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File: 131 KB, 750x319, 403DE770-1E78-4366-A108-8863A0D81DE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16870074 No.16870074 [Reply] [Original]

The BTC Ponzi is about to collapse the run up from 6.500 was just an exit pump

>> No.16870090
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>> No.16870096

i sold that stack to buffet. shit's bout to get real

>> No.16870097

Will they buy btc with btc?

>> No.16870120

Is it Satoshi?

>> No.16870142
File: 30 KB, 300x295, 619842C2-39E4-4D93-B647-B4D159016F72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah bro how could you tell?

>> No.16870178


>> No.16870185

But what is he doing with them?

>> No.16870208

So they could have transferred 123456 Bitcoin but chickened out on the last nine?
Less that a hundredth of a percent?
Come on whale, you were the chosen one.

>> No.16870289

I get anxiety transferring just $50 in bitcoin. Imagine the anxiety from sending $1 billion in bitcoin.

>> No.16870326

Holy shit that’s a lot of BTC, it’s one of the reasons I don’t think we will ever moon moon
Too many geeks, nerds, nobody’s that got in early and have loads of it, they can destroy the market at any given moment

>> No.16870340

>I get anxiety transferring just $50 in bitcoin. Imagine the anxiety from sending $1 billion in bitcoin.
Well they probably double-check the address. Give it a once-over.

>> No.16870364

>billion dollar transaction
>only double checking

>> No.16870383

noticed how we can the whale movements? Hmmm I wonder if you do the same with fiat?

>> No.16870427

just imagine when bitcoin goes up a dollar, this fucker makes 123,000 lmao crazy

>> No.16870518

No that's kind of the point of how a public ledger works.
Banks don't share their private ledgers openly, so they don't disclose publicly when people transfer money.

>> No.16870532

exactly what I was thinking

>> No.16870538

I'd rather we make some nerd rich than some kike and finance wars for israel

>> No.16870593

don't worry, soon we're going to have both!

>> No.16870635

Bitfinex sending money not uknown.

>> No.16870649

Who the fuck has this much money in crypto! Fucking unbelievable

>> No.16870704
File: 219 KB, 800x620, neverselling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually shitton of companies and richfags, normie retards (that even have invaded biz) don't get how hard banking has become , your bank account and transactions get frozen for no reason and due to post 9/11 laws they can't even tell you why this happen.

Banks are only insured to 100k in most places , this is why bonds exists , have you ever tough why would anyone buy a bond with 1% interest when inflation is 2% or even buy negative interest bonds?

Bonds are where richfags save money , if you save in banks you risk it lossing if the bank collapses , if you save it in property you pay taxes and regulations, and you can't invest everything , so richfags buy bonds since those may give negative returns but the only way you won't be able to cash out is if the government no longer exists.

Crypto is so revolutionary that i can't believe that even autists here don't get it yet , in about 120 days we will have lower inflation than fiat.

In the other thread about this there was a normie retard bitching that crypto is retarded because they paid 80 usd to move 1.1 billion , meanwhile with conventional banking to move 1.1 billion you would have a fee of 30 millions usd.

Crypto is a game changer probably even bigger than the internet itself , once we go bellow fiat inflation it's going to be like the internet in 1996.

>> No.16870783
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explain this "btc has lower inflation than usd" thing to a brainlet please

>> No.16870835

Based and redpilled

>> No.16870850
File: 114 KB, 1024x538, xxGugQEBYM9ZEOM33LyZbKqp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


USD loses 2% of it's value per year due to new money creation

Bitcoin loses 3.80% , after the next halving in 100 days bitcoin inflation will go bellow 1.80% meaning you will lose more money being in fiat than in crypto from simple curency devauluation.

>> No.16870863

dat xrp pump incoming

>> No.16870873

This. BTC will finally have lower inflation than fiat, even ignoring wallet loss.

>> No.16870879

At that price they probably have a custom script made just to check all their transactions.

>> No.16870890

Spitting facts in a sea of retards you don't see this kind of post very often in this shit hole anymore.

But i still can't grasp who the fuck have such amount of money that he doesn't give a flying fucking fuck about send 1.1BILLION DOLLARS in a single transaction. How rich you need to be to not care???

>> No.16870915

Nahh it is just some guy sending it from his good ol' ledger nano s lmao

>> No.16870942

Embed "destination unknown" song

>> No.16870944


>> No.16870976

definitely a /biz/ guy

>> No.16870992

tl;dr Segwit is a shitcoin.

>> No.16870994

2.8% (((official))) inflation number.
In reality it's much higher IMO because the gov cooks the books to make everything look better than it is and have to give less social security cost of living increases.

