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File: 254 KB, 716x717, Screenshot_20190508-213757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16901897 No.16901897 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you losers actually have gfs? To any anons that do, what's a reasonable expectation of new expenditure required to maintain the relationship?

>> No.16901923

Having a GF/wife is a terrible investment unless they make as much or more than you do.

>> No.16901930
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>How many of you losers actually have gfs?

>> No.16901949

Married. Wife makes a little more than me. We have the same goals and morals. We have discussed many times the sacrifices and cut backs we need to make to reach our goals. Ideally we would like to retire by 50-55 and that’s how we planned out our financial goals.

Women are usually a horrible investment, they love to piss money away on materialistic things and trying to keep up with other women. The trick is to find one that is already planning on retirement before you invest in your relationship

>> No.16901969
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>Fucking kek, that image got me.

t. Had wisdom teeth removed and am now in pain

Entirely subjective to where you live. The ideal scenario is to have a cougar gf that buys you things, and an innocent virgin gf that you buy things for. Expect to burn well over $100 a week if you live in a city with lots of food/drink options.

>> No.16901977

Had the same gf for about 13 years. It all depends on the girl you get. If you get a girl from a richer family then expect to do more to compete for her happiness. If she comes from nothing, you’ll have a much easier time keeping her happy and content.

My friend had a rich gf who he couldn’t keep happy. He took her to Disney world and a few after the got back she was telling him how bored she was. My gf on the other hand does not come from a whole lot. Giving her something as little as some flowers or a movie date makes her really happy, probably happier than my friends gf on the way to Disneyworld. On average, I spend about $0 a month on her, we split everything.

>> No.16901985
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I have a gf, I make more than her because of chainlink

>> No.16901994

>Having a GF/wife is a terrible investment
Literally all of your costs are cut in half with a partner.
It's a great investment with unique emotional and bodily returns that will improve your quality of life and your health greatly. A good gf will motivate you and support you to go even further beyond.

(And if she's not willing to split all costs evenly then she's not a partner but a leech. This is only vaguely related with her income, assuming she earns enough to sustain herself.)

>> No.16902000

i dumped my gf half a year ago and i'm glad. only had her cause she was a cute cheerleader but women like that are shallow as fuck

>> No.16902017

In my experience rich parents gfs are nicer, and the poor will cut throat to get out of powerty

>> No.16902028

She has a job right now (or at least internship).
But in the future if we have kids one of us will stay at home and it probably won't be me.
I mean it depends honestly.

Don't care about expenditure, life comes before money, money is just a tool required to be happy. If money is a problem I'll make more, that's why I'm here.

>> No.16902030

How do I explain that I have my life savings in crypto to my wife/girlfriend?

>> No.16902032

>taking a grown woman to disney world
shes bored cuz your friend is a beta not cuz of the trip. should have just gone to hollywood instead desu

>> No.16902035

This anon understands the game, double income and a awesome pretty gym gf is all that's needed

>> No.16902042

>we would like to stop being functioning members of society by 50-55

i do not know why, but firefags trigger me so fucking much

but hey enjoy your early deaths because not having purpose is literally the main cause of death in old people

>> No.16902048

they're gonna expect to "go out" once a week and once to twice per weekend. assume you'll spend $100+ per outing. then ask yourself if minimum $1200 a month is worth it for a hole

>> No.16902060

You don't, that's how.

>> No.16902065


Nigger, not him but I just want freedom. Freedom to live my life and contribute how I want. I grew up a great writer as a kid but knew that wasn't economically viable, so now I'm a software engineer. I would like to become financially independent and pursue what I want. When I die I will have money to give to my kids and some charities of my choice.

>> No.16902087

>My job is my purpose

You know, some people have the brain power to do other things than work. Not everyone just watches TV all weekend and scrolls up and down social media.

Enjoy working your super fulfilling office job or whatever pointless shit you're doing into your 60s though

>> No.16902103

That's why i said if she makes as much as you brainlet. Otherwise you are paying for that emotional and bodily return.

>> No.16902111

First gf I got ended up spending $1500/mo, eating out throughout the week and weekend trips. I broke up with her but she ended up pregnant and her rich parents bought us a house. I think a poor gf who keeps expenses low would have been nice.

>> No.16902118

money is literally the only thing that matters in life and if you don't think so get the fuck out of this board.

>> No.16902142

My gf is my left hand. I cheat on her ruthlessly with my right.

