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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 650x400, craig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16907100 No.16907100 [Reply] [Original]

>born dirt poor
>learns martial art and computer science at a young age
>goes on to help create the first online casinos and security systems
>travels the world helping feds find human traffickers and kiddie porn distributors
>gets shot twice
>gets cancer, and recovers
>create bitcoin
>10 years later, is called a fraud and a scammer despite his history and credentials
>boomerposts on Twitter every day
>runs a billion dollar company and has 1200+ patents

This man is fucking based. His life is pure kino. I unironically want to be like him when I grow up.

Craig Wright is way more interesting than Satoshi ever was.

>> No.16907108

happened in his head only

>> No.16907111


>> No.16907124

>>born dirt poor
>>learns martial art and computer science at a young age
Doubtful. If you're born dirt poor you don't have access to luxuries like education, especially in technology or fitness.

>> No.16907169

he is just like us

>> No.16907182

Can we elect him as president now since Obama wasnt born in the US?

>> No.16907226
File: 2 KB, 125x80, apuguitarsolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started from the bottom now we're queer, started from the botttom now my whole team fucking queer, started from the bottom now we're queer...

>> No.16907273

His mother's a computer scientist, his grandfather was one of the founding members of Australia's NSA.

>> No.16907292

>gets shot twice
>in his head only

if only

>> No.16907357

Wow blockstream you fuckers are insane

>> No.16907381

hes truly an inspiration. At first i thought he must have been bullshitting about all his degrees and certificates, but then i learned that 99% of them have been confirmed... and he keeps studying and publishing DAILY. This man is a machine, he showed it is possible for a person to earn multiple degrees, masters, phds and security certifications, all while running businesses and blogging daily. He's such an inspiration desu, before you see a person like this you wouldn't even think it's possible to be this productive and educated in so many different areas.

Usually when you meet your heroes they suck, satoshi could have been an obese basement dweller criminal hacker, or some idiot like greg/amaury/lukejr.. instead we get a renaissance man with so many qualifications it's mind blowing. His character is not easy to deal with, but nobody's perfect, he's clearly on the autism spectrum.
This man will become a legend in history books on the level of leonardo da vinci. And i am honored to have lived while he was alive and have been able to speak with him directly

>> No.16907388

>rereads OP
>calls others insane
hows them bulletholes healing then - m-maybe, he's jesus

>> No.16907397

Lol his own mother calls him a pathological liar.

>> No.16907411
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>> No.16907430

>have been able to speak with him directly
May I ask what was your conversation about?

>> No.16907450
File: 79 KB, 1080x1450, 1579127731825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Craig Wright is way more interesting than Satoshi ever was.

It unironically doesn't get more based. I don't mean it in a gay way but 4chan should unironically be worshiping this guy, yet they are still stuck wondering if this guy is satoshi or not and fall for every piece of fud.

>> No.16907483

i've spoken with him almost daily online for the past couple of years, on slack

>> No.16907506

>gets shot twice
Huh? I didn't know that.

>> No.16907520

That's cool man, I wonder if he ever visits here? Ayre and Jimmy retweeted some 4chan posts at least.

>> No.16907581

He might have posted on 4chan at times, I'm not sure.
If you're interested in chatting with him, he's most active in the metanet icu slack,
but you need to be a metanet member to join (lowest tier is 15gbp/month)

and to be invited to the private slack you need an existing member to vouch for you. You seem cool, so if you decide to join at some point you can shoot me an email at
bsv [AT] jonjonson.com
and I'll vouch for you

>> No.16907642

>and fall for every piece of fud
Shame he won’t provide 1 piece of evidence. No, saying the word ‘stiff’ over and over because 1 post Satoshi made on Bitcointalk had it in is not proof. Everyone already knows it’s Nick Szabo. Nobody even heard of Craig until Finney or whoever it was died, ie, the last publicly known Satoshi collaborator who could call him out on his bullshit. Funny timing.