>> No.16870997

lol that doesn't mean jack shit billions of btc move everyday

>> No.16871059

>implying it's not like that with fiat too

>> No.16871092

This is the first time in a very long time that I've seen mention of bitcoin having a lower inflation rate than fiat, but last time this was mentioned people said that said lower inflation is happening during the halving after next, has anything changed or were that prior person's numbers just off?

>> No.16871095

>$10 million dollars in fees

>> No.16871103

Time to start buying some alts.... Algorand, Cardano, and Stellar are starting to show some life.

>> No.16871123

Cardano and Stellar are both trash that don't even belong in the top 20.
Algorand has potential though and I could see it rising above the other two shitcoins.

>> No.16871134


why is transferring "from unknown wallet to unknown wallet" bearish? wouldn't "transferring from unknown wallet to exchange wallet" be bearish? unknown to unknown can mean anything.

>> No.16871148

fug. losing and gaining millions every minute with every $10 move

>> No.16871153

he paid 48 cents in fees

>> No.16871161

kek.. brainlet. stellar and algo are scams.. Cardano will be the biggest coin of 2020

>> No.16871175

If he was using Bitcoin it would have costed a fraction of a penny.

>> No.16871193

Cardsno has a pretty scam history too. Japan only ico to a select few then inflated the supply like mad

>> No.16871214

Algorand has potential I think - only thing I don't understand is the "Sharia compliant" part which requires no income from gambling. Isn't all crypto "investing" technically gambling?

>> No.16871223

Buncha sand nigger jumbo mumbo.

>> No.16871248

Look at Cardano's CEO's face and know it is a scam.

>> No.16871264

Click through the replies idiot. We are fine

>> No.16871267

https://twitter.com/paoloardoino/status/1217588814232915969 it's just Bitfinex refilling their hot wallet. The 1 bil is just the change, not the transaction.

>> No.16871309

Fucking insane how revolutionary this is

>> No.16871320
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Correct btc inflation is probably about 3.20% now when accounting for frozen coins from lost wallets it goes up 0.40% up or down depending on the difficulty due to hashrate variations but over the year it is stable at the previous halving rate.

Exchanges move that kind of money all the time biggest wallets are cold wallets from exchange clients.


the tx op is pointing out is from btifinex

segwit is a shitty solution that was mean to be temporally until the fucking btc civil war start.
Main reason for segwit was that chink asic manufacturers patented asicboost tm , giving them an advantage when mining , segwit fucked asicboost so chink miners pushed for bch which backfired when the aussie retard pushed for even bigger blocks that even scared the miners.

it's worse there is deflation in mass produced stuff and massive inflation in things you can't import like housing or education.

Lower inflation than fiat is happening in 117 days


Monero is also about to break that level soon , followed by eth , dash, ltc.


>> No.16871342
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oh and before a pajeet points me that bsv has the lowest inflation it does not , the only reason it shows the lowest inflation now is because their hashrate is not tolerating the difficulty increase so they are not being able to cope with mining 6 blocks per hour so less bsv where created in the last 24 hours due to this crap.

This site shows the dynamic data of every day so bsv having low inflation today because they can't mine a block every 10 mins is not a good thing.

>> No.16871395

imagine if someone fucked up transfer like this and it it ended in some random wallet

>> No.16871453


>> No.16871455

its unlikely because the last character in an address is a checksum

not impossible though

>> No.16871842

so you’re telling me i should buy some crypto?

>> No.16871855

I use crypto for so many transactions I just give the receiving address a once over and boom. Done.

>> No.16871981

if you have the balls , willpower and brain , yes.

>> No.16872214
File: 195 KB, 517x768, 1542959525077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek

>> No.16872245

It's an exchange.

>> No.16872249


>> No.16872265

>DIS 1
>1 DIS 1

>> No.16872279


What does inflation rate matter when price volatility is super high? Lol, put your money in Bitcoin to avoid a 2% annual reduction in buying power? Great, you did worse, it maybe loses 10%, 50%, or maybe it gains 400%. No institution will play with clients' money like this

>> No.16872290

we getting arab money...
yes son, i wonder what happens when oil states starts selling in cyprto??

>> No.16872293

The meek shall inherit the Earth

>> No.16872315
File: 288 KB, 800x458, A17A58D3-6034-4374-85A4-A840581CFBEB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>base58 is correct

>> No.16872319

Internet in 1996 --> a bubble?

>> No.16872355

When will the BSV Pajeets just fuck off?

>> No.16872360

>What does inflation rate matter when price volatility is super high
step back from the wealthy enclave you call the 1st world. this is reality for 80% of the world. not only do they suffer under wild currency swings and various economic shocks, every so often their currency will go kaput. its already happening. westerners are so fucking insulated and naive its disgusting.

>> No.16872368

>measure once cut twice

>> No.16872621
File: 8 KB, 300x168, Smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As inflation decreases so does volatility , check bitcoin price in argentinean pesos, every currency that has more inflation than bitcoin makes it seems in the chart as if there was never a bear market.

