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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16905738 No.16905738 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone else developed crippling stomach issues since you started ragie waging at a corporate office?
im about to blow my fucking brains out desu

>> No.16905781

Raw milk
Should fix you in a day

>> No.16905798

No, but I've started to get heart palpitations

>> No.16905812

>fast eat and drink in a single day

>> No.16905825

eating anything with fat makes me unable to stand from pain
im gonna start eating bland ass chicken and rice for a while to see if it helps
but even when the stabbing isnt there, i always feel latently nauseous as though im hung over. but its from the fucking stress

>> No.16905841

what's your job? what's stressful?

>> No.16905861
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No, but I developed horrible headaches and a post-work drinking habit.

I'm at work from 8am - 7 pm and by the time I get home I'm so stress-riddled and unhappy that all I can do is drink some beer and shitpost on 4chan. I'm unironically praying for a new job, filling out job applications today.

>> No.16905927

what jobs do you guys work that suck so much? I work a pretty cushy office job but it's just boring as fuck and I always pray for it to be 5.

>> No.16905934
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should I start a business selling avocados? if i can get orders from Canadians and i handle all logistics I think I could make bank. Buy local, "organic" (i.e. my yard theres 2 trees). Lots of markup. I'm hoping for a couple grand and more if Trump gets another term...

>> No.16905987
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associate attorney, my boss is a lazy dipshit and the clients are all poor people who pay a thousand dollar retainer and think that makes them entitled to zip-lining through the court system, skipping laws, yelling at everyone and generally acting like children

>> No.16905995
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>babby's first stomach ulcer

>> No.16906014
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call center technical support
i cant tell you the industry because literally two companies own all the market share
theres a lot of things that are cool about it. insane PTO, crazy internal mobility to the point where a ton of below-director level employees dont have degrees (including me)
the thing is that its a fucking den of snakes. it claims to have a “super chill, fun culture” but in reality the managers are all actively trying to bait you into making one little mistake with what you say or do. my director is unironically a fucking psychopath who constantly tries to make employees do outrageous shit to test them.
he might demand to come into a meeting with the dev team and make you recite all the common problems customers have with ALL 36 fucking products we sell without preparing. if you fuck up you’re FUCKED
if he knows you have a reputation for being a little off-color, he might come at you one day and say some shit like “man my back is so sore from raping my dog all night,” to try and tease you into reciprocating his edginess, but if you do you get FUCKED
if you accidentally connect to the company VPN with your phone or personal computer it logs your browser history and if they really want to they can FUCK you (they usually dont though)
the lower level people are significantly better than your standard rate corporate slaves but i’d never ever socialize with them IRL
it feels like a death camp despite how hard they try to bait you into believing its a cutting edge new age paradise

>> No.16906076

sounds pretty shitty, have you considered working tech support for other places like universities? Those and public sector and can be pretty chill to work for.

>> No.16906129

i refuse to be involved with academia ever again
and ive scoured my local job market, this is literally the best paying job i can find without a degree and the only one that can pay all my bills
the job is miserable but id rather do this than live off my parents ever again
death is a preferable alternative to NEETdom

>> No.16906172

I like to separate my work from from the institution I work for. I work in marketing and I would be doing the exact same job role at any other company. This just happens to be a university and it's a cushy well-paying job.

I highly disagree with the notion of universities. They literally steal money from brainlet kids that don't recognize the full impact that going into college debt entails. That said, I value my own sanity and a cushy job more. I would literally work for satan himself if it meant high pay and low stress.

>> No.16906178

This is a completely dysfunctional work culture because of those psycho bosses. A lower paying job is better than destroying your health. I had that kind of boss and I stood up for myself. He couldn't fuck with me because I was willing to walk away if needed.

>> No.16906210

Jesus why is everyone's boss an asshole? My boss is so nice and I think he has low T. He's so kind to me. My supervisor is kind of a dick but I just give it right back to him and he respects me for it.

>> No.16906233
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there is no other high paying job sadly
i’ll definitely stop giving a shit and start swinging my dick around after a couple promotions (they promote fairly quickly, one every year is reasonable if youre not a retard and hustle relatively hard)
at the end of the day i’m fucking 20 years old and making as much money as most college grads at their first job, and by the time my peers graduate i’ll be making like $60k a year (mostly) debt-free while everyone else is scrambling for pennies and drowning in student loans
weed and popeye’s chicken sandwiches will get me through this

>> No.16906834

Go see a doctor. I had something similar. They had to put a long dick with a camera down my throat and they found a lot of bile in it. 3 weeks of pills and I'm good brother. Proably stress related because im not fat and eat rather healthy. Take care of yourself.