BSVijays are almost as bad as linkoids.
Bitcoin Spicy Vindaloo does not belong here. Also no I’m not a corefag either, all the Bitcoins are bastardised hacks.

>> No.16907695

damn you shouldn't have posted with your trips, you lost all credibility right there

I've been looking to enter for a while

>> No.16907720

he is a semi tech illiterate narcissistic sociopath and compulsive liar. it tells you a sad tale that you worship this fucktard.

>> No.16907729

If Szabo was satoshi (he definitely isn't), why did he feel like he had to publicly come out and say that Dorian Nakamoto is not satoshi, but he didn't do the same to say that Craig Wright is not satoshi? If your worldview is correct, wouldnt he feel like it's important for him to clarify that using one of satoshi's accounts or signatures?

And Hal was not the only "publicly known satoshi collaborator", in fact, Gavin was the main "satoshi collaborator", who interacted with him a lot and was handed over the keys to the bitcoin project. And upon meeting Craig, Gavin publicly confirmed that he believed beyond reasonable doubt that Craig Wright is satoshi (based on both social clues, his knowledge of early interactions with gavin, and his signing in front of him).
But i guess it's great that some people like you still don't believe it, cause it creates a much bigger opportunity for us to make money, so thank you

>> No.16907731

open your mouth and suck my bloody cock you massive cock sucka

>> No.16907881
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>> No.16907882

that's fucking pathetic m8 you should seek help!

>> No.16907928
File: 78 KB, 619x622, craigispissed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16907930


>> No.16908636

They are very sick people. Most of them Jews.

>> No.16908639

Why is he having such a hard time getting his bitcoin from his bitcoin wallet?

>> No.16908667

Why are you assuming he wants to show you his Bitcoin holdings?

That would be a very fucking weird thing to do.

>> No.16908697
File: 321 KB, 1005x392, Screenshot from 2020-01-18 01-03-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes just setting the stage for it.

He already laid it all down, he will start moving btc core coins and selling during the halving, bringing btc value down and mining to a halt as miners switch to bsv.
Why would he do it before then? the higher the btc price and lower the bsv price the better for him.
Geez /biz/ i thought you were smarter than this

>> No.16908725
File: 33 KB, 676x593, C11DA82B-82BD-4839-B00C-229CD24293B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, sirs! He is satoshi, sirs! https://youtu.be/cKbPNFUHLYM

>> No.16908740

>Craig Wright is way more interesting than Satoshi ever was
didnt read that. At least you arent saying he is satoshi.
Also, good luck with your dead hash rate coin

>> No.16908747

>doesnt get sarcasm or jokes

yes that was a bad joke, but you corecucks are truly low iq geez

>> No.16908786

That wasnt sarcasm, you motherfucking retard.

That was sarcasm btw. Oh wait, it fucking wasnt. Do you even know how sarcasm works, brainlet?

>> No.16908808

>" i remember some whitepaper back in 2008" *squints and pretends to be thinking and trying to remember*

that's sarcasm you idiot. Adding a stupid music afterwards doesn't turn it into a gaffe

>> No.16908813

> I filled my bag with shitcoin therefore, i must worship faketoshi.

>> No.16908815

Under rated

>> No.16908828
File: 98 KB, 902x657, bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's also:
>received a michelin star
>is a classically trained pianist
>has won a world record in rowing

>> No.16908837

Thats not sarcasm. Holy FUCK. Apparently everything is sarcasm now.

Youre a tucking retard. Just kidding. That was sarcasm. No really though, youre fucking stupid.

Sarcasm: "the use of irony to mock or convey contempt."
>mock or convey contempt

That wasnt sarcasm, dumbass. Low iq retard.

>> No.16908842
File: 48 KB, 662x286, 1579363918576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's also:
>has a 186 iq
>has 2 phd's
>has read and fully remembers 15,500 books

>> No.16908852

what you never told a girl that you were a professional jewel thief to get laid?