>> No.16902158
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>mommy said i can be whatever i want to be when i grow up

you decide to """wageslave""" for 30-40 years so you can have fun for the 10-20 years after (writing books? that nobody gives a shit about, because if they did they would pay you for it now) before your body starts falling apart
sounds like a terrible idea

firefags always seem like in complete denial about capitalism. they present it like they are beating the game, when in reality they are the kind of people who just make a grumpy face while playing before smashing the board in anger

>> No.16902182

Except she can make less than you and still contribute equally retard.

I mean if you want to buy a 50 million estate with your 10 million a year CEO income, while she's a secretary and makes 50k, and you complain that she doesn't contribute equally, then yes, you're right.

>> No.16902183

heard that wisdom teeth is a meme made up by the dentist community.
Dont know what is true of that but I can state that my dentist recommended me to remove them 6 years ago and I'm still good.

>> No.16902188


I have no fucking clue what you're going on about. "Writing books" isn't all there is to it, it's a big risk because you have to find a publisher that's willing to market your stuff, it's very much a "who do you know" industry. Not just about the quality of your work. That would only be one thing, I'm also going to travel and maybe open up my own small business.

You can whine all you want but I'm going to be over and done with this rat race by the time I'm 50, enjoy your perpetual servitude faggot.

>> No.16902199

They don’t hurt unless they come in fucked up. I only had 3 to begin with and theyre not bothering much.

>> No.16902238

So you talk shit but then concede that I'm right? Get fucked idiot.

>> No.16902294

and why does money matter?
because it gives you freedom
and thats the only thing that truly matters. because when you die its over.

>> No.16902320

holy shit the wagie cope, you've really been had by the system enjoy making mr. shekelberg his hundreds of millions, also nice reddit spacing

>> No.16902353

Me. I’m 31 single live at home. Never been in love it with a girl. AMA.

>> No.16902359

>money is literally the only thing that matters in life
wagey cope

>> No.16902360
File: 6 KB, 205x246, 57323A75-F1B4-46CD-8F36-A35099286464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 32yo kissless hugless virgin with 50k link
when link moons it will be my turn to have sex

>> No.16902371

pay for most average price dinners when you eat out, make her pay for her drinks. buy groceries. never buy her clothing or shoes. you'll be fine

>> No.16902376
File: 76 KB, 626x521, 1579368823475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr how do i into reading comprehension

Here let me make it more clear in the pic "what I'm going on about."

You're the racing rat friendo. I'm fine where I'm at.

But enjoy shooting your brains out at age 60 depressed because nobody is interested in reading your shitty books that you wrote in the past decade because nobody is interested in reading something by someone who did nothing with his life.

>maybe open up my own small business
Lmao that's what people always say.
>"I'm going to do it some day..."
I mean okay, if it keeps you going, keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile other people start their business now and in 30 years they'll have the funds to force you out of the market.

>> No.16902399

>capitalism bad!
Oke. Reject reality if you so please.
But you're the one wagecucking friendo, because hording money is literally the only thing you work for, while other people have careers they enjoy and become independent long before you feel secure enough to take a risk.

>> No.16902401


I don't think you understand me at all. I don't think life has any purpose and I don't give a shit about the concept of fulfillment. All I'm doing is relieving myself of the mental burden of wagie servitude, that's it. You're just being a bitter crab in a bucket for whatever reason.

If I'm 50 years old and fucking hookers in southeast asia every day until the day I die that's fine with me, time well spent FIREing I'd say. Get fucked queer

>> No.16902458

Have fun then if your life goal is fucking hookers in southeast Asia.

Wish you all the best anon, even though I do not agree with it because I think you can do better.

>> No.16902482


My life goal is whatever I decide to do with the freedom I get from earning and investing. And chances are I'll have plenty to pass on to my kids and set them up for a potentially yach-tier lifestyle. Don't know what you're planning on

>> No.16902579


i have bf
i love him and he loves my dick

>> No.16902587

Why don't you start writing about investing and your FIRE style? The world needs to know about how money works, you enjoy writing, and if you're good at it, you could monetize it.

>> No.16902629

If you can only conceive of a relationship in financial or cost/benefit terms, you’re a shitty person and nobody will ever want to be with you when they find out what you are like.

>> No.16902630


It's already well-documented, if I was going to write a long nonfiction piece it would be over phenomena that the public isn't very aware of.

But hey, maybe a spiritual successor to "The Richest Man in Babylon", couldn't hurt. There is a caveat to the FIRE lifestyle though, it wouldn't work if everyone was trying to do it as it is supplemented by mass consumerism, which drives the stock market. If everyone lived life with a mindset of save, invest, spend frugally, the whole paradigm would shift. It's in this mess of blindness and consumerism that the lucid are able to figure out a fulfilling existence.

