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File: 309 KB, 888x735, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16916878 No.16916878 [Reply] [Original]

Stefan Molyneux jus retweeted a BSV tweet

>> No.16916890

Going mainstream, it's all ogre

>> No.16916901

He clearly understands Bitcoin better than most.


>> No.16916902

>last week

>> No.16916910

He’s a pink skinned nigger with a bald head, who gives a fuck what this aged geriatric cocksucker has to say

>> No.16916911

no, he retweeted it 5 minutes ago

>> No.16916923

it does not cost $50 to send someone bitcoin

>> No.16916924

The guy redpilled a whole generation. You're just ass mad.

>> No.16916930

Stephan Molynoux is a brainlet con-artist simmilar to CSW, that's probably why the project resonates so well with this idiot. People who tend to lie professionally have a very hard time seeing lies in others, and since they are narcissistic they are attracted with the character traits they appreciate in themselves. Stop posting this bald fucking brainlet bitch. Who was too big of a pussy to debate kantbot or even the midget fuck Destiny.

>> No.16916943

About 500,000 people. How many people care about what you have to say?

>> No.16916951

>professionally have a very hard time seeing lies in others
this is actually very true. i've seen it. i knew a conartist who scammed someone out of millions, who he himself then got scammed by investing in a fake airline company. was a complete shitshow.

>> No.16917041

narcissists usually hate other narcissists
I agree about him being a cunt though. He dropped the entire ideology he was shilling to jump on the trump train

>> No.16917065
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>> No.16917082
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Lol he's going to get dumped on

>> No.16917290


>> No.16917302

>gay in ID
I guess BSV is officially an alt-right coin.

>> No.16917323

Yeah and he probably regrets it. Trump ran on strong borders, guns and non-interventionism. All we got instead was more shitholers coming into the country, Red Flag Laws and more wars for Israel. He was suppose to be a step in the right direction. Just because you support a particular ideology doesn't mean you can't support or vote for particular politicians. That's retarded.

>> No.16917351

I like your vocabulary

>> No.16917371

Oh no is this the nigger effect? I'm pretty sure last time it was BTC not BSV.

>> No.16917380

>Stefan Molyneux jus retweeted a BSV tweet
Further evidence that BSV is shit

>> No.16917387

he who isn’t redpilled himself doesnt have the capability to redpill anyone else, he’s an npc that has bought into manufactured rhetoric meant to purposely steer the conversation. He’s a vapid mouthpiece that will have much to say more to say when he’s scared and terrified on his impending death bed

>> No.16917419

Yeah but it's dupers delight and he's saying it publicly in advance so when it happens he can say "we announced it"

Hence the whole "BSV is the real Bitcoin" narrative. Him and Calvin are really going to dump on every bsv holder or "the real bitcoin" exactly as he says in that post

>> No.16917424

Molyneux shilled hardcore ancap before his flipflop, as such he should have and would have known that this would happen but instead he decided wanted them youtube views more his integrity.

all non brainlets knew by the way

lmao "he was supposed to"

>> No.16917429

if you send $50 worth of bitcoin it does

>> No.16917475

>government attacks
No such thing. Bitcoin was made to serve government authority and be a tool for the globohomo to enslave us like Satoshi always wanted.

>> No.16917514

>he's accomplished nothing and influenced no one

Why would you even lie to yourself like this?

The alternative is violence, dude. I would prefer a peaceful transition into a freer society or at least try before resorting to bloodshed.

It's neutral.

>> No.16917537

you're right, it went up to even 70/80 when blocks were congested

>> No.16917561

Ancap is nonviolent faggot

>I would prefer a peaceful transition into a freer society
The best you can hope for is creating wealth for yourself and living your slave life.

>> No.16917567

This was so long ago, why people still believes this scammer is beyond any rational thinking.

>> No.16917590

>It's neutral.
No Satoshi himself said it was made to catch criminals. He hates the idea that Bitcoin would ever be used against government authority in any way.
That's why he revealed himself, to fix his mistake of Bitcoin and to make sure it's only used to catch criminals and feed African kids from now on.

