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16865273 No.16865273 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16865282


>> No.16865286

Every day is always the last chance according to the dumb fucks that bought RSR and post on this board

>> No.16865295

>Anonymous (ID: 4zbdvlZR) 01/15/20(Wed)14:12:48 No.16865282▶
>>>16865273 (OP)
> Anonymous (ID: blDFZZwD) 01/15/20(Wed)14:13:10 No.16865286▶
>Every day is always the last chance according to the dumb fucks that bought RSR and post on this board

you are going to SEETHE fren.

>> No.16865425

Did anyone see the thread yesterday where Satsgang got exposed for pumping and dumping this shitcoin?
It was funny, like 50 pajeets come out of the woodwork to defend Satsgang

>on anonymous image board
>pump and dump group exposed
>50 "normal" biztards defend them to the death
>definitely not a scam sirs

>> No.16865435

>you are going to SEETHE fren.

>> No.16865517

you can't PND rsr the way schizo OP described in that thread because they actually have a good MM, satsgang is just a group of degenerate low MC shitcoin gamblers that announce everything they do on twitter. we're laughing at you retards that call them street shitting pajeets while at the same time claiming they're some highly sophisticated pump and dump scam artists.

>> No.16865541
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>> No.16865571


>claims to know how much money Satsgang is working with
>claims they are not a problem and just ignore them
>claims to understand their abilities
>actively pumping same token they are pumping

Do you think we dont know who is behind this post pajeet. Ever since your scam got exposed you brown faggots are in full blown damage control. The party is over

>> No.16865630

not believing your retarded claims isn't the same as making a claim. i just don't give a fuck if pnd groups want to try to manipulate shitcoins, im only sure that RSR is not a shitcoin and the MM for RSR wouldn't allow some street shitters to manipulate the price the way OP asserted in the last thread.

all of the claims are being made by you fud niggers, im simply dismissing them and remaining skeptical since you all sound like schizophrenics that need to take your meds. if you got shit on by these street shitters because you bought the top on DAG that's got nothing to do with RSR. now fuck off with your conspiracy theories and come back with actual evidence of RSR price manipulation.

>> No.16865675

oh yeah, and all of crypto is pumping you fucking brainlet sand niggers.

>> No.16865829


>thinks i bought the top on DAG because I dont like a pump and dump group
>multiple threads fully exposing the Satsgang scam have been posted but he thinks its a conspiracy theory instead
>defends Satsgang to the death but hes not Satsgang
>loves RSR and doesnt care if its being pumped and dumped
>doesnt care if its being pumped and dumped
>pumped and dumped
>doesnt care
>defintely not a Satsgang scammer

>> No.16865883
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>> No.16865930

>Did anyone see the thread yesterday where Satsgang got exposed for pumping and dumping this shitcoin?

That thread was 99% DAG tards complaining that they were scammed by their own CEO who was apparently coordinating with people in Satsgang in order to pump and dump.

My response to you is exactly the same. I'm not worried at all about RSR because it's not a shitcoin. PND groups will exist until the end of time, I don't see how trying this hard to associate them with RSR is good or healthy for RSR in any way shape or form. I really don't care if these groups want to manipulate low MC shitcoins, this is why when I invested in RSR i made sure it wasn't a shitcoin. My pushback is not about defending satsgang, it's about defending RSR and the MM who will not allow PND groups to manipulate the price. You have zero evidence to the contrary and zero evidence that RSR is in fact being manipulated by this or any other group out there.

BTFO faggot

>> No.16866362

Here is the thread in question
If you read this thread and came to this conclusion you are either an absolute 50 IQ brainlet or a Satsgang shill doing damange control. You cannot read all that evidence posted and think this isnt being fully manipulated by Satsgang.
I am not saying RSR is a bad project. I am saying its being manipulated for a profit by a scam pump group and there is loads of evidence to prove it. Nobody in their right mind would think thats a sound investment.....except the pajeets who are spamming this board.

