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16885043 No.16885043 [Reply] [Original]

Can you die from loneliness?

>> No.16885075

>you'll never experience this since i cant afford vr and my colon cant stand fast food

>> No.16885214


Maybe not directly.

Yet it sucks our vital forces day after day. I'm fighting though. Already made some changes in 2020. It's hard af but I push myself and have a plan.

An honest hug would help me so much though.

>> No.16885733

yeah, but you would be pretty foolish to die from something so easily curable. you can get a pet even if you are atrociously unattractive , which is almost as good as normal relationships

>> No.16885813

yea it's called suicide

>> No.16885882

Self improvement doesn't work, in case you didn't know already.

>> No.16885886
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*hugs u*
no homo btw

>> No.16885896

what's your plan anon

>> No.16885929

Im gonna kms in a few months if my life doesnt improve, i just turned 27, might as well join that club.

>> No.16885934

you certainly can die from getting ass raped

>> No.16886448

Allin link in the meantime. Best chance of getting back on track monetarily.

>> No.16886472


>> No.16886627

Its not even finance, its my whole life in general.
If it does not improve by next year I am going to commit suicide, i have made the decision and have come to terms with it.

>> No.16886945

ahhhhhhhhh poor Fren! I want to be your Fren sweet Fren and then we go to mgNuggets together and eat a lot of chicken!

>> No.16886958

It does if you arent retarded

>> No.16886972
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I'm so lonely guys, I have an awesome gf but no friends and it's killing me inside

>> No.16886973

try connecting with the Spirit of God through faith in Jesus whom they called the Christ, helps a lot if you are willing to be humble and listen to his voice

>> No.16886982

u ve got a gf stfu spoiled Chad go back to /fit

>> No.16886996

who else here /schizoid/ and not actually sure what loneliness feels like? I feel zero urges to pursue human companionship, either platonic or romantic. Sometimes I do it anyways because it can be intellectually stimulating or pay dividends in terms of networking and favors, but I've never done it out of a sense of 'loneliness'.

Can some lonely bros describe what it feels like? I've lived alone since age 17 (31 now) and have no idea what it's supposed to feel like.

>> No.16887074
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A gf means nothing if I don't have anyone to hang out with or go to a bar with, I just want 1 good friend, fuck

>> No.16887089

The law of vibration, said yes

>> No.16887105


>> No.16887116

I feel like necking because im a 20 year old loser and never had a gf.

>> No.16887123

Once you turn 25 or 30 the loneliness goes away and you stop being a child.

>> No.16887177

not directly but it does have adverse effects on your health. you need hugs nigga.


this. get a dog, feel what it's like to have affection showed towards you and to care for something else. once you start to feel better about yourself start taking your dog out to the park and all that. greet people with simple 'hellos' in passing then advance from there. but you gotta step out of your comfort zone you gaywad. you aren't going to make friends by staying in all day, and people aren't going to magically walk up to you and want to be your friend or gf or whatever the hell just because you step outside. the dog will help a little with that though.

and for some reason people think that friendships and relationships are just magic from the start. no bitch, maybe 1 out of 30-40 relationships have that 'click' moment where you just become friends or notice the mutual attraction right off the bat. you have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. go out and embarrass yourself a little. you think that 'oh well i went to go hang out with X person but they weren't constantly laughing during our entire outing and there was some awkward silence so i must just be an awkward person that people hate being around' bitch everyone is awkward and everyone has insecurities, get over yourself gaylord.

and get some good sleep. take ZMA before bed. do your compound lifts. stop eating like shit. read fucking books. look your cashiers/waiters/whatevers in the eye when you thank them and all that. and drink your pomegranate juice.

>> No.16887315

Based. People act like being alone is the worst case

>> No.16887329

I haven't seen another human being in 2 years.

>> No.16887349

I know this feel. Its been almost 20 years since I did anything social. I have a wife and kids but other than that don't talk to anyone.

>> No.16887360


100%. Humans are social beings, whether you like it or not. Just look at people in solitary confinement, they go insane after a few days.

>> No.16887409

Most of my friends are dead now but I remember when I was with my most recent ex and my friends weren't around how badly I missed them. Now they're dead and I miss my ex...

>> No.16887435

Just make your own fried or breaded chicken dude. Find a recipe that doesn't mess with your body. I don't like the taste of panko breadcrumbs but lots of people do; there's also just regular seasoned breadcrumbs. That mixed with parm cheese (the kraft shaker cheese) and drizzled with olive oil is pretty decent.

>> No.16887442

here's a little redpill
you only go out and talk to people so that you can get a gf
once you have one and especially kids you don't need anybody, maybe at old age when your kids fuck off from your home and you'll start going fishing with some boomers or some other stupid shit

>> No.16887600


it is exactly opposite, lmao

>> No.16887623

>my colon cant stand fast food
good hormones can seriously fix a gut. high testosterone fixes almost everything. get your confidence sorted out and get regular good sleep; testosterone will follow

>> No.16887665

Yes it has been scientifically proven that animals die from loneliness.

>> No.16887696

Only if you're a faggot.

>> No.16888073

>going fishing with some boomers
fuck you, fishing is based