>> No.16917595
File: 2 KB, 83x125, contrarianapu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah? why do they say I'll put a cap in your ass then anon huh?

>> No.16917599


>> No.16917612

But he unironically was though

>> No.16917620

this anon gets it

>> No.16917642

He said around halving which would be May this year. Technically he didn't fail on delivering on this one yet. But I think he said he changed plans or something topkek

>> No.16917655


>> No.16917846

>Ancap is nonviolent faggot
I understand that, moron. That doesn't mean society won't reach a flashpoint and with the mass importation of niggers and spics it will happen eventually. Like I said trying to avoid that, now go fuck yourself.

>No Satoshi himself said it was made to catch criminals
>governments can't be criminal

It's neutral.

>He hates the idea that Bitcoin would ever be used against government authority
The governments of the world inflate and rob people via the current money system. Bitcoin destroys government power this way and also destroys government corruption because of it's open nature. It's neutral.

>> No.16917905
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>Like I said trying to avoid that,
And you thought voting for trump would help

>> No.16917920

Voting for Trump helped wake people up to what's going on. The left have taken off their masks, and the average person is starting to realize they live in a world of lies.

>> No.16917965

the average person will rejoice when the government goes full communism and the entire internet gets censored so discussions like this never ever happen again.
Its just one apocalyptic recession away.

>> No.16917975


Corecucks have been trying to lecture him on why BSV is a scam not knowing he was one of the first to see the writing on the wall with Blockstream


>> No.16918409

Was hopping so. Policy does change, you know? I didn't think he was going to solve all our problems, but like I said the stuff he campaigned on was a step in the right direction.

>> No.16918444

Shut i guess i better secure 21 BSV before I'm priced out. What exchanges u faggots using?

>> No.16918597

poloniex and huobi here

>> No.16919407
File: 1.35 MB, 336x252, CAE04D59-BB42-4881-A53C-9F04CE6E5D54.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basic bitch 17th-century empiricist
>liberal lolbertarian iq nationalist: the only philosophy somehow less workable than communism
>knows no philosophy but calls himself a ‘philosopher’
>pro-monopoly corporations buttfucking the world (BUT IF WE DONT CALL IT ‘CORPORATE’ IT’S NOT!)
>Has completely acceptable beliefs outside the race realism stuff
You’re a fucking idiot.

>> No.16919456
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>scammer endorses scammer
who would have seen this coming

>> No.16919619
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Not an argument.

>> No.16919625


He can’t get a job with the normies now so it’s the only chance he has at making any money

>> No.16919670
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Molyneux openly talks about niggers being retarded. Therefore he's based and redpilled, end of discussion

>> No.16921149

He also just joined Streamanity as well

Our boy is getting stiffpilled as we speak

>> No.16921235
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He recognized anarcho-capitalism is pure dogshit, and went with the better more sustainable ideas when he realized demographics is destiny.

He is gentleman and a scholar

>> No.16921244
File: 37 KB, 562x750, rv11hgcvy0e31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just lol at your life.

If you are in BTC or BCH, you are going to get fucking rekt

>> No.16921253
File: 70 KB, 800x596, 1563292457375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It clearly says "GAY" and then "ur" at the end.

"ur gay". Meaning you.

>> No.16921271

I really hope /pol/tards buy into bsv and get fucking destroyed

>> No.16921277
File: 1.95 MB, 700x564, bernie_sanders_america_will_never_be_a_socialist_country_SOTU2019.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"America will NEVER be a socialist country"

He meant it. There will be a violent military uprising before that happens.

>> No.16921289
File: 58 KB, 527x485, 1572311591506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean BSV will create an entire new class of /pol/ millionaires that are, dare I say it, based and redpilled.

I hope kikes are excited for that.

