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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.17 MB, 720x1280, multisend_handcash_BSV.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16898723 No.16898723 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin app development is entering a new level with crazy possibilities!

Non-custodial Wallet that can send microtransactions to hundreds of friends simultaneously, instantly and all onchain.

Nothing else in crypto can even remotely compete with this.

>> No.16898727

Nice. We are finally starting to reach a normie friendly products. Only took 11 years lol

>> No.16898735

Ok just saw it's for bsv. Holy shit are you guys insufferable with your non stop curry shilling. Will you just kys already? You have single handedly destroyed biz with your low IQ poojeet spam. Please leave us alone

>> No.16898750

Shut the fuck up reddit nigger. This is a BitCoin board, we we discuss real cryptocurrencies with actual utility, like BSV.

>> No.16898765

the only utility bsv have is cp and scamming. FUCK OFF back to Mumbai ranjesh

>> No.16898791

Have sex, seriously.

>> No.16898792
File: 69 KB, 616x327, 1554541274218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice. We are finally starting to reach a normie friendly products. Only took 11 years lol
>Finds out it's not the coin you are bagholding

This is literally you


>> No.16898819

This. Fuck off pajeets and brainlets

>> No.16898835
File: 124 KB, 680x680, 135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is only possible due to the Interledger protocol using XRP sending IOU's. that's the only way bitcoin or BSV can send micropayments without large fees and without waiting an hour.

>> No.16898867
File: 58 KB, 450x300, craig-wright-doit-comparaitre-en-justice-pour-un-vol-de-bictoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, nice one

>> No.16898874
File: 27 KB, 942x523, EOQc8wWX0AAk3Hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL it's done natively on the BitCoin protocol.

The real Bitcoin, exchange ticker BSV.

The Scammy segwit fork called BTC will never ever be able to do anything like this.

>> No.16898890


Game changer

>> No.16898916

This is so fucking cool actually. Also saw on Twitter that the BSV people ask others to link their handle, and then they multisend each other free money just for fun. Man this kind of enthusiasm reminds me of what being in Bitcoin was like in 2012 before blockstream sabotaged everything.

>> No.16898929

>Amount to send 4.00€
>Amount sent 4.02€

>> No.16899442

Lightning is a complete joke compared to this

>> No.16899458
File: 1.62 MB, 1016x1238, 1561049719040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen, The original protocol.

>> No.16899464

Grear another 42 thread

>> No.16899468

this is literally like building an app using a regular database

BSVs huge blocks and 0 confirmations could allow for high TPS,
but due to the blocksize = more latency issues, transactions can get rejected by the chain.

and of course, bigger blocks require more space which means less decentralized.

BSV shills are retarded thinking this is something cool, when anyone can make the equivalent on another piece of centralized tech

>> No.16899488

man BitCoin is really cool, i want to develop some app on bsv too now, but i have to think of a good idea

>> No.16899503


fucking paid indian shills. post better

>> No.16899511

>title includes BSV


>> No.16899537

Well, it does seem to have more functionality than only SOV (Speculation on Value)

>> No.16899642

Are you projecting again Pajit? Try to make an argument, that's what we do here the White man's world.

>> No.16899679

it's hilarious to imagine all you pajeets actually calling people pajeets hilarious and sad.

>> No.16899727

Wish I bought BTC in 2011 so I'd have a ton of BSV now.