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16892216 No.16892216 [Reply] [Original]

what is your relax money?

okay, 1m will not make you set your life. you can't just convert to USD and live your best life without a worry.

but at what price would you stop working / doing things you really don't like for money, and just let your investments work for you?

would still wagecuck if you had 300k in investments? 500k? 800k? 1m? 2m?

>> No.16892263


>> No.16892460

1mil euro

>> No.16892546

you'll wagecuck even at $8mm? Of course not. Ponder the question carefully, asshole. What's your minimum?

>> No.16892559

1.5 mil

>> No.16892566

like 2-3 mil

>> No.16892599

My minimum would be $1,600,000 USD

>> No.16892609
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its not about relaxing faggot its about doing things your own way without constraints from some dumb government cronies babysitting you.

>> No.16892640

I think about this question often. I would have to say around $1 million. However, I plan on disappearing once crypto moons again. Not sure where I'm going to go. I live frugally so I'm not too worried.

>> No.16892667

1mm will buy you 3-4 good properties you can rent out each 1k+/m, giving about 3-4k income (minus all the taxes etc)
you can live in many places on that

>> No.16893142

$5 mil or so. Around that point you can no longer outpace the effect of inflation on your wealth just through regular wagecucking. You have to either love your job at this point or be payed exceptionally well for it to be worth continuing.

>> No.16893492

>$1M USD
>Buy a house, no mortgage
>Put 500 of the remaining $700k into index funds
>50k into typical stock trading
>10k into government bonds
>90k into venture capital towards an LLC (in my opinion, rental properties with a GOOD property management group)
>Keep 50k cash on hand for food, fun, etc
It's not that hard to keep yourself financially secure on 1mil. I'm sure the market investment plan I just described would net you ~50k/year in money you don't need to do anything to draw. Add to that, if you have a house paid off, and you opt to expand a rental LLC, you can at least grow enough equity where you're guaranteed a good exit in addition to whatever base gains you make on it.

I honestly don't understand why people claim they can't live off a 1 million dollar cashout.

>> No.16893560

>1M will not make you set for life
if you invest it right it will. right now I have $500K+ in stocks, mutual funds, bonds and a high interest savings account. I could literally never add another penny to this and if I reinvest the dividends/capital gains for the next 30 years, I'll have $6M with only a 7% average rate of return.

I'll feel relaxed when I have $1M in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc, sell my home and buy a smaller one in cash. Then I can live forever with a growing income (dividend growth stocks) and not worry about shit other than my health

>> No.16893570


>> No.16893598

ok and you'll be 60 when you get to enjoy your 6M, congrats

>> No.16893652

With 1.5mm I'd realistically don't need to work a single day of my life

>> No.16893703

That's if I don't continue to add money. I plan on retiring at the age of 45 without about 1.7M in assets. I'll enjoy my time now but I'll really get to enjoy 45-death as I won't be selling anything and i'll be living off passive income. my 1.7M will continue to grow and so will my passive income, well beyond the rate of inflation.

>> No.16894345
