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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16867764 No.16867764 [Reply] [Original]

mmigrants to the United States on average provide more in taxpayer funds than they receive and commit far less crimes than natives. The taxpayer calculus is even better for illegal immigrants. This isn't "politically forced multiculturalism" as it is not forcing people to move here. It's simply relaxing government restrictions on the free movement of commerce and labor.

Here's a massive meta-analysis of immigration literature. It has conclusions on fiscal effects, employment, and wage effects of immigration on page 24 of the report (listed as page 26 in the PDF)


>> No.16867775


>> No.16868026

>caplan is a jewish name too


>> No.16868349

page 44, employment relative to the native population.
Unemployment rate for Germans = 8% unemployment rate for non-EU immigrants in Germany = 17%
Page 43, income (wage difference).
Page 46, immigrants effect on native population wages.
Page 47 immigration effect on native population employment (looks mixed desu).

>> No.16868403

Who do I have to donate to to get copies of those translated into hebrew and airdropped into Israel?

>> No.16868418


>> No.16868429

"commit far less crimes than natives." get rid of niggers and wetbacks real quickly :)

>> No.16868445

Kek, fucking based.

>> No.16868529


>> No.16868769

The only purpose of a country or a government is to preserve a race of spiritually and physically similar people. A state serving any other purpose is a disease that must be extracted without mercy.

Endless economic growth that requires importing strangers is pure evil.

>> No.16868821

fuck that shit.

>> No.16869512

If making the economy better means the destruction of my race then I don’t want it. Fuck kikes and fuck niggers

>> No.16869588
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Remember when /Pol used to always make fun of us, why the fuck are there so many of them here now?

Between the dumbasses responding to a obvious troll thread (though a factual and correct troll) and the precious medals threads, /biz truly is dead.

>> No.16869680

>though a factual and correct troll
/pol/ may make fun of YOU, but don’t pretend that they are making fun of the rest of us. Supply and demand dictates that immigration MUST lower wages.






>> No.16869916
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I got a economics masters, I get it. No need for sources, I agree.

Labour prices decrease, costs decrease. In a monopoly that’s the end of it, rich get richer (Solution, taxes). Pretty much all immigrates work in competitive markets though. In a competitive market price savings are passed on to consumers and production gets more efficient allowing more resources in the market.

All the nations with high PPP are built on immigrants, every stagnant nation is built on some ethno nationalist bullshit. Best example being Japan, or Eastern Europe.

>> No.16870017
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These finna crackalackas need to give a nigga some green nom sayin help a migrant out you raycis white bitch

>> No.16870347

At least in japan i dont have to pay an extortionist tax to avoid niggerville

>> No.16870407
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how many fucking evil psyop workers do you kikes have. you.vermin are all over this site now. everytime i see this on another board i will redpill 10x as hard. your lies will die with you boomers.

>> No.16870421

(((Kaplan))) n (((Weinersmith)))
You just can’t make this stuff up

>> No.16870441

Sweet Jesus.

>> No.16870474

I would agree but America is already a lost cause. European countries definitely should close their borders ASAP

>> No.16870496

Immigration destroys cultures and countries.Just look at US, what a shithole.

>> No.16870966

The best thing is illegal immigrants pay taxes but don't collect tax refunds. They do the shit jobs and allow businesses to profit, and give more to the government and take nothing back. How people don't want as many illegals as possible I'll never understand.

>> No.16871408

that is not the purpose of a country
the purpose is whatever its rulers see fit

>> No.16871429


t. boomer

>> No.16871442

Nazis are poor and stupid

>> No.16871474

>The best thing is illegal immigrants pay taxes but don't collect tax refunds.
What are you smoking, really? They all get more refunds than what they pay, plus they get a lot of other "free shit". The cost of illegal aliens to the US tax payers surpasses $200B/year. Not to mention the crime and disease.

>> No.16871507

And yet Japan will still be Japanese —and wealthy—in 100-200 years, while the US will be Brazilified and/or Balkanized.

>> No.16871598

>20% of prison inmates are illegal aliens
>estimated proportion of population that is illegal aliens is only 10% on the high end
Are they paying taxes on the drugs they smuggle over the border or something?

>> No.16871787


>> No.16871811

Okay you dumd nigger. I live in Japan and the quality of life is off the charts compared to 99% of countries. I can take my family of four out to dinner for under $20 and I can afford to buy a house and support my wife and two kids on just a single income as a labor worker. Please stay in your delusional shithole and keep talking about how bad we have it over here.

>> No.16871826

not all immigration are bad retards. Get out of your pol and observe. You think all of the immigrating people are niggers or spics. There are actually some good quality educated good mannered people are there too.Not all of them are chimping out monkeys.

>> No.16871863

This is incorrect the only demographic that makes a net postive contribution to the state is white and east asian males. Everyone else is a leach.

>> No.16871875

>I did it, dad. I took the /pol/ pill! Are you proud of me now, dad?
Shut up you whiny uneducated sheep.

>> No.16871883

>Shut up you whiny uneducated sheep.

>> No.16871898
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>> No.16871950

How do I long gas chambers?

>> No.16872005

Go back to red dit nigger

>> No.16872009
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>illegal immigrants pay taxes

>> No.16872014

>This isn't "politically forced multiculturalism"
Yes it is, because politicians promise people free money in the form of benefits.

>> No.16872033


Such stinky bait

>> No.16872037

>commit far less crimes than natives
Also, I don't know how true this is for the US (I'm guessing it's bullshit); but in Europe the crime rate among immigrants is absolutely through the roof.

In fact, in my country 1 in 3 suspects isn't even a national of my country https://www.hln.be/nieuws/binnenland/nieuwe-criminaliteitscijfers-van-politie-1-op-3-verdachten-is-buitenlander~a1c0bfc2/

>> No.16872051
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It's true because they're comparing our illegal immigrants to the native niggers and other spics. Illegals are less criminal than those because they don't want to risk deportation. They just want to send as many remittances to Mexico as possible, removing that money from our economy.

Illegals still commit far more crime than the white baseline.

>> No.16872056

Funny how you can't acknowledge race or ethnicity when it comes to things that actually matter like violent crime; but race is the number 1 mainstream talking point when it comes to things like the fucking Oscars.

>> No.16872076

That's not by design or intention tho.

You belong up on a cross

>> No.16872077




Millions of illegal immigrants are getting a bigger tax refund than you. Eyewitness News shows a massive tax loophole that provides billions of dollars in tax credits to undocumented workers and, in many cases, people who have never stepped foot in the United States. And you are paying for it!

>> No.16872085
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>those legs