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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16877936 No.16877936 [Reply] [Original]

i just got home for work and this girl i worked with literally has thee most incredible ass in the world, like it's truly fucking perfect. and she's fucking awesome too. we've worked together for years and we get along really well but holy fuck...her ass is out of this world incredible. like i would never be tempted by another if she was more than just a fucking co-worker. i think constantly about making enough money to have made it, walking up to her on my last day, telling her that I'm getting out of here, leaving for good and headed out to explore the world without knowing when i'll be back and say to her that I'd like her to come with me. then I'd take her hand and we'd never look back.

>> No.16877979

Don't wait forever before you become a millionaire retard just walk up to her and ask her out on a date

>> No.16877994
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Bro jus bee urself! :)

>> No.16878004

>I want her to like me for my money

>> No.16878007

she has this dumbest boyfriend who works in finance and has more money than me...as they all fucking do, since i'm an average piece of shit who can't get ahead in anything

>> No.16878016

i hope it happens bro, buy link.

>> No.16878022

nah not really, just want to get her and i both of this place.

>> No.16878031

this girl at my work has an amazing ass too. And she somehow has this "stink" but its more like a perfume sweet smell, but I'm sure its her vagina. Whenever i'm near her i can smell the scent. She's kind of a dumb cunt though, nice but fake. So i don't wanna bother.

>> No.16878033

i did, i'm down 60% hence more fucking compounded bullshit averageness

>> No.16878045

Cool blog

>> No.16878052

also just realized i'm typing so fast i'm sounding like i'm having a stroke

>> No.16878066

This won't work like that, your money and travel plan would only add 0.2% appeal, if she's not wet for you now, she won't be after

>> No.16878070

cool blogpost. be confident bro

>> No.16878072

Get a girl shittier than you just for practice and in a year or so you might get the charisma to charm her.
Also, take the /fit/pill

>> No.16878073

Go for it anyway. One cheek of my gfs ass is the size of my head and she only weighs 145. I stripped her from some dbag and have no regrets. Worst that can happen is nothing. Look for an opportunity and pounce.

>> No.16878082

just remember that she farts and poops. also ive come to realize girls are way more gross then dudes. their bathrooms are fucking disgusting.

>> No.16878083
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Asses like that can only be satisfied by superior BLACK cock

>> No.16878087

she might be, honestly. it's hard to tell. we've never really hung out outside of work before. but there's been a few moments that have made me wonder... like her asking me to move in with her a few years back and more recently, she told me she feels like she can talk to me about anything whereas she feels judged by her friends and holds back around her boyfriend because of what he might think but her and i talk about anything and everything

>> No.16878102

really trying to get fit. was on a 2 month roll, feeling great till i pulled my chest muscle and that was a fun 4 month injury that still kind of is felt from time to time after push-ups

>> No.16878127

i dunno i work with a lot of women. and on the surface, they do things that make me wonder if they like me and i contemplate "pouncing" and making that move. but most of the time it feels superficial and they just want leverage over something. the girl i'm talking about is a total exception to all of this. but the worse thing that could happen... is my job being ruined by daily feminine gossip that would circle till none of them spoke to me anymore

>> No.16878131

Careful bro. That’s friend zone shit and you can get trapped there in the blink of an eye. If she asks something like that either you’re set or she has zero consideration for a sexual relationship and more like a dog that helps pay rent.

>> No.16878138

thanks bros, dunno where to go since tumblr sucks now

>> No.16878153

You'd have to tell her that you're rich first or she won't do it. Even if she likes you, no one would just drop everything and go at such short notice.

>> No.16878157

They’ll gossip one way or the other. But better them saying you had the balls to try for one of them than thinking you’re either gay or uninterested.

>> No.16878168

Man i love these dripping semen afger i fucked this girl feom work. Shor was cash n shiez

>> No.16878196

>the girl i'm talking about is a total exception to all of this
No she isn't. Do not delude yourself.

>> No.16878245

you really could be right about this... as sad as it is

>> No.16878267

you built her up into something she's not, stop wasting time on her and focus on yourself

>> No.16878302

maybe i have. also have been trying to focus on myself, realizing i'm a lazy piece of shit who is average at almost everything i do

>> No.16878350

Op you sound like a virgin who only saw pussy when he was born. Quit this stupid fantasy and read a few books cause clearly you have no idea how to play the game...

>> No.16878360

>worked with literally has thee most incredible ass in the world
pics or it didin't happen faggot

>> No.16878443


>> No.16878519

welp im going to kms guys, thanks for the advice. she hates me. i'm worthless. i was stupid for fantasizing. fuck me. fuck this world

>> No.16878653


>> No.16878759

Don't listen to these retards.

If I were you, I would give her enough hints for her to realize you're interested in dating her and you're waiting for her to end it with her boyfriend, if she doesn't know this already. Once you're confident that she's gotten that message, then start looking for a girlfriend. Once you've started talking to a new girl, tell your co-worker crush about the new girl. If she (the co-worker) is interested in you, this will cause jealousy/panic in her and expedite her decision making process over whether to leave her boyfriend for you.

Don't just use the new girl. She has to be someone you're genuinely interested in building a family with. Who knows, at some point you might lose interest in the co-worker.

>> No.16878764

you already got friendzoned bro

dont talk to her for a bit, talk with other females and make her jealous, she will come and start asking question, just dont invest too much into talking to her and stuff like that until you see she's really invested, and fuck her without the boyfriend knowing

but you have to build real attraction

>> No.16878791

read to my msg above, she likes your personality, but you have to get attraction.

so what do u do? talk with the other females and start ignoring her more and more until she keeps chasing hard

im not shitting you. tomorrow try to talk to the other females, laugh, have fun and make sure she sees you and ignore her for the whole day, im 100% she will bring that up, if she does just say what are you talking about if nothing happened

she will keep chasing and chasing because she needs the validation and something to talk to

>> No.16878929
File: 95 KB, 640x641, 951DC1DB-7BD0-4D69-BD55-C005CF974CCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"oh... haha sorry anon i cant... im sure youll find someone to go with you... you seem like a great guy"

"lol ew stacey the creepy guy asked me to leave with him. omg right? like i dont even know him. literally no amount of money could get me to touch that, he's so ugly hahahahaha *cackles*"

>> No.16879778

This is exactly how it will play out based on all info OP provided

>> No.16880123
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