And I'm guessing you just did lol I dropped 2 second

>> No.16541


What I'm listening to while I trade

>> No.16543


>> No.16538


>> No.16547
File: 26 KB, 542x650, sweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 5% return

>> No.16565

So how much skill is involved in all this?

>> No.16562

Just follow my example and listen to 80's montage music. You can't lose.

>> No.16580

>5% returns
im not even getting 1 % returns

>> No.16581
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>> No.16575

Quite a bit actually. More of an ability to predict trends while at the same time you need to master your emotions

>> No.16586

I'm drinking lots of coffe and playing house music
Also doing my real day trading

>> No.16598

All in short on one stock..... fugg itt :-DDDDD

>> No.16599


This is what you need to come up from the red anon. That song you posted is way too slow.

We are from the /econ/ threads from /pol/ Most of us have been trading for years.

>> No.16602


What if a company announces a new product? Is it useful to check it out?

>> No.16609
File: 5 KB, 529x60, DGAZ3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW I recently investing in a Kurieg

Starbucks coffee all day erry day.

I'm also daytrading on the side too.

Depends on company/product. Most gains are made on speculation

>> No.16612
File: 138 KB, 597x800, 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of us have been trading for years.

Not me ;_;

>> No.16621

Yes, product announcements, earnings reports and the like can very heavily affect their worth.

>> No.16624

i am too, but normally i do better than this...

>> No.16625

triple short nat gas? you're asking for trouble m8. Those etfs are dangerous

>> No.16632

You'll get there anon. I used to get #rekd when I first started. Literally buying tops and selling bottoms.

That's why you sell by EOD my friend ;^)

>> No.16636

+5% already
It's like you're a jew or something

>> No.16649


He should post his nose.

>> No.16653

>Start listening to Touch by Stan Bush
>Immediately double my gains
>Drop 2 places in ranking anyway
I guess I chose poor 80's music.

>> No.16656

Ah, some people buy those and just hold and hold and hold "well it used to trade at 1 billion dollars, why cant it go back there if the market drops"

Reverse splits nigga, reverse splits.

By all means then

>> No.16658
File: 39 KB, 756x140, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a Kurieg too, shits great. And damn dude nice, wish I had that much $$$ in my account.
heres mine today, could be better, shits been bouncing all over the place. I just really got into this stuff earlier this week so I'm still getting the hang of it.
Also I see you're scottrade master race.

>> No.16659
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>> No.16676

>short JCP
>long Ford
And now we wait.

>> No.16680
File: 5 KB, 201x178, TradingFunds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I'm Muslim! Which isn't very far off from the Jew when you think about it.

Bought at a wrong time. It happens. I'm certain I'm going to be all over the charts


My profile on stocktwits but I use the wife as my photo

>double your gains
You'll get there anon! Keep it up with the 80's. I'm listening to glorious Tears for Fears.

>reverse split
I remember my reverse split. I thought I woke up to 10X gains.

This is my backup funds. I've got around 100K in my trading profile. I recommend starting up your own business

>> No.16688

i'm up! EBIN :--D

>> No.16691
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>god-tier at stocks

>qt 3.14 wife


>> No.16695


>> No.16711

>tfw I read that label on the bottle immediately.

Thanks for the comments about the wife. Shes my one and only. Although Valentines day and her birthday money #rekd my wallet...

>> No.16715

Wipe is everyone's favorite Muslim cryptojew.

>> No.16721

I would but I'm just barely 18, so not too much cash floating around. I'm hoping to clear 5k on my account soon though. Gave you a stocktwits follow, cute wife aswell man.

>> No.16730

>I remember my reverse split. I thought I woke up to 10X gains.
so many feels

>> No.16759
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100k master race

>> No.16751
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Tesla just went way up.

>> No.16753

I've actually got quite the following of people that hate me for some reason. Mostly for that bad AMD call I made last year, but it quickly made up those losses.

I'm only 24 mate. Doesn't take long to build yourself up. Just don't get caught in the BS most of friends/family will put you through.

I was so happy, but then it all hit me at once.

