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16881925 No.16881925 [Reply] [Original]

I'm jewish and I hold xrp

>> No.16882317


>> No.16882362

whats some words of wisdom we can impart to our goyisch fraynds?

>> No.16882440

Ill start:
It doesnt carry the baggage and confusion of bitcoin, its designed to do something useful, the brand of ripple is well known, its not as expensive as bitcoin, Ripple does the marketing for us to big institutions, its available on every exchange, the escrow will keep the price stable, it has the capacity to serve as a modicum of exchange for a long time, key thing here and pay attention (this is what makes it better than bitcoin): THERE IS ENOUGH FOR BOTH SPECULATIVE AND PRACTICAL USE.

>> No.16882526

I'm just learning about crypto and
even though im not entirely following my own advice

I guess don't invest more than half of your savings or more than you're willing to lose?

I only have like 800 usd rn (600 of which in crypto) so it wouldn't be too much work would get back my money.

My bills are paid with a seperate acct

>> No.16882577

Yeah i guess i just see banks working with them so mass crypto adoption seems more feasible to me?
I own 200 xrp aswell as 2000 xlm
Im kinda just casually trading to buy a synth maybe or put it in savings

>> No.16882589

I’m atheist and I hold xrp but only 1/1000 of what you have probably.

>> No.16882630

i have about 80%LINK 20%XRP some seeds planted in other cryptos.

Plan is to dump during the run and put the proceeds in dividend bearing stock....then wash the dividends back into crypto.

The thing to remember(and on 4chan of all places they dont get it).....the banks absolutely will not let the US nationalize its currency under the fed with a token....its something they cannot control....why do people wonder why we dont have a digital coin yet? It has to be something that people with money can become richer off of and xrp is the safear bet

>> No.16882637

i have big penis and i hold 10,000XRP

>> No.16882648
File: 229 KB, 926x1280, Adolf_Hitler_Colour_2017__91263.1487099947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm jewish and I hold xrp

good god i'm so glad you're going to get rekt. by the time the team have finished 'de-risking' and dumping on your tuchus you'll wish you were turned into a lampshade and thrown into a pizza oven, just like your grandpa said happened to him.

>> No.16882766

ok biddy have fun with your flavor of the week token....like thay one recess episode about monstickers

>> No.16882792

xrp is a gem hidden in plain sight. Most bankers dont understand crypto and are weary of it.....but a product that saves them 40-60 percent of costs and makes them money by just having it is enticing to them

>> No.16882809
File: 38 KB, 480x360, Ripple-Finastra-Partnership-And-David-Schwartz-XRP-Ledger-Stablecoin-Proposal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real jews "de-risk" their xrp.
They don't hold xrp.
Pic related.

>> No.16882816

Thanks man ill keep it in mind.
Im still learning.
Basically you're counting on the free market shitting on something like China's crypto?

>> No.16882822


>> No.16882833

Yeah i get that much that its much cheaper than transfering fiat.
Sorry for the long response my wifi was being weird. Hence the change in id.

>> No.16882844
File: 371 KB, 891x413, 1574307820360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faster than bitcoin, way less fees than bitcoin. not run by insects in china, like bitcoin. these retards are hoping for a 20k run which is just a 2x.
if xrp goes to 46 cents there's a 2x.
why is biz so retarded?
also checked

>> No.16882851

by your logic:

some jew starts a bank or company
so no other jews will own it

peak gentile delusion

>> No.16882862


>> No.16882864
File: 635 KB, 1333x2048, AEF874B1-6BD2-4519-9876-C0F6A6B0BAA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m christian and I hold a “top 2% stack”.

I speculate based on fundamentals, but like whatever floats your boat ...bazinga investors.

>> No.16882871

Lol double checked and yeah I was thinking the same thing that some of these coins of way more potential considering market cap.
Most of my portfolio (or about half) is in eth which could have more potential than btc.

>> No.16882886
File: 83 KB, 600x520, joomer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shalom fellow jew. Your rabbi should have told you by now that the new world order plan has changed. We the chosen people are getting out of crypto and finance and going all in on cooming. Act now or be shoahed, thank you.
Remember the six million,

>> No.16882889

never said christians werent smart but they think that america will use a foreign dlt for remittances.

>> No.16882909

>you miss schul one time and no one keeps you in the loop

>> No.16883856
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>> No.16883884

I bought that shitcoin at 50 cents, held for a year and capitulated at 30 cents.
It is now 20 cents.
Screw that shitcoin.
Its just an atm for ripple labs.

>> No.16884181
File: 524 KB, 1001x823, Blessed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>novemeber 2017 out for dinner and drinks with friends.

>>friends talking about bitcoin saying it was making them heaps of profits

>>hey anon buy some bitcoin on this exchange

>>get home register for exchange

>> next day chuck $300 on saw xrp was .22 cents

>>test how buying crypto worked


>>get distracted with life

>>out for christmas drinks with crypto friends

>>hey anon did you end up buying any crypto

>>yeah bought something called xrp havent checked it since i bought it

>>anon you should probably check it out

>>$1.50 wtf nearly 10x

>>anon you shouting drink lol

>>spend entire holidays watching it religiously

>>sell at $2.7 when it wicks down

>>make 3500+

>>check it daily for around 2 years

>>last week spent everything i made from 2017 on xrp at 0.18

>>mfw its happening again

>> No.16884603

You are blessed by the Smiling Ones anon. They smile and good things follow. Heil Trump!

>> No.16884616


>> No.16884634
File: 50 KB, 588x588, FB_IMG_1579242761344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope you Jews make a large fortune from XRP. The shoah of 6 million was historically unfair and leads to bad situation for you and yours today like how long intergenerational slavery of blacks in America keeps them down even today and we ought to gibs them reperations.

>> No.16884644

i would be more bullish if there were less negros

>> No.16884645
File: 184 KB, 1024x1024, anime_girl_jew_rubbing_hands_merchant_gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

גם אני, אחי

>> No.16884657

Stupid goys buying shitcoins, xrp is the king