>> No.16906884

I have to $hit 4 times a day now.

>> No.16906985

Honestly this started eating only animal products lost my bloating and it is the only thing that gets my stomach to shut up throughout the day.

>> No.16907051
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I literally work 2 hours a week unless im rehabbing a new small apartment building. I only rent to middle class and up people with good credit who want in on a good school district. Fuck dealing with horrible people, get in control of your societal universe.

>> No.16907233

How early is too early to job hop bros?

Been in a new job, new industry and new career path for 5 months ago. Getting tired of dealing with internal incompetence over and over again, not to mention being overworked.
Should I just start applying after 6 months? Would be keen to move into government or something with more reasonable expectations.

>> No.16907805

I would wait 1 year if I could in your situation.

>> No.16907828

6 months makes you look like you can leave a new company anyday if something doesn't suit you.

>> No.16907860

Get another job faggot
It’s literally that simple

>> No.16908081
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Pretty sure I developed IBS as a result of waging. I'm only two years in as an office wagie. Also picked up post-work drinking like >>16905861 but tried to not drink for multiples days in a row and it did nothing to improve my bowel issues, so probably not related. Stopping even seemed to make it worse because alcohol is actually good at relieving some stress. I don't even drink large amounts so can't possibly have physical addiction, yet I will develop an even more depressed mindset after a few days of not drinking, while a getting properly drunk act as a reset switch and makes it bearable for a few days.
Thanks for reading my depressed wagie blog.

>> No.16908132

>death is a preferable alternative to NEETdom

Yikes. Imagine being a bred slave.

>> No.16908143

by that i mostly mean i would rather take a bullet to the head than live off my parents ever again
but keep being worthless i guess

>> No.16908145

Tape your boss talking about raping his dog and then email it to every single person who works at the company, anonymously.

>> No.16908331

Most NEET's aren't dependents on their parents or the government. baka.

>> No.16908348

Feel grateful that you will never experience the soul crushing pain of back to back busy services in fine dining restaurants anon.

>> No.16908508

i used to feel like i was going to vomit about 5 minutes out driving to my last wagie job. when i walked in the door i felt nothing but pure hate. never again.

>> No.16908742

No joke I have terrible stomach problems. I'm not sure if it's due to my corporate job, but my stomach definitely got worse after starting waging. I'm about to go get an endoscopy or biopsy because I cannot eat anything without having problems. It looks like food allergy/celiac/gluten sensitivity. I'm sick of it

>> No.16909299

Is being a waiter hard? I left my retail job and am working on an internship for the summer. A friend got me a job as a server at a Japanese restaurant. I’m starting slow, and the restaurant itself is slow as fuck besides saturdays, but I’d much rather just do retail again. Should I go through with it?
My people skills are amazing, but I’m worried my inner autism will bubble up during a dinner rush and I’ll freak out.

>> No.16909343

its called nopoop, get used to it.

>> No.16909353

5 years of wageslaving utterly fucked my stomach man thanks to
>no sleep
i used to have 24/7 acid reflux, right now i'm a streaming neet and my stomach is much better because at least i sleep as much as i want, but it takes a beer, some heavy food or a sleepless night to fuck it up again for a day. i guess wageslaving made some irreparable damage to my body. either it literally gave me cancer or i came close to getting it.

>> No.16909493

what the fuck are you smoking and how much does an ounce of it cost

>> No.16909583

This except don’t fast, just puts your body under additional streas and will fry your nervous system even more than it already likely is. Also, drink raw eggs and all your problems will be solved.

>> No.16909697

Dude this could be very serious. Could be an ulcer or IBD. Go to a doctor. It's not just wagie life

>> No.16909750

If you have an ulcer, stay away from acidic foods, (soda, orange juice, drinks with citric acid). (Leomons and lime are fine but has to be natural). Make sure you let your ulcer heal by taking a prillosec regiment and eating honey for the next month, it will keep your stomach coated and prevent the regrowth of harmfull gut bacteria. Make sure it is prime real honey too none of that fake shit.