>> No.16771

Be careful. I just saw an article about another fire. I bet its GM or Ford doing it.

Are you in Tesla right now?

Feels good man

>> No.16776
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>> No.16789

Me lol

>> No.16786

Who is this A B fucker challenging me for the top???

>> No.16790
File: 2 KB, 278x80, sc_20140214-133014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw almost half a mill

>> No.16794 [DELETED] 

Like many computer users, I receive a tremendous amount of "spam" e-mail. Most of it is highly questionable, consisting of offers to sell me discount Viagra, enlarge my penis, refinance my mortgage, eliminate my debts, get me set up in some "home business" that will allegedly give me a high income for just a few hours of work, enroll me in a pyramid scheme, or some other "foolproof" system to "get rich quick" with almost no effort and on and on and on. It's ridiculous! I mean, why would I need to enlarge MY penis? The idea is very absurd! Ask anyone! But some of the "get rich quick" proposals look pretty good.

I got one in particular from a businessman in Nigeria, who wrote me a very businesslike e-mail stating that, in a nutshell, he wanted to sent me $47 million. I didn't totally follow his explanation – there were a lot of details – but the gist was that there was some kind of business screw up over there in Nigeria (you know how it is in business) and a bunch of business people decided that, for business reasons, they needed to send someone $47 million, and somehow my name came up. It seemed almost "too good to be true." But as I say, the e-mail was very businesslike, so I replied that, sure I would be willing to take the $47 million. You probably know what happened next. After a few e-mail exchanges, the businessman informed me that some "minor technical problems" had cropped up – something about"Nigerian government red tape" – and that in order to "smooth things out" and send me the money, he needed me to sent him an "advance fee" of $5,000. I was a little suspicious, and my friends warned me to be cautious, but $5,000 seemed like a small enough investment for a return of $47 million. So I sent a check. No sooner had it cleared than my businessman "friend" sent me another e-mail, apologizing and saying that there were more problems, and he needed another $5,000.

>> No.16801
File: 44 KB, 571x500, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awww yiss

>tfw 1 trade in the acct put me at 11th rank in 21 minutes

>> No.16803

Thank God I'm up 8.5K

>tfw I wish I had nearly that amount in liquid...

>> No.16807
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>> No.16809 [DELETED] 


At this point my friends were all telling me that I had become the victim of a classic "scam," and that I was crazy to sent any more money. But I was so blinded by greed, so hooked on the idea of getting my hands on this huge fortune, that I went ahead and wrote a second $5,000 check. Two days later, I received $47 million in cash. It came via UPS in 578 large cardboard boxes. I have cash all over my house. If I want a helicopter, I just grab a box and go buy one. My money worries are over forever! And why? Because I did not trust my friends. They're not even my friends anymore, now that I'm extremely rich. I hang out with my new friends that I met at the helicopter store.

>> No.16816

10k is a drop in the ocean of 47 mil

hell, i'd send him another 10k. what a dumb nigger he is

>> No.16818

any bull markets right now that are going up?

>> No.16830

Who /top ten/ here?

>> No.16828

w...way to kill my happiness anon.
I...I have 120k in IB as w...well

>> No.16837
File: 11 KB, 571x248, Goy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently riding one right now

Haha I'm telling you, 4chan has access to tons of people with good information.

#1 reporting in.

I'm happy for him. We are all here to make money

>> No.16841

#2 here, not being super proactive though.

>> No.16845

I'm smoking you fucker. I thought you were a challenge Goyim!

>> No.16846

>tfw 11
of course I didnt start trading til half hour ago

>> No.16855

I started then too.. haha

>> No.16861

the tripfagging begins

>> No.16863

>Wipe already made ten thousand dollars


>> No.16870

noice, what did you trade

>> No.16872

>i still haven't been sent my verification email

>> No.16873

Sorry man real $$ comes first, then this thread, then the game.

>> No.16882

I think tripfagging is important when money is on the table. Makes for accountability. I've had the same trip since the /sfig/ threads on /pol/

I just mimicked my irl portfolio and just moving limit stops like a boss.

My stocks are clearly visible in the photos

Resent or get better email. Check spam.