>> No.16902654

I never said anything about capitalism, and I do enjoy my career for the most part but I'd rather work for myself later which is made easier by creating a financial cushion asap. It's really not that hard to comprehend but perhaps difficult for someone as braindead as you who wants to constantly project their insecurities on an anonymous board. How pathetic.

>> No.16902688

>i do not know why, but firefags trigger me so fucking much
Anyone who uses any of the above terms should kys immediately

>> No.16902710

Nevin is my girlfriend. RSR is my sex. You have to go back.

>> No.16902717


Sadly I have to agree with this. In today's day and age if you make substantially more than your wife, they will always look at you like a paycheck.

Didn't think this was the case until I got married. Been married 5 years and this financial expectation thing is 100% reality.

>> No.16902757

>crab in a bucket
Fuck off back to r/söyboy
>50 years old fucking hookers in southeast asia
1) Fucking disgusting 2) what a pointless life 3) when you are 50 there will be no cheap hookers in southeast asia. Not to mention visa restrictions will be a lot tighter because they do not want the likes of you there

>> No.16902797

We're reaching wagie cope levels we never thought possible. Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.16902877

How does a gf make you healthier you fucking tard? Is it all the STD's she might give you from being the town bicycle before you met her?

>> No.16903212


They make me sick too. Imagine retiring in your fifties, long past the prime of your life. That's why I've retired in my twenties. People live life backwards. You should be free when you're young and have the body and mind to enjoy it, and work shit jobs when you're old, your body is busted, and have nothing better to do.

Imagine working your whole life just so you can sit in a recliner in a McMansion. LMAOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.16903214

>what's a reasonable expectation of new expenditure required to maintain the relationship?
Your relationship won't last if you look at it like this. Don't waste her time.

>> No.16903257


You're right, it wouldn't last long because she'll be expecting constant expenditure and he doesn't want to play that game. The way he's looking at it is the way women look at it.

>> No.16903292

kek nice troll

>> No.16903295

i need to get mine removed soon, how bad is it?

>> No.16903296

married 12 years, its comfy

>> No.16903307

It's like rolling a die really. Happy you've found it but it's equally likely you won't

>> No.16903319
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Idk man, this was when we were 19. You’d be a lot better off if you didn’t assume things like the retard you are.

>> No.16903569

troll/10 but thought provoking

>> No.16903813

Relationships are a huge investment (read waste) of time.
It's like a part time job

>> No.16903834
File: 1.91 MB, 1722x1722, wojak despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont have a gf because i have severe chronic eczema covering 80% of my body

Imagine an itchy, dry, painful, gross looking rash that never goes away and the medications of which barely work and only fuck you up more

ive accepted my lot in life but still freak out whenever anyone touches me

>> No.16903877

I'm broke as fuck but have a cushy 8/10 waifu. I probably out iq her by 25 point so she's putty in my hands. Expenditure /> 0

>> No.16903918

Is life painful for you?

>> No.16903924


I think my little brother had the same issue. He finally got it under control by using ultra violent light therapy and taking anti allergy medication.

>> No.16903927

sorry homie. will hookers still fuck you?

>> No.16903935

Be willing to bet she’s not. 8/10 half this board is too stupid and overestimates everything

>> No.16903943

post a pic i'm kinda into this shit fuck i'm getting close just imaging it

>> No.16903946

Got married a few months ago. AMA

>> No.16903951

>when you're a girl and balding because you're too dumb to understand that pulling your hair like that destroy them

>> No.16903959

What's the point of having a gf when you can fuck hookers or tinder dates spending less money and precious time? Relationships are just a waiste of resources.

>> No.16904290

You can have a fulfilling life without making work your life. If you're focused on making money though an expense like a girlfriend is going to eat at potential savings

>> No.16904373

The girls I like usually are proudly independent.
It depends on who you are attracted to
If you like ditzy girls then you pay more
If you like the more modern woman you pay less if at all

>> No.16904549

Who's taking the photo and why?

>> No.16904765

>Imbecil thinks women and love from a woman are not a bad meme

>> No.16904785


Thanks for contributing nothing, faggot. I can only imagine how insecure someone has to be, for whatever reason, to A. see my post and then B. respond with absolutely nothing but butthurt.

>> No.16904792

I hope you have a fat stack of link fren

>> No.16905187

i've lost about 20 grand this year spending it on my gf. Only been with her for 7 months.

She is a gold digger...