>Hello Pajeet, no we still arent buying your bags

>> No.16866439

Oh the desperation.. the fudders couldn't afford to buy in and are losing it. The absolute state of these seething bizlets kek

>> No.16866478

LOL your response was actually posted in that thread. Priceless. Satsgang 101

1. They are just trying to accumulate
2. You are seething
3. They are just jealous of our glorious bags
4. Anon doesnt want you to be rich
5. He bought the top and now hes sad
6. Imagine missing out on (insert win)
7. This is a scam, just buy (insert pump and pump low cap shitcoin)

Fuck off pajeet we arent buying your trash. If you saw the evidence in that thread you wouldnt be defending the pajeets running the scam.

>> No.16866526

You lost crypto, sorry. Better luck in 2023.

>> No.16866555

>sees pump and dump scam exposed
>sees guy spreading awareness
>attacks guy spreading awareness
>defends pump and dump group

Yes you must be an average internet user concerned with the interests of a pump and dump group and must see them succeed for no reason at your own expense.

This isnt working pajeet

>> No.16866625

>disagreeing with me or being skeptical of my claims means you’re defending satsgang or other pump and dump groups

God damn, you can’t be this retarded can you?

>> No.16866664

>sees loads of evidence of the scam.
>defends it to the death and claims to be just a skeptic

Pajeet this argument isnt working. Keep trying though, we are almost buying it

>> No.16866670
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>> No.16866709

There’s no evidence that RSR is being pumped and dumped. Zero. There’s evidence DAG was pumped and dumped with CEO helping but I never saw any evidence that involved RSR. Telling people they should market buy isn’t evidence of manipulation or some grand scheme. You’re retarded as fuck anon.

>> No.16866725

I haven’t defended anything except RSR. Take your meds.

>> No.16866797

Re-read the thread you brainlet. The whole DAG admin team is in your fucking project. They are dominating the conversation. They arent doing it for fun, they do it because they are manipulating the price. They raped DAGs community, VANTA, FTM, QNT, and about 20 others. Im sorry brother RSR is fully manipulated by Satsgang.
If you want real proof, go look at the etherscans. Incoming buy orders being dumped on by a couple wallets. Trace those wallets and the truth will set you free.
Unless of course you are one of the pajeets. Then you will just see your own wallet. KEK

>> No.16866892

sure anon I’m gonna go on a wild goose chase to make your case. how about you post the wallets and evidence or you btfo?

>> No.16866911

He doesn’t know Satsgang is a fictional group created by RSR whales to deny nubiz out of a bag

>> No.16867702

Hi Satsgang. Sorry your scam got exposed. I hope you get stuck with those heavy bags of shitcoin you accumulated. I see you are in damage control all over biz today.

>> No.16867813

Early Link level fud thanks anon, buying more

>> No.16867863


Oh Pajeet

>> No.16868279

2mm locked and loaded. Reminder that all RSR fud comes from one discord full of people trying to accumulate $50 at a time.

>> No.16868289

desu im trying to accumulate $2,000 per week at a time.

>> No.16868303
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>they think we don't know

>> No.16868337
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>thread gets overrun by low ranking satsgang grunts again sweating to damage control

>> No.16868419

Its only one person. Same in every Satsgang thread. Spam hard to cover any exposure of the scam. We need jannies badly

>> No.16868451

All shitposts aside... When is RSR going to be worth something?

>> No.16868470


What are you on about pleb?? be glad we even let you live. And don't lie to start with. Satas gang are noobs. They did not invade you, and neither did we. We don't have to. Bow and be happy.

>> No.16868476


If youve read this thread and still want to buy this thing you might be mentally unstable.

>> No.16868492

1. Learn English Pajeet
2. If you think your VPN shitposting looks organic you are a fucking retard
3. Your late for work at the call center Manoosh, you cant buy a toilet with this failed scam.

>> No.16868497
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Shatsgang reporting in we must get all the new fags to buy our bags guys even though we are newfags we just heard we can make money here sort of like Reddit. How can I get an account and btw thanks for the 4chan pass gold anon!