>> No.16909804

Similar thing happened to me. I was so stressed during the week that it made me constipated as hell. I tried drinking tons of water, more fruits and veggies, took fiber supplements but nothing worked. Then the weekend came and everything was totally fine. Haven't had any issues since I quit that awful job and went back to school. Wageslaving is hell

>> No.16909927

IBS definitely is linked to waging, stress at work coupled with prolonged standing or prolonged sitting puts strain on that area of the body.

>> No.16910129

Not even kidding I developed ibs a couple years into waging. No doc ever gave me an explanation for it, I think it’s a combination of depression and stress...who knew that can really fuck you up physically.

>> No.16910714

stress can definitely factor into so many random health issues, it's unreal. Stress is a killer

>> No.16910873

I opened my own CBD cannabis store in Belgium. it's legal and chill as fuck. i am constantly smoking the CBD ganja. hot progressive womenz come chat with me and i have gone on a date with one of them. took me only 25k to invest. been running it for three months and money is just raining all over me. I am succes without stress

>> No.16910948

Stop eating fast food, processed food

>> No.16911225
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Humans are not designed to live like that, always worrying. In middle ages, you either be a soldier, a farmer, a fisher, a sailor, a shoemaker or whatever the fuck you do. But you do not worry about shit, because if a mongol invasion comes or whatever, well, it is out of your control and it is not like they are going to sue you and fine you for your social media edgy comments or whatever. It was a more real kind of living. Now it is all fake, that is what makes people sick in the stomach. That feeling of being watched AND not watched all the time, man that makes anybody sick

>> No.16911750

jesus christ this is not how it's supposed to be

>> No.16911915

How the fuck do we escape? I have 50k Chainlink but I don't think I am able to retire

>> No.16912399

You guys talk a lot of shit for being so delicate IRL

>> No.16912466

Dude I can't tell if your are joking or not, but I'd start being way more grateful for your stack. This thing at minimum is going to $10, which would be 500k for you. If you seriously cannot find a way to lead a better life with 500k, you are a bad human being. Nulinkers can barely afford 1k now.

>> No.16912691

Remember that /biz/tard talking about his recent stomach cancer diagnosis last year? I hope he is fine.:(

>> No.16912726

I developed a stomach ulcer from a combination of diet and an insane Diverse™ workplace that drove me nuts. Quit the job, work around only whites now (things actually get done), and started taking Omeprazole. Omeprazole is OTC, cheap, and works really well with little to no side effects. Get on Omeprazole.

>> No.16912839

Is working around whites really better? Most whites I met in the workplace are backstabbing, dishonest career people or antisocial autists. I'm a white European.

>> No.16913185

stress or not you have an ulcer and the place/cafeteria/resto where you are eating your lunch is probably dirty and low quality
you should visit a doctor asap
stop eating immediately anything that contains:
-spices in general
-bell pepper, onion, garlic
-coca cola or other carbonated shit
-chocolate bars, especially things like sneakers or shit like that
you can drink a bit of cold milk and honey, they make like a thin film for the esophagus and the stomach, it's like natural Gaviscon (do not abuse medicines if you don't need)
and then the most important thing is to lose a bit of weight they probably you recently added, cause your belly fat is adding unneeded pressure on your stomach and you are having reflux, the reflux caused an ulcer in your esophagus
NEVER LAY DOWN AFTER EATING FOR AT LEAST 3 HOURS, eat dinner really early, do not eat anything heavy, pizza for dinner will just kill you straight away, so eat some meat or fish (even better) instead, meat means grilled chicken or a steak, avoid hamburgers or processed meat
walk at least 3km a day, just force yourself
if you feel like dying, like someone sticking a knife in your chest, you need 60mg dexlansoprazole, two times per day, but if you start feeling better stop it immediately cause this shit is causing other conditions in the long term

>> No.16913200

yes almost definitely from all the cheap instant coffee I drink at work then energy drinks/preworkout to force myself through a gym session afterwards

>> No.16913222

>only 25k

>> No.16913224

also, stop immediately coffee and tea, and don't drink any hot drink
avoid fast food or precooked food in general, including pre-made sandwiches, if you really cannot find anything that doesn't mess up your stomach, bring your lunch

>> No.16913251

>been running it for three months and money is just raining all over me
well, you are really brave to open a business with 57% taxation
I can tell you that you will cry hard when you accountant will call you