>How fucking horrifying

>> No.16885
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>almost 150 players

>> No.16889
File: 4 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the hell do I see how much the stock has changed since I bought it? I thought I was selling for a profit but I guess I just sold at $2 lower than I bought.
Captcha related

>> No.16896

That great right? We need to beat out the one we started on /pol/ with 900 or so users.

Use the portfolio tab

>> No.16897

My irl portfolio has lots of under $2 stocks so I can't trade them on here.

>> No.16898

I want to invest in buttfucking

>> No.16899

daily reminder that brazil and China have the most GDP growth

>> No.16910

>Still investing in emerging markets

>> No.16906

I invested all in Apple, they're safe but boring as fuck.

>> No.16912

daily reminder that information like that is already priced into the market

>> No.16913


Anon I'm married....

GTFO faggot. Make money, help make money, or leave.

>under 2$ stocks

Ah.... Such risk but much reward

>> No.16923


Nigga that's your wife?

>> No.16926

I'm in the portfolios tab, but I can't figure which number to look at. Is it the "Last & Change" field or the "Market Value & Gain/Loss" field? It seems like the latter is showing the change for the day rather than the change since I purchased.

>> No.16929
File: 148 KB, 528x292, 1390198682011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am faggot, countries with the more GDP will get and have better stocks,

are you even trying?

>> No.16930

>what is diversity

>> No.16938

Much frustration
We can make beautiful well off whale eating babies

>> No.16944

>countries with the more GDP will get and have better stocks,
Donny, you're out of your element.

>> No.16946

not necessarily

>> No.16949

>thinking diversity will win a trading game with a bunch of day traders
I kek'd
>investing in chinese stocks
Have fun blowing your cash anon

>> No.16958
File: 12 KB, 572x275, Help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon, that is my wife

Picture related


>> No.16959

My aim is to finish in top 10

I've currently got quite a lot of space to climb. Doesn't help that i've actually only lost money

>> No.16968

>Have fun blowing your cash anon
why do you say that? they're all fraudulent as fuck, but they're also generally up

>> No.16973
File: 51 KB, 387x600, fugg u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11.20% return on 1 trade

Wipe confirmed for Jewish

>> No.16978

Yeah the risk is there, but It's easier to get decent gains with my meager funds.
Also how do you find stocks if you dont mind me asking? I've just been going off stocktwits, thelion.com and top percentage gainers.

>> No.16994


>> No.17001

Told you I'm a Muslim homie!!

I use the /econ/ site a few of us from /pol/ started. Lots of collaboration and some research individually

>> No.17002
File: 1.68 MB, 200x200, 1392319488015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>your wife
>not white

Is she polish or something?

>> No.17003

>rank 6 out of nowhere
goy goy goy

>> No.17010

I told you I'm not into white women hahaha

She's Middle Eastern

>> No.17025
File: 71 KB, 501x576, 1351454366909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Middle Eastern
>look closer at picture
>skyline looks like Tel Aviv

>> No.17036
File: 2.69 MB, 3040x3295, Wedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


From the wedding mate. We live in Texas

>> No.17033


>Middle Eastern

Is she apart of g_d's chosen people?

>> No.17046

I'm certain she is more Semitic than 99% of Israel but she's from Dubai

>> No.17039

I leld
well played cryptojew, well played
not for long, they do make great day trades however

>tfw I cant place a trade on CBMX as much as I want to

>> No.17047

>Dont know anything about stocks? No problem, the game will help you to learn
I want to take my time to learn, can I start just investing 10k and see watch happen?
having 100k starting is a bit unrealisting unles you are rich

>> No.17049
File: 15 KB, 600x141, AAAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17060

Got a nice bounce today and is trending up.


Amount doesn't matter, only percentage gains

>> No.17078
File: 15 KB, 240x312, le rothschild face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm guessing you also bought a bunch of Yahoo stocks?

>> No.17088


Well, you know what they say

>Jews of a feather shalom together

>> No.17091

Also your wife is gorgeous

>tfw rank 2

Im coming up on you Wipe, watch your back

>> No.17099

>decide wtf, jump in at 2.5 hours to close

Don't think I'll hold it, but lol.