>> No.16908865
File: 32 KB, 885x187, bb3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's also:
>was so smitten for bitcoin belle, that he followed her twitter for years and invented bitcoin to impress her


>> No.16908881

he's also broken his nose 20 times.

his mom explained:
"Wright’s mother had told me about her son’s long-standing habit of adding bits on to the truth, just to make it bigger. ‘When he was a teenager,’ she said, ‘he went into the back of a car on his bike. It threw him through the window of a parked car. That’s where his scar comes from. His sister accompanied him to the hospital and he’s telling the doctor that he’s had his nose broken twenty or so times, and the doctor is saying “You couldn’t possibly have had it broken.” And Craig says: “I sew myself up when I get injured.”

>> No.16908889

damn i didnt know iq could go lower than zero lol

first part of his sentence was sarcastic, and a setup for the second part which was the joke "probably when i wrote it". If you cant get that and believe thats an admission of him not being satoshi, well... you are a sub-zero iq retard and you're never gonna make it, i'm sorry anon.
I will enjoy making money off of you in the year of the golden bsv bullrun

>> No.16908895

some more background and interesting reading on him:

fake gpg keys - https://archive.is/v8kfs
fake blog post announcing whitepaper - https://archive.md/U0tEU
fake contracts and emails - https://archive.is/O0CHg

csw caught plagiarizing papers

creg caught lying to us court - https://archive.fo/siWpg
creg fined by australian govt for forgery - https://web.archive.org/web/20180413215502/https://www.scribd.com/document/372445140/Exhibit-12

>> No.16908897

>create bitcoin
>Craig Wright is way more interesting than Satoshi ever was.

>> No.16908898

Retard. Explain HOW he was using irony or conveying contempt.

Here's an example of real sarcasm:
"That was reaaal smart".
"No like that, Einstein".

What he did isnt sarcasm. Any english teacher would correct your retarded logic.

>> No.16908902

He's talking about BSV in that post lol

>> No.16908904

hey pajeet, how many cents does Greg Maxwell pay you for posting this disinfo? Or do you get paid by blockstream directly?

>> No.16908911

*"not like that, Einstein"

>> No.16908914

And yet the coins in Satoshi's wallet still haven't moved. Until they do, Craig will remain a scam in my eyes.

>> No.16908921

Does anyone know the name of his parents perchance?

>> No.16908968


you got till the halving to position yourself

>> No.16908996

Why do you keep posting this fictional fake news story? It's hilarious how coretards rely on literal made up shit from random bloggers as their go to material.

They live in a world of total make believe.

>> No.16909136

reminder that this man built a pencil from scratch over the course of years (even building all necessary tooling from scratch), just as an exercise to learn to appreciate the benefits of capitalism, knowledge, and society.
This man's life is the stuff of legends


>> No.16909311
File: 527 KB, 1456x1433, 57266BDE-400E-4901-9797-A60F8B3A53F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this pathological liar.

>> No.16909325
File: 1.13 MB, 1410x2097, 1579411929402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>nobody ever heard of Craig Wright

>> No.16909328

>lying idiot comes up with a pencilmaking larp after some basic research into the terminology used and various devices and materials required to make one
>all so that he can lead literal down syndrome "investors" around by the nose
>they actually buy it and repost his garbage from a webarchive because the actual blog was taken down
BSV niggers really are fucked.

>> No.16909340

read >>16909311

>> No.16909426

well, if thats the nearest you can get this irrelevant prick to Bitcoins foundations, absolute not-Satoshi confirmed

>> No.16909677

>we elect
I don't think you know how this works. The people don't choose the President, silly rabbit.

>> No.16909873


>> No.16909944

Exactly BSV was created for and by the Anglo-American Intelligence network as their own fork of Bitcoin so that they can:

1)wrest control from real BTC steal/ market cap/influence
2)prevent China/Russia from fully consolidating BTC and threatning US federal reserve fiat hegemony
3)attempt to control crypto through their own fork so that they can be the main influencers of the emerging, revolutionary technology
4)kill crypto in its infacy if they so desire/ feel required to do so

>> No.16909977

Don't like it? STIFF

>> No.16909991

Audible kek.