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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16875844 No.16875844 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know the truth behind the satsgang conspiracy? Reserve seems like a legit project but all this FUD is worrisome. Should I just market buy?

>> No.16875993

Are you fucking retarded? Holy fuck

>> No.16876046

Satsgang is very real. Invite only or 10 eth entry. Next p&d being shilled right now.

>> No.16876066

I think satsgang is real but I really doubt they have the sway and power that autist says they do

>> No.16876067

what do you think dude

>> No.16876103

Ok retard

>> No.16876137

Thanks man i bought 10 membership at discount

>> No.16876228

Its not real

>> No.16876461

I spent all my ETH market buying Reserve on IDEX. Would you accept 500k RSR?

>> No.16876530

i just emailed you

>> No.16876547


>> No.16876561

Satsgang have about 10 btc between them all

Faggots and pussies

>> No.16876567

they are the boogeyman of biz just like pajeets. whenever something goes wrong instead of learning from their mistakes biz likes to raise their fists to the sky and blame the all seeing pajeet and his followers in satsgang

>> No.16876734

Satsgang are real they killed my dog

>> No.16876783

I was in satsgang for a while. Was a group of about 200, then we went into a private group of less. Founded by bitcoinbrown, also a guy called lucky. Check #satsgang on twitter. 100% real. And great hype men. Big supporters of DAG. They eventually deleted group, and no longer use the name satsgang due to fud like this

>> No.16876795


>> No.16876883

Seems like they were quite the group of humanitarians. Wish I heard of them sooner.

>> No.16877048

one day ill write out the full story of the satsgang saga but for now ill give you the short version...

rsr was unfuddable, many fud niggers tried but they all failed and this satsgang situation is just another attempt at fudding rsr because the fact is that they can't fud rsr. the fundamentals are too good, the team has done almost everything right so far and so the fud niggers decided if they couldn't fud rsr directly they would find a way to smear them via association.

this is where satsgang comes in, yes satsgang was a real thing (probably still is), but the first iterations of the fud were that they are street shitting pajeet scammers from india. the fudders thought that if they used 4chan's own racism against them it would help their case so they pushed this racist meme and inserted it into every single rsr thread in hopes that it would stick. finally after a few months they hooked a few schizos like the OP that keeps making satsgang posts and it took a life of its own.

there's a lot more to it but that's the TL:DR version of it.

anon's can't fud rsr, find an obscure group of moonboys and blames them for rsr dumping.

the reality is that all of crypto was taking a shit for months but it's easy to trick low iq brainlets into thinking there's some grand conspiracy with a group lurking behind every decision since most of crypt is in fact manipulated to some extent. for example rsr has GSR as their MM in order to combat pnd groups because they're actually trying to run a legitimate company and don't want to be associated with these types of people.

so even if everything that's being said today about satsgang is true, it has nothing to do with rsr or the actual tokenomics of it since most of that is being strongly controlled by the MM and the supply is being very well controlled by the team and the higher up's at Huobi right now.

if there was any real fuckery going on with PND groups it would be easy to spot and they would get rekt by MM.

>> No.16877096
File: 405 KB, 596x450, 24F2D39C-54EC-4E30-9FED-7CB4A81348E5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to join your satsgang sirs
I have 31 kids to feed

>> No.16877155

A satsgang just flew over my house

>> No.16877159

This is the truth.
It was also obvious to anyone who has been here a while and did a small amount of background research.
Satsgang fud, along with the shopped tweets etc, is a newfag and retard filter.
To the rest of us, the effort going into price suppression is very bullish.
The same thing happened with Chainlink.

>> No.16877203
File: 57 KB, 949x441, discord satsgang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're an actual brainlet. Discord didn't invent Satsgang FUD; it was a post from /biz/ when it became obvious that Satsgang is manipulating the market.

>> No.16877248
File: 18 KB, 635x542, 1554457518524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes anon, satsgang is manipulating all of crypto at the same time

>> No.16877286

Discord search "satsgang" - sort to oldest easily proves that it wasn't a Discord fud which makes your theory objectively wrong. You're just an unaware gullible person who is sweating to do PR for Satsgang for free.

>> No.16877304

this would matter if i ever made the claim that they were manufactured by discord trannies. i never made that claim so your suggestion to look up this information is a moot point.