>> No.17101


>I'm coming up to you

>12% return vs 3.60%

on the bright side, I am starting to make gains today

>> No.17107
File: 432 KB, 1305x892, DoNotWipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im coming up on you Wipe, watch your back

All of these sexual advances. I'm flattered anon.

Thanks, /pol/ group (when I linked stocktwits) said she looks like a mongoloid. But it's also the same crowd that gave us this photo

Haha better than 90% of the red squad

We are Muslim though...

>> No.17110

DGAZ y'all

>> No.17115

PCYC and ZHNE are responsible for this.

I'm holding a small amount in PCYC (3000€) on my real account too since 124$

>> No.17121

loving that guy. Wait until the oncology meeting in March. They're going to hit it big. Been on the PCYC train since 99$ a share.

But don't forget your limit stops just in case...

>> No.17123



That is also one of my problems.

I plan on holding onto it though

> - $133.45

>> No.17134

Where can I find good daytrading charts, with fibonacci retracements, fans and line drawing?

>> No.17135

>Amount doesn't matter
In a game no, the idea is to practice for real life

>> No.17136



Coming from an anon in the ~30 rankings and looking to get into real investing, what readings would you suggest I start with?

>> No.17139

3.6% in an hour is somehow bad?
but... but...

>> No.17141
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>> No.17155

how close is this to real market?
how do i play properly? i like to win.

>> No.17158

fucking Netflix, man

>> No.17165

>Make a trade using any symbol between $2.00 and $500,000.00

How come we can't do penny stocks in this game?
i want to buy 420 blaze it penny stocks

>> No.17166


It's literally the real market with fake money.

All market movement is actually happening in real life.

>> No.17168


I shadowed a trader and learned myself. Built up experience this way. Reading is just theory. Applied is a whole other monster. These threads really help since we check each other all the time. We are here to make money with each other.

Hence why tripping/screencaps help.

Okay maybe a little coming on the back

>Those fucking names...

I used my Scottrade account.

Literally dollar amount doesn't matter. 10K 100K anything. Only thing that matters is percentage gain. 11% is 11% with any buy in price.

It follows values pretty close to realtime

>Investing in Tech in 2014

>> No.17169

Holy fuck this game ate up my order twice

I keep trying to short sell NRX, but when I check my portfolio after buying it's nowhere to be found. AND my buy power goes down too

what the actual fuck

>> No.17181

>Penny stocks

Because they're a gamble and there's nothing to gain from trading them except the ability to see "what if".

>> No.17185


Penny stocks encourage low volume hour trading.

There's a reason why the trade fees are $10, anon.

>> No.17192

But we're not using real money.. It's just a game, why does it matter?

>> No.17209

We started this game for anons to learn how to make money on the market. If you want to start your own marketwatch penny stock game, go for it.

But we are here to practice fundamentals and learn how to make consistent, evidence based gains.

>> No.17214

This game lets you short recent ipos with little liquidity? That wont work irl
You saucy bastard

>> No.17218

Okay, fair enough

>> No.17223

Regular stocks you can say your order wouldn't affect the price. Dropping 100k in to a penny stock would have a much more significant impact, and because the game can't track that easily, it doesn't.

>> No.17227

How do we make consistent, evidence based gains?

>> No.17236
File: 18 KB, 573x248, oy vey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what I'm doing, just gonna buy some shit at random and learn from there I guess.

>> No.17238

Study the fuck out of one particular stock in one particular industry. Then ride it from oversold to overbought. Collect gains. Rinse and repeat.

This is the model I've been using.

>> No.17257

I take a shit and come back to see I've gone from $400 up to $50 down. I check my stocks to see what happened and by the time I finish checking I'm back up to $200 up. What the fuck am I doing.

>> No.17258

Ive literally traded the same stock over and over. its in a tight range but I made 4.6% on it

>> No.17267

i request a basic guide.

i don't want to burn any more money on that shitty pepsi.