>> No.16921292
File: 1.77 MB, 480x265, RWCS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/tards are going to be able to fully fund the RWDS with BSV.

>> No.16921301
File: 27 KB, 595x351, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't completely hide his power level.

>> No.16921314
File: 147 KB, 589x597, Screenshot_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like he's trying anymore. He's the definition of /ourguy/

That's why kikes like this


Are seething with rage and the usual kiked out vitriolic smears

>> No.16921501

>Not like he's trying anymore
Which is why it's no surprise he's getting on Twetch.

>> No.16921531
File: 49 KB, 640x568, tk6yyvNl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like faketoshi, molymeme has a history of forgery. And this is who bsvjeets celebrate, top fucking kek.

>> No.16921576

the attack he is proposing is only possible on btc becase it has segwit

>> No.16922265


>> No.16922277

>seething with rage
You’re the one whining about Jews though

>> No.16922282

He's a boomer with plenty of life experience and good understanding of female psychology, but seems desperate for cash lately.

>> No.16922355

Go back

>> No.16922418

can't wait for the genesis upgrade
0 bsv threads soon

>> No.16922420

Found the ledditor.

>> No.16923445

Why would that reduce the amount of threads? It will probably increase them.

>> No.16923472
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>> No.16924096

IT IS HIGHLY probable that both Blockstream AND BSV are both coordinated efforts by the government at this point to control and steer the narrative of cryptocurrency. Forks are nothing more than a method to divide & conquer cryptocurrency. There can't be meaningfull adoption or critical levels of adoption if the community keeps being fragmented trough forks. Meanwhile they push their own solutions that have high centralized supplies and will keep their own currencies afloat long enough untill they become digitalized and they will regulate their survival by the means of negative interest rates and crawling exchange pegs.

You're all being played for fools. This board is redpilled as fuck when it comes to global strategies but the lack of information on government guerralia currency warfare in crypto and general currency warfare is troubling to say the least. In all likelihood this is exactly that. And you will find that all these protocols will simply keep forking off into new ones untill the community is fragmented enough that it has essentially been conquered.

And no BSV has a stupid scaling solution that will become very obvious that it is not decentralized as people think.
Dissatisfaction with that will result in further splits. Meanwhile no significant adoption or breaktroughs happen as crypto keeps being divided and argue amongst itself. And crypto also has centralized competitors that are breaking into markets as we speak.

But w.e. little you can do about it anyway. Its all a sham.

>> No.16924103

Imagine writing all this. If you can't see that Craig is Satoshi you will have a hard time in life

>> No.16924372

You are a literal faggot if you expected to sit back on your fat ass and rely on Trump to solve your problems. The wall is going up, he's the first president to not start a new war since the 60s, and illegal border crossings are at an all time low. For the rest of your complaints, politics is local. Get involved bitch.

>> No.16924408
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Holy moly get help schizo anon.
BSV is bitcoin and Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto. Deal with it.

>> No.16924524


>> No.16924666

>Seething BSV top buyers stepping in for damage control.

>> No.16924825

nice trips satan but I bought at $50 kek
remember kids its literally the devils that wants to fud you out of BSV

>> No.16924845
File: 1.03 MB, 625x640, 1573340416899.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Molymeme is a pedo? Who would have known

>> No.16924930

Take your meds schizo

>> No.16924954

yeah? well i'll still be rich so i dgaf.

>> No.16924970

Kill yourself pedo

>> No.16924972

>one paranoid boomer supports another paranoid boomer


>> No.16924980

also you are overlooking that the long term plan of digitizing money is in accordance with (((their))) plans. we now have public reports of past heads of the BOE calling for the end of the USD. they were always going to crash and burn everything to the ground and buy it all back on the cheap.USD is not the final form of the NWO.

>> No.16924984 [DELETED] 

no Im buying too kek
you'd have to be mad not to.
I won't reach anyone anyway.

>> No.16925029 [DELETED] 

>Gets told this is a major side project by world governments and open for public investment
>Thinks its FUD.