>> No.16905310

I have a cute Russian wife and she’s perfect waifu. Not a gold digga. I wish you were as lucky.

>> No.16905363

I have experience treating skin conditions and I just want to tell you that you don't have to live like this. There are a ton of treatments (including biologic agents like Dupilumab) that work. Not sure what you've tried but you should look into getting patch testing and your diet checked out too by dermatologists who specialize in atopic dermatitis/eczema. Stay strong brah.

>> No.16905400
File: 23 KB, 373x373, 9b37c8ee9fde0d08edc882da5d6f7f90b524f196v2_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16905488

I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.16905514

My gf and I split everything. It's been good for my finances. How could anyone be so stupid that they would date a girl and lose money?

>> No.16905579 [DELETED] 

>contributing nothing
I've contributed way more to this board than you, useless faggot

>> No.16906355

Uv therapy
Dry Sweat therapy
Diet elimination
Change all cleaning products
Air humidifier
Vaseline 48hr moisturiser

Wheat elimination and sweating make the most difference for me. Moisturiser heals sores but doesn't prevent them. I can eat wheat but too much and it comes back.

>> No.16906397

I have a GF but she spends too much money and I'm seriously considering dumping her.

>> No.16906711

lol. they are a complete waste of time. wont spend even a single $ on women
>in b4 incel

>> No.16906725

Jokes on you faggot, she takes me out to dinner.

>> No.16907379

how does this happen?

>> No.16907402

>Ideally we would like to retire by 50-55

>> No.16907418

>reasonable expectation of new expenditure required to maintain the relationship
You think wayyyyy to much anon. Just let things happen naturally.

>> No.16907480

About $1200 a month. You need a mortgage or rent for your own place for most women. You can get away with spending no more than like $50/week on them though if you're in good shape/good enough at fucking them, but the mortgage/rent for your own place is more or less non-negotiable. I was able to sleep with chicks when I lived at my parents place, but it felt a little tricky at times. When I got my own place it was like hitting a switch where everything suddenly was easy mode.

>> No.16907489
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>tfw asexual

>> No.16907501

Going to be a wizard in about half a year.

>> No.16907570

Have been with my gf for 7 years. She was a virgin when we met. Halfway through she got fat as fuck, then I bullied her to slim down for a couple of years. Now she is slim again.

Plot twist: 6 months ago I met another girl that's also a virgin and has the same age my gf had when we met (22). She is very similar to my gf, in appearance, goals, drive, etc it's uncanny. It feels like going back in time.

So I "dated" this new girl for 6 months, obviously "cheating" my gf. I was trying just to have sex with this new girl but when she told me she was a virgin, I stopped trying to get laid with her. Then I just tried to help her (her father abandoned her and her mom is single so she is a bit poor) I bought her food, gave her rides to work, listened to her problems, etc basically I was her bf but without sex.

Needless to say I started to fall in love with her, she had this naivety that comes with virginity I just felt the need to protect her without taking advantage of her. Last month she offered to have sex and we tried but it hurt her too much so we quit before it happened.

Now she found out I have a gf and obviously is raging. it hurts me to cause her pain. At least I didn't take her virginity.

Moral of the story: don't play with virgins Bros, it's not worth it to bring them pain

>> No.16907588

>Ideally we would like to retire by 50-55

fucking kek you are for a very rude awakening

>> No.16907617

If you tried jamming your dick into her she isn't a virgin anymore, you retarded nigger.

>> No.16907624
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>tfw moneysexual

>> No.16907630

howd it happen? how was ur upbringing

>> No.16907692

Her hymen is still intact. Can't get any more virgin than that.

The thing is I considered leaving my gf for her. I've dated other women in the past but this is the first time I actually considered it. She is wife material honestly. I actually feel sad about losing her.
Think about this the next time you try to cheat your gfs. You both might end up worse than you began.

>> No.16907698

Your current gf doesnt care that youre seeing the new girl?

>> No.16907709

should i move out of my parents and start getting laid? I dont know if the financial hit is worth it

>> No.16907718

You're an unironic nigger. I hope you realize that.

>> No.16907746
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It's a good investment. I probably net negative money, but she does a great job of keeping me far away from wanting to invest in a shotgun and day trading the shells from my gun account into my brain account. Women will always be fooled into but dumb shit like hundred dollar bags. WOW A BAG IT CAN HOLD THING! Huh, 300 dollars??.... Oh but it's usaully 600 dollars! Wow this is a good DEAL! I can't wait to carry it for 3-4 months and throw it away when it acquires a minor scratch or stain!