>> No.16877315

Just joined Satsgang

>> No.16877365


>> No.16877386
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>> No.16877604

Satsgang pajeets created this thread and are 100% of the posts in here saying they arent real and have no money.
Satsgang are the admins of DAG, a criminal pump group, and total pieces of shit. They manipulate tokens of small mc shitcoins through a bunch of tactics you can see here

They are desparately in damage control right now because they just made DAG look like a laughing stock and are now stuck with bags of RSR, OCEAN, FRM, DAG, QNT, and COTI.

If you want to see what happens to a shitcoin after Satsgang finishes take a look at SENT, VNT, and BTT. They fucking destoryed those shitcoins. Look at every Satsgang profile on Twitter and they pumped the fuck out of them while they dumped.
Whats most telling is you can see the DAG admins actively manipulating communications in RSR, DAG, COTI, OCEAN, and QNT. All the same users in telegram, all copy pasting the same shill spam, and all doing a coordinated dump on bagholders.
Any post in this thread claiming differently is a lying pajeet in damage control.

>> No.16877633
File: 134 KB, 1825x258, DAG community.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rsr was unfuddable, many fud niggers tried but they all failed and this satsgang situation is just another attempt at fudding rsr because the fact is that they can't fud rsr.

The main narrative I always read is that Discord created the fud. The reality is that it's not fud, but a reality. The group already fully took over DAG community groups and they're attempting to expand to other territories aswell. They started infiltrating RSR groups with exactly the same strategy in order to eventually prove to the core team that they're a valuable community asset which could likely result in them being a verified "community engagement" partner with them eventually moderating the groups. If they get that position, the manipulation becomes way easier.

>> No.16877634

Here is another good thread exposing them. 100% of the pajeets defending Satsgang are the scammers themselves and likely just 1-2 pajeets writing all the comments. You can tell because they just copy paste between threads, nothhttps://boards.4channel.org/biz/thread/16873299ing is organic.

>> No.16877684

So how can I be sure Satsgang hasn't infiltrated MY coin!!!???!

>> No.16877763

dunno who the fuck these guys are but i bet their in their discord right now furiously refreshing this page as its the highlight of their lives and while, yes the day is theirs. they can rejoice. the night however will be a different story as their tiny heads hit the pillow, their eyes close shut and their mind starts to wander. wondering what the fuck they're even doing with their lives, and whats it all mean and how pointless it all is and how they're still poor and working to make ends meet. slowly their minds will dip off into dreams and itll all be forgotten till they wake up the next day sad, alone and still missing that piece of themselves they were still searching for the day before, and the day before that, and all the years prior that led them to this sad moment in time now.

so in all honestly, you win in the end

>> No.16877982

how long did it take u to type that?

>> No.16878098

RSR unfudable
That's like saying your mom was unfuckable

>> No.16878254

if you disagree then try to fud rsr without using satsgang and prove me wrong.

>> No.16878259

Yes, market buy, satsgang has decided to disband:

>> No.16878264

RSR may be good may be bad. Doesnt matter its a manipulated Satsgang pump and dump scam at the moment. Unfortunate for RSR, this is what happens when you let Pajeets manipulate your token.

>> No.16878271

The forced satsgang meme is a failed attempt by a couple /biz/ faggots to FUD certain projects they want to get in on the cheap. The sad part is there are low IQ faggots who actually believe any of this shit....

>> No.16878325
File: 220 KB, 799x443, satsgang roaches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satsgang's damage control patrol is here again. How about just get out of our projects and you'll never hear from us again?

>> No.16878338

>anonymous spreads satsgang fud, he must be lying
>anonymous says satsgang fud is fake, he must not be lying

>> No.16878508
File: 216 KB, 1007x1315, 1579174211662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chart from earlier thread proves that RSR moves with BTC

so unless satsgang is manipulating all of crypto your claims about RSR being a pump and dump scam is false.

>> No.16878557

This was already disproven. RSR doesnt move with BTC enough that a pump and dump isnt effective. Bitconnect also moved with BTC until the end.

>> No.16878603

it's been proven that MM has control over RSR movement and not a random group of moonboys that can't even keep their PND group secret.

>> No.16878617

Powerful projection

>> No.16878682

you know the name RSR comes from the first name of the creators? RSR = Rajesh, Sanjay, Rahi.

>> No.16878719

You can see a coin being shilled/fuded by looking on the threads at /biz. When more than a quarter of the 1st page threads are LINK, BSV, RSR, etc, you know there's a PnD group in action.
Today is organized Satsgang FUD day, but there are probably dozens of other PnD groups operating on/biz, just less apparent.

>> No.16878756
File: 2.15 MB, 2803x1648, 1570572574410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of this matters.

>> No.16879030

Since when have they added to entry price?