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16885077 No.16885077 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /FBSVG/?
It’s a friendly general thread for Bitcoin SV, or BSV , which purpose is to disseminate knowledge about original design, that should have been set in stone since version 0.1.

Bitcoin SV (Satoshi Vision) is a fork of BTC/BCH which specifically restores the original protocol and economic system. BSV has one of the most active dev communities, although not for actual client/protocol development; rather, they are building software on top.

In the SV implementation of the Bitcoin system, one can use the blockchain as an immutable file store, a capability that was removed from BTC for fear of "spam". Every day there are hundreds of pictures, songs, poems and Bible verses posted directly to the chain.

In the long term, BSV is building out what is called the Metanet. "What we are going to actually create is a secure alternative to the Internet, built on the blockchain. The Internet becomes a sidechain to the Bitcoin blockchain. The Metanet is a value network—the entire global system of online activity and data connected commercially."

Many of us have abandoned the shitcoin trading life and are learning to build on SV. Join us!

>b-but faketoshi

I won't attempt to prove CSW is Satoshi here, but I will say this: I learned more about Bitcoin from listening to all his talks than anything else in the past five years. Do not underestimate Craig.

Also, for what it's worth, the real rock star/cult leader/main attraction in the SV scene is not CSW, but rather a psuedonymous dev named unwriter, who is perhaps the most profilic dev in crypto.

previous thread: >>16881237

>> No.16885087

Interesting eye opening videos:
what they don't want you to see about Craig Wright and BitCoin (BSV, Satoshi Vision)
Bitcoin Stuff - I think I figured out nChain's business model
Youtube channels:
Money Button - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHyU7zkMUZc1dOD-oJ-lArw/
Ryan X. Charles - https://www.youtube.com/user/ryanxcharles/videos
ThingObjectEntity(aka Daniel Krawisz) - https://www.youtube.com/user/ThingObjectEntity/
Bitcoin Association - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp6db-jgWGe5Ws35bRbI6Ig
MetaNetTV - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEbSUrxk2eFMHEJRoF5V6Cw/videos
CoinGeek - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC95_Nqes9m5arhoT1lt1SFg
The Bitcoin SV Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoWA4QI_uEMYV2WXbLbDVNQ/

People to follow on Twitter:

>> No.16885092

Compiled informations explaining, why Craig is Satoshi
Interesting essays written in a philosophical way about BSV:
Proof that Proof-of-Work is the only solution to Byzantine Generals' problem
BSV services:
https://b.bitdb.network/ - Bitcoin file storage
https://bitdb.network/ - Random access memory for Bitcoin
https://planaria.network/ - infinite API over bitcoin
https://blockchair.com/bitcoin-sv - BSV explorer (advanced)
https://fivebucks.com - Fiverr clone, earn BSV
https://www.handcash.io/ - Handcash wallet (great for mobile)
https://www.moneybutton.com/ - Moneybutton (another hotwallet)

>> No.16885107
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I'm a BSV fren. Tell me I'm based plox

>> No.16885108

2014 saw the emergence of ‘smart contracts’ which allow for conditional payments to be made on receipt of confirmation that other work has been done, but smart contracting must operate in a massively parallel environment where competing nodes can race to do the computations. When constructed properly the kind of computational work that can be done by miners in this manner is virtually unlimited. A paid-for instruction could for example be fetching a piece of data for a user when executing a google search, or even rendering some graphics.

So this leads us into an entirely new economy, an economy that is ‘data-driven’ because it is a truly competitive global financial system which can represent any kind of financial instrument and calculate that instruments’ relationship to the world in close to real time. It’s competitive because it makes microtransactions possible and affordable, and because the quantity and speed of possible contracts that can be executed is dictated by how much profit miners can make. So the better they are, the faster the ‘bitcoin computer’ is.

>> No.16885117

The more successful the bitcoin BSV system is, the more it will tend to account for other less secure and less able systems in the fractured and often unaccountable global economy.
This is because at a fundamental level any fiat currency is a contract, a ‘promise to pay’, an IOU, which can be written as a contract in Bitcoin (SV), and it’s profitable to write fiat amounts into smart contracts on chain, which inevitably leads to the bitcoinization of fiat. It doesn’t, however, destroy fiat. Governments can still control their own monetary policy by issuing their own currencies and control their fiscal policy, and banks will be able to make loans to customers in fiat on the blockchain.

What governments gain from issuing fiat on the chain is security, auditability and cost savings. It’s cheaper for them to issue fiat on a distributed network that is secured by the free market and the savings can be passed onto the tax payer. And the benefits that accrue to mutually cooperating businesses in different countries that have all issued their fiat on-chain would multiply very fast because they would be conducting trade inside a common, fast, cheap, secure network environment.

>> No.16885127

It does, however, destroy BTC and other networks using SHA256 as it approaches scale. This is because miners well switch back to the network as it grows in value and returns more to hardware investors than BTC can. BSV is therefore an existential threat to BTC.

However BTC is not ‘Bit’ ‘Coin’ because it cannot store data on chain, or do computations on chain, or facilitate a free market for calculations in the block, or create a global microtransaction economy with a 100% legal immutable ledger on chain. Bitcoin SV also destroys the viability of Ethereum since it’s massively parallel by design so computations do not need to run on every node >sequentially, and because it incentivises faster and faster computations it will outrun Ethereum and make it obsolete.

