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1691796 No.1691796 [Reply] [Original]

How easy is it to get your ideal gf once you're rich? I know you could find her by chance, but your odds increase significantly with wealth, right? How rich do you have to be? Anyone rich anons have stories of easily finding girls that you like? (not just one night stands)
And more importantly, what about finding 2 gf's?

>> No.1691808

Steps to getting gf
>be born with an above average face
>the ones that look cute as a kid but burly as a man
Done , or just work out

>> No.1691824

Sounds like a sore spot for you. Sorry about your face, anon. I'll keep waiting for someone who knows what they're talking about.

>> No.1691828

I'd want a girlfriend who loves me even if I'm a pauper. Also,

>nearly 2017
>falling for the woman meme
It's like you want to be poor.

>> No.1691829

So far only poorfags ITT

>> No.1691841

idk but i want to be rich enough for this girl


not sure how much i need

>> No.1691847

the secret is to be FUNNY.
that's it.

>> No.1691856

>your odds increase significantly with wealth, right?
It's probably the other way around.
Ideal would be the girl who wants to be with you regardless of income.

>> No.1691866

Money doesn't 100% sell it. Money creates confidence and that matters most. Confidence, funny, money. That's the winning combo.

2 gfs? Easy for the night, just a slutty dame and get her and her loose friend sold on having a fun night.

Long term 2 gfs? It's not gonna happen, it's endless fighting and you are better off in a swinger type lifestyle if you wanna date/sleep around.

>> No.1691879


>Money creates confidence

Is this true? Or is it rather the skills that allow you to earn the money that give you confidence.

>> No.1691881

Good points. Really I just want a hot cuckquean gf that's turned on by me sleeping around. Doesn't necessarily have to be 2 gfs.

>> No.1691882

t. virgin

>> No.1691885

faggot, i fucked over 30 girls in my life, and im 30 yrs old
plus im married to a 9/10
you gotta have charisma and be funny, easy
get rekt scrub

>> No.1691902
File: 113 KB, 640x640, nikki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try not to focus on the top tier looks girls. I went for the cute girl instead of the hot one, and now I have a girl who goes Dutch on dates, cooks for me, sucks my dick when I'm already destressing with vidya, morning sex, shower sex, quickie sex, lunch sex, before bed sex in that order, she's a chem major so she makes a month supply of soap in a day just be abuse she can. She tends to the herbs and plants that eventually go into her dishes. She goes to the gym now because I do and she wants to keep up. This blossomed from a friendship and while she may not be top tier on looks, she provides for me in so many other ways. Try to focus on those first OP, then the looks. Good luck on your way to riches.

Pic not related.

>> No.1691911

It's the money.

If you owned a $5MM company with zero profits or a $5MM company with good margins. You would walk around chest puffed up because of the margins. You would be a shambling mess after busting your ass to net nothing.

>> No.1691934

Lmao I'm 22 and I already fucked around 15 and in relationship with 9/10

>> No.1691938 [DELETED] 

can you fuck 8 more in 8 years to beat my score?
lol guess not coz you are married at 22 faggot.

>> No.1691940

fuck 15 more in 8 years then marry a 9/10 to beat my score, faggot

>> No.1691958

being rich definitely raises the chance of getting the kind of girls you want trust me. Having money means you can do a lot more and have a lot more fun and that's what girls like, they want a man who can provide them a fun yet secure life. Which is why most of the hot girls I knew in high school are majoring in shit tier majors in college or became a stripper or got a sugar daddy, point is is that they will always be on the hunt down for the man who not only looks good but has the most. In my opinion, the money matters more than the looks.

>> No.1691962

>You would be a shambling mess after busting your ass to net nothing

a $5 million revenue stream that nets nothing is still worth more than 99% if people will ever make.

>> No.1692065


while i agree with this, winning over a girl on the basis of money has a short shelf life though. it comes with a real risk of becoming a literal cuckold provider husband, raising a child who tyrone or jesus the handsome shirtless dark triad gardener fathered while you were at work.

winning over a girl on the basis of an attractive masculine face, a big dick and a 6'2 broad shouldered frame, has infinite shelf life. but of course money is a potential point of friction long term here.

>> No.1692211

The secret is to get the girlfriend BEFORE you're rich, dumbass. Otherwise, she'll just be hanging on for the cash and plotting to kill you in your sleep.