BTC only had 2 bear markets had you invested in the rest of the years you would have ended up always up.
Interestingly the bear markets arrived after the halving bubble , which is extremly intereting when you realize the low inflation now will change that game theory.

Before you had 3.80 inlation per year meaning 15,2% between halvings(meaning you would have lost only 8% being in fiat at most).

Now you will have 7,2% of inflation between halvings , meaning you will lost by cashing to fiat since fiat(the best two fiats euro and usd) have a base inflation of 2%(as a goal by their central banks but usually more).

If you don't see how revolutionary this is then you are not viewing all the forces at play here.

> No institution will play with clients' money like this

They already are you just don't know it , many payment services are using btc in their back end believe it or not , even some companies in places in latam or africa are using btc to wire their income back home.

I agree with you that no institution should play , btc as an investment is only for individuals , but you are seriously underestimating it's usage in payments as it's volatility decreases.

The average btc transaction is now 55k usd(sources down).

Average transaction in usd


Live transactions here


Why is the avg transaction so massive?Because banks charge fees as % for wires while crypto fees are fixed so the more money you send the less it cost.

Today someone sent 1.1 billion usd and paid 87 cents fee , on banking this would have been a 3% fee so about 35m usd of fee.

Crypto is the internet in 1996 we are still with the shitty interfaces.

>> No.16872627

There were many bubbles in the early internet , the boomer faggots were first like this shit is worthless and then they started to pump money into it to create everything on the internet.

Obviously it created massive bubbles too , we are not that different, we probably have shitty interfaces compared to that but then again the internet was all about visually sharing stuff.

And even with all the bubbles it grew non stop.

>> No.16872639

All this discussion is related to dollar's economy. What about us Europoors and Britbongs?

>> No.16872656

The euro and the usd have similar inflation levels bitcoin atm has developing nation inflation level by the next halving in 116 days it will have first world inflation levels.

What happen when the currencies bitcoin is priced lose their value faster than bitcoin itself due to whales(aka central banks) dumping their newly created fiat faster than crypto miners can anymore.

History happens , this year will be historic for crypto.

>> No.16872708

idk which bank you have that charges wiring fees as a percentage of the word sum... and no one is using btc anymore, bsv has even lower fees and currently more than double the transactions of btc

>> No.16872749

all banks use % as fee for international transfers , fintech companies like paypal may not but if you want to cash out (aka send to a bank) they will demand like 6% of fee it's insane.

Regarding bsv , bsv is a shitcoin with no liquidity , don't get me wrong it's as real as btc due to being a fork but don't lie to yourself.

Transactions are irrelevant if they are not sending money , they don't sustain a price or a hashing power if fiat is not entering and leaving bsv lacks liquidity , all coins do because btc had the luck of being mined without asics creating global liquidity , try to buy bsv in a random nation without credit cards , odds are you can, you can buy btc in any place in cash.

TX Size is irrelevant check all this crap




First coin to achieve liquidity will overthrow btc ,odds is that monero will be that coin due to randomX

>> No.16872858

nah dude, if youre still invested in btc at this point youre basically retarded, and i was in btc since it was less than 1$. Technologically btc is a dinosaur, the stats you are showing mean nothing, they are correlated with the current $ value of a coin, but doesnt mean that the #1 coin now will be the #1 in ten years. The transaction sizes are also pumped up by exchange transactions, and the fact that small transactions in btc are not economical, which makes it worse than other crypto, fewer use cases.
Monero will definitely be made illegal and crash, theres no way governments will allow it, they are very serious about money laundering and traceability. Sure you can gamble on it now and make money like a ponzi, but be ready for the inevitable ban and subsequent crash

>> No.16872871

>i was in btc since it was less than 1$
No one believes you

>> No.16873122
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>Monero will definitely be made illegal and crash, theres no way governments will allow it, they are very serious about money laundering and traceability. Sure you can gamble on it now and make money like a ponzi, but be ready for the inevitable ban and subsequent crash

This is the part where you have to say muh legal bitcoin much vishnu , can be frozen by governments.

Bitcoin may be a dinosaur but bsvtards that want an open blockchain are just retarded , they don't realize that if they want to ban crypto by making it "legal" they will just make it unusable since everything will be frozen , governments went full retard with banking regulations the last decade.

Euro banking system may go to shit because overregulation crashing private banks , paypal cfo literally got his bank account frozen for no reason, banks are out of control freezing assets for no reason, and on top of that they want to ban cash.

And yet bsv morons want a government enforceable blockchain, how can you guys be so retarded to think that if you allow to seize assets governments will not simply destroy it , they did it with all btc predecesors.

The ammount of stockholm syndrome you fags have is unbelievable.