>> No.17268
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>starting to make serious gainz

>keep moving up the rank list

>> No.17276

>what the fuck am I doing.
Apparently buying in the middle and it's bouncing between a few pennies and you went in heavy

Yup. I played the shit out of XIV and UVXY until I lost. Moved to DUST and NUGT. Now I'm on Nat Gas.

Collaboration really helps. That CBMX looks like a nice buy.

>I want a basic guide
We all do

Whats your name in game?

>> No.17278

>But we are here to practice fundamentals and learn how to make consistent, evidence based gains.

Fuck your preaching. I'll be making wild-ass trades and having fun.

>> No.17286

I'm mimicking my irl portfolio but some of us are here to help/learn. But please, this isn't /v/. There is fun allowed here

>> No.17293

So UGAZ/DGAZ. Thats always a fun one to play

>> No.17295

Hey Wipe I want to play this game to practice and learn about how to trade stocks.
But to day I have a lot of things to do, and I will come back letter.
What do?

>> No.17303
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David de Rothschild

>> No.17305

>Jump up 10 ranks
>Stuck at -$10 gains
I am so sorry, 10 people.

>> No.17311

Oh I thought you were in top 10!

Exactly ;)

Come back later and hope other anons are here to help?

>> No.17310

>this game will last 364 days and 11 hours

i don't know if OP will close subscription after a weeek however.

>> No.17313

>mfw marketwatch didnt execute my order even though the stock hit my limit price
>mfw now its down ticked hard


>> No.17322

Who short SYMX here?
>it begins

>> No.17317

Since the minimum is 2$... What happens if you buy/short a stock priced above 5$ and it dips below 2$? Can you sell sell it or cover it?

>> No.17327
File: 116 KB, 612x612, chiefkeefstacktruereligion[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went from rank 90 to 32

Bitch, I got show money, Dro money, fucked your bitch, got ho money
Come on the block, lay a bitch nigga down, now I'm walking around with your money


#bang bang

#sad boys 2001

>> No.17329
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I know the first day isn't even over yet, but I'm scared.

>> No.17330

noice short

>> No.17331

>spent almost $1,000 on transaction fees alone
God damnit

>> No.17337

>just missed the $2.00 limit

>> No.17339

>Come back later and hope other anons are here to help?
B-but I can save this thread
>i don't know if OP will close subscription after a weeek however.
Can I open an account and don't touch it till later?
The game teach me the basics of how to trade?

>> No.17340
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>> No.17336

I just covered a short I had that dipped below $2. You're good.

>> No.17343
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>thinking Martin Shkreli's shell is worht a shit

>> No.17344

Don't worry, they'll go up.

>> No.17346

So I just dropped 10g on Kraft stocks because I read one article on google that said they were "surging".


>> No.17347

i have no idea where to start

>> No.17357

It makes up for what I've lost shorting JCP today. I guess JCP is a more long-term short, since I'll have to wait for it to die.

>> No.17359
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>> No.17360


>buying off hype

I have 25 shares though.

>> No.17361

Same boat man. Lets hope it takes us somewhere so we can be rich and happy goys.

>> No.17362

You bought something because an article.

>> No.17363

ill buy with ya

>> No.17371

Why is the limit $2.00? I want my penny stocks.

>> No.17379

We have to calm the fuck down and foccus just in learn and not in compite?

>> No.17380
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>yet to file my taxes
>spending the entire day playing a game about being a trader

Kill me. Kill me now.

>> No.17389


Google is safe for new players.

>> No.17402

>tfw no MJNA

>> No.17394

I have no idea what I'm doing, so I just kinda bought a bunch of shares off a whim and see how they perform, then start researching and putting more thought into later investments.

Just put some money into Russian stocks since they're apparently going lower than usual due to all this Sochi drama.

>> No.17413

t-teach me your ways Wipe sensei

>> No.17415

Just dive in and learn to swim in the wild!

>> No.17419

I was up $800 and in the top 30 and then suddenly everything dropped off and now I'm rank 79 with -$40. I have a lot of stocks that are doing okay but a few that are doing fucking horrible. I finally found a stock that was at its day low though so hopefully I can make some nice cash.