At scale, there’s no use for more than one secure blockchain network protocol because an ‘internet of money’ is a giant piece of global security infrastructure. It only works properly when there’s one architecture securing everyone’s businesses together in the same framework. And ironically, since we can now do op_bignum cryptographic calculations inside transactions in script in BSV, we can make Ethereum a side-chain by paying for their Etherhash PoW to be performed and the results of the work submitted for audit on the SV chain. (Patented)

>> No.16885132
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Based and craigpilled. That's what we need in these times full of disinformation, and lies.

>> No.16885133
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Hi, frens. It should be illegal to feel this STIFF. When do you guys buy BSV? Everyday, every week, every month, etc?

>> No.16885138
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You are based, and frenpilled.

>> No.16885154

Whenever I have spare money. I've been 70% in BSV before it started pumping. Originally I was /allinlink/, and when BSV started pumping I bought more at $120, and $160.

>> No.16885183

From now on, only on the dips.

>> No.16885212

Oh god. Imagine if they just started fertilizing the soil by plopping out huge logs as they stand there talking to each other like nothing out of the ordinary is happening. That would be so weird though haha

>> No.16885736

posting in based bsv fren thread
We're all gonna make it frens

>> No.16886326

>This is because at a fundamental level any fiat currency is a contract, a ‘promise to pay’, an IOU, which can be written as a contract in Bitcoin (SV), and it’s profitable to write fiat amounts into smart contracts on chain, which inevitably leads to the bitcoinization of fiat.
that's some interesting jump in logic.
first of all money is a generalized risk-less iou. that's true. doesn't mean it's possible or a good idea to put it on a blockchain by some random tard like you. tokens have issuers that control the inflation. that's the state or central bank. they can have their own blockchain probably don't gain anything by using an other one that is bloated to shiterins but not secured by hash properly.

you are fucked.

>> No.16886423

Yeah, its called the Interledger protocol which is what XRP is.

>> No.16886459

XRP is a premined shitcoin. Proof of Work is the only viable solution

>> No.16886509
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bitcoin was premined by 1 million coins before being released and is a real shitcoin you fucking braindead turd. KYS.

the fucking thread is explaining about creating something that is the foundation of XRP.

>> No.16886593

1 Million out of 21 millions that will ever be mined, which is 1/21. Take into account, that Satoshi had to spend a lot of money to mine them, and putted a lot of proof of work into obtaining these coins. Comparing that to XRP which is fully premined, and from total supply of 91 billion, 50 billion still are owned by it's creators, which means 5/9, or in other words more than half of all coins are owned by it's creators. Same goes for LINK. Unless these coins are burned, it's pointless to even speculate on XRP, as whenever it pumps, there is going to be a massive dump.

>> No.16886614

>bitcoin was premined by 1 million coins before being released
not true the blockchain started in 2009 with it's release. the fact that almost nobody bothered to mine it non-stop except satoshi doesn't mean there couldn't have been a dozen early miners as easily. it was a fair distribution system.
>Take into account, that Satoshi had to spend a lot of money to mine them
he literally left his laptop running 24/7

>> No.16886631

Secure network on 1 laptop guys......

>> No.16886634


>> No.16886638

satoshi didn't have to spend a lot of money, it was the genesis and all it would have taken was like 7 Megahashes, satoshi mined for 14 days.

XRP doesn't have any mining the coins were all generated on day 1. You may call that "pre-mined"

burning coins is idiotic, the reason Ripple holds that supply is for a purpose, to stabilize the XRP ecosystem for the next thousand years and provide liquidity for the world. the economy is about to crash worldwide and a massive supply of liquidity is needed or we go into a dark age.

>> No.16886640
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>> No.16886652

>Proof of Work is the only viable solution
the problem is the environmental impact of bitcoin mining is already raising alarms in the world. even if you manage to squeeze in 1000 times more transactions per sec the environmental cost of an on-chain bitcoin transaction is still staggering to unaccaptable.

on the other hand central banks can use any pos/poa scheme for validation on their own chain which they have full control of and can fully control the inflation of the monetary asset.

which is why your delusions will never come to be. they simply can't. there is always a simpler easier less costly way to do things than on sv.

>> No.16886689

bitcoin is now 242.39 gigabytes and in 2018 david schwartz measured xrp at 1.7GB.

>> No.16886765
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I was around when bitcoin was just new, if i had a way to spend money online i could have gotten btc for less than a quarter , i was all for it. I was even drawn into the meme about hating xrp for no reason because its a "banker coin"
I could have gotten xrp for pennies.

What a fucking mistake, XRP is BTC 2.0. It improves on all the flaws of btc and adds so much more.

>> No.16886935

gigabytes don't matter as much unless in propagation electric consumption is the issue.
sure everything is a cost.
but the bitcoin blockchain is easily pruned. in the end only the utxo matters anyhow.

>> No.16886962

Reminds me of holochain but with a more abrasive boomer running it.
Branding it like HOLO could probably keep investors blind enough to keep it going throughout most of 2020.

>> No.16887549

>XRP is BTC 2.0
except it's not it's a centralized shitcoin that is not trustless nor permissionless.

>> No.16887625 [DELETED] 
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Just de-risk XRP

>> No.16887723
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>> No.16887775


Guys I made 5 eth last night gambling like s degenerate. Should I buy BSV on cuckcoin?

I can’t seem to get it anywhere else and I hate kookiecoin

>> No.16887778

Rate my bsv business idea bros

>> No.16887909

So no keys? Jail in February?

>> No.16888043

satoshi was against big blocks until adoption and use require it.

also there was a poker game inside the btc source code. doesnt mean its a good idea to have it there

>> No.16888259

He was against big block AFTER Gavin, or Hal Finney said, that since BTC's price was very low, someone would be able to spam the network with worthless Sats. Now that BTC and BSV are not as cheap, there is no problem with unlimited size blocks.