>> No.1692408

lol get cucked nerd.

>> No.1692424

you'll never please any hot girl unless you have a big dick, a chad skull and a big frame.

>> No.1692426

>roleplayer here with my 9/10 gf

>> No.1692556

My brother used to not be able to find pussy in a whore house but now that he has a good job making like $40 an hour he can't go to the store without getting girls phone numbers.

It's literally just the money they want.

>> No.1692615
File: 174 KB, 867x898, but I'm not a gold digger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the tl;dr is this: hide your power level. Always. This way you're more likely (not guaranteed, but MORE LIKELY) to find a woman who may not be a model, but is cute and has virtues and values and wants you, not all the money you have which she doesn't even know about.

And never get married. I wish marriage were still equal between men and women like it was in generations long passed, but it's not. So don't bother with it.

More detailed explanation: it's a catch 22, women like men who have resources for perfectly logical reasons. They almost always fuck and marry UP on the economic and attractiveness ladders, not DOWN.

But having money also makes you vulnerable to predatory women, women who are like the aliens in Independence Day, i.e they suck you dry and leave for another victim.

And if you have the money, but not the looks, you're getting cuckolded. Cuckolding is the basis of women's evolutionary mating strategy. It defines female sexuality as much as pumping and dumping defines men's.

And judging by your posts, you're the kind of dipshit who will end up suckered by a dime piece and end up ass out. Your standards are superficial and you'll (literally) pay dearly for following your little dick headlong into ruin.

>> No.1692624
File: 1.22 MB, 276x298, Farage laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you'll never please any girl ever unless you have a big dick, a chad skull and a big frame.


>> No.1692662


Be an interesting person and your biggest problem will be picking the women who are actually worth your time out of the crowd of women who just want to sit on the couch.

If you're not rich, you better get a good personality, lol.

>> No.1692666

Off topic, but people who pre-game and then refuse to buy any drinks at the bar are weirdos. At least get a cheap pint and nurse it. How do you even do that, anyway? If I get a decent buzz and then stop drinking completely, I get sleepy pretty quick.

>> No.1692667


>I'm not a gold digger
>doesn't he want to treat her?


I hope I never get to the point in my life where I expect less from a woman than from myself, so that people like this can't get a foot in my door.

>> No.1692669


As a lightweight (I drink four shots and I can typically enjoy the buzz until I go to sleep), I rarely pregame because I want to go to the bar to try shit I'm too timid to try a bottle of.

Of course, I go to the bar like once half a year, tops.

Spending $20 on a bottle can keep you for two months.

You spend that in a night at the bar.

>> No.1692699


An ideal by definition doesn't exist, now you may have evolving standards but if your standards change drastically with wealth then you're intrinsically corrupting yourself in objectiying a girlfriend. You have unlimited access to the opposite sex. In matters of real relationships, just don't tell them you're rich. Fuck gold digger whores, you'd just cheapen your emotional involvement to the same level. Some chicks dig being whores so draw your sword to swordsmen and let bygones be bygones.

>> No.1692752


I noticed that too. I love how women have this built-in cognitive dissonance, it's fucking hilarious and terrifying at the same time.

>I'm not a gold digger...
>but I want him to pay for my rat race with my Facebook friends and """treat me"""

She posted again later, here's the sequel


>> No.1692756
File: 65 KB, 612x654, I'm not a gold digger Part Deux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot screencap

>> No.1692769

>Not telling a girl you've known for a few months that you're kind of rich is lieing by omission.

This shit is solid gold.

>> No.1692810

>Live in EU, immigrant from another EU country, 30 years old
>All of my country-mates are working on temporal shit, I came here with an offer and relocation bonus for a big responsibility position, even greater prospects of future.
>Gather with friends from my country, many unknown girls in the group
>Someone talks about how many taxes she pays
>Another replies "Anon here sure must know about paying taxes, he makes XXXXX k€/year"
>Me "Oh come on, I told you that in confidence!" but internally I was loving that she mentioned it.
>Next day got 8 friend requests from girls of that party

Their panties literally melt when they know you're well positioned. When I was poor I was doing alright but now at this age women find you 20 times more interesting the moment they know how big your wallet is.

>> No.1692826


Will's troll level is pretty high.

If he's NOT doing this all on purpose, that's even better.