>> No.17417

>The stock I attempted to sell at the limit that I set which price was actually hit is under a bear raid

>> No.17423


buy HZNP so I can make money, thanks buddy

>> No.17426

>Can I open an account and don't touch it till later?

>> No.17444
File: 11 KB, 567x248, LikeaBoss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making Schekles like a BAWS

Yeah man, open just don't trade

Good lesson being taught to you... Control your emotions

>> No.17441

I have no idea what I'm doing, how am I #20?

also I just sold all the shares I had and bought new ones, made a little bit over 1k is that supposed to be good?

>> No.17446


>> No.17448

>trusting a Rothschild

Nice try, Goldsilverbergsteinscheckelton

>> No.17451

>made a little bit over 1k
>is that supposed to be good?

Money made is good money

>> No.17458

1% returns in a day is breddy gud
>rank 69
top hyuk

>> No.17460

Market watch never filled my sell at 4.97 even though it traded there. it tanked to 4.40 ;_; and now its back to 4.84
>missed opeertunity due to market watch bs

>> No.17475

I have no idea how to actually analyse which of my stocks are doing well and which aren't. I went from net loss of $40 something dollars to $20 something and I have no idea why...

>> No.17469

lol. wtf stock is that? Swinging wildly

>> No.17470

Wow. First day and almost 130 players. Thanks everyone here and thanks moot for the board.

>> No.17476


>> No.17480
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Trust me goyim, buy HZNP

You will make $$$

>> No.17481

Yeah moot, even though you were a dick about it when we asked you for this board back in September

>> No.17485

That's why I started paper trading on actual paper, rather than using online simulators. I guess it's time to get back into it, though.

>> No.17487

Why no penny stocks? I swear I will kill whoever set up this game.

>> No.17499

what rank are you

>> No.17500

wait, I think my Russian stocks have went up in value?


>> No.17492

>I want to help people!
>But don't look at my stock list!

>> No.17493

>Not trusting a Rothschild


>> No.17495

>Wipe OP
># of Trades: 1
Enjoy your lack of diversification.

>> No.17497

Look at your portfolio.

>> No.17507

What does "Cash borrowed" mean? Is it just regular debt? Is there an interest? Why did the game just let me take out a 50k loan? I was just buying stocks man, I just assumed the game would stop me when my account ran dry.

I think I'll need to make a new account once I figure this stock shit out.

>> No.17508

I'm still pissed.

>> No.17521

I would have gone short at 4.90 I had an order ready for that upon my sell because it broke support there.
>tfw would have surpassed Wipe now not even rank 10

Good news is bear raids lead to moves up often higher that the initial raid point, so I guess Ill wait

>> No.17533


There should be better visual feedback. A graph of all your stocks performance since you bought them or something.

>> No.17536
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>everyone except wipe's face when

>> No.17524

>JCP boutta get #REKT

>> No.17525
File: 197 KB, 335x550, 1391537994114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Currently 38 but it keeps fluctuating

I am pumping and dumping my stocks right now, buying stocks with potential

Buy HZNP if you want to make gainz for tomorrow.

>> No.17526

Cash borrowed is how much you're leveraged. Meaning you can buy 200,000 worth of stocks when you leverage your 100K 1:2

Get #rekd on my 15% gain

>> No.17542
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What do now? lel

>> No.17552
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>> No.17553

I can't make sense of this, feel really retarded. So the dollar values on the left are indicative of the current price of the stock, and the arrows whether or not the stock has gone up or down? How often is the value updated? And what do the smaller numbers in red or green below the dollar value mean? And what about the small green numbers on the gain/loss category? Is that how much value each share has gained since I purchased it?

Sorry for all the questions, I want to get into investment but I genuinely have zero knowledge on the topic.

>> No.17548

what happened there? $1.50 drop in 10 minutes and then a (buy?) order with over a million shares

>> No.17550
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I could be #1 if I sold all the stocks I have right now.

