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File: 23 KB, 687x600, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16869564 No.16869564 [Reply] [Original]

no BAT thread? lets talk. sup. new rewards feature.


pretty interesting, never thought about monetizing the new tab page. what do yall think

>> No.16869592

$.25 stablecoin

>> No.16869642
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I look forward to the future opportunity to sponsor waifu images on the tab. We could utilize our BAT to begin culturally influencing the normies.

>> No.16869693
File: 113 KB, 1468x715, batusd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well at least if it were 25c i would have a little over $1m in bat. i have over 4 mil of this shitcoin. do the people holding this even know what they have here? we finna make it frens

hell yeah.

BTC chart is looking aight too.

>> No.16869731

how did you get to be such a big dick whale? which other bags do you hold anon?
t.16k BATlet. feelsbadman

>> No.16869740

it's my second favourite memecoin and I have so little

>> No.16869741

Hi fren I like your shitposts in bat threads and reddit. What's the timeline on making it?

>> No.16869792

Not sure how big the market is, or if there is even anything to base market size off of. Im thinking it might be based off a cpm model thats a little higher than banner ads, and slightly lower than billboards. Probably hi res images for movies,cars,video games, resorts, and action sport companies like red bull, burton etc.

I don't think its an extremely huge market, but I think it can pull in some revenue, and its just one more way for us to earn. The other good thing about this is that it shows the team is able to go in and extend the rewards program and it hopefully doesnt require a ton of tooling on their end.

>> No.16869815


We do not talk about BAT.

>> No.16869817
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from trading mostly. worked a regular job, made some smart investments, and here i am

bat's fate relies on btc right now like it or not. btc chart looks promising, but until we break the last previous lower high or ~$10400, we are still technically in a downtrend. and what do we do in downtrends? thats right, we WAIT until they end, and THEN we buy and set a stop loss under the previous low

>> No.16869831

right thats what i was thinking. its a really simple thing to add, and its a nice feature. something i never even would have thought of myself

>> No.16869867
File: 52 KB, 500x500, Brave BAT1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty interesting, never thought about monetizing the new tab page. what do yall think

yeah I like it. At first I didn't like it because it feels like a new desperate and unnecessary way to advertise more things, but then I realized that Brave are coming up with ways to advertise that aren't intrusive.

Basically they're trying to "change" online advertising to make it less obnoxious, in your face, bullshitty garbage. Open a new tab + see an easily ignored ad unless it catches your attention - that's not very intrusive. They're sort of shifting the onus of "look at my ad" from the User (facebook, youtube, instagram, twitter etc. do this type of advertising: "YOU ARE REQUIRED TO LOOK AT MY AD") to the actual advertiser (Brave advertising: Here's an ad, if it's interesting enough you'll watch it, if it's not, you'll ignore it)

Brave and BAT might not work out in the long run but I'll be damned if they're not at least trying to do something groundbreaking. At least they're a legitimate project with admirable goals and a real product, and not some vaporware bullshit scam artists.

>> No.16870031

How many bat do I need to make it friend pls respond

>> No.16870036


>> No.16870053

One of my top hodls, very bullish long term future. That being said I'm sad they did KYC, completely kills the idea of this being used as a way for govt censored content producers to make a living, which I thought could be a big deal.

>> No.16870061

Wtf how much is the token worth at that point fill me in on the details friend

>> No.16870087

correct, 10k is the current cut-off limit for our make it stack:

10k - make it
100k - fuck you money
1m - fuck the world money

dont worry about kyc, the whole idea is that with the BAT that you earn in the browser, you can spend it on shit like apps and premium webs services, etc. shit like that which wont require KYC

a lot. we are talking over 100x on this shitcoin no larp

>> No.16870136

What time frame do you think, and how much per token? I have 25k atm maybe a bit more. Are you the whale anon?

>> No.16870138

Everything is also opt in. If you dont like this ad type you can just toggle it off. If notifications bother you but banner ads dont just toggle them. You like taking surveys but others dont? cool just toggle them. You want your browser to do idle mining while you are away? just toggle it.

Very simple user experience and interface. Much better than all of the other clunky blockchain projects. I tried to like steamr but its just a mess. Im also a metamask veteran and still get nervous everytime i use it. With brave i have nothing to worry about and its easy to understand.

>> No.16870163

I don't know... how hard is it not to talk about BAT?

>> No.16870199
File: 14 KB, 660x462, BAT2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see "make" it money as $1 million for whatever reason, even though even that's not enough these days. Either way BAT would have to hit $100 a token for 10k BAT to be "make it" money. I really don't see that happening in the next 3 years.

I'd guess $10 / Basic Attention Token isn't out of the question in the next few years, so I'd say 100k BAT is "make it" money. Either way, hitting 10k feels good. Just believe in the project, use Brave, use BAT, etc. and keep believing.

Agreed on all counts. Brave simplifies everything. I just wish more people would start opting in to Brave Rewards. To make that happen, Brave needs to bring more to the table. Let us actually spend BAT on cool shit. Make people WANT to use/hold/buy BAT. That's what will make BAT valuable.

>> No.16870205

Theres several whales in here anon. I have 480k BAT. The point of BAT is that its safer than most. The risk is that it becomes a succesful long hold or it starts to take off before then. Theres also the risk it never becomes successful. When you compare it side by side with other coins though you have to ask yourself what everything else is bringing to the table and what their risk vs reward is like and if its even worth it. Brave has 11m users and it doesnt use unscrupulous marketing tactics. Other tokens cannot say the same and you run the vaporware risk.