>> No.16868551

just a reminder:

a list of Satsgang pajeets to look out for: Bitcoin Brown, Crypto Junkie, Headroom, Lucky, RNO3xx, Moonshot John, Manifest Johnny, Steven Toast, /tik_tok47, monkeyface

Confirm their coordinated shilling yourself:
1) Bitcoin Brown: https://twitter.com/bitcoin_brown
2) _RN03xx_ https://twitter.com/_RN03xx_
3) Lucky https://twitter.com/LLLuckyL
4) Manifest Johnny https://twitter.com/manifestJohnny
5) Headroom: https://twitter.com/dagchadheadroom
6) Crypto Junkie https://twitter.com/JohnHen33528703

>> No.16868610

Im going to try to ride their wave and try to make some money off of low IQ anons too

>> No.16868641

And it just so happens most on that list are admins at DAG. The DAG CEO is either an idiot or a criminal for bringing them in to their community, especially to control communications.

You dont know how pump and dumps work do you brainlet. Nobody gets out no matter how high it moons, the liquidity magically disappears until you hit ATL. Thats when you get out of a pump and dump

>> No.16868792

>14 posts by this ID
Nigga get a fucking life you sad sack of shit

>> No.16868819

>sees scam being exposed thats wrecking people on biz
>mad as fuck at anyone pushing awareness
>thinks we dont know hes one of the scammers

You get a life you scamming cuntbag

>> No.16868835

By the way, here is the founder of Satsgang pumping RSR today

Fuck you pajeet motherfucker. Take your scam and shove it up your brown ass

>> No.16868849


Get a hold of this specialist XD

>> No.16868880

Hello fellow bizneetsmen

>> No.16868891

Holy fuck you're a sad fucking individual! Have sex you useless twat!

>> No.16868935

Its completely rationale for someone on a board you visit every day to be super angry at another anonymous poster for exposing a scam. You are definitely not one of the scammers. We believe you, it seems so likely you are just honestly angry at a person exposing a scam on biz

>> No.16868947

>for exposing a scam
You haven't. But keep being a useless cunt spamming threads!

>> No.16869005
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Is RSR a scam?

Do I hold RSR?

>> No.16869197


You don't understand... I am what 4chan used to be. Angra at everything, and fuck the world.

>> No.16869371


Why are you faggots even trying anymore? RSR has the worst metrics and is shilled only by the filthiest of streetshitters.

If you got scammed into buying, I'm sorry to hear that. Try and sell out now before it's too late. Plenty of better options on the market that can get you real returns.

Funny story but a bunch of satsgang tried to infiltrate XDB recently and got kicked, now they stopped shilling entirely even though the price keeps going up. Moonwalker bans any serious discussion on projects that he isn't paid to shill.

tl;dr Buy LINK, XDB or some other project that isn't going to get you financially ruined overnight.

>> No.16869388
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based retard

>> No.16869487
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>worst metrics and is shilled only by the filthiest of streetshitters

>> No.16869508

You missed the part where that image doesn't show the token metrics, and those "investors" aren't the shills we are talking about. They're rich silicon valley faggots waiting to dump their heavy bags on your poor ass.

>> No.16869520
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>> No.16869653
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>> No.16869799

The fuck is going through your poo infested brain? Your responses to me make no sense and address none of the points I make.


>> No.16869805

why spoonfeed them
they'll seethe in no time.

>> No.16869871

Hi Satsgang shill. We arent buying your trashbags

>> No.16869964


Satasgang??? wtf who the fuck cares? Do you know who you are talking to? I smoke and gang in a pipe if i so wish.

>> No.16870255


You say the same things over and over. Terrible shills. Get a new script.

>> No.16870290

capped, you will seethe

>> No.16870579

RSR is the single biggest scam I've seen

They legit don't have banking partners. I can't imagine a more shaky project that uses personal accounts to hold company money that then take the policy of being like "its ok when accounts get shut down because you are blatantly running something dodgy"

if you invest in this you deserve to lose it all

>> No.16871049


Pretty much everything here is a scam. Just loom at the way they treat and sell each other. It is disgusting really.

>> No.16871112
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i know fren. they will have to learn the hard way

>> No.16871120


>> No.16871128
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Time to buy

>> No.16871432
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Lol c'mon... its not worse that RLX, ODN, JNT or TRX

>> No.16871456

its down 7% today, time to buy some more frens!

>> No.16871466
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>> No.16871545

it's up almost 35% in the past week, so i might have to wait a little.
we dont want to buy some retards bags.. don't we lmao

>> No.16871669
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I thought you were talking about FRM but yeah maybe LINK