>> No.17557
File: 2 KB, 135x134, 1368482303566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le trader face

>> No.17563

Be level with us

Is it CHIM? Cause it looks like it

>> No.17560

So much curiosity as to what youre trading with just one stock

>> No.17561


Why? If you leverage 100k for 200k, and you just invest in everything that's failing, where does that extra 100k come from? Who stands to lose by that extra 100k? I love economical theory, but fucking stocks have always eluded me.

>> No.17573




>> No.17576

Its a bear raid, people cordinate a massive short to wipe peoples stops then sometimes but not always they come in and buy the crap out of it on the bottom. allowing them to profit on both sides

>> No.17569

Someone with a lot of money is getting in on that dip.

>> No.17571

he's not trading it, he picked one stock early in the day and got lucky with it

>> No.17579

so is this game based off actual stock prices or is it a simulated one?

>> No.17581


>> No.17582

Look at all of my screencaps. Its obviously there.

Nope! ;^)

Brokerage lends you cash, but assume no risk. Then they take a piece of your pie

>Got lucky with it

Nigga I called this shit out when I first made the account 30min ago.


>> No.17596

Who are the Hecla Mining Co. [HL] bros?

It says there are 5 of you.

>> No.17589


>> No.17598

I have to go to the OP game and enter the password and that's it, Im in?

>> No.17599

I'm curious as to why keeping "secrets" is to your advantage in anything?

The reason people go and talk their book on TV is so other people buy the same stuff, thus increasing the price.

>> No.17607

This kinda teaches bad habits.
Likelihood is when you start trading in paper you wont have 100k. Suddenly a .1% gain isn't covering trading costs especially when trading foreign markets. You may even have to turn to the dark art of Margin to make something in the intraday. If your balance is low enough you can't even day trade by american law and they lock down your account for a month.

>> No.17608

he was talking about his UGAZ/DGAZ plays in the other thread

>> No.17602

btw this tends to happen on fda decision dates like what CHTP is going through

Goys, do any of you know if this allows for after hours trading?

>> No.17603

I posted my irl portfolio earlier. Its the same play as I posted here


>> No.17616

just do it faggot

>> No.17617

Dropped that shit

Sketch as fuck you aren't going to make gains with that

I pretty much said fuck diversity and made $300 in space of 20 min

If I wasn't such a fag and didn't trade so much I might've been a lot higher too

>> No.17612

Check out this post here


At least its a start and its not your money.

>> No.17614

>big number on the left next to the arrow is the current price
>number to the right of the arrow is the total value of all the shares you own
>number below current value on the left is $change/%change
>number below total value is $gain/%gain

>> No.17622

So I certain Russian based stock I have is drastically rising in value. What am I meant to do, buy more? It went up over 10 cents a share and I have 303.

>> No.17618

so you just bought DGAZ and walked away for a bit. Shit looks topped btw

>> No.17619

I made a photo for everyone here


>> No.17631

Sell sell sell

>> No.17636

>Shit looks topped btw
We will see. I just move my limit stop for no worries trading. I think we are going to see sub 5$ Nat Gas soon.

>Fuck Diversity
/pol/ detected

Depends on the stock. What's it looking like right now? HEaded up or down?

>> No.17637

Real prices; fake money.

>> No.17641

thank you based anon this makes much more sense now

>> No.17654


>> No.17672

No it isn't. Try and apply intraday trading strategy for a portfolio that requires interday trading to cover trading costs and you'll sink. Nothing teaches better than putting your money on the board.

>> No.17674

>I think we are going to see sub 5$ Nat Gas soon.
Based on your natural gas fundamental analysis right? You're a fucking dart thrower.

>> No.17675

>that VFC

>> No.17680

>mfw all my stocks are starting to turn downwards

>> No.17687

new thread


>> No.17693

The stock was climbing and now it's stood still for the past few minutes

>> No.18218
File: 24 KB, 577x659, FzgAofG[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh vey, only one of the chosen is in the top 10. Where did the jewforce go?

>> No.18348

>Most of us have been trading for years.

Meanwhile you just continue to lie.

>> No.20026 [DELETED] 
File: 406 KB, 1024x634, daytraders_everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, first time using photoshop, is it good enough to upload a template for /biz/?