>> No.16907783

>invest in a shotgun and day trading the shells from my gun account into my brain account
That's an investment we all have to make eventually.

>> No.16907834

We already had that fight. She only knows that I talked to some girl but that's it. Not that we dated and such.

Actually I'm a spic but yeah it's about the same

I know that as men we are wired to inseminate as many women as possible (we are all animals so don't give me that crap that you can resist your urges.. you would all fuck other women if given a chance) but I'm not able to separate feelings from sex.. guess I'm not really an alpha huh

>> No.16908160

kek, I know the chick on the right

>> No.16908283

I have a girlfriend who didn't waste any time going to college. She is a hair dresser and runs a small company on the side that makes decent money. We're having children soon and she understand that she needs to be at home with the children. Things are pretty good.

I make ~60k a year and am weird as fuck.

>> No.16908457

Means not end.

>> No.16908603
File: 77 KB, 1600x900, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havent had a conversation with a human female since 2011

>> No.16908733

Normie detected

>> No.16908775 [DELETED] 

He never said anything about fire in itself.

You got some real issues and a sttange obsession with fire.

>> No.16908820
File: 283 KB, 1440x1202, Screenshot_20200118-203335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mid 20's
>Virgin [Yes by choice, no sex outside of marriage]
>Kissless [Yes]
>GFless [Yes, pic related]
>Handholdless [Yes]
>Whisperedintoearless [No]
>Hugless [No]
>Eyecontactless [No]
>Talkless [No]

>> No.16908870

A girl I was fucking last month in Thailand just told me that she's pregnant. I'm very worried bros.

>> No.16908878


>> No.16908918


>> No.16908929

Cope harder, wagie.

>> No.16908937
File: 23 KB, 480x454, 24991459_1752454204766205_1852367152662379136_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Virgin [Yes by choice,

>> No.16908964

Where are you now?

>> No.16909001

I'm in America now. I fucked her with no condom for 2 out of the 3 weeks that I was in Thailand last month. She has a birth control implant but apparently it might be expired.

>> No.16909030

>She has a birth control
Born yesterday?

>> No.16909045
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>> No.16909069

I could feel it on her arm. But I admit that I was naive for not questioning if it is still active.

>> No.16909071

If you believe that you are the only one who fucked her and she is a regular person with a real job and life which doesn't involve dancing, sucking dicks & fucking for money... Then congratulations! SEA women are the best. I'm going to marry one this year. Do you have feelings for her?

>> No.16909102

Oh I'm definitely not the only person that fucked her.

She says she doesn't want the baby and I shouldn't worry but she refuses to see a doctor. She thinks she can get rid of the baby by getting drunk every night. She's not asking for money, but I'm afraid that she'll give birth to a fetal alcohol syndrome baby.

>> No.16909197

If you're not the only one she's been fucking then that gives you a free pass to walkway with no regrets. It's her life. It is not your job to save anyone but yourself in this cruel world.

>> No.16909218

Children are investments. Spouses are overhead.

>> No.16909290

She's giving me a free pass to walk away. But it doesn't sit well with me. I don't want a kid but I don't want my own child to have a shitty life in a 3rd world country. I feel pretty bad right now.

>> No.16909308

my gf doesnt know shes my gf

>> No.16909557

Thailand is not 3rd world, more like second and rising. GDP has been going up for 20 years. Also, it might not be your kid. I understand how you feel. My slovak ex gf got pregnant the minute I left to return to the US. It was my kid, no doubt. I told her I'd return and we'd make it work but she wasn't interested in ruining her career (attorney) or body (like a pornstar, literally, but tits were natural). So she had an abortion. Fucked me up for 6 months. So I understand what you are going through.

Do you feel like its your job to save this girl? Are you willing to fly back there and make a wife out of a prostitute?

>> No.16909723

You're right. It might not be my kid. She didn't hesitate at all when I put my dick inside her without a condom. Who knows what she did with other guys.

I'm not willing to save or be with her, but it wouldn't sit well with me to potentially have a mini me growing up without the parents present. I live and work in America and she is whoring or partying in Pattaya. I'm mostly frustrated because I'm willing to bankroll an abortion but she wants to do things her way.

I'm posting from my phone so my ID might change.

>> No.16909765

I'm also posting from my phone. I'd say you've given her enough money (always pay your whores and servers). A deal is a deal. Pregnancy risk id on her

>> No.16909773

I mean, it's her choice...

>> No.16910565

I’ve got a fiancée.
We have a mortgage, two cats, and a wedding in 2021.
Monthly costs to maintain this: £500 a month.
Welsh fag btw.