Its like betting on a thorough breed vs some other horses juiced to the gills. Your horse crosses the finish line while all the other horses died straight out of the gate because their hearts exploded from too many PE's

>> No.16870219
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>480k BAT
Fug I wish I had that much.

>> No.16870220

yeah its great. i have ads enabled on desktop just out of sheer curiosity of what different advertisers they have. even if i wasnt bagholding this shitcoin i would still have them enabled because of how unobtrusive they are. i imagine the full page publisher ads and the sponsored new tab images will be the same type of deal. i do however have the notification based ads on mobile (android) disabled because they are annoying as FUCK. maybe ill enable the full page ads on mobile when they come out, but in their current state the notification ones on mobile piss me off because they pop up even when brave it open in the background and im not even actively using the browser

THE whale anon? idk maybe? im the guy that gave away all the bat on reddit and shit

uggghhh idk man im just fucking bored and what to talk about my shitcoin is that ok

>> No.16870232

weren't you the same retard who said we were going to .29 last night? Looks more likely we'll be hitting .17

>> No.16870335

$100 per BAT? fuck man thats really pushing it idk. heres what im thinking. for bat to get to $100 a piece what needs to happen:
btc needs to do a full bullrun with about an 18x and hit 150k. is that possible? sure, maybe. then bat needs to do a 35x AGAINST btc and hit about 66.6k sats. is that possible? sure, maybe. both of them happening together, another FULL huge btc run with another FULL complete alt season at the peak, after brave having continued its current % of user expansion rate the entire time btc was rising and the supply becoming more and more scarce, and you selling at the absolute perfect time at the absolute top? sure its possible.....its possible....

lol no

>> No.16870510

This whole time im just steadily accumulating BAT instead of using chrome or fireshit. Already at around $50 just on desktop. $70 across devices. Hitting $100 is a pretty big milestone, and I think a lot of people wouldn't want to miss out on that. Theres people at there that will ruin a 5 year friendship because they dont want to pay you back $100 that they owe you.

>> No.16870529

BAT team effort deserves €50, lives created around this currency and brave, so they will do everything possible to make it work and also they want to remove Google from the environment.

>> No.16870547

that made me genuinely lol. i dont hang out with people like that nowadays, but when i was younger owing somebody $100 was definitely enough to ghost them

idk what you mean. they cant remove google because brave runs on chromium

>> No.16870564

Is BAT's value dependent on the anount of people using brave? If so it'll never get off the ground. Brave is a slower version of chrome with minor privacy upgrades.

>> No.16870588

Bat can do it without BTC, the supply is drying up, it’s already insanely distributed, probably won’t see any real action for another year, but when it does....

>> No.16870589
File: 753 KB, 768x952, 1578853230502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>480k BAT
How much is this in $

>> No.16870603

Google is big, but also is the people who don't like Google. The world is changing, you only have to check 4chan once again to see this.

>> No.16870614

Using chromium is not a bad point, because its open source. It's their core in the moment they use it.

>> No.16870617

if you have a chromebook and want to earn BAT download the Linux beta. Go to Brave download and copy the linux download for your operating system. thats how you get BAT on chromebook

>> No.16870636
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na shut up you retarded faggot

yeah don't know, I was saying realistically I don't see BAT hitting $100, basically ever. $1 is realistic, $10 is a dream. $100 isn't happening in our life times

>> No.16870651

$100,374 at current price.

>> No.16870729

Some people grow out of it, for others its just a way of life. I dont think anyone is friends with chrome so the $100 wort of BAT pill seems very palatable

>> No.16870831

$10 per BAT sounds about right. A "small latte" with all the bullshit costs about $7 now in SF, will cost $10 by eoy.

>> No.16870905
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you may be right, but also understand that i saw EVERYBODY saying the same shit about btc and alts before the last bullrun. and remember, this time there will be no "ico craze" like the last bull run (because of the SEC), so if btc goes ham again (it probably will, look at the chart), people will be extremely limited as far as where they will look for shitcoin gains (especially americans, which is where all the dumb money comes from). and where are they going to put their money? into the one thing that the most amount of people have eyes on.. BAT. Brave. over 10m users (possibly over 100m at the peak of the next possible btc bullrun). and yet really nobody is holding fat bags of this. so let me ask you, who do you think controls the entire supply? who are the handful of motherfuckers visibly on etherscan that have been on the buy side of almost every capitulation over the past ~8 months? its the SAME THING IN EVERY MARKET, a very small minority (aka the smart money) buys the entire supply while the fucking morons look the other way, and then the price goes higher and higher until the normies can no longer ignore it and then they buy in, and get SHIT ON while drowning in each others supply. this shit never gets old. every market, every time frame, every asset. the same fucking thing over and over and over again, and you'd think they would learn but they dont. ive made enough money in markets to realize what really goes on, and it NEVER gets old. too funny


>> No.16871308
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here's to hoping you're right brother

>> No.16871605
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>> No.16871746

Big yikes so many of you are trapped in the 2500+ sats range. Beta vibe reeking

>> No.16871845

maybe I'm a brainlet but doesn't this state that there's only 232,000 BAT addresses? That's pretty low considering I keep hearing that there's 11 million Brave users. why aren't people opting in to the rewards program? I'm honestly surprised by the fact that that apparently isn't what drew most of the users in in the first place

>> No.16871852

meant to post etherscan link lol

>> No.16871893
File: 72 KB, 993x418, e7cdbffd798e2dbb25895ce7ec5cae27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The custodial wallets aren't counted in those 232k wallets and are managed by Uphold, the real distribution is spread much more thin than this.

>> No.16871944


6.7 million wallets.
