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16918556 No.16918556 [Reply] [Original]

Satoshi has 575 posts on bitcointalk.org. Has anyone here read all of them? I'm quite interested. It's like jumping in a time machine. I just started reading his posts from the very beginning and I've come across "Martti (sirius-m)" being a developer at the time. So whoever Satoshi is, then this Martti would know who it is, wouldn't he? Again, I just started reading his posts so there may be more people mentioned.
His post history:

>> No.16918600

CIA read them all and they still can't find him.

>> No.16918609

Very interesting point, fair enough.

>> No.16918633
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maybe they should look in the mirror?

>> No.16918668

If they really wanted to find him although I'm sure they could just talk to Martti Malmi one of the original bitcoin devs, no?

>> No.16918681


>> No.16918704

there/s a Book of Satoshi on amazon that compiles all his posts and emails

>> No.16918710

I have read almost all of his bitcointalk posts, but even better i've read almost all of his blogs.

Craig wright is a truly amazing individual. Will go in history at the same level of einstein, da vinci, edison...

>> No.16918736

"Computers have to get about 2^200 times faster before that starts to be a problem. Someone with lots of compute power could make more money by generating than by trying to steal."
I thought that was an interesting post by him with regards to brute forcing someone's private keys

>> No.16918780

Martti Malmi (original bitcoin dev) calls Craig Wright a fraud.
I would take an original bitcoin dev's word on that.

>> No.16918792

Mi negro.

>> No.16918832

original bitcoin dev? How about Gavin Andresen, who met him in person and stated he believes beyond reasonable doubt that craig wright is satoshi?

>> No.16918883

Martti was literally Craig's bitch and did all the grunt work in the early days